Cold Beauty (Harry Potter)

By YoungPotterhead3000

3.7K 57 60

'Alexandra, you have eyes as cold as ice, yet a heart made of gold,' Alexandra's father told her. 'I could ne... More

Chapter 1:'When Life Takes A Turn'
The Feast
The First Day Of Class
Sirius Black: The Escapee
A Very Merry Christmas
Are You Sirius!?
I Hate Rats...
The End Of Term And The Start of A New Beginning
Sidus Academy
Exams and Rewards
The 'Legendary' Quidditch World Cup
The Journey Back To Hogwarts
Welcome Back to Hogwarts!
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang Arrives
Two Underage Students...
The Bonding of Two Underage Champions
Dreamy Nights
Hot Chocolate
Dragons and Eggs
Preparations for the Yule Ball
The Cast
The Most Magical Moment of All
The Golden Egg
The Second Task
Hogsmeade and...Pus?
Constant vigilance
The Maze
The Duel
Back to Hogwarts
An End Is Always A New Beginning
The Dux
The Beginning of the Quest
Medeis Finally Found (Sort of, anyway)
Sidus's Nasty Trick
The Sweet Taste of Success
Returning To Only Leave
Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
The Boy Who Lived Arrives
Thestrals, Umbridge and Propaganda
Blood Quills
The Hogs Head
DA Lessons
Return To Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place

'A Trip To Diagon Alley'

276 5 0
By YoungPotterhead3000

It was just a few days later. Father had come back home for the summer. He and I were just having lunch in the living room. 'Alexandra?' Father called out to me. 'Yes?' I said in reply.'

'You do know the compulsory subjects for Hogwarts students, right?' He asked me.

'Yes, Father. Just to make sure, aren't they Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Herbology?' 

'Yes, you are correct. However, it is a rule for Hogwarts students who will be starting their third year to choose at least two elective subjects. Which is why a bought a list of subjects for you. Choose your desired subjects and I'll manage the rest,' he said as he brought out a list and handed it to me. I read through the list, taking everything in.

'Elective Subjects For Third Year Hogwarts Students:

1) Alchemy

2) Arithmancy

3) Muggle Studies

4) Care of Magical Creatures

5) Divination

6) Study of Ancient Runes'

'You must choose at least two subjects depending on what career you would like to be in the future. Play to your strengths,' my father told me with a glint of eagerness in his eyes, making it visible that he was eager to know.

'Yes, I have already thought about which subjects to take.' I replied with a smile.

' You have? Very good.'

I looked at the list and decided to sign up for Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. After doing so, I handed the list back to my father. He held the list in front of him, looking at the subjects I have signed up for. 'Hmmm...Care of Magical Creatures... I see why you've taken that subject. You've always been an animal lover. And...Divination? Are you sure you want to take that?' He looked over at me with a worried yet confused look. 

' Father, I need you to trust me to make my own decisions,' I looked at him with pleading eyes. 

' I know but...Divination is a very imprecise branch of magic. I don't think you should-'


'Alright, alright! You're right, I should trust you,' his words were followed by a sigh,' Well, now that we're over with this, I should send an owl to school informing them about which elective subjects you'll be taking.'  he said as he went upstairs to get his owl.

A few months later, I was just reading a book in my room while lying in bed, when I heard a knock on the door. ' Come in,' I said lazily.

'Alexandra, your Hogwarts letter just came,' he said with a smile as held out his letter for me to take. 'Yes! This is exactly what I've been waiting for!' I exclaimed.

' I know, Alexandra,' he said, smiling at me,'Open it!' he said as he sat down next to me on the bed and put an arm around me. I quickly opened the letter and read out loud: 

'Dear Ms. Snape,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.'

I finished reading as I excitedly opened the second piece of parchment. ' These are the books needed for class. We can buy your books and supplies from Diagon Alley,' my father told me. I had been to Diagon Alley with my father many times. Most of the time, I went with him because he needed to buy potion supplies. He even brought me a broom once when I asked him to. Since then, I've practised flying on a broom around our neighbourhood. That's probably what got me into Quidditch. I've always been interested in being a Chaser. Anyways, I started reading the list of books and supplies. 'Father, when are we going to Diagon Alley?' I asked him.

'I was thinking tomorrow morning since term starts in a few days,' he informed me.

'Alright then,'

' Alright then, we'll leave for Diagon Alley tomorrow morning then.'

The next morning I was woken up by the sound of my father's voice. ' Wake up! We have to go to Diagon Alley in an hour.'

' I'm up,' I said lazily,' I'll just get dressed and be downstairs with you soon.'

' Alright, but be quick because you have to make breakfast for us too. I'm not willing to cook because I make a terrible chef!' he said, slightly annoyed at the fact that he can't cook a meal without burning down the kitchen. I chuckled in response. 'Alright, I'll be quick. Don't worry.'

'Good,' he smiled at me as he left the room. I immediately got up and went to the bathroom and freshened up. Once I was done, I headed back to my room and picked out some clothes for the day. I picked out a dark green off-shoulder dress and a black cloak to go with it. I got dressed and immediately headed downstairs, straight to the kitchen. 'Try to be a little quick alright?' My father said loudly from the living room. ' I will!' I said in response. 

I started making scrambled eggs and bacon as quickly as I could. When I was done cooking, I put the food on two plates and went to the living room. I handed one plate to my father and then I sat on a chair next to the fireplace and started eating. 

'Are we going to use Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley?' I asked my father as I took a large bite of bacon. 'Yes. We'll be doing that to get to Hogwarts too. Most students have to use the Hogwarts Express to get to the school but since I'm a teacher, I have a few extra...ah! 'Traveling privileges',' he replied proudly. A little while later, Father and I were standing in front of the fireplace. Father had a pot of Floo Powder in his hands. 'I'll go first. You come right after me. Clear?' He asked me to check whether I was listening.

'Clear,' I said in response.

Father took a handful of Floo Powder in his hands and stepped into the fireplace. He let the powder fall through his fingers as he shouted in a loud and clear voice,' Diagon Alley!' He was engulfed in green flames and as soon as the fireplace returned to normal, he was gone. I took a handful of powder in my hands and stepped into the fireplace. I said as clearly as possible,' Diagon Alley!' 

Almost immediately, I was engulfed in green flames. I felt a rush of adrenaline as if I was twirling around multiple times. When the rush of adrenaline stopped and I felt solid ground under my feet, I finally opened my eyes and saw my father standing right in front of me. 'There you are! Now, come on. We have a lot of shopping to do,' my father informed me as we stepped outside. 'Where are we going to first?' I asked my father. 

'We are going to Gringotts to get ourselves some money,' he answered as he gestured me to follow him. As we walked, I noticed a ton of people in Diagon Alley. I also noticed a shop called 'Quality Quidditch Supplies. Right outside the shop was displayed the most beautiful broomstick I had ever seen. Beside it, there was a sign that read. 'The Firebolt'. Many children were gathering around it for a good look. I stopped in my tracks to look at it. 'Do you see that? That's the latest model. Apparently, it's the fastest broom in the world!' I longingly looked at it. I had the urge to just grab the broom and use it to fly, but I didn't do so because I knew that would be rude.

 'Alexandra? Aren't you coming?' my father turned around to look at me. He noticed what I was staring at. 'I'll buy a good broomstick later on if you'd like,' he told me as he reached out and grabbed my hand. 'Really? You'd do that?' I asked him. He replied with a subtle nod. 

'But first, let's go to Gringotts.'

(Half an hour later)

Father and I had already bought my books and robes. 'Ah, I'd promised I'd buy you a new wand right?' Father said.

'Yes, but you don't really have to,' I told him. I didn't want him to unnecessarily spend his money for me. 'What do you mean? Your current wand is in a very bad condition though,' he reminded me. I bit my lower lip knowing he was right. My current wand really was in a critical condition. It was close to breaking. 'Fine. You can buy me a new wand,' I told him. He reached into his pocket and brought out some money. 'Here, go to Ollivanders and buy a new wand. While you do that, I'll get you a new broomstick,' he told me. 

'Alright then,' I replied. I walked to Ollivanders. When I arrived, there was a huge sign outside the shop which read: 'Welcome to Ollivanders. Fine Makers of Wands Since 382 B.C. I took a deep breath and entered the shop. As I entered, I noticed that the shop was very dimly lit. There were many shelves filled with boxes of wands. There was no one at the counter. 'Hello?' I said out loud,' is anyone here?' I was startled by a man who had come out from a dark corner in the back of a shop. The man had no more than a few wisps of white hair on his head. He had a dreamy yet creepy look in his eyes. 'Welcome to my wand shop,' the man said in a voice no louder than a whisper,' I am Garrick Ollivander. And you are...?'

'I am Alexandra Snape, sir.' I said, introducing myself.

'Ah, I remember when your father, Severus Snape, came to buy his wand here years ago. But now it is your turn. Before we begin, you must know that it is the wand that chooses the wizard,' he told me informatively. 'Would you hold out your wand hand for me?' I did what he asked by holding out my wand arm for him. 'Ah, I see. You are left-handed, yes? It is so rare for me to come across left-handed witches and wizards in my shop,' he told me as he measured my arm. 

He then picked a wand from one of the shelves and brought it out of the box. He held the wand in his hands. 'This is a 10-inch long cherry wand with a dragon heartstring core. Just give it a wave,' he said as held out the wand for me. I took the wand from him and gave it a wave just like he asked me to, but the only thing it did is break the vase on the counter,' Er...sorry for breaking your vase Sir,' I apologized, feeling guilty. 

'No need to be sorry. Things like this happen quite often in my wand shop, anyway. Maybe...' Mr Ollivander picked out another wand from a shelf. ' Elm wand, Unicorn tail har. 11 inches and very flexible' He said informatively as he placed the wand in my hand. I grabbed it and gave it another wave but again, it was a fail. It broke one of the light bulbs in the already dim-lit shop.

(20 minutes later)

It had been 20 minutes but I still hadn't found the right wand. Many wands were now stacked up on the counter. Just as Mr Ollivander went to grab another wand, my father entered the shop. 'There you are. I was wondering what was taking you so long.' he said.

'Ah, Mr Snape! Pardon me for taking such a long time to help your daughter to find a wand. She is a very tricky customer,' Mr Ollivander replied in an excited voice. His whisper-like voice had become considerably louder due to excitement. 'But this wand might work,' he said as he held out a beautiful wand out. The wand was the most beautiful I'd ever seen. The wand was a light tan colour and it had designs of roses on it. 'This is a wand made of redwood with a phoenix tail core. It is 11 and three-quarter inches long and very supple.' I took the wand from his hand and gave it a wave. This time, I had a warm feeling inside me as I saw my surroundings glowing. 'Ah! There we go. We found the perfect wand!'

When we got out of the shop, my father looked at me with a big grin on his face. 'Guess what I got for you?' A few seconds later, he brought a brand new Firebolt and a beautiful tawny owl in a cage. ' Blimey! You actually bought me a broomstick and an owl?' 

'Of course. I knew how much you've been wanting this.'

I was never much of a hugger but even then, I reached out and gave my dad a light hug.

Half an hour later, my father and I were back home and having a nice chat in the living room. 'You know, I'm really glad you're coming to Hogwarts, Alexandra. I can get to see you more often,' Father said with a smile. 

'I'm happy too. Also, do I have to call you 'professor' in class? That would be very weird for me,' I said while chuckling. ' Well, I admit that it would feel weird but those are the rules, yes,' he answered me. ' When does term start anyway?' I asked.

' It will be beginning on the first of September,' he said.

'Isn't that tomorrow?' I asked, realizing the situation.

' It is. You'd better start packing your trunk.'

I nodded my head and headed upstairs to my room. I opened my wardrobe and started folding my clothes and putting them in my trunk. I then put my robes, books, and other school supplies in the trunk too. I headed downstairs and cooked dinner. Father and I had a long conversation while having dinner. After dinner, father cleaned the dishes with a wave of his wand. 'Goodnight, Father. See you tomorrow morning,' I said as I headed back upstairs to my room. I was feeling pleasantly drowsy. I changed into my pajamas. I was about to get in bed when I hear the hoot of an owl. I looked in a corner of my room when my new pet owl rested in a cage. 'Hey,' I said to the owl,' You must be tired. Take some rest because we have a very long day ahead.' The owl hooted in reply. 'I still haven't decided what to name you. I'll see to that matter later. Right now, I'll go to bed,'  I said as I finally lay down in bed and drifted off to sleep. The next day would merely be the start of a new life.

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