Semper | 10th Doctor

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Semper ~ Semp - er ~ Latin Meaning - Always "I will never become tired of stepping outside those doors to fi... Meer

The Christmas Invasion
Part 3
New New Earth

Part 2

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°☆•°Episode 1: The Christmas Invasion°•☆°

Part Two

Emma sighed as she gently pressed a damp cloth to the Doctor's forehead. He had fainted again and they moved him back to bed so his body could rest properly.

"Any change?" Jackie asked, walking into the room. She gave a glass of water to Emma as she looked at the young woman with concern.

"He's worse," Emma murmured, her frown deepening as her shoulders slumped. "Just one heart beating."

Jackie nodded silently and pat the brunette's shoulder before leaving to help them others in the living room.

Emma brushed some of the Doctor's hair away from his forehead and adjusted his covers. "I'm sorry," She spoke softly to the sleeping Timelord, "I didn't mean to hurt you." She inhaled deeply and took his hand in hers, she gave it a comforting squeeze before standing and letting go.


"Here we go, Pilot Fish-"

"They are scavenger fish." Emma told them walking into the living room, "Completely harmless. They swim with other larger fish like sharks."

"Why do you know that?" Mickey's brows furrowed as he looked up from he the laptop.

Emma shrugged her shoulders and let herself be pulled into a side hug by Rose who sent her a small smile. Happy that Emma seemed better enough to contribute.

"So, what the Doctor means is, we had them," Mickey pointed to the tiny fish on the screen, "now we get that." He nudged the laptop so they could all see the video of a large Great White Shark swim towards the screen with its jaw wide open showing its rows of sharp teeth.

"Something is coming." Rose murmured before looking to the TV as it began to fuzz out.

"How close?" Dean asked, crossing his arms.

"There's no way of telling," Mickey shook his head, "but the pilot fish don't swim far from their daddy."

"He's right," Emma nodded, "It means the big shark is very close."

Jackie scrunched her nose and tilted her head as she watched the TV fuzz and flicker with strange images. "Funny sort of rocks."

Emma's head shot in the direction of the TV. "That's not rocks, Jackie."

"This image is being transmitted via mission control, coming live from the depths of space on Christmas morning."

Emma pulled away from Rose and walked closer. She gulped as the video got clearer. The face of a red-eyed alien with a face the shape of a goats skull growled and gurgled at them through the screen. It suddenly roared viciously causing the group to jump away from the TV.

"The face of an alien life form was transmitted live tonight on BBC1. On the 25th of December, the human race has been shown absolute proof that alien life exists. These remarkable images have been relayed right across the world."


"Rose. Em. Take a look. I've got access to the Military." Mickey called them over, pointing to the screen which showed a small map of the solar system with a red dot progressively moving closer to Earth, "They're tracking a spaceship. It's big, it's fast, and it's coming this way."

"For what though?" Emma asked, "The Doctor? How would they know he's here through? Do they have Timelord sensors or something?"

"I don't know," He shrugged, "Maybe it's coming for all of us. Have you ever seen them before?"

Mickey shows them a bigger photo from UNIT of four the aliens, "Have you seen them before?"

"No," Rose shook her head before looking to Emma, "Come on, Em. The amount of time you spent in that library with the Doctor you must of read about them or he could've mentioned them."

"I don't remember reading about them," She pursed her lips, "The Doctor never mentioned then either." Emma's brows furrowed suddenly and she leaned in to turn the sound up. "Rose they aren't speaking English." She murmured trying to understand the alien language, to no avail.

"Well they are aliens," Dean scoffed, gesturing to the laptop, "It's not like they're gonna speak the same as us."

"No, it just that the TARDIS translates alien languages in mine and Rose's head so we can understand anyone wherever and whenever we go." Emma told them, Rose nodding along in concern.

"It must be the Doctor." Rose frowned, "Like he's part of the circuit and he's..."

"Like he's broken."


Emma watched Rose leave the living room with a small frown marring her face. She bit her lip as she hesitated following for a moment before she stood to rush after the blonde, patting Mickey's shoulder as she passed him.

She found Rose just outside her bedroom, leaning on the door frame looking at her mum asleep at the Doctor's bedside.

"The Doctor wouldn't do this." Rose mumbled when she felt Emma take her hand, "The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, he'd wake up. He'd save us."

Emma sighed and hugged Rose's arm to  her side. "Rosie, That is the Doctor. The proper Doctor, the kind, gentle and hopeful Timelord. The man who took us on all our fantastic adventures. The Doctor who became our friend."

She tugged Rose to look away from her mother and the Doctor. "The Doctor was hurt. His body had to change in order to survive. that means that the man lying on that bed is still our Doctor. He may look different and he may act different but he is still the Doctor. Still the man I would follow to each corner of the universe."

Rose's lips quirked up into a small smile as she lifted a hand to brush away a couple tears from Emma's cheeks. "You really love him, don't you?"

Emma gulped and looked away falling into a hug from her friend and sister.


Emma pulled out of the hug with furrowed brows at the sound of someone shouting just outside of the flat. She tugged Rose to the door and open it, surprised to see her neighbours walking around in their pyjamas.

"Sandra?" Rose exclaimed as the lady from the flat beside them passed their door with a frantic expression.

"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing. Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop."

Emma watched the lady rush after her husband and stepped out into the open hallway to look over the railing. "What on Earth?" She mumbled watching many people walk around the estate in their nightclothes with blank expressions on their faces.

Rose and Emma along with Dean and Mickey rushed up to the roof where the blank people were standing, frozen at the edge in a row.


"What do we do?" Mickey asked, turning to Emma and Rose.

"I have no idea, Mick." Emma answered honestly, squinting her eyes as she scanned the tops off buildings to see other people in the same predicament as them.

"Nothing," Rose told them, "There's no one to save us. Not anymore."


'But, ladies and gentlemen, this crisis is unique, and I'm afraid to say, it might get much worse. I would ask you all to remain calm. But I have one request. Doctor, if you're out there, we need you. I don't know what to do. If you can hear me, Doctor. If anyone knows the Doctor, if anyone can find him, the situation has never been more desperate. Help us. Please, Doctor. Help us. God help us.' Harriet Jones, pleaded for the Timelord to help them.

Emma sniffed and leaned into Dean's side as she watched Harriet. "He's gonna wake up," She insisted, her voice cracking, "He's got to. He's the Doctor. He wouldn't leave us."

Suddenly with no warning all the glass windows in the flat shattered, the ground shaking. The group fell to the floor covering themselves as they waited out the ground's tremors. 


"Em! We're going to carry him." Rose said rushing into her room to pull off the sheets that were covering the Doctor, "Mum, get your stuff, and get some food. We're going."

"Where are we going?" Dean asked, helping Emma lift up the top half of the Doctor.

"The TARDIS. The safest place on Earth." Emma responded with a grin,

"What're we going to do in there?" Jackie spoke up, shoving cans into a bag.

"Hide," Rose told her, throwing a dressing gown to Emma.

Jackie scrunched her nose and stopped packing, "Is that it?"

"Mum, look in the sky. There's a great, big, alien invasion and I don't know what to do, all right? Me and Em have travelled with him, and seen all that stuff, but when we're stuck at home, pretty much useless. Now, all we can do is run and hide, and I'm sorry. Now, move." Rose ranted, slipping slippers onto the Doctor's feet.

"I'm sorry, Jackie she's right." Emma sent the woman a sad smile, "If we can do anything at all it would be at the TARDIS anyway. We need to get you guys and the Doctor back to the TARDIS to be safe while we think of something."

"Lift him up." Rose nodded to Dean and Emma as she grabbed the Doctor's ankles.


"Oh shoot." Emma breathed out as she tripped over a rock trying to carry the Doctor walking backwards.

"Mum, will you just leave that stuff and give us a hand?" Rose yelled to her mother who seemed to be carrying twelve bags at once.

"It's food!" Jackie shouted back, picking up a bag she dropped, "You said we need food."

"Jackie, it's okay-" Emma started before she was interrupted.

"Just leave it!" Rose grumbled, lifting the Doctor's legs higher.


"No chance you could fly this thing?" Mickey asked, panting as they carried the Timelord up the TARDIS' ramp and into the console room.

"Not anymore, no." Rose gritted through her teeth.

"Well, you did it before."

"I know, but it's sort of been wiped out of my head, like it's forbidden. Try that again and I think the Universe rips in half."

"Probably not the best idea then, Rosie." Emma huffed out, setting the Doctor down. She took off her jacket and rolled it up to make a pillow for his head.

"Emmy? Do you think you could?" Rose asked, handing Emma her inhaler.

Emma's brows furrowed as she looked down at the blue object in her hand, she felt fine. No sore or tight lungs. She took a deep breath and turned around brushing away her confusion to start up the TARDIS. Handing back the inhaler when Rose asked for it back.

"So, what do we do? Just sit here?" Dean sat on the jump seat and crossed his arms.

Rose shrugged and fell into the seat next to him, "We wait for Emma to figure it out."

"Right!' Jackie exclaimed, setting her flask on the console, "Here we go. Nice cup of tea."

"Mmm, the solution to everything." Rose drawled with an eye roll.

"Now, stop your moaning." Jackie scolded Rose,"I'll get the rest of the food." Jackie nodded at the four before leaving the TARDIS.

"Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British." Mickey mocked a posh English accent, "How does this thing work?" He asked, hitting the monitor like he would his laptop. "If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered. What do you do to it?"

Emma rushed over and pulled his rough hand away from the screen. "Careful, she doesn't like it when you hit her." She sniped at him, turning on the screen with smooth efficiency.


"Whoa, hey." Emma mumbled, turning the screen, "What's that?" She looked at the odd pattern on the screen, it was unlike anything she had seen on the screen before.

"Maybe it's a distress signal." Mickey proposed.

"A fat lot of good that's going to do." Rose grumbled.

Mickey sighed, and turned to Rose, "Are you going to be a misery all the time?"

Rose nodded and looked down at her nail, "Yes."

Mickey's shoulders slumped as he walked closer to the blonde, "You should look at it from my point of view, stuck in here with your mum's cooking." He joked.

Dean snickered before wincing at the punch Emma sent his arm when she caught him fiddling with a switch on the console.

"Where is she? I'd better give her a hand. It might start raining missiles out there." Rose drawled walking down the ramp.

"I'll some along," Emma smiled, rushing to the door, "Who knows the amount of bags she has, its not like I can do anymore here."

"Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine." Mickey called after her.

Rose grinned, "Why don't you tell her yourself?"

"I'm not that brave."

"Oh I don't know." Emma stepped outside and was snatched off her feet by a Sycorax. Her scream being cut off by the door slamming shut behind her and Rose.

"Rose! Emma!" Mickey shouted, running after them with Dean close behind him. The open tea flask falling to the ground beside the Doctor


"Get off me!" Emma yelled scrambling in the alien's arms, "Rose!"

"Emma! Let go of her!"

Emma stopped struggling when set was set down on the ground next to Rose who immediately grabbed her hand.

"Emma! Rose!" Harriet shouted, rushing towards them to sweep them both into a tight hug, "I've got you. My Lord. Oh, my precious girls," She breathed out pulling back with her hands on their shoulders of their shoulders, "The Doctor, is he with you?"

"No. We're on our own." Rose told the woman in a solemn tone.

Harriet gave them both a defeated look and pulled away."

"The blue girl." The translator spoke up.

The three woman looked to him confused before Emma gasped softly, tugging at her dark blue jumper.

"She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet."

"But she can't." Harriet spluttered out, holding Emma's forearm.

Emma gulped and stepped forward. "Yeah," She breathed out, "I can."

"Don't you dare, Em."

Emma sent her a soft smile and squeezed her hand, "Someone has got to be the Doctor."

"You can't speak in public!" Rose exclaimed, ripping her hand away from Emma's instead holding her shoulders.

"This isn't the public though," Emma glanced at the Sycorax nervously, "They are aliens. Completely different." She grimaced, setting a hand over her middle to hold back her nausea.

"They'll kill you," Harriet whispered.

Emma shrugged in faux nonchalance, "That wouldn't stop the Doctor."


Sooooooo the second part is finally out and kinda on time. I hope you enjoyed it!

Emma's just trying to be hopeful. She doesn't want to lose anyone else. It's difficult with Rose being so negative and knowing that she hurt his feelings but she's slowly getting there.

Thank you so much for reading :)

Have a lovely day!


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