The Enchantress

Por stupidsimp100

138K 3.4K 556

{I never thought to find you in my madness} Adaline Forbes has spent her life alone, after living in her twin... Más

Part 1: The Breaking
Part 2: The Falling
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six

Twenty One

2.8K 92 21
Por stupidsimp100

The night was still. That should've been the first sign.

For a late November night, it was considerably warm. The moon was full, the stars were bright, everything looked good. Like the world had finally found it's place, found that missing puzzle piece and completed the picture.

It had been a few days after Ms. Mystic Falls, April had won, which Ada thought she deserved, although it made Ada sad that Aria wasn't there to celebrate. Although Ada tried not to think about it, because things were going relatively well.

Usually in winter, things were bad. Seasonal depression was a real and very horrible bitch, that Ada usually struggled with. And she didn't want to jinx herself or something, but, Ada didn't feel bad at all. In fact, she felt better than she had in a long time.

Things were getting better, she was no longer arguing with Caroline, she was getting closer to Stefan, and well, there was Klaus.

When Ada walked up her driveway after a long day at school, and the several hours in the forest, everything was still good. Hopping up her porch steps, Ada reached for the door handle, only to see the door was already slightly agar.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.


She really didn't need her useless paranoia spoiling her good mood, just because the door was the littlest bit open, did not mean the world was going to implode. She didn't need an anxiety spiral right now. It was weird, Aria used to be the super paranoid, anxiety ridden one of the pair, but soon after Aria's death, it had been like Ada inherited all those traits.

Taking a long, deep breath, Ada pushed open the door. No one was there. Of course. Glancing down, Ada only saw her mother's shoes on the ground, most likely she'd come home from a long shift and forgotten to close the door fully. Ada huffed, of course everything was fine. It didn't matter how many times Ada tried to convince herself, she remained on high alert.

Walking into the house and taking off her shoes, Ada closed the door fully, locking it, then checking it one more time to make sure it was locked. Shrugging off her coat, Ada walked to kitchen, whistling to herself as she opened the fridge, pulling out the ingredients for a sandwich.

Putting mustard on her bread, then adding cheese and a slice of ham, Ada put some lettuce and a pickle. And the master sandwich was complete. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet behind her, Ada was about to fill it up with water, when a floorboard creaked.

Ada's head whirled around.

Immediately holding her hands up in fists as a defence, Ada glanced around the room, no one was there. Carefully wandering out into the hallway, Ada glanced around again, canvassing the house.

"Mom?" She called out cautiously "Caroline?"

No reply.

Ada dropped her hands, exhaling deeply. The house was over 30 years old, it was allowed to make noise.

A tap came at the window.

Ada jumped, ready to fight. Her heart was racing, about to rip through her chest. More taps.

Then, Ada realized, and she almost laughed at herself. It was just raining. Although that struck the witch as odd, considering it had just been a beautiful night minutes ago.

Whatever, Mother Nature could change her mind if she wanted too. Ada didn't care. Shaking out her limps and taking some long deep breathes, Ada walked back into the kitchen.

The floorboards creaked again. Ada ignored it.

The lights flickered. She ignored it.

Finishing filling her glass with water, Ada slid onto a bar stood that sat at the island. Just as she was about to pull her food in front of her, it happened.

Ada's head went smashing into the marble counter top, a blow that was obliviously meant to knock her out. But she was stronger than she looked.

Flying backwards, Ada and the barstool toppled over, leaving Ada staring at the ceiling, and her assailant, who loomed over her.
Another joined him, Ada's eye sight blurred.

Crawling backward, she scrambled up, and bolted for the door, confused to why they weren't chasing her. Throwing a glance back, Ada rammed into something else. Someone was blocking the door.

"What the fuck?" Ada backed up, she was trapped "who the fuck are you"

Slowly, the room filled with more people, forming a circle around her. It was all her nightmares come true.

"Adaline Forbes?" A man asked, dressed in jeans and a button up

"That's fucking me" Although in that moment, she wished it wasn't "why the fuck are you in my house?"

The man threw a few glances to the people who stood a around the circle. He nodded, and some of them started coming closer "we're the Gemini coven, but that doesn't matter now, none of this does"

Everything was blurry. Ada was most likely concussed. All she felt were people grabbing her, she immediately started to flail, shrugging against there grasp.

She was so disoriented and so confused, what the actual fuck was going on? She couldn't even fully be afraid, she didn't even know what was happening, all she knew was that she wouldn't let it happen.

Her squirming made her harder to hold. And in the nick of time, someone accidentally grabbed her hand to hold her down.

She felt it.

Whoever these people were, they were magic. It was churning in there bones. Witches.

Siphoning the witch holding her, they immediately screamed, pulling themselves out of there grasp. Ada was partially free.

Before she could make her next move, she was pushed to the floor, a heavy weight on top of her. They pinned her arms behind her back, and then she heard it.

The clink of chains. No, she wouldn't allow them to put those horrid hell chains on her again.

Just as the chains brushed Ada's hand, a burning sensation coursed through her body. No. No. No.

In a final attempt to save herself, Ada built up all her rage and strength, and pushed back against the heavy thing holding her. Letting out a death defining scream as she did.

Then, the world blurred once more.

But this time, not with the darkness of her defeat, no, the colour the world blurred into was completely different.

Sound slipped away. Ada stayed on the floor, holding her head to the ground, squeezing her eyes shut. All the magic had slipped away, she was empty.

The weight was no longer there, she could've moved if she wanted too, but she lay stalk still.

Ada had no idea how long she lay there for, but she could feel it. Sticky and thick, but most of all she could smell it. It was horrible. It only caused her to close her eyes tighter, as if the world outside would just disappear if she didn't acknowledge it.

But she knew it was there.

At the slowest speed anyone may have ever moved in their entire life, Ada pried her eyes open, and moved to a standing position.

The entree of her house look like a scene straight out of a horror movie, for darkness did not over take Ada's vision, blood did.

It dripped, thick and heavy from the walls, across the floors, seeping into the floorboards and into the wallpaper. Bodies, lay around her, headless. Only stubs of necks remained, organs falling out, and the worst part, was that upon closer inspection, it wasn't just blood that consumed the walls.

Ada leaned over and puked onto the body of the man that had spoken.

Small bits of brains were everywhere.

What had she done?


The world spun as Ada tried to grasp the situation. What the hell had happened? One minute she was eating a sandwich, and now seven dead bodies were headless on her floor.

Seven people.

They had tried to attack her, she retaliated. It was self defence, her power just consumed her, she couldn't control. Her emotions acted for her, and this was the result.

Ada was covered, from head to toe, in blood, or brains, or something horrible that made her want to crawl out of her skin. Looking at the carnage over and over and over, Ada waited to wake up from this nightmare, but she never did. The blood stayed, the brains stayed, her fear stayed.

Once her emotions stopped running at a million miles per hour, Ada realized the situation she was in. She had to clean this up. She wasn't strong enough to move the bodies. Her mind flung itself into planning mode, trying to figure out how she could possibly get this all cleaned up. She was panicking to the highest degree, this was bad. Really really fucking bad.

Her mind came to one conclusion, she needed help.

Gingerly, Ada grabbed the phone out of her pocket, it was clean, protected by the fabric of her pants. She called the only person she could.

It rang, and rang, an rang until hi! This is Caroline Forbes! I'm currently away from my phone, so leave a message!

Ada didn't leave a voicemail, she called again and again, but with no prevail. There was someone else she could call. Again the phone rang, and rang, and fuck Stefans Salvatores phone, leave a message Ada didn't leave a message

Scrolling through her phone, Ada's finger lingered over Alaric's contact, he would've answered. If he would have been that much help was debatable, but he would've picked up the goddamn phone.

Ada's hands trembled, with her luck, the cops would show up right now. She had killed so many people, without even knowing what they wanted with her. Gemini Coven. Ada was too frazzled to figure out why that felt familiar.

Cursing under her breath, Ada was at a loss, she was on her own. She had done everything in her life on her own, and now, the one time she needed someone, there was no one to be found. It was sort of poetic.

Scrolling through a very short contact list, Ada finally realized who she had to call. This day was only getting worse and worse. Begrudgingly, she pressed the call button, putting the phone to her ear, this was her last chance.

It rang once, then twice, he wasn't going to pick up, then a third time, this was useless, and as she was going to put the phone down, she heard it "hello, love"

Fuck, she didn't even know what she was planning on saying "Klaus" it came out as a hoarse whisper, and the teasing manner in his voice slipped away

"Are you alright?" He asked

Ada exhaled a shaky breath "you know, you know I wouldn't be asking this if it wasn't one hundred percent necessary, but uh" god, she hated stuttering

She was silent for a minute, Klaus had thought she hung up "I really really need your help,"

"Where are you?" Was his next question

"At my house," she answered "you need to come right now" then the line went silent, glancing at her phone, she realized he hung up

A knock came at the door seconds later. Trying to not look at the bodies on the floor, Ada uncomfortably shuffled to the door, stepping over a headless man to do so. Whatever Klaus was expecting, wasn't going to be this, and Ada knew it. But it was too late, she had already called him, and the people were already dead.

She threw the door open, revealing her crimes. He stood there for a second, clearly stunned "bloody hell" he mumbled, and Ada couldn't tell if he was making a pun or was dead-serious

"Are you okay?" Was his first question after looking Ada up and down

"Yeah, it's not my blood," she opened the door just a little bit more so he could come in "come inside, I don't want my neighbours seeing this"

He hesitantly stepped inside, taking in the entirety of the situation, it was horrendous "what happened?"

"Uh" Ada shut the door, locking it "they tried to attack me," she pointed to the chains that lay in  a bloody heap on the floor "I don't know why, but I got angry and-"

"You blew their heads off" Klaus finished her sentence, staring at the room in shock "yeah, yeah I can see that"

Ada's eyes remained on him as he looked around. He couldn't be judging her, he wasn't allowed to judge her, considering he'd done a lot worse for a lot less reason. "Uh, ok so I really just need you to help me carry the bodies, to the forest, cause I'm not strong enough on my own"

He turned to look at her "you can't clean this all up by yourself"

"Yes I can" Ada snapped "now stop looking around like a dimwitted moron and help me"

Klaus opened his mouth, a grin forming across his face, before he actually started laughing out loud "what the fuck are you doing?" Ada snapped again, but he couldn't control himself

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I just," he tried to catch his breathe "you just obliterated seven people, and are getting mad at me, for not helping you quickly enough" he shook his head "I just think you need to get your priorities straight love"

Ada was not amused at all. A bit of brains landed on the floor with a splat "shut up and help me"

And without anymore fuss, he did. With some weird maneuvering, and some arguing about how to properly pick up a body, it took the pair over two hours to move all the bodies deep into the forest. Deep enough so no one would find them. Rain fell heavily down against them, as they stared at the seven headless bodies lined up in the dirt.

"Do you have a shove?" Klaus asked, speaking loudly over the rain

Ada shook her head, "give me your arm"

"What- no, god I really hate when you do that, it hurts like hell" Klaus complained, backing away so she couldn't siphon him

"Don't be a baby!" Ada yelled back, rolling her eyes. She huffed when he didn't come closer "it doesn't hurt if you give me permission" Ada grumbled

Klaus gaped "why didn't you tell me this earlier?" He stepped closer to her just as she was about to speak "actually, don't answer that, I already know it's because I didn't ask"

Ada smirked "now your getting the hang of things"

He offered out his hand, confused to why she needed it in the first place "here"

When Ada started to siphon him, Klaus still kind of expected it to hurt, but surprisingly enough, it didn't. She removed her hand just as quickly as she put it, Klaus watched as she kneeled down, getting her pants in the mud, although it probably didn't matter at that point.

Gently, Ada put her hand flat against dirt, which the rain had turned into mud. She let the world still around her, feeling the earth under her hands, everything was alive. But that wasn't why she was here, this time, she had to make the forest a little bit more dead.

Impatiently watching her, Klaus was about to comment on the amount of time it was taking, until he saw it. The bodies were sinking. Getting consumed by the mud, it was like the earth had gotten hungry, and swallowed the bodies whole. It was the first time Klaus had seen such a thing.

Once the bodies were gone, it was like they had never been there in the first place, the ground looked like it hadn't just eaten seven people. Ada got up from her kneeling position, mud smeared across her hand.

The rain made her hair stick to her face, she attempted to push it away, but she couldn't use her hands if she didn't want blood or dirt to get on it. Klaus smiled slightly at her struggle, leaning towards her, Klaus used his hand to push it away, revealing her beautiful brown eyes staring back at him.

They stood there, like this day wasn't a total nightmare, for a few seconds. His hand on her cheek, her staring up at his deep blue eyes, for a moment, Ada let herself lean into his hand. When it was just the two of them, things did really feel, completely and utterly fine.

Ada suddenly flinched away "we need to go inside"

Klaus nodded.

Ada had to keep moving. She couldn't pause to think about what she had actually done, how everything had been good, then gone to complete and utter shit the next minute. If she stopped to think about the situation she was in, she might just melt into a puddle on the floor.

By the time they got back, the blood had dried quite a bit. Which just made Ada's job one million times harder. "You can go now, thanks for your help"

Klaus rolled his eyes "there's no way you can clean this up by yourself" shaking his head, Klaus walked towards the door "I'm staying to help you, let me just grab the bleach from my car"

Ada stood there, quite confused for a few minutes, angry that he refused to leave, happy that he refused to leave, and really confused to why he had bleach in his car. When he got back, that's what she started with "why the fuck do you just have bleach in your car?"

"You never know what a situation might need" Klaus shrugged like it was totally normal, "now, we should probably get to work"

Ada nodded in agreement. She pulled out mops and soaps and every cleaning supply that Caroline ever hoarded, which Ada was now extremely thankful that she did. They worked in comfortable silence, Ada taking the worse job of scraping up the chunks of, the chunks of, she couldn't even utter it without wanting to puke.

Klaus was actually pretty good at cleaning, Ada had to just assume that it wasn't his first time cleaning up a crime scene.

The pair spent ages scrubbing the walls and mopping the floor with bleach. Ada put the bloody chunks of miscellaneous parts of the brain in a food waste bag, then mixed actual food waste in aswell, which included a very disgusting fish, in a hopes to cover up the scent of flesh.

Hours later, it was near four o'clock in the morning, when they had almost finished.

"Okie dokie" Ada mumbled, surveying her almost clean entry way, that smell like hospital. She grabbed a trash bag and opened it "do you mind put the chains in here?" She asked Klaus, considering she couldn't touch them

Klaus did what she asked, holding the bag open as she put glasses and hats the seven people must've wore in the bag as well, glancing around, Ada made sure everything was completely clean, when she remembered.

"Oh fuck" she mumbled, suddenly pulling off her shirt

"What the hell are you doing?" Klaus exclaimed with a furrowed brow

Ada dunked the shirt in garbage bag, then started taking off her pants "keep your dick in your trousers, there's no way I can wear these again, might aswell get rid of them"

"Smart" Klaus remarked, trying to act nonchalant even as his eyes took her in.

She wore a black sports bra and white underwear, even though that wasn't what Klaus focused on. What he really noticed, were the ribs poking out from behind her skin, and the spin vertebrae's he could count on her back. It wasn't like she was sickly, but it was just highly noticeable.

She felt uncomfortable underneath his eyes, not because he was looking at places he shouldn't be, but because she knew he was looking at all the places she hated about herself. "Stop" she snapped

"What?" Her anger snapped him out of his trance

Ada gritted her teeth "your thinking to yourself that I need to eat a burger, don't worry I know"

"That's not what I was thinking at all"

Ada rolled her eyes at his lies "then enlighten me, what were you thinking?" he didn't care, he though she was the most handsome girl in the world anyways that's what he thought, but he couldn't say that, so he stayed silent

"Throw that away," she pointed to the garbage bag in his hands, "I'm going to take a shower" she scampered up the stairs to the shower, expecting him to be gone when she came down.

She watched the blood fall down the drain. Seven people. Gemini Coven. What the fuck was a Gemini Coven? Where they a coven of witches who were all born in June? Gemini Coven it was familiar, that was for sure, Ada kept hearing the man say it over and over.

Gemini Coven.

When she finished her shower and put on some pyjamas, she walked down the stairs, to see that Klaus was still there. Fuck. He sat on the floor with his back pressed up to the wall, it still smelled like hospital.

Ada walked by him, pretending he wasn't there, and grabbed an air freshener from a kitchen cabinet. Ada continued to ignore him as she sprayed a copious amount of air freshener. To a point where Klaus thought he might die if she sprayed anymore "I think that's enough"

Ada stopped and glared at him, standing there for a few seconds before begrudgingly putting the cap back on the bottle. "You should be thanking me, little witch, I helped you out of the kindness of my heart"

"Oh shut it" Ada rolled her eyes, but still walked over and took a seat next to him. They sat in silence "have you ever heard of the Gemini Coven?" Ada questioned

Klaus furrowed his brow "I'm not really the one you should be asking, my brother Kol is the one who knows a lot about witchcraft," he shrugged "I've always just found it confusing"

"Well your no help then" Ada sighed, she leaned her head back against the wall, looking over at him, Ada started memorizing the curves of his face. She didn't really even know she was doing it, she just was.

Then she remembered.

"Holy fuck" Ada gasped in shock "holy fuck, holy fuck, HOLY FUCK!" Ada grabbed onto Klaus's shoulder

"What?" He exclaimed, visibly confused

She had figured it out "the Gemini Coven! Of course!"

"You're not making any sense"

"The Gemini Coven they- ok, so your mother told me that I was the last living siphon currently, but if I am correct, then the Gemini's are a coven with a siphon problem, like" Ada struggled to explain the situation "their coven is more likely to birth siphons then anyone other coven, and if those siphon get out of hand, they banish them to places called prison worlds it's like a specific Gemini coven prison thing"

Klaus kind of understood what she was saying "so these people that you killed, they were apart of the Gemini coven, and wanted to put you in this prison world thing?"

Ada almost laughed, it sounded really weird "ok well, I get that it sounds kind of outlandish, but it's my best guess"

Klaus smiled, she was so endearing when she got excited "it seems like a pretty informed guess"

"Thanks" Ada smiled, letting go of his shoulder and letting her her hand fall beside her.

Their hands were right beside each other's, millimetres apart. Ada kept glancing down at it, then away, because it didn't matter. It was stupid.

Then she felt his hand gingerly touch hers, her eyes immediately snapped back down, looking at their hands, now touching. Butterflies soared through her stomach.  This was so stupid.

She inched her hand closer to his.

He turned over his palm, and it took all of Ada's power to move her hand closer to his, all she could think about was how stupid this was.

She watched as she hand moved into his, their fingers interlocking. They fit perfectly together. It was like a jolt of lightning surged through her arm, every nerve was on high alert, but everything feel calm at the same time.

She looked around the room, making sure to not look at the persons hand she was holding.

Then, the world felt like it slowed. At the speed of molasses, a tiny little drip of red formed from the ceiling, dangled, and then fell, right in front of the two.

Ada ripped her hand away from Klaus's "fuck"

Ada's brow creased, sighing in frustration "somehow it must've gotten upstairs" Ada hopped up "I'm going to go check it out"

Klaus nodded, "just yell if you need me"

"Got it" Ada saluted Klaus as she left. Why the fuck did she salute him? She was so weird, but holding hands with him felt so perfect. She wanted to do it again. Although she doubted she would get the chance considering she just saluted him. What the actual fuck was she thinking?

Wandering through the upstairs hallway, Ada walked towards her mother's room, knowing it was right below where Klaus and her were siting. Ada opened the door.

Klaus waited downstairs for awhile, contemplating if holding her hand was the right move. He was one thousand years old, and he couldn't decide if holding a girls hand had been the right move. This was a new low. A part of him wanted to run away from Mystic Falls and never see her again.

Lost in his thoughts, he hadn't noticed the quiet, "Ada?" He called out. No reply. His heart skipped a beat.

Quickly making his way upstairs, his worry slipped away when he saw her standing in a doorway, looking into one of the rooms. "Ada" he repeated, walking towards her. He rested a hand on her shoulder, she didn't flinch.

Finally, he looked into the room.

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