Creepypasta boyfriend scenari...

De KreepyKitten2000

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This is a creepypasta boyfriend scenarios book. Accepting new characters and chapter ideas. When suggesting... Mais

Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios
First Meeting Him
Hanging out
This weird feeling around him
When he confesses
When he asks you out
Authors note (sorry!)
First date/Seeing his human form
Christmas Special/first kiss Part 1
Christmas Special/First kiss part 2
First Kiss (Redo)
When you snuggle
When he yells at you
When he apologizes
When he gets jealous
Time of the month
When he meets your parents O.o
Meeting Your Parents Part 2
Author's note
When you kill someone
Happy Easter!
When He Has To Leave
When He Comes Back
When You Help Him Relax
When he catches you reading a fanfic about him
Happy Appy
Bloody Painter
Jane the Killer
When You Get Jealous
When he walks in on you while you're changing
When he tries to be/is sexy
When he catches you fangirling
His friend catches you making out
He catches you singing
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman One Shot
Slenderman Oneshot
Slenderman Oneshot
When He Reads Your Diary


17.3K 221 55
De KreepyKitten2000

First meeting him

You were walking home from a party at night. Your (Favorite Color) dress was gently swaying from the light breeze. You walked by the park that was near your house and stopped and looked at it. You smiled and started walking towards the swings and sat down on one. Looking up at the night sky you started to lightly swing back and forth. You stopped when you thought you felt someone watching you. You got off and started walking back to your house, but the feeling got stronger. Stopping you turned around and started looking at the park. Your eyes widened when you saw a man leaning on a tree at the edge of the woods watching you, his arms crossed. He uncrossed his arms and stood up straight and started walking towards you. You gasped and started slowly walking backwards. The man stopped walking and stood staring at you with you staring back. It was completely silent, the night sounds gone as he stretched an arm out and held out his hand, inviting you to come to him like a scared animal. You didn't know if you should go to him, or walk away. You didn't want him to follow you home and know where you lived, but you didn't want to go over to him. Sighing in defeat you walked over to him. When you got closer you started noticing things about him. He was wearing a doctor outfit and a surgical mask with a smile drawn on it. He was pretty tall and had black hair, but what got your attention was his eyes. His eyes were red. Gulping you looked at the ground. You tensed up as he walked towards you and held out his hand. You shyly took it and he gave a firm hand shake. "Hello, my name's Dr. Smiley and who might you be?" You blushed at his voice and stuttered out "(Y-Y/N)." He nodded his head and looked around. "Sorry to scare you earlier. I just got done with my shift and decided to come here to relax when I saw you." You nodded your head and look around the park. "I should be going, it was nice to meet you (Y/N)." Dr. Smiley said and you waved as he turned around and started to leave.

Hanging out

After meeting Dr. Smiley you two have been meeting up and talking for about 2 months now. Today you two were in the woods, sitting on a branch in a tree. Looking at the view you turned your attention to Dr.Smiley who was looking at the ground. "Hey Smiley?" You asked getting his attention. "Why do you wear your mask all the time? I've never seen you without it." Smiley looked over at you and shrugged his shoulders. "It helps me hide my face and gives me comfort. I guess I'm just really self conscious." You giggled at him and stood up on the branch, using the tree trunk for balance. Looking at the trees sway in the wind you smiled. "I'm not going to ask you to take it off, I was just curious. I don't judge on looks or occupation. I judge on personality and from what I've gotten from you, you have an amazing one. I just want you to be comfortable around me, so don't think that you have to take it off." You looked at your watch and sighed. "We should get going before it gets dark." You started climbing down the tree, barely missing the blush that had appeared on his cheeks.

This weird feeling around him

After the day at the park with Smiley you had been feeling weird. Your chest started to hurt when he was gone, and your heart sped up when he was around you. You started stuttering and your face grew hot when he complimented you. You thought you were sick so you were lying in bed today. You heard a knock on your door and you groaned as you walked towards it to open it. "Hello?" You quietly said, but then felt your face flush red. Dr.Smiley was standing behind the door. "S-Smiley... Wh-What are you doing here?" "I-I came over to see if you wanted to do something today since I have off." You shyly looked down and shook your head. "I-I um can't. I'm sick." You saw his mask move up as he smiled and leaned against the door frame. "Why don't I come in and help you?" "No thanks, I just need some rest. See you tomorrow!" You hurriedly said and closed the door, running back to your bed and under the covers. You heard movement in your house and looked out the bedroom door to see Smiley walking in your house. 'That idiot!' You thought as he came into your room. He took one of his gloves off and placed it on your red forehead. "Fever, I'll get you some water and something to eat. Just rest, I'll take care of you."

When he confesses (From when you're sick)

(Dr. Smiley's POV)

(Y/N) has been acting strange lately so I decided to go to her house to make sure everything was ok. She's changed me a lot, especially that one day. "I'm not going to ask you to take it off, I was just curious. I don't judge on looks or occupation. I judge on personality and from what I've gotten from you, you have an amazing one. I just want you to be comfortable around me, so don't think that you have to take it off." I never realized what a kind spirit she was. Sighing to myself I knocked on her door. It took some time but she finally opened it up. "Hello?" She asked and then her face turned red. "S-Smiley... Wh-What are you doing here?" She asked me and I needed to come up with a quick excuse. I couldn't just tell her that I wanted to see her. "I came over to see if you wanted to do something today since I have off." She looked down and shook her head. "I-I um can't. I'm sick." I smiled from beneath my mask and leaned against the door frame. "Why don't I come in and help you?" I asked hoping that she would say yes but that wasn't the case. "No thanks, I-I just need some rest. See you tomorrow!" She quickly said and then shut the door. I stood outside her door contemplating if I should go in or not, but my body worked on it's own and opened the door and went inside. I started wandering her house and saw her bedroom door open with her in bed. I went inside and straight to her. Taking my glove off I placed my hand on her forehead which was red, along with the rest of her face. It felt hot, "Fever, I'll get you some water and something to eat. Just rest, I'll take care of you." I walked out the room and to the kitchen. I got her her glass of water and started going through her cupboards looking for some soup. I found some and started heating it up. While I was waiting for it I leaned against the counter thinking. "I haven't felt like this ever, it's so weird." The microwave beeped and I took out the soup. When I got back to her room she was sitting up reading a book. Placing the food on her nightstand she looked up at me and then back to her book. "S-Smiley... How long did you go to school for being a doctor?" I stopped and thought about it. My father had been a doctor and so I learned most of what I know from him, but actually going to school for it? "I think maybe 6 years, why?" "Just wondering how long I have left. I guess I really never did tell you what I'm going for. I want to be a nurse and work in the surgical field." I smiled and patted her head. "I could help you with that." She frowned and looked up at me. "I think I'll stick to school, but thank you for the offer." I chuckled and sat down in a chair by her bed. "Smiley, do you know what sickness I might have if I told you my symptoms?" I shrugged my shoulders "Probably, so what are they?" "Well, my chest will hurt at some points, my heart will beat faster, I stutter a lot now too, and I'll blush for no reason. I haven't a clue on what it might be." I sat there shocked that she was having the same problem as me. "Smiley, are you ok?" She asked me causing me to snap out of my faze. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I need to go though." I quickly got up and ran towards her door, but stopped before I could leave. "You didn't tell me what is causing this." (Y/N) asked me. I slowly turned around and answered her. "I know what it is because I'm experiencing it myself." I stopped and took a deep breath. "(Y/N), your symptoms lead to the conclusion of love."

When he asks you out

It's been a week since Smiley was at your house. You hadn't heard anything from him either. Your heart ached and you were worried about him. "I know what it is because I'm experiencing it myself." "(Y/N), your symptoms lead to the conclusion of love." You flopped down on your couch and groaned. 'This isn't fair. He tells me that he loves me and then leaves.' You sighed in annoyance and got back up. Usually you would be doing something with Smiley, but he just had to disappear on you. You heard a knock at your door and walked over to see who it was. You gasped when you saw Smiley standing there. Your surprise vanished and left you frowning. You slammed to door on him and walked into your kitchen. You weren't surprised when you saw him walk in after you. "(Y/N)-" You cut him off, "Don't (Y/N) me! You left me! You can't just do that!" "(Y/N)-" "You can't just say that you love someone and then walk away and leave for a week! That's just wrong! Do you know how much I was worried about you? A lot, I thought that something bad might have happened to you." He walked up to you and wrapped you in a hug. You tried fighting him at first and struggled, but stopped after a while. "Don't do anything like that again." You muttered through his coat. "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" "W-Would you g-go on a date with me?" He said me very quietly and you giggled. "I would love to Smiley."

First date

You were dressed in a nice pair of black skinny jeans, a red one shoulder shirt, and black flats. With make up on and your hair slightly wavy, you smiled to yourself and spun around. Smiley decided that you two would go out for dinner and you were really excited. The doorbell rang and you made your way downstairs and to the door. Opening it up you saw Smiley standing there. He had a red button up long sleeve and a pair of black pants with a pair of nice black shoes. The best part was he didn't have his mask on, and his eyes. They were a darker red than usual like Sebastian's from Black Butler. Smiling you let him in to grab your purse. "You look nice." You said as he came in. He smiled and blushed. "You look lovely as well." A small blush made it's way to your cheeks and you quickly hid it. "Thank you." Walking out the door and to his car you made your way to the restaurant. Once you got there he parked the car and you walked in. Looking around it was a nice little place with dim lights. Following the waiter got a booth next to the window. Smiling your thanks you both ordered a water and sat down. While sitting you kept fidgiting from nervousness. You didn't know why you were so nervous, you had known the guy for about 2 1/2 months. Smiley looked up from the menu and saw you and frowned. "What's wrong?" You jumped out of surprise and blushed, "I-I guess I'm n-nervous." He chuckled at you before blushing. "Glad I'm not the only one nervous then." You smiled and the two of you started talking. After the date Smiley brought you home. "Thanks, I had a lot of fun!" You said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before getting out and walking to your house. When you got to your door you turned around, smiled, and gave a wave to him while he tried to control the fierce blush that was appearing on his face.

When you snuggle

You had just come home from college and couldn't wait to sit down. You knew that it would be a lot of work to be a nurse but you've had this dream since you were little. Your door opened and Smiley came in. "Hey." Was all you could manage in your tired stage. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "Nothing I'm just really tired." He said and oh in understanding and sat next to you on the couch. Wrapping and arm around you, you rested your head on his chest. He pulled you closer and you smiled at him. "Go to sleep, I'll make dinner for you when you wake up." Smiling your thanks, you then proceeded to fall asleep wrapped in Smiley's arms.

First kiss

It was the first snow fall of the winter season and it just kept on snowing. Looking out the window and smiling you watched as each little snowflake fell. Smiley came into the living room and looked over at your smiling face. Looking over your shoulder you saw him standing there and got an idea. "Smiley! Let's go out and play in the snow!" He gave you an uncertain look and you just laughed and pulled him to the front door. "Come on it'll be fun!" He sighed and grabbed his coat while you put your own on and your boots. Grabbing some gloves and an ear band you ran out into the snow. Smiley came out and you threw some snow at him. He looked shocked at first but then smirk evilly. "You'd better run (Y/N)" Your eyes widened in surprise and ran away from him as he chased you. Finally tripping you fell in the snow and rolled over onto your back with your hair fanned out with snow catching in it. Smiley stood over you and you smiled up at him. "Hey." You said as you slowly got your breath back. He didn't say anything but just stared at you. You both now had your breath back and you closed your eyes. You heard him move but before you could open your eyes, you felt lips gently pressed onto yours. You kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. When you pulled away to breath, he panted out "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." You smiled and kissed his nose.

When he yells at you

You were at Smiley's 'Clinic' spending time with him. You two were just talking when he looked at the time and got up. "I'll be right back, I gotta get something." You nodded your head and sat on the couch. Suddenly you heard a scream. Jumping up you ran to where it came from. You saw a door open and stairs leading down with a light on. Running down the stairs you saw Smiley strap someone to a table and he was gagged. You sighed in relief and he turned to face you. "I heard a scream and thought that it was you! Don't do that again!" He chuckled and grabbed your hands. "You want to be a surgeon right (Y/N)?" Your eyes widened and you shook your head no knowing what he was getting at. "Smiley, no... I can't!" His chuckled disappeared and was replaced with sternness. "(Y/N), help me." "NO!" You said and got out of his grip. "(Y/N) GET BACK HERE NOW AND HELP ME!" He yelled but you were already running to the door to go home.

When he apologizes

It's been several hours since you were at Smiley's house. You were currently sitting on your bed holding your pillow in a death grip and slightly shaking. 'I've never heard him use that kind of voice before. It was... Horrifying.' You thought and jumped when your bedroom door was knocked on. You didn't say anything but panicked. You had shut and locked all your windows and doors when you got home. The door opened and you gasped when you saw Smiley. He started walking in but stopped when you started to back as far away from him as you possibly could on your bed. "(Y/N), I'm sorry-" "G-Go away!" You started shaking, you didn't want him to come close to you. He started walking in and you tried making yourself disappear into the wall, but with no luck. He hopped onto the bed and grabbed you into a hug. "(Y/N) I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you or tried to make you do that. I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me." He asked as he felt your shaking body. It was silent for a while until you finally spoke. "Just please don't make me do anything like that or use that voice again." He nodded and sighed in relief.

When he gets jealous

You and Smiley were walking around in the park when a football came and bounced in front of you. A guy about your age came running to grab it. You picked it up and tossed it to him. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and was wearing a muscle t-shirt so you could see he was clearly fit. He smiled and winked at you before running back to his friends. You felt Smiley stiffen next to you and you made an 'ew' noise and face and pulled Smiley along. He looked down at you and growled which made you look up at him. Raising an eyebrow at him you smirked. "One word for that guy...Ew." Smiley loosened up a bit but was still cautious around other guys.

Time of the month

You were sitting on your couch flipping through channels on the TV. A sharp pain in your stomach made you gasp and groan. Slowly getting up you ran to your kitchen to grab some painkillers. You were going through the cupboards and realized that you didn't have any left and sighed. "Just great." You said sarcastically to no one. "What's just great?" You heard from behind you and you spun around and saw Smiley standing there. You were about to answer when another cramp came. Smiley chuckled when he saw your face twist in a grimace which turned into a glare. "Shut the hell up Smiley. You try dealing with this." He stopped chuckling but still had the smirk on his face. He tossed you a bottle of painkillers and you looked at him. "I saw your calender and saw that you were out." You smiled at him when he pulled out some movies and chocolates as well. "And because I'm the best boyfriend ever, I got you these as well." You quickly took the pill before dragging Smiley into the living room to watch the movies.

When he meets your parents

You decided that it was finally time that Smiley met your parents. "Smiley, you ready to go?" You asked him as you looked at the time. He nodded and the two of you drove off to your parent's house. When you got there you knocked on the door and it opened up to let you in. "Hi mom, hi dad. This is my boyfriend." Smiley shook their hands and introduced himself. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. (Last Name), I'm Devin Smiley." You smiled at your parents and the 4 of you went into the dining room to eat dinner. "So Devin, what do you do for a living?" Your dad asked and you stifled a laugh. "I'm a doctor actually." "Ahh, then I guess you can help (Y/N) considering she wants to be a nurse. So where in the medical field do you work?" Smiley smiled and looked at you. "Haha I work in the surgical field, so I can definitely help (Y/N) out." Your parents smiled approvingly. When it was time to go home you hopped in the car and drove back home. In the car you turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "So Smiley, or should I call you Devin?" He smiled at you and leaned over to kiss your cheek. "Smiley on a regular day. Devin if I'm in trouble." You laughed at his response


When he has to leave

Smiley was cleaning his tools and putting them away in a bag. "Smiley, where are you going?" He looked over at you and put his stuff down. "I have to leave for work for a week." You nodded your head and smiled at him. Walking over you helped clean the tools and put them away. "So do you know where you'll be going?" He shook his head. "Not a clue sadly." "Just be careful, I don't want to have to fix you." He chuckled and placed the last tool in the bag. Kissing his cheek you waved to him. "Bye, see you in a week!" "Bye darling."

OMG this took forever to write! My teachers think that homework is so much fun that I haven't had the time to write lately! Anyways, I will now be adding Smiley into the rest of the stories. I was also thinking of adding Bloody Painter, Grinny Human form, or Smile dog Human form. Comment if you would like all three or just one please!

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