Crush (Oneshot)

By MamaUsagi

474 24 4

Izuku lives alone with his pet dog. A wild Pomeranina that is only sweet to it's owner. One day Izuku wakes u... More


474 24 4
By MamaUsagi

Izuku's POV:

Me: I'm home! Thanks for looking after the house!

It was a day like every other. I go school break a bone or two, get scolded and come back home. My mother gave up on me a long time ago and doesn't even care about me. It was a sad fact. I lived all alone by myself with my littel cute partner.

Me: Did you miss me Kacchan?

I crouched down and picked the Pomeranian up. He was the best and very sweet to me and only me. If anyone else tried to pet him or even touch him he would be one angry furry. If anyone valued their fingers they wouldn't came even close to him at all. He may look cute and fluffy at all but his character was somewhat evry special.

Me: I don't feel lonely with you around at all! Let's hang out at the riverbank tomorrow. We'll make it a date!

Kacchan: WUFF!!!

Me: You like that idea don't you!

Kacchan: WUFF!

I quickly went to the kitchen and made him dinner. Everytime I was at home I would spend it with him. No matter what I did he was always there watching me. Sometimes he  felt like a stalker but then again he was a dog and a very faithfull and lovingly one too. One could even call him possesive but I loved him.

Me: If only you could be a human Kacchan!

It was funny how he was trying to act cool in fornt of me but his tail was giving him away. He was one happy dog after all. No matter where I go he would follow me too. It was funny how he sometimes acted cool and tried to hide that he was going after me.

*time skip brought to you by Izuku going to bed after an exhausted day and cuddeling with his dog*

The next I woke up due to my alarm clock going off eventhoug I had no shool.

Give me a break!

Just a couple more minutes!

I don't have school today!

Before I could reach to the clock I could see a huge shadow going over me. The only reason I knew that was that all of the sudden it was becomming darker and this was the reason why my eyes flew open. 

???: OI! Wake up already Deku!

Me: Huh?!

Who on earth is this guy?!

I began looking this guy over and I could see that he was wearing some of my bigger clothes that I had because I loved to wear loose clothing while I sleep.  HOwever this wasn't all he had a collar and he also had dog ears...

Me: Ka-KAcchan?!

Kacchan: ABout time you realized that! Now make dinner!

ME: Eh?

I quickly changed into the bathroom and went to make breakfast. While I was awake I staretd to look for my Pomeranian but I couldn't find him anywhere. What was more freaky is that this guy was eating KAcchan'S food. 

No can't be!

I must be really really exhausted!

Times like this call for...

It was so weird. This guy in front of me looked very hot and stunning. He was my type and all I wanted was checking him up even more. I was sure that he had a nice body too. 

I quickly began shaking my head. I couldn't think about such things. As I was thinking about his body I turned bright red. It was embarrassing only to imagine him completly nacked but I couldn't help it and do so anyways.

Though I definietlly didn't wnated to look weird at all. If he was my dog than this was really weird and I loved my dog. If he was my dog than my wish would came true. 

I finally had a person I could fall in love and love whole heartedly. Thoufgh it was to early for that since I didn't know what he was thinking.

I went over to the fridge playing it cool and trying to hide my blushing. Once I opened the door I took the cake out I had stored inside.

Kacchan: Hey Izu? Is that the leftover cake?

Me: How did you-

Kacchan: I fucking know you, deku. You are only eating sweets when you are tired or overwhelmed. 

I saw him smirking at and then he stood up and went over to me. The closer he came the more I backed away until my back hit the counter and he placed a head on each side of me cornering me even more and making sure I couldn't escaoe.

You've got...

He looked at me with a smirk on his face. I could see his brilliant red colored eyes. 

To be....

He came really close to me and I couldn't play it cool any lonegr. My face was completly beat read and I was flustered.

Kacchan: What's wrong Izu?

Me: N-N-N-Nothing.

I still had the cake in my hands as I backed away. He took the cake away from me and gave me a quick kiss. It was only a light one but it was an overkill for me to slumb to the ground and watch him go to the fridge and palcing the cake right back.

Kacchan: This was better than the cake wasn't it.

He liked his lips as he looked at me as if I was his next meal.

Kacchan: You  wanted to go on a date right, Izu?

I was on the ground looking at him as he came once again over to me picking me up and cary me to my own room.

Kacchan: I'll be waiting by the door for you.

Just like that he went out of the room.

Me: Huh...

What just happen?

I couldn't lie and say he was the definition of hotness. Knowing that he was the real Kacchan since he couldn't know aout the date besides it was him. However knowing exatcly that I couldn't help but be shy and embarrased. He meant it for real. He was dangerous for my heart and yet I wanted him. I wanted him not only for today but forever!

I wantde to feel his touch his kisses and his embrace. Though all I could do was wish and love him.

I soon followed him out as we both decided to do the most of this day. Since it was Kacchan it felt a bit weird since he was a Pomeranian but now as a human being, I couldn't help it but want time to never end. He was my beloved dog and I loved him even more now. 

The date was soo good. I didn't had to plan it out at all since he basically went to the dessert shop and bought my favorite snack. He knew my favorite spot for picknick and he knew where I loved spending time.

All in all he did everything to please me and I was really happy for that. This was also how we were laying on the grass after everything finished.

Me: Kacchan, I wish you can stay like this forever at my side.

Kacchan: I won't fucking run away.

Me: I know just be here for me.

Kacchan: I promise.

After everything what happened I felt very tired and sliggish so the moment my eyes went shut and I fell asleep, I couldn't help it but dream about Kacchan as a human being at my side forever. It was such a nice dream and everything. I loved it. 

Kacchan: WUFFF!

Too bad that dreams have to end eventually.

Kacchan: AROOO!

I woke up thanks to my Pomeranina licking my face as well as barking and howling on top of my chest.

Me: Huh... looks like I fell asleep....

Now looking at the Pomeranina, I couldn't help it but feel sad.

Me: Soo it was all a dream after all?

Kacchan: RUFFF!

As if to tell me otherwise he jumped away from my hands and pulled the hoody over he had on himself as a human being. These were my bigger things laying right next to me meaning that what happend was reall and so I couldn't help myself anymore and grabbed my dog snuggeling and cuddleing him while crying.

Me: Thank you Kacchan! I love you too!

That was all I said before letting the dog go after it stuggeled soo much to get away from me. It was already after sun set and time for me to get back home. Still I never actually thought that someone would grab me from behind hugging me too.

Kacchan: Me too.

Just like that I started crying again.

Kacchan: This idiot of mine shedding some more tears...

Me: I thought you...

Kacchan: All I needed was for you to tell me your damn fucking feeling idiot! I already knew how much I loved you.

This was how I discovered that my dog was actually a shape shifter. I was soo sure that it was a dog and yet he could switch to a human form. My only explanation was that he had a quirk as a dog but it could be the other way around too. Whatever it was, I didn't care at all. I loved him and now we could be together forever like this.

Sometimes it's worth wishing for the impossible!

You knever know who listens to your wish!

It might end up turning real after all!


A/N: Thanks for reading this short Oneshot and I hope you enjoyed it too!

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