All I need

By handharper

163 16 5

Life is hard as it is but are we to do when the person you are too spend your life with hides things from you... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

10 1 0
By handharper


Sarah's POV

"Zayan, can you get me some cooking chocolate while you're out?" I yell from the kitchen.
"Are you still not getting ready? You better be in something presentable when I come back. I mean it, we have to be there early." Zayan says as he walks out of the house.

I scowl and mumble to myself.

"What does he think I am? A kid. I mean, I'm always on time, Am I right?" I look at the bulge of my stomach. "Yeah, I didn't even buy that. I'll just go get ready after putting this cake in."

I put the cake in, set a timer for 15 minutes and take a bath. By the time I get out of the bathroom, I hear the door open.

"Zayan are you back already?" I say as I dry my hair.

"Han, There was no traffic, so it took less time. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I just gotta do my hair and makeup. Can you just take out the cake from the oven?"

I get dressed and start on my makeup. I see Zayan leaning on the door, just staring.

"What's up with you?" I ask as I curl my eyelashes.

He looks at me as if He's debating on whether he should say it or not?

"Zayan?" I turn around and look at him carefully, "Are you worried about something? Did something happen?"

"I don't think we should go," He looks at me seriously.

This takes me by surprise, wasn't he just telling me that we are going to be late. That's it I'm sure now, he's bipolar. He seemed so excited to meet his friend, Hassan, I think his name was. What happened to him all of a sudden?

"What? Why? I thought you promised your friend we'll be there."

"Hassan called and told me that mama and baba are going to be there."

"Oh." I put the eyelash curler on the dressing table and I stare at it for a while.

What should I say? I don't want him not to meet his parents because they don't like me. But I don't want him to see them either, I mean, what if he leaves. What if he misses his parents so much that he leaves me for them? I shake my head a little. No, don't think like that. He wouldn't leave the baby and me. Right?

Mama wouldn't want me to think like that. She would have wanted me to try more, she would've wanted me to forgive his parents.

"Life is too short to carry grudges." 

She had told me when my father left.

"No," I say as I look at Zayan.


"We are going. Zayan I can't let you do that to your parents."

He looks baffled. "Sarah, what the hell are you trying to say?"

"Your parents love you. They love you more than they love anything in the world. After all, you are their only son. They don't want a relationship with me, and it's fine. I've moved on from it, but I won't let you let go of your relationship with your parents for me."

He looks at me like I've gone mad. "Sarah, I can't do that. I won't do that to you. After all the times they've humiliated you and your mother. I won't go and pretend it never happened. They are the ones who are in the wrong, not me. They should get off their high horse and apologies to you."

I smile a little, "Zayan I'm not making you chose. I don't want you to choose between your wife or your parents. Not only that, but I won't do that because I know what that feels like. My father abandoned me and my mother when I was 8 and my mother took care of me all my life, and she died. I know how it feels like to lose your parents, and I don't want you to go through that. And as for my mother, she never carried grudges and told me to do the same. She forgave your parents a long time ago."

"Sarah, don't ask me to do that. Because I won't. I made a promise to your mother that I'll look after you, and I can't do that if I go and forgive my asshole parents for being complete shits."

"Bu-" I try to interrupt.

"No, Sarah, I can't do that. I can't forget the things my parents did. The way my parents treated your mother haunts me in my sleep, the look on Auntie's face makes my skin crawl." He shakes his head. "It's not like they even care because they don't. They care about all the wrong things, and they can't see how happy you make me feel. They have their heads up so far up their asses-"

"Zayan!" I say sternly.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Sarah my parents have never given a shit about me. Yes, I know I sound like a teenage kid, but this has been going on for far too long. You don't know what kind of assholes they are."

"But they are still your parents. You can't say that about them."

He laughs humorlessly and looks at me as if I'm some kid who doesn't know anything. This makes me mad because he doesn't see that his parents love him. He's too dense to see what's right in front of him. He should be grateful that his parents give a shit. They might not like me, but they love him.

"Stop treating me like a naïve kid who doesn't know any better."

"What? Can't you see you are doing the same thing to me?" he asks indigenous.

We stare at each other for a while. Neither breaking eye contact.

He takes a deep breath and takes my hands in his, and my stare softens immediately.

"I know you mean well, but I don't regret anything."

I open my mouth to say something, but he cuts me off and says, "And I never will either."

He said that like he didn't want to talk about it anymore. So, I just nod. I walk to him and wrap my arms around his waist, He does the same.

He leans down; picks me up and sits on the sofa with me on him, clinging to him like a sloth on a tree.

He smiles at me and nuzzles into my neck.

His smile makes me smile. "What?"

"You're getting bigger." I can practically feel his smile at this point.

"As in taller?" I ask jokingly, which makes him laugh out loud.

He shakes his head and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." He whispers, "so much."

I snuggle into him, which makes him hold me tighter.

Wait! Are we going? I mean, what was the point of the entire fight. Was that a fight? No, that was a conversation, a heated one but not a fight. But that didn't answer my question. I mean, I got ready for nothing; I was so excited to go. Should I ask him? No, that'll ruin the moment. This is romantic. Sarah, you have to stop thinking like why can't you be more romantic?

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers as he plays with my hair.

"No, not thinking about anything. My mind is totally blank." I force a laugh, "I mean that place is EMPTY. I was shocked at how empty it was."

He raises his right eyebrow. He's pretty... No focus, we are in a conversation.


I sigh in defeat.

"Are we going? I mean I got ready, and I look human today so..."

He just laughs and shakes his head. "How about we go to dinner?"

I smile and nod. "That'll be great."


That's all for today. 

Song of the day: Happiest year

Love Handharper.

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