Wine soaked bRAIN

By newpoet

402 51 110

Poetry inspired and written with the influence of red wine. More

words of the red juice.
Wine Memories
Wine Sermon for Poets
A Wee Wine Poem Of Saturday just to Sing.

Wine soaked bRAIN

210 19 47
By newpoet

Wine isn't all that bad,

it hits the spot when one is sad,

it helps one accept that humanity,

and life is just one big school of INSANITY

But tonight i see the world,

as a sea and now I just am the mermaid

swimming, singing being happy

with wine soaked brain cells.

what can one do when our life is turned upside down.

when the young kill themselves thinking it is an escape

I will drink some more, this sweet liquor

I sing of wine soaked friends, and seas of meaningful

never ending joy, life isn't like that

this i know, come bring the wine out, and sing some more

goodbye my sister's son I still cry for you

no more this fine night, but remember the bear hug you gave

the last I saw you alive, gentle giant that you were.


I have been a mermaid in a past life,

I remember, the sea and songs I sang

I remember the ones I saved

From the depths, those beautiful ones

I still sing the sea songs when I walk alone

On sea shores, where the rhyme, and rhythm of the waves stir

That inner being, once unknown

The salt air stirs the memory of once

 I was living that simple sea existence.

I remember it well fishtail and all

My sea green eyes glittering as the sunlight fell

Plays deep within my watery paradise memories

I know you are laughing saying," you must be crazy"

Just imaging it really, knowing that mermaids

Just live in myths and legends,

And now my mind plays tricks,

Making me believe that I must be

Imagining it, that mermaid world?

And all with just a little help of a friend,

Seasofme I do thank thee

And , I must confess, I drunk a bit of red red wine

 so brain soaked imaginings merge with my musings

that really I once was a mermaid sing sea songs.

Wine assisted poems.

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