A Hogwarts Journey - The Phil...

By CaitlynHeddle

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Chloe Carter had just been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she was just 11 years... More

Introduction & Characters
Chapter 1 - Getting her Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 4 - Great Hall, the Sorting Hat & the Common Rooms
Chapter 5 - A Day at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - The Troll & Quidditch Game
Chapter 8 - Hanging out with Draco & Fight with Harry
Chapter 9 - Making up with Harry & Home for the Christmas Break
Chapter 10 - Christmas Day at the Carters
Chapter 11 - Visiting Hermione & Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 12 - Hagrid's Hut and Getting caught by Professor McGonagall
Chapter 13 - Detention with Hagrid & Fight with Draco
Chapter 14 - Talk with Hagrid & The Gryffindor Common Room
Chapter 15 - Journey to the Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 16 - Harry's defeat of Quirrell/Voldemort
Chapter 17 - Reuniting with Harry & The House Cup Feast
Chapter 18 - Going Back Home
Author's Note

Chapter 6 - The Third Floor Corridor & Charms Class

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By CaitlynHeddle

Just to let you guys know that in this chapter, Chloe and Hermione are slowly talking to Harry and Ron more but not enough for them all to become friends, but it will come in the next few chapters! 🥰

Chloe and Hermione were currently doing some homework for their classes in one of the corridors of Hogwarts and helping and talking to one another quietly. Harry and Ron were walking through the crowded corridor that Chloe and Hermione were sitting at and Fred and George joined Harry and Ron as they all spoke about Harry being a Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and also spoke about Quidditch itself.

Chloe looked up from her book and spotted Harry and Ron walking through the corridor and tapped Hermione on her shoulder as she looked at Chloe who looked back at Hermione smiling.

"I just spotted Harry and Ron. Want to join them? They're probably still speaking about Harry being a Seeker for his Quidditch team." Chloe asked Hermione who nodded her head and smiled back at Chloe.

"Let's go and see what they're talking about." Hermione said as she saw Chloe nod her head and they both packed their homework and books away in their bags and joined Harry and Ron who was standing still in the corridor talking to each other but they didn't notice that Hermione and Chloe had joined them at their sides.

"Oh go on, Harry. Quidditch is great. Best game there is! And you'll be great, too!" Ron said to Harry, excitedly but Harry felt unsure of himself about playing in the Gryffindor Quidditch team as their new seeker.

"But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry said and questioned himself while Ron shrugged his shoulders and Hermione thought now was a good time to talk out loud.

"You won't make a fool of yourself. It's in your blood." Hermione spoke out which made Harry and Ron jump as they both turned around to see Chloe and Hermione standing beside them.

"When did you get here?" Ron asked both Chloe and Hermione in surprise as they both smiled at Harry and Ron.

"Well, we were sitting over there doing some homework and I spotted you and Harry coming into the corridor and thought we would come over here to join you two." Chloe said as she saw Harry and Ron looking at them now with smiles on their faces, and Chloe turned to face Hermione with confusion on her face.

"What do you mean, it's in Harry's blood?" Chloe asked Hermione confusion written on her face and Chloe saw Harry and Ron also being confused at what Hermione just said as the three of them looked at Hermione waiting for her to say something.

"I want to show you guys something, come with me." Hermione said and rushed off further down the corridor as Chloe, Harry and Ron followed Hermione down the corridor and they stopped outside of a trophy case.

"Harry, look at this plaque!" Hermione said and pointed to a plaque of Quidditch player, one of them listed Harry's father as a Seeker. Harry, Ron and Chloe looked closely in the trophy case and Chloe then looked up at Harry who was amazed that his father was a Seeker for his own house team.  

"Whoa. Harry, you never told me that your father was a Seeker too!" Ron exclaimed to Harry who was still in shock about his father being a Seeker.

"I-I didn't know." Harry said quietly to himself, but Ron, Hermione and Chloe heard what Harry said as they all looked at Harry who was still looking at the trophy case.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were walking up a staircase towards the Gryffindor Common Room and Chloe was staying in Hermione's dorm room for the night but Chloe have already been in the Gryffindor Common Room a few times to do some homework with Hermione. Hermione had already been in the Hufflepuff Common Room a few times to do some homework with Chloe as well.

A railing on the staircase pulled in closer and Hermione looked around to where the noise was coming from but continued walking on the staircase with Chloe, Harry and Ron who were all talking with one another.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do." Ron said to Harry who then shrugged his shoulders as he looked back at Ron.

"Who doesn't?" Harry said to Ron as the staircase that they were walking on began to shudder and started to move in a different direction.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron all grabbed a hold of the railings of the staircase that they were currently on.

"Ahh!" Ron shouted out as Chloe and Hermione both gasped and looked at each other.

"What's happening?" Harry asked out loud as Hermione rolled her eyes and looked towards Harry and Ron who was confused at the staircase moving them into a different direction of the castle.

"The staircases change, remember?" Hermione said to Harry and Ron who then looked at Hermione as the realisation dawned on their faces quickly after that. The staircase stopped moving after a few minutes and the four of them stopped in a different place of the castle.

Harry tapped Ron on his shoulder, "Let's go this way." he said as he started to walk towards a door in front of him closely followed by Ron, Hermione and Chloe.

"Before the staircase moves again." Ron said out loud as the four of them reached the door in front of them and opened the door and walked into a dark, spooky corridor.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were walking along this dark corridor cautiously and the four of them were thinking the same thing in their minds while walking through this corridor but Harry asked it out loud first.

"Does anyone else feel like...that we shouldn't be here at all?" Harry asked out to Ron, Hermione and Chloe who all looked towards Harry and nodded their heads slowly at him.

"We're not supposed to be here. This is the 3rd floor and it's forbidden." Hermione said as she saw Chloe turn to look at her, Ron and Harry with a shock look on her face.

"You're telling me that the staircase that we were on had moved all of us to the 3rd floor where it is strictly forbidden for us to go into and that we are likely to get into trouble for being here if we get caught?" Chloe said as she looked at Hermione who nodded her head at her.

Suddenly, a flame lit up on a tall stone support and at that moment, the caretaker's cat Mrs. Norris came running into the corridor and meowed at the four of them who all jumped at the sounds coming from Mrs. Norris.

"Let's go!" Harry said to Ron, Hermione and Chloe as Mrs. Norris continued meowing at the four of them and Chloe was still looking at the cat.

"Guys, isn't that-?" Chloe began to say but got cut off in her sentence by Ron.

"Yes, that is Filch's cat!" Ron finished off what Chloe was going to say as she looked at Ron, Harry and Hermione who was all scared of getting caught by Filch and so did Chloe.

"Run!!" Harry shouted out as him, Ron, Hermione and Chloe started running down the dark corridor that they were in.

The flames were lit as the four of them were running down towards the end of the corridor to escape Filch and Mrs. Norris and they saw another door at the end and Harry grabbed onto the door handle and tried to pull it open but it was locked.

"It's locked!" Harry said as he continued to pull on the door as the other three were looking behind them to see if Filch and Mrs. Norris were anywhere near them.

"That's it, we're done for!" Ron said and started to accept the fact that they were going to get caught any minute now by Filch and Mrs. Norris and looked down onto the ground.

Chloe watched the two boys trying to get the door open and put her head into her face and shaking her head slightly thinking about these two idiots forgetting that they are wizards and can use their wands to unlock the door, as she then looked at Hermione who caught her eye and nodded her head towards Chloe.

"Move over!" Hermione said and pushed her way through Harry and Ron and then pulled out her own wand from her robe, "Alohomora." she said out a spell and opened the door and then looked behind her, "Get in." Hermione also said as she, Chloe, Harry and Ron all walked into the room that the door was leading into.

Harry and Chloe moved out of the way as Hermione and Ron were closing the door behind them and they all stopped to get their breath back from running down the corridor to escape Filch and Mrs. Norris.

"Alohomora?" Ron questioned Hermione on where she got that from as she turned to face Ron who was looking at her confused.

"Standard book of spells, Chapter 7." Hermione replied and saw Ron nod his head as the two of them heard noises from the other side of the door and in the corridor and they both leaned towards the door to hear Filch talking to Mrs. Norris.

Filch appeared at the start of the corridor with a light in his hand and Mrs. Norris looked up at his owner.

"Anyone here, my sweet?" Filch asked towards Mrs. Norris as she meowed back at his owner. "Come on." Filch then said as he and Mrs. Norris exited the corridor leaving Hermione, Ron, Harry and Chloe all alone again.

"Filch is gone." Hermione said and took a deep breath once again to calm herself down.

"Probably thinks this door is locked." Ron said to Hermione who then looked back at Ron.

"It was locked." Hermione said and started to argue with Ron.

"Erm, guys..." Chloe said out loud which made Hermione and Ron stop arguing and looked at Chloe, "I think the door was locked for a good reason." she then said and continued to stare at the sight in front of her and Harry who was also looking at the sight in front of them.

"What do you mean?" Ron questioned Chloe with confusion on his face.

"Come and look at where we are standing." Harry said as Ron and Hermione turned around to stand where Chloe and Harry were standing and they both gasped at what was in front of them.

There was a huge three-headed dog sleeping peacefully in front of Harry, Chloe, Ron and Hermione as the dog began to wake up, growled, yawned and growled some more before it noticed the four intruders that was in the room with them.

"AHHHHH!!" the four of them shouted out as they all ran out of the door with Harry opening the door to let him, Ron, Hermione and Chloe out of the room with the three-headed dog in it. 

They all turned quickly to shut the door while battling against the dog that was trying to escape from the room and then they eventually got the door shut and kept the dog in the room and they all ran back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were now back in the Gryffindor Common Room and were all breathless from the running that they just did to get away from the three-headed dog they saw in that room that they were in.

"What do they think they're doing? Keeping a thing like that locked up in a school." Ron grunted out as he was still trying to catch his breath back.

"You don't use your eyes, do you?" Hermione said as Ron looked at Hermione and then towards Chloe who nodded her head.

"Didn't you see what it was standing on?" Chloe asked Ron and saw him nod his head at Chloe and Hermione.

"I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads. Or maybe you guys didn't notice, there were three of them!" Ron said in a frustrated tone to his voice, as him, Harry, Hermione and Chloe started to walk up the stairs to the Gryffindor dorm rooms.

"It was standing on a trap door. Which means that it wasn't there by accident. It's guarding something." Hermione explained what she saw in the room with the three-headed dog and she also saw Harry and Ron with confusion on their faces.

"Guarding something?" Harry questioned Hermione who then nodded her head at Harry and Ron.

"That's right. Now, if you two don't mind, we are going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed...or worse, expelled!" Hermione warned Harry and Ron as she then turned and left the three of them alone shutting the door to her dorms.

"I agree with Hermione. Please don't ever do anything like that again and involve me and Hermione in it too." Chloe said to the two boys and left to join Hermione in her dorm to stay with her for the night leaving Harry and Ron alone outside of the dorm room.

"Hermione needs to sort out her priorities!" Ron said quietly to Harry who nodded his head as they went off to their dorm room that they shared with Seamus and Neville.

Chloe heard what Ron said to Harry through the faint opening of Hermione's dorm room and thought to herself about why Harry and Ron were constantly being mean about Hermione. Chloe shook off her thoughts and joined Hermione in her bed who smiled at Chloe.

"Goodnight, Chloe!" Hermione said to Chloe while still smiling at her to which Chloe smiled back at Hermione.

"Goodnight, Hermione." Chloe said as she saw Hermione turn off the light using her wand and tucked up her side of the duvet and went to sleep instantly.

Chloe then laid down on the pillow that she shared with Hermione and tucked into her side of the duvet in Hermione's bed and also went to sleep instantly.

The next morning after the situation with the three-headed dog on the 3rd floor, Chloe, Hermione, Harry and Ron were all in their Charms class together with Professor Flitwick once again along with Ava, Sophia, Hayley, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Seamus and Neville who were all in the same class as the four of them.

Harry was sitting next to Seamus and Sophia was sitting next to Hayley and was sitting behind Harry and Seamus. Chloe was sitting next to Ava and Harry meanwhile Hermione and Ron was sitting next to each other and Ava was sitting next to Hermione.

Chloe was currently talking with Hermione and Ava as she then turned to look on the opposite side of the room in the classroom and saw Draco waving at her. Chloe then waved back at Draco and smiled at him to which he smiled back at Chloe as he went back to speaking with Crabbe and Goyle and Chloe went back to speaking with Hermione and Ava. Chloe and Draco have started to talk to each other a lot more now and was becoming friends because of their project that they had to do for Professor Snape in the Potions class.

Professor Flitwick, who was a very short teacher stood on a bunch of books and faced his entire class and got ready for their Charms lesson.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, which is the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers in front of you?" Professor Flitwick asked the class, as Hermione raised her feather up and Ron looked at her and rolled his eyes at Hermione and then leaned back down onto his stack of books and listened to Professor Flitwick.

"Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement that we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick." Professor Flitwick continued on and then demonstrated the swish and flick with his own wand to the class.

"Everyone now." Professor Flitwick said to the class and Chloe, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Neville, Seamus, Ava, Sophia, Hayley, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and the rest of the class all picked up their wands and started to do to the swish and flick to their own feathers. "The swish and flick. Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Levisoa. Off you go then." he said and motioned his class to get on with their swish and flick of their wands to their own feathers.

"Wingardium Levio-saaa." Draco repeated himself as he was practising the spell with his own wand to make his feather fly.

Chloe and Ava were also both practising the spell with their own wands and attempted to make the feather fly and it took them a few times to get the spell right. Everyone else in the Charms class were all practicing the spell with their own wands to make their feathers levitate into the air as well.

"Wingardium Leviosar." Ron repeated himself numerous times and kept whacking his feather with his wand while Hermione was watching him from beside him.

Hermione then stopped Ron, "Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosarr." she said to Ron who simply nodded his head and smiled a little smile towards Hermione.

"You do it then, if you're so clever. Go on, go on." Ron said in a sarcastic tone to his voice as Hermione then straightened herself up and swished and flicked her own wand towards her feather.

"Wingardium Levisoa." Hermione said, crisply. Her feather then glowed and levitated from her desk into the air as Ron then put his head onto his books dejectedly and Hermione gave Ron a I-told-you-so look on her face.

Chloe then looked at Hermione and smiled at her to which Hermione smiled back at Chloe and gave her an encouraging nod to do the spell on her feather. Chloe then looked back at her feather and swished and flicked her own wand to her feather. 

"Wingardium Levisoa." Chloe said the spell out loud and saw her feather also glowing and levitated from her desk into the air just like Hermione's feather did a few seconds ago and she smiled at Hermione when she looked back at her.   

Professor Flitwick looked at both Chloe and Hermione and smiled at the two of them. Chloe and Hermione then looked at each other once again and smiled at one another for doing the spell correctly as Ron rolled his eyes at both Chloe and Hermione. 

"Oh well, done! See here, everyone! Ms. Granger and Ms. Carter's done it! Oh, splendid work, girls!" Professor Flitwick said and was beaming at both Chloe and Hermione. 

Seamus saw Chloe and Hermione doing the spell correctly and looked back at his own feather and began to swish and flick with his own wand. 

"Wingar Levosa. Wingard Levosa." Seamus repeated himself constantly as he was still trying to get the spell correctly said and Professor Flitwick was still looking at Chloe and Hermione with a big smile on his face. 

"Well done, girls." Professor Flitwick said to the two girls who both smiled back at their professor. 

A loud BOOM noise came from Harry's side as Seamus' feather exploded all over his face and Harry, Ron, Chloe, Hermione and Ava all jumped at the noise coming from beside them and looked towards Seamus who was now covered in black dirt. Professor Flitwick gasped and jumped himself and also looked towards Seamus. 

"Whooaaa! Ooh." Professor Flitwick responded to Seamus' face being covered in black dirt when he looked towards him. 

"I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor." Harry said, still being surprised at what Seamus just did to his feather. 

The Charms class ended a while later and Professor Flitwick gave Hermione and Chloe 5 points for their houses - Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. They received the house points for being the only two people in his class to do the spell correctly. Hermione and Chloe walked out of the class together talking with each other and Ava walked out of the class with one of her other friends, and Harry, Ron, Neville and Seamus walked out of the class together and talking and laughing with each other. 

Harry, Ron, Neville and Seamus were currently walking through the courtyards talking with each other, and Hermione and Chloe were walking closely behind the four boys talking quietly to themselves but they could hear what the boys were saying in their conversation. 

"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar. Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder why she hasn't got any friends apart from Chloe." Ron said in a sarcastic tone to his voice while making fun of Hermione and Harry, Seamus and Neville were laughing away.  

Chloe then looked at Hermione who was almost in tears and went to hug her to which Hermione hugged her back tightly and started to cry on Chloe's shoulder.

"Don't listen to what Ron is saying, honestly he isn't worth it. You're amazing, Hermione!" Chloe said, trying to comfort Hermione but all she could hear was Hermione sniffling away in her shoulder. 

Hermione pulled away from the hug with Chloe and looked at her, "Thank you, but the fact that Ron is making fun of me when I'm behind him and he does it so often behind my back along with Harry. Excuse me, I need to go." Hermione said, as she walked away from Chloe and walked past Ron, Harry, Neville and Seamus sniffling away in tears and the four boys stopped walking looking at Hermione walking away from them.

"I think she heard you." Harry said quietly to Ron. 

Chloe then walked past Ron, Harry, Neville and Seamus and hit Ron with her book and stopped in front of the four boys with disappointment on her face and she was looking mainly between Harry and Ron. 

"Yes, Harry. Hermione heard what Ron said about her and is now in complete tears, thanks to you." Chloe began to say and looked at Ron still with disappointment on her face. "I can't believe that you would say that about Hermione when she hasn't done anything to hurt you for you two to make fun of her behind her back." she continued to say and then pointed towards Harry and Ron, "And the fact that you two haven't spoke to me or Hermione since that day we came to Hogwarts together and you two are constantly making fun of my best friend. So, think about that while I go and find Hermione because of you guys." Chloe said and started to walk away from Harry, Ron, Neville and Seamus before she stopped walking and turned back around to face the four boys that was standing still. 

"By the way, you two aren't very nice even though we thought that you two were, but I guess we were wrong about the pair of you. Bye." Chloe said with a bit of anger in her voice and walked away to find Hermione leaving Harry and Ron alone with Neville and Seamus. 

Harry and Ron had a bit of guilty looks on their faces for making fun of Hermione and upsetting Chloe for making fun of her best friend as they continued walking to their next class with Neville and Seamus. 

Chloe then followed Hermione and saw her going into the girls' bathroom while wiping her tears off her face. Chloe then waited a few seconds before entering the girls' bathroom to try and find Hermione to comfort her after the situation with Ron. 

"Hermione? Are you in here?" Chloe asked out loud in the girls' bathroom and then heard a sniffle coming from one of the bathroom stalls and walked closer to the stall that Hermione was in crying. 

"Mione?" Chloe said and knocked on the stall door that she was outside of, "You okay?" she then asked Hermione and heard her sniffle once again. 

"Y-yes. I-I am." Hermione sniffled and managed to get some words out, "Go away, I just don't want to speak to anyone at the minute." she then said as Chloe looked down on the ground and then knocked on the stall door once again. 

"Can you open up your door please? You can talk to me about anything if you want because I can clearly see that the situation with Ron earlier had affected you, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." Chloe said and put her head on the stall door hoping that Hermione would open the stall door for her. 

Chloe then heard a clicking noise from the stall that she was at and the stall door opened up a little as Chloe saw Hermione sitting on the ground on her knees crying and wiping her tears off her face. Chloe then walked into the stall and hugged Hermione before closing the stall door after her to give them some privacy in the bathroom. 

"What's wrong, Hermione? Tell me." Chloe said to Hermione who slowly nodded her head and looked towards Chloe who then wiped the tears from Hermione's face. 

"I don't know if what Ron said about me being a nightmare, a know-it-all and hasn't got any friends is true, I mean, is that so bad to be smart and want to do well in school. Ron has just upset me with his comments and the fact that Harry went along with it makes me even more upset." Hermione opened up to Chloe who was nodding her head and listening to Hermione intently. 

"Look, Hermione. None of that stuff that Ron said about you is true, I mean, you're Hermione Granger, the brightest witch in our age and that's a great thing to have! There's nothing wrong with being smart because you want to succeed at school so that you can have a great future ahead of you. Trust me on this. You are an amazing person, a loyal, kind and funny best friend to me and there's no one else that I would be best friends than with you, Hermione. You will never ever lose me and I will always be there for you no matter what." Chloe said and comforted Hermione who smiled at Chloe for her kinds words. 

"Thank you, Chloe. That means a lot to know that someone is there for me and thank you for being my best friend in Hogwarts!" Hermione said and leaned over to hug Chloe who hugged her back tightly. 

"No need to thank me, but thank you for being my best friend too!" Chloe whispered into Hermione's ear as they continued to hug each other for a few minutes before pulling away and having a conversation with each other which seemed to cheer up Hermione a bit. 

"I thought you were going to the Halloween feast in the Great Hall?" Hermione asked Chloe a while later as she saw Chloe smiling at her to which she smiled back at Chloe. 

"I'm not going to the feast, not until my best friend feels a lot better and plus I couldn't be at the feast if you weren't there as well." Chloe said and looked at Hermione with a small smile on her face. 

"Thank you, Chloe for staying with me and missing the feast for me." Hermione said to Chloe and they both smiled at each other and continued talking with each other in their stall in the girls' bathroom as the Halloween feast in the Great Hall was about to begin and everyone was there apart from Chloe and Hermione. 

Chloe and Hermione are getting closer to each other as best friends with every passing day that they spend together in Hogwarts, but will Harry and Ron notice that Chloe and Hermione are missing at the feast in the Great Hall? 🧐

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