Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

By ballofsunooshine

86.9K 3.6K 135

NOT MINE!! FOR OFFLINE PURPOSE ONLY!! SUMMARY She, a modern hidden ghost leader of an organization which gath... More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 91 - 100
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 131 - 140
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190
Chapter 191 - 200
Chapter 201 - 210
Chapter 211 - 220
Chapter 221 - 230
Chapter 231 - 240
Chapter 241 - 250
Chapter 251 - 260
Chapter 261 - 270
Chapter 271 - 280
Chapter 281 - 290
Chapter 291 - 300
Chapter 301 - 310
Chapter 311 - 320
Chapter 321 - 330
Chapter 341 - 350
Chapter 351 - 360
Chapter 361 - 370
Chapter 371 - 380
Chapter 381 - 390
Chapter 391 - 400
Chapter 401 - 410
Chapter 411 - 420
Chapter 421 - 430
Chapter 431 - 440
Chapter 441 - 450
Chapter 451 - 460
Chapter 461 - 470
Chapter 471 - 480
Chapter 481 - 490
Chapter 491 - 500
Chapter 501 - 510
Chapter 511 - 520
Chapter 521 - 530
Chapter 531 - 540
Chapter 541 - 550
Chapter 551 - 560
Chapter 561 - 570
Chapter 571 - 580
Chapter 581 - 590
Chapter 591 - 600
Chapter 601 - 610
Chapter 611 - 620
Chapter 621 - 630
Chapter 631 - 640
Chapter 641 - 650
Chapter 651 - 660
Chapter 661 - 670
Chapter 671 - 680
Chapter 681 - 690
Chapter 691 - 700
Chapter 701 - 710
Chapter 711 - 720
Chapter 721 - 730
Chapter 731 - 740
Chapter 741 - 750
Chapter 751 - 760
Chapter 761 - 770
Chapter 771 - 780
Chapter 781 - 790
Chapter 791 - 800
Chapter 801 - 810
Chapter 811 - 820
Chapter 821 - 830
Chapter 831 - 840
Chapter 841 - 850
Chapter 851 - 860
Chapter 861 - 870
Chapter 871 - 880
Chapter 881 - 890
Chapter 891 - 900
Chapter 901 - 910
Chpter 911 - 920
Chapter 921 - 930
Chapter 931 - 940
Chapter 941 - 950
Chapter 951 - 960
Chapter 961 - 970
Chapter 971 - 980
Chapter 981 - 990
Chapter 991 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1010
Chapter 1011 - 1020
Chapter 1021 - 1030
Chapter 1031 - 1040
Chapter 1041 - 1050
Chapter 1051 - 1060
Chapyer 1061 - 1070
Chapter 1071 - 1080
Chapter 1081 - 1090
Chapter 1091 - 1100
Chapter 1101 - 1110
Chapter 1111 - 1120
Chapter 1121 - 1130
Chapter 1131 - 1140
Chapter 1141 - 1150
Chapter 1151 - 1160
Chapter 1161 - 1170
Chapter 1171 - 1180
Chapter 1181 - 1190
Chapter 1191 - 1200
Chapter 1201 - 1210
Chapter 1211 - 1220
Chapter 1221 - 1230
Chapter 1231 - 1240
Chapter 1241 - 1250
Chapter 1251 - 1260
Chapter 1261 - 1270
Chapter 1271 - 1280
Chapter 1281 - 1290
Chapter 1291 - 300
Chapter 1301 - 1310
Chapter 1311 - 1320
Chapter 1321 - 1330
Chapter 1331 - 1340
Chapter 1341 - 1350
Chapter 1351 - 1360
Chapter 1361 - 1370
Chapter 1371 - 1380
Chapter 1381 - 1390
Chapter 1391 - 1400
Chapter 1401 - 1410
Chapter 1411 - 1420
Chapter 1421 - 1430
Chapter 1431 - 1440
Chapter 1441 - 1450
Chapter 1451 - 1460
Chapter 1461 - 1470
Chapter 1471 - 1480
Chapter 1481 - 1490
Chapter 1491 - 1500

Chapter 331 - 340

657 37 3
By ballofsunooshine

Chapter 331: You Can'

Seeing how anxious and eager they were, Feng Jiu lips curled up into a smile. "However, if you can win me, I will give up the token of authority."

When they heard this, everyone was stunned and couldn't help but laugh out loud. One of the middle-aged man One of the middle-aged man laughed out loud as he said with undisguised contempt: "You? Are you kidding? Let's not mention myself, but even anyone amongst the younger generations are stronger than you."

"Is that so?" She chuckled as she arched up her eyebrows slightly, looking every bit like a harmless little rabbit. "There is a training area in the manor, why don't we head over?"

When she proposed this, everyone in the hall had agreed in a heartbeat.

As such, they followed her and walked towards the training grounds was closest to the mountain behind.

Along the way, only that old man's brows were slightly creased, and his eyes were fixated on her as he tried to explore her intentions. However, unfortunately for him, the lady in front of him only showed what she wanted and at this present moment, it was a harmless appearance and it made it hard for anyone to read any further.

The people in the residence had also heard about this matter and everyone was discussing about it. However, as people of the Feng Residence, they had very strict regulations and hence even if they were in the residence discussing, they would not spread anything out. Because they knew about this matter, it had drawn the attention of many and they followed behind to take a look.

After hearing about this matter, those eight Feng guard leaders were taken by surprise. "For real? Just Young Miss? She's competing against them? As far as I know, there are indeed a few talents in the side branch. There is one who just entered the ranks of a Martial Cultivator last month, if Young Miss fights against him, wouldn't it just be delivering the token authority to his hands?"

"Young Miss should not be this kind of person, since she has proposed this, she surely possess the means and confidence to win them."

"Ah! How is it possible? Based on just her strength? Stop kidding around." One person waved his hands in jest, his face had the word 'unbelievable' written all over it.

It was only Luo Yu whose eyes lit up after hearing the news, and with one arm hanging over Fan Lin's shoulders, he said with excitement: "Go, go, go. Hurry up, let's go and see how our Mistress straighten these ignorant fools and put them back in their place! As I've told you, as you guys haven't traded any blows with her before, all I can say is that meeting her can only spell misfortune. The lot of you do not believe in her skills? It's rare that we have such a chance to see it, come on, we can't miss it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he dragged Fan Lin away towards the training grounds.
The others saw that and hesitated for a moment before following behind and headed towards the training grounds.

The shadow guards who were guarding the courtyard felt stifled in their chest. They had really wanted to follow along and have a look. Unfortunately, they had to stay and guard in this courtyard and were unable to leave.

When the news of this reached the ears of Old Patriarch Feng who was in Feng Xiao's room, he did not say anything. He was most clear about Little Feng, if she did not have the confidence, she would not do this. He's guessing that this was her method of ' killing the chicken to scare the monkeys 1 '.

Those people from the side branch were also too much. They were simply asking for a lesson, they really knew how to choose such impeccable timing. It was truly too disappointing!

Initially, he still harboured some thoughts of asking Leng Hua to pass a message to her and ask her to be lenient with them. However after thinking about it, he decided against it.

If there were no lessons stained with blood, these people would never give up and would have no fear. Just let her have her own way then!

At the training grounds, there were quite a number of guards that had surrounded the arena to spectate, however, the steward had them dismissed. They all dispersed and in the end, there were only ten of those from the side branch, the few leaders of the Feng guards as well as Leng Shuang and the steward gathered.

"Cousin, my father said that I'll be the one representing, lest people said that he was bullying the weak." A young man stepped forward as his brows arched up in arrogance.

However, Feng Jiu simply glanced at him and shook her head: "You can't." *to punish an individual as an example to others.

Chapter 332: Harbouring Bad Intentions

The moment he heard this, that young man's face darkened.
He can't? Which part of him can't?

"Cousin's way of speaking is really unbefitting, we haven't even tried, how are you so sure that I can't? Hmmm?" He said in it an ambiguous tone as he threw her a leering glance as he looked at her from head to toe.

When they saw his reaction, even though Feng Jiu didn't say anything, but the expression of Luo Yu and the others who were not far away immediately darkened. Their gazes turned cold and they stared at that man with a dangerous glint in their eyes. Especially so for Luo Yu, whose fists were clenched tightly, so much that even the cracking of his knuckles could be heard.

To actually harbour indecent thoughts of his Mistress? Hmph! He'll mark this kid for sure!

When Feng Jiu saw his gaze hovering on her, she looked as if she couldn't understand his meaning. She only arched her brow and glanced at him as her lips hooked up into a dangerous smile.

"Well, since you want to try, then try it! I just hope that you won't regret this choice of yours."

The old man and the few middle-aged men who stood by the side heard this and they felt a little confused. She clearly has no strength, but where was all this unfound confidence from?

One of the middle-aged man saw this and was just about to open his mouth to ask his son to come back, but who knew, his son had already took a big step forward.

"Come on! Very well then, I will let you try my might!" With a lewd smile on his face, he already stood in a battle ready position, waiting for her in a provocative stance.

Feng Jiu casually picked up a sword from the rack of weapons at the side of the training ground, her fingers traced the edge of the blade and she paused for a moment not knowing what she was thinking about, she just shook her head as a smile emerged at the corner of her lips. Eventually, she picked a wooden pole that was about 1.2 metres long.

"You're not going to pick a weapon?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at the young man that stood opposite her. This young man was supposingly her paternal cousin, however they were a generation apart and weren't close at all.

"Hahaha, against you, just my bare hands are enough to deal with you." He laughed loudly and the next moment, a wicked smile was hung on his face as he said, "Cousin, you have to be careful oh~"

The moment he said it, he took a step forward with a menacing stance as his hands shot forward, hooking his hands like a claw and reached out towards her chest. The faces of the eight Feng guards who saw this instantly changed.

"That lecherous bastard!"

Luo Yu cursed out in a low voice. As a man, seeing such irksome man making such an indecent move really made him want to go forward and beat him up.

"He's really throwing the faces of us men!"

The youngest of the eight, Qi Kang's expression also crumbled and stared at the young man dangerously. He even called her cousin, were they really relatives? Well, it's better off not having such relatives!

The other few did not say anything but they looked at that man with narrowed eyes and furrowed brows. Fan Lin had also noticed Leng Shuang who stood not too far away from them. She had on a calm but frosty gaze, and he couldn't help but be surprised. A few ideas flashed past his mind, and his gaze eventually returned to the training grounds and his originally tightened brows had loosened by then.

The young lady in white had on an indifferent expression as she stood there without moving an inch. She was holding the wooden pole in her hand in a very casual manner, there was not the semblance of any defined stance. And when she saw that his first move was to reach for her chest, she raised a brow and revealed a sneer.

Just when the hand of that young man was about to touch her chest, she was seen moving a slight bit and just as her side passed him, the wooden pole instantly knocked that wretched hand away and when the wooden pole fell onto his hands, they could even hear the whooshing of the wind from afar.

And what came next was the pitiful scream of that man….

Chapter 333: The Gains Do Not Make Up For The Losses

"Hiss! Arghhhhhh!"

That blood curdling scream masked the sound of the shattering bones in his hand. With just one move, that pole had landed on his hand and shattered all the bones in his hand. His hand was now swollen and looked like a swollen pig' trotter and his other hand was holding tightly to his injured hand as he jumped about in pain, trying every way to alleviate his pain.

"Arghhhh! Ahhhhhh!...Oh my hand….! Ssssss! Ughhh! It hurts like hell..!"

Seeing this scene, there was a relief on each of the Feng guards faces mixed with an undisguised delight as they relished the moment.

"Hah! He deserves it!"

"That's the way it should be!"

Luo Yu and Qi Kang both shouted out at the same time, and the two turned to look at each other with a smile in their eyes. Their sparkling gaze shifted to the figure in white on the training grounds, and felt that this strike was extremely refreshing.

When the people of the side branch saw this scene unfold before them, each of their expressions turned ugly to the extreme. When they first saw that his hands had reached for her chest, they felt that he had lost all their faces. Great, now in just one move, he had been hit by the wooden pole in her hands.

At the moment that pole had landed on his hand, their view was blocked by his body. That was why from their angle, it didn't look too heavy a blow and hence when they saw his extreme reaction, they only felt that he was being overly dramatic and was useless fool. He had completely thrown all their faces to the ground in front of those Feng guards and Feng Qing Ge.

However, it was at this moment when the wooden pole in Feng Jiu's hand swept out again and landed on his calf bone. As another ear piercing scream echoed, and just as they saw that he was about to collapse onto the ground, they could only see a flash and the wooden pole had struck him in midair. Another succession of screams reverberated throughout and with a bang, it landed right between his legs.





Almost at the same time, different voices came out from all around. All the men who saw this subconsciously clamped their legs tight, both eyes wide open in horror as a cold chill crept into their hearts in trepidation.

"Hiss! That move was too brutal! It hurts just to look!"

Luo Yu clamped his legs tightly and suddenly felt that his Mistress had really let him off leniently the last time. At least, she had only beaten his handsome face and had spared his little brother.

Qi Kang gulped and with a white face, he exclaimed: "Thi..This Young Miss' move is really lethal! Extremely fierce!" He couldn't help but think back, if he really entered the room that time, would Young Miss also reward him with the wooden pole?

Just the thought of it made a cold chill run down his back.

Sure enough, once the switch of a woman's wrath has been flicked, the wrath unleashed is unfathomable!

When Fan Lin saw the man who was sent flying by a wooden pole, and where it ended, he stroked his chin and said thoughtfully: "Seeing how this pole landed, it is estimated that his chances to have descendants are in jeopardy."

That very man had now fainted from the excruciating pain and was lying unconscious on the ground in a sorry state.

The other few looked at their Young Miss who had turned and put the wooden pole behind her, they all sucked in a cold breath. "I really can't see that our Young Miss is…. Mmn, such a harmless and docile lady can actually harness such an explosive maneuvers from the wooden really can't judge a book by it's cover."

"Hui'er! Hui'er!"

The middle-aged man cried out in shock, as he rushed forward to support his unconscious son and discovered that his entire hand was soft and all his bones had been broken. His whole palm was filled with blood, and at the most vulnerable place for men, there were also beads of blood and his pants had been dyed red. With a heart full of sorrow, he suddenly looked up as he cast her a resentful gaze, he hollered out: "You have such a vicious heart! Without any regards for familial ties, you actually struck out so heavily! You simply want to ruin him!"

Chapter 334: Worry for Naugh

Feng Jiu raised her eyebrows and sneered and with a one filled with ridicule, she said: "Familial ties? You dare to talk to me about familial ties? Do you really think that once my Father has fallen, my Feng Residence is easily bullied? Want to take over my Feng Family? You actually think that you are worthy?"

Hearing these words, the colour on the faces of the side branch changed and alternated. Seeing how she no longer concealed anything and her words were sharp and indifferent, it was at this moment that they finally realized that she had been toying with them since the beginning!

She never had the intention to let them enter the Feng Family! She never had the intention to let them take charge of the Feng Residence! She was just deliberately humiliating them!

"Hah! A very good Feng Qing Ge! Good! Very good!"

The middle-aged man was agitated and filled with rage to the point that he gnashed his teeth and handed his injured son to the person behind him. With huge strides, he angrily berated her: "Today, let me discipline you well on behalf of Feng Xiao!"

When they saw the middle-aged man walk towards her, the faces of the eight Feng Guards changed immediately: "That is the man from the side branch that had just reached the ranks a Martial Cultivator last month. No matter how skilled Young Miss is, her merits were her quick wits and agility, I'm afraid if she meets him head-on, she'll suffer."

"Let's go forward to help! To dare act so brazenly in our Feng Residence? To actually dare to bully our Young Miss on our site? Hah! Simply looking for death!"

"Yes, are we just decorations?"

"Let's go!"

The few of them shouted out and just as they were about to go forward, Leng Shuang came over and blocked their path.

"Don't add any extra trouble for Mistress."

Leng Shuang's cold voice coupled with her indifferent expression made her look every bit like an ice beauty. With her slim silhouette and the fitting black robes added a touch of coldness and without the gentleness of a lady, she was chilling to the extreme.

"He has reached the ranks of a Martial Cultivator, can Mistress handle it?" After the words rolled out of his mouth, Luo Yu was stunned momentarily as an unfathomable thought flashed through his mind.

Leng Shuang had stayed by her Mistress' side for a long time and had some basic understanding of her. If the Mistress couldn't handle it, she would be the first to rush out, but now she came over to stop them, it could only mean that….

The strength of the Mistress is high enough to be able to deal with that middle-aged man who has reached the ranks of a Martial Cultivator?

Damn! Is this even possible?!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath as his enquiring gaze trailed over to the figure in white.

They had seen her dressed in red; it was enchanting and mesmerizing. It had a kind of lure and reflected an air of arrogance and at the same time, it exuded confidence and a glow of nobility shrouded her. Now that she was dressed in white, the first impression it gave was a gentle and docile temperament, like a harmless meek sheep.

However, this was only the illusion it gave, or else that young man wouldn't be in such a sorry state right now.

Just the thought of her landing that last hit, a few people shuddered as they gulped their saliva and subconsciously clamped their legs together.

Worried about her? Perhaps they were just worrywarts, and just worried for naught.

As for Feng Jiu who was standing with the wooden pole behind her back, when she saw that middle-aged man approach her with a palm strike directed at her face, she arched an eyebrow

and tossed the wooden pole away. She used her bare hands and directly attacked as she buckled his wrist with a strange speed.

Below, her leg swiftly moved as her body whizzed by in a flash and the wrist that was buckled was twisted deftly and a loud ka-cha sounded out. The other hand grabbed his shoulder and tugged his entire arm as another series of bone cracking sounds rang out in succession.


There was no sudden warning when a wave of excruciating pain suddenly assaulted him and that middle-aged man cried out pitifully, however, he was more shocked and horrified than anything…..

Chapter 335: Dumbfounded

Amidst his blood curdling screams, surrounding him was the sound of people sucking in their breaths. The crowd widened their eyes and looked at the scene unfold before them incredulously. If they had not witnessed this with their own eyes, they would never ever believe that a Martial Cultivator would actually… would actually be defeated into such a sorry state just like that.


The middle-aged man was kicked at the back of his knees, his legs were forcefully brought down to a kneel, his body was pushed forward and the buckled arm was twisted and pressed firmly behind his back. The pain was so intense that he was covered by a layer of cold sweat. He tried to struggle to stand up but it was just a fruitless endeavour.

The people from the side branch were dumbfounded!

The eight Feng guards were also stunned! This was simply too perversive!

With such skills and such strength who dared to say that she could not support the entire Feng Residence? Who still dared to claim to help her run Feng Residence?

The hearts of everyone around them trembled. The hearts of the people from the side branch trembled with fear, never would they have ever imagined that Feng Qing Ge had such strange skills. She could even subdue a Martial Cultivator with just one move! With such strength, if they still said the words they had said previously, it was simply overestimating their abilities.

On the other hand, the hearts of the Feng guards were trembling with excitement, they were exhilarated that she had such skills! In their view, only a person with such outstanding talent was worthy to be their master!

Amongst all the people present, that old man from the side branch was the one who suffered from the most shock. He looked at her with a horrified gaze, perhaps others could not see it but he had seen everything clearly. She could have easily taken his life at that moment, but she didn't and she had only twisted his arm and restrain him. She had already shown mercy to them.

He quickly thought that if they did not share the same family name, storming into the Feng Residence forcefully and trying to wrestle the power away, I'm afraid that they would all be buried here this very day!

When he thought of this, trepidation crept into his heart and his entire back was drenched with cold sweat. While he was busy fumbling with the walking stick in his hand to ensure that he didn't slip, the other hand grabbed onto another man who was similarly stunned. He quickly quipped, "Hurry, quickly bring him back. Let's… Let's go!"

However, at this moment, no one dared to step forward again. They all stood there stunned as they looked apprehensively at the peerless lady who stood before them.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

The middle-aged man who was held down was struggling and screaming madly. It was at this very next moment when he saw her chop her hand at his back as he let out a muffled groan, he fell into a dead faint on to the ground.

Feng Jiu's cold and indifferent gaze swept by all the people of the side branch before she said in a warning tone: "This is the first and last time. As descendants of the Feng family, you should act like one. If such a thing were to ever happen again, I would not mind erasing your side branch entirely from the Feng family!"

Hearing her severe warning, the people from the side branch felt that their hearts had almost leapt out, as an unwavering determination had been set in stone in their hearts. No one doubted her words because they could see from her moves that she was definitely not a person who was sentimental about familial ties.

If there was ever a 'next time', they believe that she would definitely do what she had said today and totally let the side branch disappear!

The old man took a deep breath as he tried to suppress his fear in his heart. "I understand, I will manage the people of the side branch well. Such a thing would never happen again."

After hearing his affirmation, Feng Jiu's lips curled up she said, "Steward, send them out."

Chapter 336: Ghost Doctor’s Portrai

"Yes." The steward replied respectfully and walked before the side branch before he led them out.

Seeing them leave with their tails between their legs, their faces ashened, Luo Yu couldn't help but laugh out with glee. He walked towards Feng Jiu with big strides and said fawningly: "Mistress, I've just found out that you actually treat me very well."

Feng Jiu raise an eyebrow she looked at him with a meaningful smile. Her line of sight passed by the few others before she walked out on the training grounds.

Seeing that she did not talk to him, Luo Yu simply thickened his skin and followed behind.

In the training grounds, everything was calm after they had left and now only the seven Feng guards remained.

"What do you guys think? With her strength and capabilities, do you think she is qualified to be our Mistress?" Fan Lin smiled as he looked at the people around him.

A few of them were lost in thoughts, when one of them finally spoke out: "Miss' performance is really beyond our expectations, if she is really such a woman, there is no problem taking over the Feng guards."

"That's right, the way she handled everything was impeccable. Her style of handing things is very resolute, she is not soft and is firm when she needs to be. Having such boldness and courage is not what an average person is capable of."

"Mmm, I think so as well. There wasn't much chance for us to come into contact with her the last time, however this time round, a lot could be seen. I feel that she is like a sleeping tiger, absolutely ferocious when she strikes!"

"However, we've been back for so long already yet she had ever left any instructions or orders. It's as if we are transparent, could it be that she is not satisfied us?" Qi Kang asked with concern.

At this moment, he was thinking if she had already found out what had happened that day?

"It's useless to think too much, come on, let's go!"

Several of them looked at each other before they walked back. In their hearts they had an inkling, perhaps it wasn't whether or not she was qualified to be their Mistress but it was her considering if they were qualified to be her subordinates.

In a distant kingdom, the black robed man came into the room of Grey Wolf, and quietly left after presenting a message.

Sitting by the table and drinking tea, Shadow One glanced at it and asked with curiosity, "Could it be news that the Master had asked for?"

"Yes, the day that Ghost Doctor left, wasn't Master not able to find him because he was caught up in something? After that, he had me to investigate his whereabouts and it was only recently that there was news." Grey Wolf muttered as he picked up the bag with the intention to have a look at the information.

"There was no news in Green Gallop Country, under Master's guidance, he asked me to send someone to Sun Glory Country to snoop around. Could this be that the news is finally here?"

"Ninth grade country? Why would Ghost Doctor go there?" Shadow One furrowed his brows, from his opinion, how could Ghost Doctor be from such a small country? After all, a ninth grade country could not possibly produce such an Alchemist with such a high calibre.

"How would I know? Master didn't say anything, he only asked me to send someone to Sun Glory Country to check things out." Speaking till here, he took out the information from the bag.

The first thing right at the top was a painting of a person, the person in this portrait was dressed in a resplendent red robe, the face outstanding and that pair of eyes filled with wisdom and it was drawn so vividly that it looked as if the person staring right at them. It had on a cheeky expression, with lips curled up in a devilish smile. Who else could this be but the Ghost Doctor that had been drawn out to such minute details.

Grey Wolf was holding onto this portrait as he shook his head and lamented: "Look at this, Master is truly lovesick down to his marrows! If you ask me to paint a portrait of Ghost Doctor, I could never draw out such a lifelike painting! Look, Master even managed to draw out his charm. If you say that Master do not have Ghost Doctor in his heart, I would never believe it!"

Chapter 337: The Unrequited Love of the Lord

Shadow One glanced at him and said, "I beg to differ. Lovesickness is a matter between two people, but in Master's case, one look and it's obvious that it's only one-sided. If Ghost Doctor has Master in his heart, he would not escape every time."

"Sigh! You can't blame this entirely on Ghost Doctor, looking at him, he should only be about fifteen or sixteen years old. He is just a young sprout, although I have to admit that he is more perverse than anyone his age, however you can't deny that in reality he is only fifteen or sixteen. Not to mention, Master is the one who is broken sleeve. That Ghost Doctor looks normal, so the matter of Master liking him it's one thing and the fact of him not liking Master is another. You say that Master likes him, could it be he wants to bend him?"

When he heard this, Shadow One looked at him strangely and said: "What you mean to say is that Ghost Doctor is normal but Master is not?"

Grey Wolf straightened his back and quickly glanced behind to check the surroundings before he laughed out, "Master has never been normal, tell me, would a normal man give up a beautiful woman who is well endowed and like a man instead?


His complexion suddenly changed as a a glint flashed by his eyes as he coughed lightly before he put on a dignified expression and said: "Master is our Master, it doesn't matter whether he likes a man or a woman. That is not something us subordinates and stop and look at his feelings towards Ghost Doctor, I also want to help him with all my heart and wish that he could fulfil this wish of his and they can be together for a lifetime of happiness."

"Oh, are you worried that I will snitch on you?" Shadow One drank a mouthful of tea and asked: "Do I look like someone who will snitch on others?"

Grey Wolf gave him a condescending glance and said, "You wouldn't, only that when you're drunk, the first thing you'll do is to rush to Master and spill everything out, that's all."

"Cough ... cough"

Shadow One coughed awkwardly and retorted, "I was drunk the last time, did Master not take it seriously?"

"Yes, yes he didn't take it seriously and only said that he would find stronger wines for you to try."
While on the topic of this, he let out a sigh and said: "If you are not the only person around that I can talk and chat to, I wouldn't be dragged into trouble by you so many times."

"Hey! How can this be considered 'chatting'? You are obviously talking behind Master's back and gossiping about him. Other than me, who else dares to listen, huh?" These two are the only ones who would dare to discuss such things. They are the two that followed by their Master's side and are his left and right-hand man, other than them, who would have such guts?

Shadow One said and when he saw that Grey Wolf held to that portrait for a long time without putting it down, he advised: "You better be careful with that painting and don't leave any creases on it. Master has left strict instructions for this painting to be returned to him. You have no idea , when he had painted this, he held this painting in his hands and stood by the window and muttered to himself and berated the Ghost Doctor for having no conscience countless times . When I saw that, for moment that there I thought that he might have been possessed. If not for things cropping up at that side, I believe that Master would have long gone to find Ghost Doctor already."

"I know, I know… If it wasn't for letting the subordinates look for Ghost Doctor's whereabouts, Master would never let this painting out of his hands." Grey Wolf said as he put the portrait on the table and picked up the other information and looked through them. A short while later, his eyes widened and he stood up in disbelief as he cried out, "Wha... what? Ghost Doctor is a woman?!"

At that moment, Shadow One who was drinking tea immediately sprayed out a mouthful of tea onto the table when he heard that. And on the table, was that vividly drawn portrait which was instantly soaked wet...

"Choke! Cough, cough!"

Chapter 338: News of Ghost Doctor

He raised his head and looked at him with disbelief and said: "wha...what did you say?!"

Grey Wolf held on tightly to the paper in his hands as he said with exhilaration: "Hahahhahahahaha! This is fantastic! Ghost Doctor is actually a woman...Ah! So that means that our Master is normal, which means that we will have a Little Master in the future as well… Hahahahahahahahaha...ugh!"

His laughter stopped immediately as he looked at Shadow One with wide eyes: "You're in trouble, you actually ruined the portrait of Ghost Doctor! It's soaked wet now!"

Shadow One froze momentarily as he slowly looked at the portrait that had been soaked wet with the tea he had just sprayed out. Thinking back on the repeated warnings when his Master had passed the portrait to him….he found that his forehead was already covered with a layer of cold sweat.

"Let me look at the information."

He took the stack of paper over and the more he read, the more astonished he was. "Not only is Ghost Doctor a woman, but she's actually from that small ninth ranked country? I really can't believe that such a place can actually produce a person like her."

""Heh heh, who cares what country it is? In the future, as long as Master introduces Ghost Doctor to everyone, no one would say that he is a broken sleeve. Oh yeah, come to think about it, do you think that Master has long known this fact that Ghost Doctor is actually a girl?"

A shocking thought had suddenly hit him, perhaps his Master had known long ago that Ghost Doctor was a woman.

"There's a possibility."

Shadow One nodded his head and thought on how persistent his Master was towards her interests. He should have long known that she was a woman, or else, even if his Master didn't care about what kind of looks others cast upon him, but he wouldn't be able to tolerate anyone saying that he broken sleeves?

Thinking up to this point, he touched his chin. Come to think about it, the only people who said that he was broken sleeves was only Grey Wolf and himself… just the two of them…

Just as he wanted to delve deeper into his thoughts, he saw Grey Wolf pack up the documents as well as the portrait and quickly headed over to where Master was.

"I'll go and report to Master in Ghost Doctor's whereabouts." Grey Wolf grinned as he looked at the portrait deviously and said, "At the same time, I might as well tell Master about this portrait." The moment he finished speaking, he swiftly walked out.

"This white eyed wolf!"

Shadow One cursed out in a low voice and quickly stood up and chased after him.

In the room, dressed in a black robe and sitting by the the study table, he was busy writing and when he finally finished, he set the brush aside. As he picked up the cup of tea and placed it onto his lips, he heard a voice from outside.


"Come in."

Only after Grey Wolf heard the voice from inside, he then pushed the door open and entered. With quick steps, he hurried in and with a beaming face, he reported: "Master, there's news of Ghost Doctor." He handed the documents over, including the soaked portrait.

When he saw his Master staring at that portrait with a deep frown, without any tinge of apology in his voice, he said: "Master, Shadow One wasn't careful and sprayed a mouthful of tea on the portrait."

Shadow One who had chased him from behind heard these words and he glared at Grey Wolf fiercely before he knelt down on one knee in remorse: "It is all this subordinate's fault. Master, please mete out your punishment."

The Master glared at both of them and without saying anything, he looked through the information and the more he read, the more furrowed his brows were. It was especially so when he read the portion where it stated that she was engaged to this man called Murong Yi Xuan. His entire face darkened and his expression sank.

Until the moment he read that they had annulled their engagement did his brows loosen. On his impeccable face, there was even a faint smile. This revealed that he was very satisfied with the news he received.

Grey Wolf was observing his expression by the side and he carefully said, "Master, as Sun Glory Country is very far from where we are, we haven't received the latest news yet. But knowing Ghost Doctor's whereabouts, would Master like to go and have a look?"

Chapter 339: A good woman fears being tangled by her husband

Hearing his words, Hell's Lord raised his head and looked at him, his handsome and masculine face was unperturbed. Such a countenance did not lack anything, but once his expression darkens, it made people feel awe.

Grey Wolf smiled embarrassedly and said: "That… Your subordinate had read through the information and realised that Ghost Doctor is actually a woman. That is why this subordinate thinks that… Ghost Doctor is such an outstanding lady and if Master is not around her, I am afraid that she would be snatched away by other men."

Hell's Lord leaned back against the chair with both hands crossed and glared at him. His sexy lips curled up into a dangerous smile and in a magnetic low voice, he said, "Oh? So you think that this Lord would lose to other men? Or are you implying that she would be easily hooked by others?"


Hearing these words, Shadow One was kneeling on the ground trembled momentarily and quickly lowered his head. Does this mean that Master is treating all men who are close to Ghost Doctor as men with the intention to seduce her? However, it seems that the one who had been trying to seduce Ghost Doctor was only Master himself ah!

However even if this was true, these were words that he would never dare say out.

When Grey Wolf heard his question, the corner of his mouth twitched and he smiled awkwardly and said: "This… This was not what your subordinate means. It's just that as the old saying goes 'A good woman fears being tangled by her husband'. No matter how good a woman is, or how cold she is, her defences would be broken down after being relentlessly pursued by a man. What I am trying to say is that persistence is key and she might be drawn subconsciously under such method.

When he heard this, the Hell's Lord's eyes sparkled as a glint of enlightenment flashed by his eyes. He looked at Grey Wolf and said: "What you mean is that this Lord just needs to learn this 'tangle' and I don't have to worry that I won't be able to abduct her?"


At this moment, Shadow One no longer had any more courage to look up. He really wanted to say that Master had been inflicted by Ghost Doctor's love poison and it was too deep in his marrows that words such as 'hook' and 'abduct' could actually be said out from his most respected and noble Master's mouth.

Moreover, listening to his tone, it seems that he had the intention to implement it…

At this moment, he could not help but raised his head and looked at Grey Wolf.

He only felt that he was making a mess and stirring up more chaos with all these ridiculous suggestions.He really could not fathom how his most respected Master who was usually domineering and at times arrogant would steep to relentlessly pursue a woman, and even had plans to abduct her…

With the complete opposite reaction of Shadow One, Grey Wolf was very excited. After hearing the words of his master, his pair of eyes were shining as he said in a sly manner: "Not bad, not bad. Master, a woman needs to be tangled but not entangled. To tangle a woman, one needs some skills. There are ways to get around, some women are stubborn and refuse to give in while some are just testing to see how much attention that man is willing to give her."

"Moreover, with Master's qualification, it's only Ghost Doctor that your charm isn't working on, if it was any other woman, would Master need to resort to 'tangle'? With just one glance, one sentence, there would be a lot of women throwing themselves onto you."

Hell's Lord took a quick glance at him, and in his heart he lamented: Even Grey Wolf could see that that woman did not find him attractive at all and his charm was useless against her.

After thinking about it, he waved his hand and said, "The two of you can leave first."

Grey Wolf who was riled up at this moment wanted to ask when they go and find Ghost Doctor but he was dragged out by Shadow One.

"Your subordinates will be leaving."

Shadow One said respectfully and immediately dragged Grey Wolf along with him.

Looking at the two figures who departed, a glint flashed by Hell's Lord eyes as he looked at the portrait in his hand. The person in the painting had on lively pair of eyes and the smirk carried a hint of mischief in it. The longer he looked at it, he felt as if there was a feather in his heart tickling him.

His fingertips gently touched the little face of the person in the painting and in a low voice, he whispered with a smile: "Little thing, you can't run away…"

Chapter 340: Left a courtyard for you


Feng Jiu who was currently in the midst of filling the bottle up with medicinal powder suddenly sneezed, she rubbed her nose and muttered to herself: "Who is thinking of me?"

When the words came out, she smiled and shook her head. She felt incredulous that she had such a thought. After all, all those that would think of her were already by her side.

"Little Jiu."

Guan Xi Lin walked in with large strides, his face was exuberant as he said: "My place has been renovated, there are quite a number of things that I have asked people to do. The auspicious date for moving in has also been chosen, it will be three days later."

Hearing this, Feng Jiu also shared his joy as she smiled and said, "Really? That's great! All this time that I've been back, I haven't had a chance to take a look. Come, accompany me to have a look at your new place." She handed the bottle in her hand to Leng Shuang who stood behind her.

"This is the medicine for my father's wounds. Bring it over and let Leng Hua help him to redress his wound. Also inform my grandfather that I have gone to my brother's place to have a look." Several days had passed and her father was recovering very well. His spirit was also good hence she had left the changing of the dressing to Leng Hua.

"Yes." Leng Shuang acknowledged and brought the bottle of medicine towards the courtyard of Feng Xiao.

"Let's go." Guan Xi Lin said with an enthusiasm and brought her to the Guan house that he had built up with his own hands.

The two houses were extremely close to each other. The moment they walked out of the gate, they could already see the big mansion. When they came to the front of the gate, Feng Jiu stopped in her tracks as she raised her head and looked up.

Guan Xi Lin who was by a side saw that her gaze had landed on that plaque which was covered with a red cloth. He smiled and said, "I've asked grandfather to advise on the words, wait till I have officially moved in then I will uncover it. Come, let's go in and have a look."

"Mmn." She replied with a smile and walked into the mansion with him.

"Master, Miss."

There were a few servants cleaning up and a steward inside and when they saw them, they quickly put down all the things as they came over to pay their respects.

"Don't worry, continue what you are doing." Guan Xi Lin waved his hands in dismissal and walked in with Feng Jiu as he introduced the various places and explained the sources of inspiration.

"Look, this is the East Courtyard, this will be where I will be staying. This courtyard is the largest, there is sufficient space for me to practice my boxing. I have even asked people to install a wooden stake for training, oh yeah, let me bring you to your courtyard."

"Why did you leave a courtyard for me?" She looked at him, stunned.

"Of course, you're my sister, how can I not leave a courtyard for you? You have to know that Feng Residence is your house, this too is your home. There is always a place for you in this home." He grinned happily and continued, "I know that you like to have a quiet surrounding. That is why I had especially left this South Courtyard for you."

Hearing his words, Feng Jiu felt that her heart was warm and she smiled cheerfully, "Thank you brother."

"We are family, what is there to thank?" He laughed loudly and let her to the South Courtyard.

"It's so big?"

Seeing that he had left her the entire South Courtyard, she could not help but feel surprised. Normally, other than the main courtyard, the other three courtyards usually had smaller courtyards within. However, he had left the entire courtyard for her and even tore down the smaller courtyards and rebuilt it into one large one for her. It was only slightly smaller than her current one in the Feng Residence.

"You can live here comfortably, look there, I've even asked people to build a swing for you. I've also planted two rows of peach trees, one on each side. In the future, not only are there peaches to eat, you can also appreciate the beautiful peach blossoms. Not bad, right?"

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