Ayato Aishi X Female Reader

By fierroj103

36.2K 1.3K 297

"Let me go! Please" The boy pleaded as he struggled against the chair that he was tied to, Ayato merely just... More

🌺Story Info🌺
🌺New start 🌺
🌺First impression's🌺
🌺Home sweet Home🌺
🌺Occult club🌺
🌺Harsh and comforting words🌺
🌺Cooking club🌺
🌺Recovery 🌺
🌺 Getting better 🌺
🌸 Senpai? 🌸
🌺 Back to school! 🌺
🌺 After school detention 🌺
🌺 The date 🌺
🌺 Don't come to school 🌺
🌺 Nightmare 🌺
🌺 Sleepover 🌺
🌺 hospitalized 🌺
🌺 Trouble? 🌺
🌺 Party! 🌺
🌺 Rough morning 🌺
🌺 Why... 🌺
🌺 Playdate 🌺
🌺 Your grounded!🌺
🌺 It's just a scratch 🌺
🌺 Nurse's office 🌺
🌸 What a shame 🌸
🌺An eventful day🌺
🌺He's gone...🌺
🌺The hurtful truth...🌺
🌺Your not lying are you?🌺

🌺 Half-assed apology🌺

503 21 7
By fierroj103

You locked the door and headed upstairs into your room before digging through your drawers for your pajamas, you changed into some sweatpants and a random band t-shirt you found
"Where'd i even get this t-shirt from? Eh whatever it's comfortable..." You thought to yourself as you flopped on your bed, you sighed deeply already feeling boredom sink into your brain
Ever since your mother broke your phone you'd read every book in the house leaving you with nothing else to do besides study, you rolled over on your bed ready to take a nap but quickly sat up when you heard the front door open
"(B/n)! (O/b/n)! Is that you?!" You shouted loud enough for the unknown person to hear, you got up and peeked out your room just to have your nose crinkle at the sight of your mother
"(Y/n)! Come here! I have something to give you!" Your mom shouted just loud enough for you to hear, you stood there for a moment pondering if you should take the risk of her yelling at you
Nevertheless you hesitantly made your way downstairs and looked around for her, you saw her in the kitchen and reluctantly walked to her
She turned around with a smile and a rectangular box in her hand
"Here this is for you sweetie!" Your mom said as she pushed the box into your chest, you looked at her confused before opening the box and being met with a phone
"I got you a new phone! Scene i... accidentally broke yours" She said as she nervously smiled, you nose crinkled once again at her tone of voice
"Accidentally? What the hell is she up to? First she goes to completely ignoring me to buying me a new phone?" You thought to yourself as you looked her up and down, you practically scoffed when she opened her arms as if she'd wanted to hug you
"Thanks...i guess" You said as you turned away from her and began to head upstairs, you went into your room and closed the door before locking it
"There's no way in hell I'm gonna forgive her just because she bought me a new phone..." You thought to yourself as you sat down on your bed
"Did she really think if she butters me up I'll forgive her? That everything will go back to the way it is? Hell no" You thought to yourself as your brows knit together, you opened your new phone and looked though your contacts
To your surprise all your previous contacts were there, you clicked onto (B/n) contact and called him
"Hello?" Your brother chuckled as he presumedly pushed away one of his friends
"Hey do you know what's up with mom? She's acting...weird" You said as you nibbled on your thumb, the other side of the line went quiet for a moment
"Hello? (B/n) you there?" you asked as you looked at your phone making sure you didn't put him on hold or something
"Who's this?" Your brother asked confusion laced into his voice, you huffed and facepalmed yourself
"It's (Y/n) you idiot" You said as you got up and began to pace around your room
"How'd you get a phone? Did (o/b/n) buy it for you?" He asked as he shushed his friends that were talking alittle to loud
"Get this mom got it for me weird right? She just came home called me downstairs and gave me a phone" You said and then scoffed
"And get this! She opened her arms for a hug! As if I'd hug her after what she did! Does she really think I'll forgive her that easily?!" You said your voice now slightly raising due to your frustration getting to you
you made your way to the window and watched the small droplets of water roll down your window
"I'm glad the rain settled down..." You thought to yourself and you couldn't help but wonder if Ayato got home safe, you were popped out of your thought bubble when (b/n) began talking once again
"Well just...don't talk to her i guess? I don't know what she's doing if I'm being honest she didn't talk to me or (o/b/n) about this..." Your brother said concern laced into his voice
"Just keep an eye out alright?" Your brother said with a sigh, you looked at the door when someone knocked on it
"I'm gonna have to let you go..." You said as you hesitantly hung up, you put your phone down on your desk before opening the door to see your mother with a McDonalds bag in her hand
"Here! I got you some food you must be hungry" Your Mom said as she pushed the bag into your chest, you nearly dropped it but managed to grab it properly
"You know i was wondering if we could have a talk you know like a girl talk" Your Mom said as she smiled sweetly
"Okay that's enough"
"Why are you being so nice to me?" You asked her as you looked her up and down, she tilted her head pretending to be innocent but you knew something was up
"Because your my daughter (y/n) why wouldn't I be nice to you?" Your mother said with a slight giggle, you scoffed
"That's such bull and you know it! You've been ignoring me like I'm some type of virus for days! You only cook breakfast for (B/n) and (O/b/n)! You haven't made me lunch for school! You act like I'm a stranger when I ask you a question!" You shouted at her making her eyes widen
"Then all of a sudden your nice to me?! Buying me a new phone?! Wanting a hug?! Getting me food?! Wanting to have girl talk?! What's the real reason your being nice to me!" You said getting straight to the point, she brang her hand to her chest and teared up
"Why...Why are you being so mean to me? I-I shower you with gifts put a roof over your head, buy clothes for you and this is how you say thank you?" Your mother said as tears began to fall from her eyes
"Really crocodile tears? Does she really think I'm that stupid?" You thought to yourself
"You don't really think I'm gonna fall for those crocodile tears right? You pulled those out with dad all the time! Don't think I'm stupid!" You shouted as she glared daggers into you
"Don't you dare talk about your father he was a-"
"A good for nothing drunk like you?! That's what you wanna say right?! Well at least dad didn't hit any of us! At least he told us that he loved us! If anything your worse than he was!" You practically yelled at her, your throat burned from how loud you were yelling
Your mother clenched her jaw knowing that you won the argument, you pushed the food into her chest
"The only reason your giving me gifts is because the thought of saying I'm sorry makes you sick doesn't it?" You snapped at her, your frustration was getting out of hand but who could blame you? You didn't have anyone to vent to so all your emotions were spilling out all at once
"Your are such an ungrateful child! I wish you'd stayed with your father you brat!" Your mother yelled at you as she made her way downstairs
"Well at least I wouldn't be hit every time he got drunk!" You yelled at her before going into your room and slamming the door closed, you grabbed a stuffed animal and bit down on it and let out a muffled scream into it
"Why can't she just fucking say sorry?! Why is that so hard for her to say?!" You thought to yourself as you threw your stuffed animal to the wall but then regretted it, you went to it and picked it up
"I'm sorry (R/n)...i shouldn't be taking my anger out on you" You said to the stuffed animal before making your way to your bed and laying down, you hugged the stuffed animal and sighed deeply
"I don't ever wanna turn out like her i would rather die then turn out like Mom..." You thought to yourself as you covered yourself with your blanket, you listened to an occasional heavy raindrop hit your window and eventually you felt yourself struggling to stay awake
"A small nap wouldn't hurt..." You yawned and held your stuffed animal close before drifting off to sleep
You opened your eyes to find yourself standing in a pitch black area, startled you quickly looked around and went to take a step forward but then stopped when you hear a slosh like noise
"Am i in water?" You carefully squatted down and touched the ground only to be met with the feeling of sludge, grimacing you quickly brought your hand up to you chest and stood up
"Where am i?"
You took a deep breath in and began walking through the sludge you didn't know where you were or what was going on but you had a strong feeling that you needed to get out of there as soon as possible
"Hello?! Is anyone there?!" You shouted hoping to hear someone shout back but all that came back was your echo
"If anyone can hear me say something!" You shouted once again but the same thing happened your echo came back to you
"Over here!"
Your head quickly spun in the direction of the unknown voice, you began walking twords the voice and you cried out in joy when you saw a flicker of light
"Hey! I'm here!" You shouted but then you tripped and fell rather harshly into the sludge, it coated your shirt and your left cheek
Groaning in pain you got up on your knees and looked infront of you to see the flicker of light slowly fading away, you quickly got up and ran to it even though your legs were growing tired
"Over here!"
You stopped and looked the other direction
"Wasn't it over here?" You looked at the flicker of light, you wanted to leave but you didn't wanna leave the poor person that was most likely lost and scared
"Please don't leave me! Don't leave!"
"Dammit!" You looked at the exit but turned around and began running in the direction of the scared and frail voice, you saw a cylinder like shape on the ground and picked it up
You turned it on and shone it in the direction of the voice but...all that was there was sludge, dark...dark...sludge
"No...no no no no no!" You looked at were the exit had originally been but...it was gone
You froze when you felt breathing on your neck you didn't know what to do, you slowly turned around and screamed in horror when you saw Amao's dead corpse standing behind you
"Why'd you leave me (Y/n)..."
You tried to step back but the sludge latched onto your legs, forcing you to plant your feet into the ground
"You left us (y/n)..."
"N-No! I didn't leave anyone! I-Im sorry!" You shouted as your eyes began to gloss over with tears, the sludge slowly started inching up more and more
"You did...you left us and let us all die"
"No! If i knew this would happen i would've stayed with you! I never wanted any of this to happen!" Your tears began to fall and the sludge was consuming you quickly, your heart dropped when you saw the boy that got killed on campus
"No no no no! Th-This is all a dream! A stupid nightmare!" You shouted and then screamed when the sludge brang you down into an endless amount of sludge, you tried to swim through it but it was to thick and you tried to breath but it constricted your throat
Your eyes fluttered closed as you let out one last breath
You woke up and sat up quickly before looking around, you were covered in a cold sweat and your cheeks were still fresh with tears
"Dammit...i thought i was over that boy already...it isn't your fault..." You told yourself as you swung your legs off your bed and hesitantly stood up, your legs gave a slight shake but you managed to maintain your balance
"Why do you keep thinking about it...what's wrong with me?" You thought to yourself as you made your way to your drawer and got a fresh pair of clothes, you wiped your forehead and cringed at the sweat that coated the back of your palm
"Might as well take a shower"
You headed to the shared restroom and knocked before entering, you locked the door behind you and placed your clothes down on the closed toilet
"Maybe Oka can answer some of my questions...maybe not but it's worth a try right?" You thought to yourself
Once you finished showering you grabbed your phone from your desk and tapped in Oka's number before calling him
Your call had been forwarded to an automatic voice message system ***-***-**** is not available...at the tone please record your message
"Hey Oka it's me (N/n) i wanted to talk to you about something...I've been having these weird dreams lately and i was curious if you had any answers...uhm call back when you have the chance bye" You hung up and sighed deeply before looking at your window, you opened your window and looked outside seeing that the sun was barely setting
"i wonder if they'll find Amao's murder...if they do i hope they rot in prison" You thought to yourself as you gripped onto the ledge of your window, you looked at your phone when it vibrated
You picked it up and saw (B/n) texted you so you clicked onto his contact
"Heyyy my most wonderful lil sis ever"
"What'd you do now"
"Nothing! Just need you to cover for me gonna be out real late with y friends alright?"
"Whatever be safe you idiot"
You sat down on your bed and scrolled through social media to see what was new but soon logged off when you saw it was nothing but Amao's case, You jolted in surprise when your phone began vibrating signaling someone was calling you
You answered without even looking at the caller ID
"Hey (N/n) you left a voicemail about...strange dreams?" Oka said in a concerned tone, you sighed
"Yeah I've been having dreams about drowning but one thing that ties them all together is the pitch black area i always appear in" You explained in the best way possible, you heard him mumbling while you assumed he searched for something
"Do you think you'll be able to come over? I wanna do a tarot card reading for you" Oka said as your heard him shuffling something
"Tarot card reading?" You thought to yourself
"Yeah just...send me your address and I'll walk it over there" You said as you got up and grabbed a pair of socks from your drawer, you felt your phone vibrate and you assumed it was him texting you his address
"Be careful on your way over here bye (N/n)" Oka said before he hung up and you put your phone in your pocket, you wrapped a hoodie around your waist and headed downstairs
You saw your mother passed out on the couch but you could care less, you quietly slipped on your shoes before making your way outside
You looked at the address and began walking to his house, luckily it wasn't that far away just a mile away
"Wonder what this tarot card thing is about...maybe it'll answer something?" You thought to yourself as you walked up to his door and knocked, you waited patiently and eventually you heard the door unlock and you were met with a little girl she didn't look a day over five
"Hey there sweetie is Oka here?" You asked but all she did was stare at you
"Marilyn! Who's at the door!" You heard a woman shout and she closed the door on you, you heard the small pitter patter of her running and then the door opened once again
"I'm so sorry about my little girl what did you need?" The lady asked softly, you were about to say something but noticed the little girl hugging her leg
"I was here to meet with Oka" You said as you looked at her while nervously playing with your hands, she gasped and grabbed your arm before tugging you inside
"Oka! You have a visitor!" The lady yelled loud enough then looked at you, you looked down at your shoes at took the off before neatly placing them beside each other
"Mama! Mama! Can I play with the pretty girl?" Marilyn asked as she tugged on her mom's sleeve, you looked at the girl and giggled softly
"I don't know sweetie ask her" The lady looked at you and Marilyn looked at you then back at her
"You aren't scared are you?" The lady asked teasingly and the little girl pouted and stomped get foot, she looked at you
"Ah (N/n) your here" You looked at the base of the stairs and saw Oka, you smiled and he motioned for you to follow him
"Excuse me" You smiled softly at the two girls and followed Oka to his room
"So these dream's what are they about? What usually happens in them?" Oka asked softly but curiously as he opened his door and let you step inside, you were met with a room painted white but many many posters filled the empty spaces on the walls, there were books stacked neatly in shelves, and jars and bottles decorated his desk
"Well usually they start with me waking up in a pitch black area then someone always calls out to me then..." You paused clutching your hand to your chest
"Then someone that's dead always pops up and...blames me...saying it's my fault they died..." You finished looking down at the ground, You looked up when Oka patted your back
"Your safe with me alright?"

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