Adrien AUGreste (AdrienAugust...

By IfSnowBazWereReal

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This is a series of all of the prompts for the Adrien AUGreste writing thing lol. Prompt list below: -Bad Lu... More

Bad Luck
Stay Peachy
Milk Wasted
In The Rain


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By IfSnowBazWereReal

Summary: Chat Noir is FULL of puns, and it seems like they never end, but Ladybug has had enough of them.... for a lifetime. Though Chat Noir wouldn't let her off THAT easily.

A/N: Series of puns for different days of the week! They follow the same timeline too. Kind of takes place after truth and lies, before Mari tells Alya she's ladybug, so, that's KIND OF the timeline, so..... There WILL be multiple chapters.... though idk if I'll post them all today or tomorrow or before the next prompt.... but atm idrcNot beta read. Read at your own risk💀Enjoy!


Ladybug yawns, holding a hand to her mouth then leans back on her elbows. Chat's laying on his back, his arms behind his head and his stick laying on top of his stomach.

They had another tough day, the akuma attack lasting until past midnight. ShadowMoth released multiple akumas and senti-monsters and Ladybug and Chat Noir had been fighting for over 5 hours. They were both exhausted but here they are, laying on top of some random building in their beloved city, basking in each other's company.

Chat Noir yawns too. "I'm feline a little sleepy m'lady. Perhaps a cat nap would be nice." He looks at her grinning, and winks. "Together would be purrfect."

She shoots a glare at him. "No more puns, Kitty. I'm tired and we both had a long day." She closes her eyes and sighs. At least she didn't say she didn't want to sleep with him. He grins at that.

"Fine, but at least let me say one more, m'lady."

"Fiiiine," she groans.

He gives her a cheeky grin. "My cat-aclysm wouldn't even be able to destroy your beauty, Purrincess."

She turns her head to him and stares into his eyes, her cheeks flushed red. "Chat Noir," she whispers.

"It's only the truth, m'lady," he whispers back. Her eyes look glossy as she smiles. "I would never lie to you."

"Chat," she sits up and scoots over so she's right beside him. He sits up too and folds his hands in his lap. "Chat Noir, look at me."

He doesn't turn his head. He hears her huff, then he feels her hand on his chin, pulling it towards her. She wipes away a tear that he didn't even know he shed. "Kitty," she gives him a sad smile, then leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Her lips are soft and warm, and a swarm of bees form in Chat's stomach. He feels her arms wrap around his shoulders, holding him close to her like she's afraid if she lets go, he'll never come back. Chat Noir puts his arms around her torso, holding her close as well. "You're my best friend," she takes a shuddering breath in and he holds her tighter. "I've kept so many secrets from my friends and family to protect them, and sometimes I'm not even sure I am protecting them. I lie to my friends to save Paris and I'm late to my classes because I'm with you, saving Parisians and the city. The worst thing about it is that I'm guardian of the miraculouses and there are things I can't even tell you, my only partner." She's crying softly by the time she stops talking.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, a tear falling down his face. "I wish you could tell me everything, but I understand why you can't. Sometimes it makes me frustrated with you, but I trust you, Ladybug." He lets her go and she does the same, her hands going limp and falling into her lap. He's tempted to reach out and hold them.

"No, Chat Noir. I'm sorry," she looks at him and her eyes are filled with guilt and shame. "I wish I could tell you everything. I want to." She looks down and frowns, whispering, "but I can't."

"I know." He decides to take her hands in his. She squeezes them.

"Thank you for understanding," she looks like she's going to cry again and his heart breaks. There is nothing worse than seeing his lady cry. Nothing worse than seeing the pain and guilt she has. Nothing worse seeing tears fall from her eyes that he can't take away completely.

"If I didn't, then I'm sure I wouldn't be Chat Noir anymore," he offers her a weak smile and she nods slowly.

"I'm glad you are. I wouldn't only want you to be my partner," she looks at him and gives him a small smile.


He's looking at her like she's the only thing his eyes will focus on. Like he's her queen. Or like she's the love of his life. Ladybug blushes.

She knows he loves her, and she thinks she just might love him back.

Maybe she should make a move on him. Maybe she should kiss him again.


Ladybug leans toward him and his heart flutters.

She's going to kiss me she's going to kiss me she's going to kiss me

Chat grins and pushes forward, connecting their lips together. His stomach is doing whirls and flips, but he keeps his lips moving on Ladybug's. He keeps his focus on the girl in front of him.

How long has he wanted this? How many days has he longed for her lips on his? How many months has he wanted her touch? Something more than a hug or fist bump. How long has he loved her?


Her heart is pounding in her chest and all she can think is how soft Chat's lips are on hers. Why had she not kissed him before? Why had she waited this long? Who was she protecting, him, or herself?

She moves her hands to his shoulders and his arms wrap around her chest. She's being pulled into him and she isn't even complaining.

His kiss is so soft, so gentle, softer than how you would kiss a baby. So so soft. His mouth opens a bit and she deepens the kiss. She wants this, maybe just as much as him.

He smiles on her lips and she ends up kissing his teeth because his lips have moved out of the way. She blushes, embarrassed, but she leans her forehead on his and looks into his eyes. It's hard to concentrate on both, so she looks into his left eye, watching as his pupils expand and contract in the smallest movements. She finds a streak of hazel in one, the smallest streak, reaching like a stream to the outer rim of his iris. His eyes are so green. Not like a forest. Lighter. Like grass. No, lighter. Brighter. Both grass and the forest. And lime too. How many different shades of green are in his eyes? If she looked long enough, she could probably figure it out.

His smile widens as he looks over her face for a moment, then lands back on her eyes. She blushes and moves her hands on his neck, stroking it and running her fingers through his shorter hairs at the base of his neck. His grip around her loosens, so he only holds her lazily in his arms. She likes it. She wouldn't mind if he were to pull her into his lap right now, but she's sure he wouldn't.

I think I love him.


I love this girl.

"M'lady," he clears his throat and his cheeks go red.

"Kitty," she says. It's barely a squeak. It's cute. She's cute. She pets his cheek with her hand. She holds his head in her palms. He lets himself lean into her touch. When was the last time he'd been held like this? Touched as if he was special and delicate. Touched as if he mattered. His heart leaps to his throat and he swallows, trying to push away the sudden tears.

Her brow furrows and she frowns, tracing his nose and lips and brows. "Why are you sad, Kitty?"

He slumps his shoulders and looks into her eyes. Bluebell. "I love you," he whispers, barely audible. "I wish I knew who you were."

She smiles and kisses his nose. "Me too."

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