Blood to Love | 4th year

بواسطة snapeproperty

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☆ second story in the sequel ☆ • go read "Blood to Love | 3rd year" if you haven't! ✰☽♡𑁍✯☼ He cursed under h... المزيد

Background Info
1- A Triwizard Tournament
2- Mad-Eye Moody
3- A Cliché-Filled Day
4- Jealousy, Jealousy
5- Avoidance
6- Continuously Shattered
7- The Familiar Snogging Cupboard
8- Second Choice
9- The Boy Who Never Cared
10- The Camping Trip
11- Discovering Dragons
12- Task One
13- The Afterparty
14- Hagrid's Big Day
15- POTTER-y
16- Waltzing and Waists
17- Sealed With a Kiss
18- The Yule Ball
19- An Unexpected Turn of Events
20- 1995
21- Finn's First Day
22- The Cycle of Hate
23- Shots with Snape
24- Task Preparation
25- Task Two
26- Celebrating Ron
27- Partying, Puking, and Perfection
28- The Pensieve
29- Daddy Issues
30- Cupcakes and Chaos
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑻𝒘𝒐
Abouts: 5th year
5th year update!

31- Task Three

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بواسطة snapeproperty

After all this time of waiting and worrying, the third Triwizard task was upon us. The task occurred directly after lunch, giving us hardly any time to mentally or physically prepare ourselves.

Despite the smooth sailing of the first two tasks, something didn't seem right for this last one. It wasn't my normal anxiousness — it was much worse. This odd feeling lingered through me during lunch, not going unnoticed by Draco.

"Y/n, stop," he said.

"I'm not doing anything, Draco," I replied.

"You're freaking out. Your leg is bouncing and you won't eat a bite of your food."

"Okay, maybe I'm slightly scared."

"Slightly is an understatement," he mumbled, resting his hand on my thigh to prevent my leg from nervously jouncing about. "Just breathe."

I obeyed his request and began inhaling deeply while exhaling the same way. He sent me a small smile and a reassuring nod, making my lips curl upwards slightly.

My full plate emptied dramatically as minutes passed. After eating a considerable amount and calming down, the task approached, bringing me back to my anxious state of mind.

Every student in ever house and year congregated in the hallways to scurry outdoors where a giant maze was previously grown and prepared for this very moment.

Despite my overbearing nervousness, I took a seat within the red-filled crowd where the students cheered for Harry Potter. Draco sat on my left, visibly annoyed at our seating arrangements, although not verbally saying so out of respect for me.

Finn exited Hogwarts and eyed the bleachers, placing them on me. He then took two steps at a time and reached my right side quickly, sneaking a glare at Draco before sitting down, his yellow jumper standing out in the crimson horde.

"Excited?" he queried, peering at me before looking out onto the grounds, anticipating the arrival of the champions.

"Not quite," I answered.

"And why is that, y/n?"

"Anything could happen in there. Are you not worried at all? Cedric is your best friend and he's going to walk into a maze with all sorts of creatures and you're not at all terrified?"

"They're going to be fine, lighten up."

For once, Draco nodded in agreement. I huffed at the two boys and went back to staring in front of me, listening to an instrumental Hogwarts march-like song began roaring from the brass instruments below.

Amos Diggory, followed by Cedric, jogged out onto the grounds in front of the crowd, causing those dressed in yellow attire to go mad. Shouts of joy echoed through the stands and serotonin rushed through the fans as we awaited the final task.

Next came Fluer Delacore. Several cheers erupted from the blue majority of the stands and even dances broke out.

All of Victor Krum's fans were dressed in formal black attire, cheering his name loudly and holding up inspirational signs.

Finally, alongside Dumbledore was Harry. I raised my hands in the air and shouted happily while Draco uncomfortably clapped.

Awkwardly waddling in, Harry took a stance near one of the four maze entrances and listened for further instructions.

The band continued playing despite Dumbledores first announcement. I laughed slightly as the headmaster grew quickly annoyed.

"SILENCE," he bellowed once more.

This time, the stands fell silent and he continued his pre-recited speech.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory..."

He was interrupted by intense cheers from Cedrics fans, including Finn. As the cheers died down, Dumbledores rustic voice sounded again, "and Mr. Potter..."

More shouts, including my own now filled the empty space.

"... are tied for first position," Dumbledore continued despite the assortment of cut offs from the students, "they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum..."

Again, deep bellows spread throughout the crowd.

"... and Ms. Delacour."

A quick intermission of screams filled the vacant air and Dumbledore resumed his declaration. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner." A small pause for applause occurred. "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, the contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants! Gather around. Quickly."

He stepped off of his small pedi stool and motioned for the four contestants to join him in a huddle. Whispers broke out in the stands while they had a private conversation.

"What do you reckon he's telling them?" Finn asked.

"To be careful, isn't that obvious? He's probably going on about how dangerous it is in that maze. It's a good thing I've prepared Harry greatly for this task. We've been studying spells with one another day and night," Hermione suddenly replied, causing us to jump slightly and glance up at her and Ron sitting above us next to Blaise and Pansy. "They could be harmed in any way out there. It's best that we came prepared."

Before I had time to respond, Dumbledore faced and projected his voice towards the audience. "Champions, prepare yourselves!"

The four champions stood near their personal entrances, waiting for the cue to go in. The stands rumbled as people shouted words of affirmations and jumped up in angst and excitement.

Amos Diggory hugged his son while Mad-Eye Moody patted Harry softly on the back.

"On the count of three," Albus continued. "One..."

Filch set off the canon on the count of one and Dumbledore sighed loudly, motioning for the students to go ahead and enter the hedged maze.

I cheered one last time and after a few minutes, each champion disappeared into the maze, leaving us worrisome and jittery.

Finn was shaking his leg and I gripped it softly, resulting in a small smile to creep up on his mouth.

I quickly removed my hand, not sure whether that was an awkward thing to do. While overthinking my mild decisions, my living arrangements with Snape came to mind.

"Finn, can I tell you something?"

He tore his gaze from the empty maze and looked directly at me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion but nodding nonetheless.

"You know Professor Snape?" I paused as he replied with a yes. "I've grown close to him over the past years here at Hogwarts and apparently he is fond of me as well."

"Where are you going with this?" asked Finn curiously.

"Well — I — it was his idea actually. Anyways, he's asked me to come stay with him for the holidays and breaks."

"What? Why would you do that?"

"He's found out that I've been residing with my friends and not a legal guardian. He's offered to be my own guardian. It's a good thing, Finn, trust me."

"No! You will not stay with an old man you hardly know when you've got parents who can care for you as well as anyone."

I sighed in frustration. "That's the problem. They don't want me around. It's always been like this and now that I have a solution I won't let anyone take this parental figure away from me. I'm sorry but this isn't up to you. They've already signed the papers."

"You could have a family. A life. With me! Do I not matter to you anymore?"

"Finn, I barely know you! You've been running off with Cedric every free moment that you have and it seems as though you never want to spend your leisure time with me. You know how awfully our parents treated us, how could you ever want to go back?"

"You wouldn't understand. You —"

"— don't make a stupid excuse," I said bitterly, tensing up at Draco's firm grip on my shoulder.

We sat in silence for quite awhile. The air was uncomfortable and empty. As we avoided each other's random gazes, bets were made and jokes were exchanged within the mass of students.

A random growl or shaky bush would sound from the maze but nothing dramatic was happening from our outsiders perspective.

That was the case, until, of course, a scream echoed into the night sky. Vines visibly engulfed an area and guesses spilt from people's tongues, predicting what was going on inside the maze.

A faint blue light shone within the middle of the maze, though nothing proceeded to happen. After a minute or so of wondering, a simple shot of red sparks flew into the sky and bursted into a firework-like shape.

Gusts of wind flew by and Fluer Delacore was brought out of the maze instantly, shivering and moaning in pain. Prominent scars were scattered across her face and her lips were quivering drastically from the cold — and fear.

The next minutes flew by and Krum arrived as well, leaving only Harry and Cedric to find the Triwizard cup and all anxiety to vanish.

"It's down to the last two champions!" Dumbledore declared.

Hoots scattered throughout the perimeter and we were all elated to get to the end of all of this stress. Everything was turning out alright.

I was staring at the entrances of the maze, waiting for Harry or Cedric to waltz out at any minute. They never did.

As time passed slowly, Draco placed his hand in mine but said nothing, knowing that was all I needed,

"What is taking so long?" Hermione mumbled from behind us, furiously picking at the skin around her nails. "It's been too long. Do you think they're okay?"

"Hermione," I began, "Harry is invincible."

She nodded skeptically and we all stared at the ground below us in complete silence.

"I bet Harry will end up winning," Draco whispered. "He always gets himself into danger and then reaps the benefits."

"Jealous?" I asked.


I nodded dismissively at his sarcastic response. I suddenly saw two figures pop up as if they used a portkey.

Cheers rung through the crowd and I followed, screaming out of pure joy that both boys were alive and well.

As I noticed the cheering die down considerably, I furrowed my eyebrows. Draco seemed to realize what everyone was panicking about because he gripped my hand tightly and spun me around, pulling Finn with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, chuckling nervously.

"Listen, don't look over there. Understand?"

I nodded hesitantly while Finn busted through Draco's grip and scurried down the stands to check out what happened for himself.

I began hyperventilating out of fear. Was Harry okay? Did Cedric get injured? Why couldn't I look? If something happened wasn't there a spell that could fix it?

Draco gently placed his hand on the back of his neck and pulled me into his chest, whispering affirmations.

"What happened?" I hurriedly quizzed.


That's all he had to say for me to understand. I was in utter shock and denial. There was no way. He held me tighter than ever but I couldn't feel the pain. From behind, Hermione's eyes filled with tears as well and Ron held her hand tightly.

I then realized Finn was not going to be okay. I let go of Draco and took a deep breath, still staying strong for the others. I sprinted back indoors, guessing that my brother needed to get away from the audience to be alone after the atrocious incident.

"Y/n, leave him," Draco said.

I shook my head violently and waved. While running indoors, I winced at Amos' and Harry's screams as their loved ones lied lifeless in front of their eyes. My heart physically broke each time Amos begged for his son to come back.

I used all my strength to put my foot after another. I quickly entered the Hufflepuff common room, knowing immediately how to get in after Finn showing me awhile back.

The stairs were a short distance to his dorm and I knocked three times, waiting patiently for a response. Nothing.

I sighed and opened the door. Finn was sprawled across Cedrics bed, face down, gripping the pillows tightly.

"Finn? Are you okay?"

I scolded myself for asking such a stupid question. Is he okay? Of course he's not okay, his best friend just died in front of his eyes and my own boyfriend tried to cover it up.

I got no response so I walked up and sat on the edge of Cedrics bed, rubbing Finns shoulder softly so he at least knows I'm there for him.

It may have looked awkward from an outsiders perspective, but still, it was the most sentimental and difficult moment we've shared since we met.

I lost track of time, simply thinking and comforting him. I didn't know whether he was crying or numb to the pain, until he showed his face.

He sat up and stared at the ground, no tear-stains or flushed face present. Just a numb boy.

"I'm so sorry, Finn," I whispered. "I can't imagine what you're going through."

"You can," he began. "You never shed a tear when our parents stopped caring because you wasted all of those tears on Eleanor."

I shook my head to stop his oncoming rant, though he kept going and I had to take it. He's not himself. He's hurting. He's lost the first and only close friend he's ever had.

"Y/n, our parents are Death Eaters. How else would they know that You-know-who was coming back? Why would they send me here to protect you? I know they don't care about you, but they did enough to keep you from dying."

A single tear slid down my cheek, over the crook of my nose, and onto my mouth, salty residue remaining on my lips.

"I'm not going back, Finn."

"I am."

I nodded at his final decision and we sat in silence for awhile, adjusting to the new mournful vibe suffocating the once crisp summer air.


Harry informed me his side of the story. The cup was indeed a portkey, brought straight to Voldemort and the Death Eaters and placed by our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher himself: Mad-Eye Moody. Although it was just Barty Crouch Jr. using Polyjuice potion.

It was now the last day at Hogwarts, my decision to stay with Snape — but visit my friends frequently — finalized.

Dumbledore asked us all to meet him in the great hall before we depart for summer; he intended on speaking a few words of wisdom for Cedric. It was a kind gesture, however, no words could make up for the death of a charming boy that we all knew and loved. No words could depict the hurt we went through. No words would ever make this incident fine.

June 24th will forever be engraved in our brains. The Muggles, the half-bloods, the pure-bloods, and the squibs all come together as one to honor our special Hufflepuff.

I stood in between Finn and Draco, both in black suits while I had a black dress on. Dumbledore then began speaking.

"Today, we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard-working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort!"

Hermione cringed in front of me and Finns lip quivered, resulting in me to grab his hand firmly. Draco locked eyes with me and he sent a sorrowful smile.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me — reminds us — while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship ever made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and a Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true, right to the very end."

We all clapped softly at his speech and took our time to evacuate the great hall. Finn, Draco, and I were left with Fred and George alone in the great hall.

The twins patted him solemnly on the back and headed to their dorm to pack up. Finn motioned for us to leave so we obeyed, leaving him with his thoughts.

Draco and I stalked off towards the Slytherin common room and entered our separate dorms, stuffing all of our belongings into our trunks until it was nearly impossible to fasten.

Once Pansy was packed, she helped me and we finished quickly, meeting Draco in the common room, Blaise awkwardly following after him. They both were fighting and we, still, had no insight as to what it was even about.

With the power of magic, our belongings would be in the compartment, awaiting our arrival. In the meantime, we headed outdoors, mingling with the two other schools that visited Hogwarts for the year.

Hugs, handshakes, and tears were exchanged throughout the crowd. I even noticed Victor Krum drag Hermione to the side of the crowd to say goodbye.

Fluer Delacore waved goodbye to me and I returned a smile and wave as well. She then went over to thank and kiss Ron on the cheek. As expected, his face grew Gryffindor red and his smile was wider than usual.

The three school were completely unified at that moment. Addresses were swapped and jokes were distributed to lighten the mood after all the downhill events going on.

As the school of Durmstrang hopped on their ship to return to their own school, we all cheered and waved.

When the Beauxbatons girls soared away to their school, we were left with a bittersweet sensation.

Pansy nudged me and I nudged her back playfully. As a school, we collectively congregated near the Hogwarts express to leave for the summer.

Snape informed me to meet him when the train stopped, we would apparate to his home from there.

Finn officially decided to go back to my parents. He attempted to convince me to tag along but I didn't budge.

Draco informed his parents that I would be most likely staying with them for the first half of summer if Snape allows it. Ron also informed his family that I would be staying for the last half of summer if all goes as planned. Molly was ecstatic and Arthur was eager to question me on Muggle contraptions.

The scarlet train whistled and blew smoke aggressively. We rushed into an empty compartment, me sitting with Draco while Pansy and Blaise snuggled across from us.

I rested my head on Draco's shoulder and closed my eyes, exhilarated for having a father figure but also imagining what mad situation we would get ourselves into next year.

Word Count: 3151

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