Teenwolf/TMR one shots

By Kiertje13112006

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TW/TMR one shots so yeah that's it pls just try it. It took so long to make 🥺 pls i take requests. 1. Back... More

Thomas pack


507 8 5
By Kiertje13112006


Stiles/Thomas is back in Becon hills. But he loses control. Wen the MCCall pack decides he is dangerous they lock him up. But Newt won't let that happen.

=Stiles/Thomas =

"SHUT UP" I scream at my dad.


I feel how I lose control over my body. No! please not now.

"DAD LEAVE I DONT WANNA HURT YOU." I now scream in panic.


"LEAVE" the word sounds more as a grouwel. I see his eyes widen. But he doesn't leave.

"Stiles what's wrong? You can tell me." He says now softly .

I can't do it. I fall to my knees and place both hands in my hair.

"I- I can't... not whiff out my pack. N-not with out him..." I breath out.

"What can't you?" He asked now really concerned.

"Call.... call Newt ." I say.

"Newt? How is Newt? And why?"Now he is really confused.

O fuck it. I lift my head up and look at him.

"Y-you're eyes." He says as he steps back.

"AAaaAaaaAaAAaa" I scream.

I stand up and jump out of the open window.


As soon as I hit the ground I feel my body be ripped apart.
And I feel how I transform In a dragon right I front of my dad.

Wel I couldn't survive one week whithout the pack.

I spread my wings without looking back and fly away.

I have to find a good place to land. Okay I can just go to the animal clinic. My dad says that the guy ho lives there is a special in the supernatural. I have a vague memory of it. but I can't land there, so I have to transform in the air. But most of the time I go knock-out. That is going to hurt when I land. Well, I don't know what else to do.

I fly until I am right above the animal clinic.

Okay congratulations Thomas you found it.
I feel how I begin to be pushed together. I begin to fall. My wings shrink into my arms. And right before I hit the ground I loose my consciousness.


The pack and Derek had a late pack meeting at the animal clinic. Everything was good and we were planning a holiday. Intil Deton phone begun to ring.

"O give me a moment" he said as he picked up.

"O hi Noa,


Okay we are on our way." He looks at us whitgh fear and surprise in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

It's look like he's hestitating about the anwer.

"There is a supernatural person that has lost control." He finally says.

"Okay lets go." I answer.

We all turn our heads to the door when we hear a loud sound outside.

Deton slowly walks to te door, then he runs outside. I follow him. I feel how I am frozen in place When I see a body.

"Stiles," I say. I haven't seen him in a year

I can feel that the pack is also frozen behind me.

"He is unconsciousness. Help me carry him." I hear Deton say.

I walk up to him. When I pick up Stiles, I am surprise that he is so heavy

I walk inside and place him on the table. We all look at him confused.

"Why is he unconsciousness?" Liam asks.

"Why is he so dirty." Malia asks.

"Why is he here?" Derek asks.

"Stop!" Deton says.

"We first have to figured out what's wrong whith him. Scott give me some scissors." He says.

He cuts off Stiles' clothing.
When we see his chest, we al gasp.

He is covered in scars.

"Are those bullit wounds?" Asks Lydia wile she points at a scar.

"Think so." Derk answers.

"What's in his neck?" Kira questions.

Deton tills Stiles' head and we all see the tattoo.

'Be Killed by group B'

It reads.

"Call Eichenhouse." Deton says.

"What? why?" I ask confused.

"Scott, he is dangerous. Not only is he covered in scars, he alao has a tattoo in his neck that says that some group B has to kill him. Is he also a dragonhybrid. He can kill us all if he wants to."


I jump awake.


Not a second later my door slams open.

"Newt, hey are you okay? I heard you scream... What are you doing." Asks Minho.

While he is talking I get up and change in the same kind of clothing we wore in the scorched.

"Wake up the pack, we are going." I say to him as I put on a set of walking boots.

"Why? I mean, yeah sure but why?" He says as we walk to his room so he can change.

"Tommy. Felt him chance." I say.

"WHAT! o shit." He says.

"Yeah actually so do your thing." I say to him.

He nods and I see his eyes glow light blue. I cover my ears as he wakes up the hole pack.


"No problem. I knew that something was going to happen if they took him away. I mean we stil have you as or leader, but he is all alone. An alfa without his pack and mate in a world where he has to hide from everyone that he is te most powerful supernatural there is. That is bound to go wrong." He says.

"I am not the leader." I say back.

"I know, I know, but you're his mate. You have the strongest connection whith him. You know were to go, we follow you."

"I know, tnx" I say as we walk to the main area

" what's the problem? why did you wake us up?" Sonya asked.

" we're breaking out." I say



" Finally"


"Is everything allright?"

When it is quiet again, I explain what's going on.

"It's Tommy, I felt him change and without us he can be in great danger, so we're going to find him and help him because he needs us and we need him" I say.

They all agree.

"Brenda you know how to drive a bus right?" I ask her as we all enter a parking lot full of buses.

"Yeah I do." She says.

We picked out a black one with blinded windows.

"Everyone get in." I say.

When everybody is inside I take a seat besides Brenda.

"Where to go?" She asks.

" Beacon Hills" I say without hesitation.

" Wow your bond is really strong if you know where he is." She says in surprise as she starts to drive.

"Meh he talks in his sleep. And every night he says at least one time Beacon Hills, he's in Beacon Hills."

"What is in Beacon hills then?"

"His past" I simply answer.

"What!?" She practically screams.

"Sssshhhh." I say while I listen if someone heard it.

I stand up and walk up to the stairs to face the pack.

"Hey it's 3 am we have to drive for awhile so try to sleep." I say already feeling guilty for what I am going to do. I dim the lights en make sure all the blinds are closed.

"Minho go and sit whith Brenda for a while." I say,

When I hear that he is downstairs I am starting to concentrate.

I feel how I begin to glow. When I hear people begin to yawn I know it is working.
I feel how the energy leaves my body. After a minute or two I open my eyes. Everyone is in deep sleep.

I am weak. It is fine to get one or to people asleep. But a hole pack of supernaturals is too much. I grip the seat next to me. I slowly make my way to Minho and Brenda.

(The bus has like two storey's and Minho and Brenda are downstairs . And there are also a few seats down there.)

"Newt?" I hear Minho say.
As I have to hold my self upright.

I feel how I start to fall over.

"NEWT!" He runs to me and catches me.

"Hey buddy talk to me, what happened." He says as he sits me down.

Before I can answer I feel how my shield activats. An then I faint.


I see Newt come, he asks if I want to sit whith Brenda. But wen I walk past him I smell his stress and something like guild.

I walk down to Brenda and go sit next to her.

"Do you know what's wrong with Newt?" I ask her.

"So you feel it too?" She asks.

"Well I just walked past him and he smelled really stressed and some what guilty." I answer.

"O yeah guilty for sure... I asked him were to go. And he told me where to go. First I thought that his bond whith Thomas was just so strong that he knew where he was. But when I asked why there he said it was Thomas' past. And that's when he walked away." She says.

"What he knows about Thomas past!" I say in surprise.

"Apparently" she says

We both don't know what to say next. Then I hear someone come down the stairs.

"Newt?" I ask surprised, he is really pale and is barely standing.

"NEWT!" I scream as he begins to fall over. I catch him and sit him in a chair.

"Hey buddy talk to me, what happened?"

That's when I see his eyes. There glowing. There glowing blue. Not a second later he is also glowing. His hair is floating. And his eyes close.

"Brenda pul over now." I practically scream.

I feel how the bus stops and she is next to me.

"Holy fuck," she breaths as she looks at him.

" It just happened, his eyes where glowing and not a scecond later he was like this" I explain.

"Wait something is not right. We screamed and now where standing stil and nobody has come down." She says the instant I realize she is right.

We both run up the stairs. As we arrive we see that everyone is fast asleep. What happened?

We go by everyone but nobody wakes up.

"What's happening?" Brenda asks.

"Newt.... he told everyone to go to sleep. Maybe-"

"You think Newt did this?" She asks knowing what I mean.

"Yeah, I think so." I answer

"Hello?" We hear a weak voice call from downstairs.
I look at Brenda. We both run to him.

As soon as we are at de bottom of the stairs, we stop.

He is standing up but he is glowing. And his hair is floating it looks really creepy.

"Dont worry, I won't hurt you." He says.

"How are you ? And what did you do with Newt." I say.

"Wat? Minho it's me, Newt" he says.

I just can't believe it. Newt never had any gift or some supernatural thing, how can he do this all of a sudden.

"Tell me something only Newt knows."

"You hate spiders."

"What ? you are scared of spiders?" Brenda asks confused.

"Umm yeah they are like really fast small grievers." I say back

But I still can't believe it.

"Someone could have told you that, tell me something only me and Newt know." I say

I can see his glowing eyes go to Brenda and than back to me. Than he lets out a deep sigh.

"Fine... you found me in the maze when I jumped off to kill myself. I broke my leg in three places, leaving me whith a limp. You and Tommy are the only ones that know, and now Brenda." He says looking away.

I can hear Brenda gasp.

"Newt?.. what happened to you. What's going on?" I ask.

"I talk you drive. I am scared to death for Tom,my I can feel him growing weak." He says.

Yeah that's the Newt I know. It doesn't matter that his friends just found out that he is a glowing guy, no we have to save Thomas first.

Brenda starts the bus again.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" He asks.

"Sinds when is this happening? How? Does Thomas know? Why the glowing? What can you do?
What's wrong whith your hair?" I ask him.

"Wow. Wow. Calm down, it started when I got stabbed..."he says.

"YOU GOT WHAT!?" I practically scream.

"O yeah, you didn't know. Wel I stabbed myself because I was going crazy and I didn't wanna hurt Tommy," he says.

"A, of course you stabbed yourself for him." I say irritated. He glares at me. And I mean it when I say that that was more scary that fighting a griver.

"But why didn't this happen sooner?" I ask.

"Well we have a theory, you know you are a Kitsune and you can control thunder, but you can only do it after you where hit by lightning. Well we think it didn't happened sooner because I need to have a mate," I see how a light blush appears on his face.

"What?" Brenda asks confused

"You know that you are stronger with the moon on your side? Wel it's something like that: I am at my strongest when I am with Tommy or if he is in danger..." he says the last part a lot softer than the rest and when he speks again it is in a whisper.

"And I never felt this strong whithout him"

I can feel my stomach turn. And I change the subject.

"What can you do?"

"Oh a lot, but I am best at healing. That's how I survived being stabbed. The first time it happened was really scary. But now I don't have a limp anymore. I can also heal others. That's how I got the hole pack asleep. I just focused on the stress and the need to relax.
I can also work as a shield. But I think my job was to help Thomas in the best way possible. I help him with his temper and his pain in the transition and such. One other cool thing I can do is control the elemants. That's the reason why my hair flows I think," he says.

I just stare at him.

"Why didn't you tell us." Brenda says.

"Wel because... it was better." He says looking away.
"That way I can use all my power for Tommy."

"But stil, you could have healed some of us." I say bitter.

Now he looked frustrated.

"Minho, I have supernatural healing powers. And I do heal the others. Have you never noticed that wen someone is hurt, I always touch them in a way. Remember when you broke your hand? You were healed within 5 minutes. And who was next to you? Me, whith my hands on your shoulders." He says.

And now that I think about it; always when someone was hurt Newt was there.

"O, ok, I did not realize at the moment. But what do you mean by the elemants?" I am really curious about that.

"Well.... it works in 2 ways.

1. Is I can't burn, I can control water and earth, and I can fly, that's probably why my hair flows." He says.



He takes my hand and I feel how my feet leave the floor.

"Holy klunk... put me down! Put me down." My feet land again and I feel my legs shake. He snickers.

"And the second thing?" Brenda asks.

"My emotions control the weather." He says.

"That explains why we had so many sunny days, and the fact that wen you are grumpie it always rains. I always thought that the rain just made you grumpie." Brenda says.

"Yeah..." He says. He looks a little uncomfortabel.

"But... why the storms at night?" I ask.

His face turns bright red.
"Nightmares" He says, not convincing.

"No... you gotta be kidding me." I say as I get it now.

He covered his face whith his hands. "Yeah..."

"OMG. That is so weird." Brenda says.

"O shut it. How many times I heard Theresa." Newt fires back.

Brenda smirks." I know she is loud."

"Really?!" I say sceptical.

We all start laughing. This is so stupid.

We al look up as Newt finally stops glowing. And his eyes turn back to brown.

"Finally, you looked really scary whith your eyes like that." I say.

"O really? I can do a cool trick with them." He says and he stares at me. While the smile reappears on his face.

I keep looking at him but nothing happens. But something in his eyes changes. It looks like he is looking right trought me. His smile disappeares and his irises start to grow. Until his whole eyes are black. But he still doesn't move.

"Newt?" I ask.

I see his black eyes focus on me again instead of looking somewhere I don't know. The stress I smell on him makes me worry.

"Minho, what happens?" Brenda says. "It just started raining."

And wen I look out the window I see that she is right. It's raining.

I walk to the front and stair at the clouds. Now knowing it reflects Newts emotions I try to see something in them.

"What's happening? We're is Newt?" Brenda asks, eyes focused on the road.

"I don't know he doesn't respond, anymore." I say.

"What? Is he glowing again?"

"No he wanted to show me something, but now his eyes are black and he just stares at me." I explain.


Wen my vision clears again I can feel my anger rising.

"MINHO CALM NEWT DOWN!" I hear Brenda scream. This gets my attention.

I look out the window and see a hurricane. Oops.

"It is okay I am going." They both stare at me.

"Wha?." Minho says.

"You will be there in 60 minutes. Meet me at some place called Eichnhouse. I first have some business to do." I say as I walk to the door.

"What?" Brenda says.

"Just do as I say."

I close my eyes and not a scecond later I hear people waking up.

"See you soon." And I open the door mid-drive and jump out.

The wind catches me. I start to glow again and get more speed. Within 10 min I made it to Becon hills. It's almost 9 a.m. I follow my instincts. When I arrive at a school I see them. The people from my vision.
A tall boy with a cricket jacket. A girl with brown short hair. A girl with strawbery blonde hair. And a girl that looks like minho. That also has a foks aura. But hers looks out of control. She can be in real danger. Even thought I have to find Thomas and I want to murder them all I have to do is make sure that they trust me. And she is my only chance. I land somewhere in the woods and start to focus.

What I wanted to show Minho was that I can change my hair and eyes. I coler my hair black and make my eyes emerald green. I take of my jacket so I am only left in a t-shirt.

I walk into the school. I feel people stare at me. A girl walks up to me.

"Hi" she says way too happy.

"Hi?" I answer.

"Wow you're British." She says.

A boy walks up behind her. It's the younger boy from the vision.

"Hey Hayden." He says to the girl.

"Hi Liam. why are you here?" She askes me.

"I.... I need to speek whith you're kitsone." I tell them. I know that they are supernatural.

They both stare at me.

"How do you-?" Liam starts.

"I just do. And she is in great danger. Her aura is out of control. You both know it too and if you don't, look at her whith you other eyes." I say.

They look at eachother, nodd. They turn around and I follow them.

"Kira!" The boy says.

The girl that looks like Minho turns. Wow she really looks like him.

I walk up to her. And I shake her hand.

"Hi I am Mike." I say. She looks at me, confused.

"I am here to help you. You are in danger from yourself." I say to her. Now she looks scared. The boy with the weird jawline speaks up.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you can see it too." I say to the werewolf.

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"One of my friends is also a kitsone he had the same probleem. I can help you. But you have to come with me..."

"Yes your friends can come too, don't worry." I add. I thought that this would be a lot harder.

Its really hard to keep my emotions under controll. I don't want the weather to change.

"Follow me." I tell them.

I walk back into the forest.

When we are somewhat in the forest, I tell her to sit down.

I tell her friends to stand back. I place both my hands on her shoulders. I shut my eyes to make sure the pack doesn't see them glowing. Within a minute I am done. It's really simpel. But it's necessary.

"Done." I say and I step back.
She looks a little scared.

"Is he telling the true?" She asks the boy with the weird jaw. And I see his eyes glow red.

"Yeah it's gone." He says.

"So you're the alfa." I say

"Yeah. Tnx for helping her." He says.

"So how did you kill?" I ask.

"We don't kill. I am a true alfa." He says a lot colder.

"Cool, than be glad I helped your friend. I have seen kitsones out of controll. Really bloody." I say.

"Tnx..." He says again.

"We are going. Come on Scott." The girl says.

I freeze as I hear the name. I can feel anger rising and I can hear the wind rustle through the trees

"Scott MCcall?" I asked with my back to him.

"Yeah..." He says.

I feel how my anger gets stronger by the second.
My eyes start to glow and I turn around.

"HOW CAN YOU DO THAT TO HIM!" I scream at him.

I know that Scott was Tommy's best friend before the maze.
He can't remember him but I know everything.

"W-what?" He says confused.

"HE TRUSTED YOU. YOU WERE HIS BEST FRIEND. HOW COULD YOU SEND HIM AWAY.!" with every word I say, I can feel the wind rising. I know that there is a hurricane forming behind me but I don't care.

"What.?How..."? Scott says guilty

"YOU MESSSED WITH THE WRONG PEOPLE!" I am going to show them what happens if you lock up someone I care about.

I send the hurricane at them. Untill they are all inside.

When we arrive at Eichenhouse the pack is already there. I walk up to Minho with the hurricane behind me. The hole pack stares at Me.

"Hey." He says.

"Don't let them leave." I say. As the hurricane disappeasd and Scotts pack falls to the ground.

"Okay" he says startled.

I walk up to the gates. With one move of my hands they're gone. I walk inside.

"Where is he?" I ask the frightened guard.

"I-I dont, I-I don't know" he says.

"It's a supernatural boy, he was unconscious. Tell me where he is or you're dead." I say.

" down in the Lowe's bungen," he says.

I rush down the stairs. I follow the long hallway. As I check the prisoners cell by cell. Some kneel others just nodd and some hide. I go down another flight of stairs an finally arrive at the securityguard at his cell.

"Move" I say.

One of them movedsbut the other did not, oh how stupid can you be! With one swift motion he is knocked against a wall.

"Idiot" I mutter to myself.

When I touch the handle of the cell I feel a slight tingle.

"Really, you final defensive was electricity? You guys are pathetic." I say to the remaining guard.

Whith one smooth movement I pull the door out off the wall.

It's completely dark in the cell.
It looks empty, untill I see a little movement in the corner.

I run into the cell. I kneel beside him.

"Tommy, hey Tommy it's me. You're save." I say. When I take his hand I feel how the power flows into my veins. But I also feel the pain he is in.

"Newt..." he says. It's almost to soft to hear it but I do.

"Dont worry, I am going to get us to safety." And with that I pick him up.

He is too weak to protest.

It's good that these are stone walls. When I am right in front of the wall it opens and a tunnel forms to the outside.

After a second I see the sky. Stone and soil form into a staircase, with Thomas in my arms, I walk upstairs.

The pack immediately runs towards us when they see us, but they stop a meter before us. Except Minho who takes Thomas from me.

"Newt?" asks Fry, surprised.

"yes.... I'll explain later. We have to make sure he's safe first."

Some still look a little strange at me.

"Don't worry Thomas knows about it,"

I know it's a little reassuring, but I can smell that they still don't quite trust me. Honestly , it hurts. But I understand.

Then I hear a soft moan behind me. I see the MCCALL pack get up from the floor.

"Hey. Do you know a place where it's big and quiet where we can hide?" I ask Scott.

"And why should I give you an answer. You caught us in a hurricane as crazy as it sounds, then bumped us here and destroyed everything. Give me one reason to tell you something..." I can see tears in his eyes. And I can smell he's feeling guilty.

"Scott, don't worry about the destruction or the fact that people have seen me now. I'll fix that...and I think you know why you're telling us where to hide." I say to him.

"Come to my house." Another wolf steps out of the forest.

Out of the corner of my eye I see our werewolves bowing to him. So this must be Derek Hale. The son of Talia Hale, the highest rank born alpha. I follow the lead of the other werewolves and bow. As soon as the others in our pack see that I bow too, they follow my lead.

"Looks like you're not the newest, that's a very old greeting." He says when we've come over again.

In response, one of our members draws our logo in the sand.

A circle with 3 stripes in it.

It symbolizes that were one. Even if we come from different roads, different places, different pasts. We are a whole.

"Oh, wow, are you sure you want to use that symbol?" he asks, frowning.

"What is happening here!" screams Malia.

That draws our attention again. I had forgotten the MCCALL pack already.

"Maybe we should talk in your house?" I ask Derek.

He nods.

○●POV Derek●○

I nod in response.

"Where to?" Asks a boy with black hair.

"Follow me."

"Wait," says the glowing boy. From the way he talks and his pack listens to him, I expect him to be the alpha. But he's missing something.

The blond boy walks towards Eichen House. He raises his arms in the air.

I feel my mouth drop open. Walls make themselves again, tiles fall back into place. The flower beds shattered by the hurricane are now back in place. He slowly walks back to us as he fixes everything. When the metal gate is bent back into place, he looks back to us.

I quickly shut my mouth. I'm surprised when I look around that almost everyone in his pack is still staring at him.

"Later!" He says when they don't move.

He walks up to a boy and takes over another boy who seems to be unconscious.

It seems impossible but as soon as he touches the other boy he starts to glow even more.

There could not have been a more clearer signal that this is his mate.

"Let's go." He says.

I turn around and lead the way.


When I wake up I feel that someone is caring me.

"Newt?" I ask.

"Yeah I am here, it's okay, you're save."

"What happened?" I ask

"Well I was hoping you could tell me."

"Well the last thing I can remember is losing control in front of my dad. And I transformded in front of my dad." I start.

"Yeah I felt that, that's why we are here." Newt says.

"What do you mean we?" I say.

"We're all here Tom" I hear Minho say.

"Newt let me walk, yes, you can still help me." I say.

He puts me down. But he stil keeps his arm around me.

"We're are we?" I ask.

"We're on our way to Derk's Hale house," Minho says.

"What, Derek Hale? The strongest natural weerwolf?!" I say confused.

"Yes, we we're respectful to him, and he invited us," Brenda says.

"Okay that's good, I think," I answer.

"But Tommy, we still need to have a conversation. About me." Newt says.

"Why?" I ask.


I freeze. I hadden realized it. I know Newt glows and I'm no longer surprised by it. But the pack doen't know anything. This is going to be fun.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"We will talk about that when we're inside." Teresa says.

"Then everyone will hear it," B says.

It's been 5 min and I now can walk on my own

"Wait!" I say.

My hole pack freezes. And also Derek stops.

"What's wrong Tom?" Minho asks.

"Don't you smell that?" I ask.

"Nope" "nothing" "What do you mean?" "Just the forest", My pack says

"Yes, I smell it to"
"It's weird", Minho, Newt, Teresa and Brenda say.

"Stiles do you have different leaders?" Derek asks.

"Kind of. Minho speaks for the kitsones, Brenda speaks for the weerwolfs, Teresa speaks for the kenama's," I say.

"Well that makes sense. What you guys smell is the remaining of the Hale house. It burned down a long time ago. But you can still smell the persons. But usually not from this far, I am impressed." He tells us as we begin to walk again.

10 min later we enter his appartment.

"Everyone make a circle." I say.

"Okay let's just start. I apologise, I apologise for keeping the facts that Newt has powers from you. At the time it was just so overwhelming and we didn't know what he could do. So we didn't want you guys to be in danger from him. We didn't know of he could control it. We didn't know if this was a trick from W.I.C.K.I.D. and I think you can all understand that. If not say so."

It stays quiet.

"Okay, but now I realise that as soon as we knew it wasn't a treat to anyone we could have told you guys. But because we didn't need it. We thought that it didn't matter it wouldn't change anything. But I was wrong to keep its from you guys.
And I am sorry. I hope you will understand." I say.

It stays quiet.

"It's okay Tom, we understand." Minho says, and the rest nods in approval.

"Tnx u guys."

"Okay, now that's settled, why did you let us stay here?" Newt asks Derek.

"Well I would like to know you guys better. And you didn't have a place to stay." He says.

=POV Derek=

"Yes, I understand," Newt says.

"Well what do you want to know?" Stiles/Thomas asks.

"Okay how do I call you? Stiles or Thomas?"

He snikkers "I prefer Thomas."

"Okay, Thomas can I ask what you are?"

"I am a dragonhybrid. I can turn into a dragon, and can control the heat over my hole body." He says, and he let's his hands be ingulfed in flames.

"And what are you guys?" I ask the others.

"Wel why don't we line up? ." Thomas says. Please go and find your leader.

All stand up and they form 4 groups and 2 people are standing apart.

"Brenda, Fry and Gally are are wolfs, Minho, Winston and Ben are are kitsones, Teresa, chuck and Vinds are are kenama's. Sonja and Harriet are are banyes, Jorge is a hellhound and Aris is the Same as Conner.
Than there is Newt and we don't know what he is," Thomas says.

"Wow, I'm impressed." I studder.

"Also we all have a aura," Newt says.

"What?!" I say I never heard of that.

"Show him." He says.

They all nod.

I let my eyes glow and look at them. The werewolfs al have a wolf besides them. The kitsones have a powerful fox hovering over them, the kenama's just glow. De banchys are normal. But my attention is drawn to Thomas and Newt.

Thomas has a gigantic dragon behind him. And Newt as 2 large blue/White wings and his eyes are just lit. I can only stare at him.

"He is beautiful right?" Thomas asks me.

"Unbelievably," I say.

This gets the attention of his pack. And one by one they light up their eyes.

After everyone calms down from seeing him, Thomas speaks again.

"Okay so what are we going to do?" He asks.

It stays quiet, untill one of the banchys speaks:

"Well I might have an idea," she says.

"Well tell us Sonja."

"I don't know if it's possible but maybe we can rebuild your house?" She asks me.

"That's a great idee," I say.

"Well than it's settled." Thomas says.

"Let the journey begin." Minho says.

"well if its okay, with you?" Newt asks.

"of course"and I smile.

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