I'm Not Alone - Creepypasta O...

By harlexisnthere

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Creepypasta oneshot book More

🤎I Can Teach You🤎

💚Not A Glitch Anymore💚

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By harlexisnthere

'= Thoughts
*Your Pov*

"*sigh* I can't find anything else good" I muttered under my breath while my head was propped on my hand as I continued scrolling through the website. I was looking through ebay, just for random things. I was bored and decided to get some random things for my room. Maybe some parts for my Pc to make it better, or things for my other consoles. I found some decorations for my room like l.e.d lights and fairy lights along with some shelves but thats all the good things I found.
A couple minutes of scrolling later I found a game cartridge on sale, I brought my head up from my hand as I clicked on the out of place product being sold. "Majora.." I whispered under my breath, reading the words written on the game cartridge photo. It suddenly snapped in my brain, "is this the same one from the web series? Why would the creator sell the cartridge? No, it can't be him, some person must've made a replica for fans." I spoke aloud to myself in thought. I looked through the post, no information was written, neither a price. I looked at the seller and it said unknown.. 'hmm, must wanna be anonymous.' I thought to myself. "It must be free since there's no price, hmmm, why not." I clicked on the order option and placed my order, as soon as it was ordered my doorbell rang. I looked towards my door and got up, 'who the fuck could that be' I went down my stairs from my room and jogged towards the front door. I looked out the door window and saw nothing but the dark outside. I unlocked my door and opened it, I looked around then down on my porch. A package was sitting there "What the fuck.." I muttered under my breath, I picked up the box and looked on the boxes package sticker, there was only my address, no return address or sender name. "Definitely mine, but what the fuck could it be? And from who?" I spoke out loud to myself, confused. I held it as I went back inside, shut the door and locked it, then placed the package on my kitchen counter. 'Should I open it now or tomorrow morning?...I think tomorrow, I'm kinda tired.' I sighed as I went back up to my room, changed into something more comfortable then went to bed.

Dawn of A New Day

Sitting up slowly, I rubbed my eyes gently to wake myself up more. I checked my phone on my bed stand '11:30, hmph, okay' I stood up and put on a loose t-shirt with some comfortable shorts. I walked over to my Pc to turn it on then remembered the package on my counter. "Oh yeah..I should probably open that first." I walked out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. I got to the counter and got out a sharp enough knife to cut the tape on the box. Once I cut the tape I opened up the box and looked inside, all that was sitting there was the cartridge I saw last night. 'But- how the fuck, I JUST ordered it last night? And it came directly after?' I was confused but I hesitantly pulled it out of the box and slowly started walking into my living room with the cartridge in my hand. I sat down on the couch, a sigh escaping my lips "This is for the Nintendo 64 right? That should be in my box with the other consoles." I set the cartridge on the coffee table and got up to look through the box beside the tv stand underneath the tv. I have collected gaming consoles since my parents bought them for me or I did with my own money from old jobs, I have almost all of them.
I shortly found the console with its controllers and wires after some rummaging. I pulled them out and plugged in the console into my tv and grabbed one of the controllers, grabbed the cartridge putting it in the console, then sat back down on the couch with the controller in hand. 'Oops forgot to turn it on' I quickly stood up and leaned over, turned on the console, and sat back down. I took the remote to my Led's off the coffee table and switched them to green to set the mood for the game. As I put the remote back down the tv screen lit up with the loading screen for the Nintendo 64 console. 'I haven't played one of these in awhile' when the screen finally loaded up the game I started and looked at the save files, there was already a file named B E N. "They must've really wanted to make it authentic" I chuckled to myself and selected on the file to start the game.
After a an hour or two of playing there were glitches and everything just like the creepypasta. But one thing was different then I remembered, the eulogy statue was plastered on my screen with nothing else around it. Just the statue it's gaze poring into my soul, I looked around confused and tried pressing the start button but nothing happened. Then a text appeared on the screen 'Mind If I join You? I Promise I Won't Hurt You :)'. I stared at the screen, my voice rang out "Me?" I questioned it as if it was an actual person, the text answered 'Yes'. I looked around again, even turned around to look behind the couch but when I looked back I was faced with BEN himself. I screamed and ended up falling behind the couch "FUCK" I yelled as my back stung from the impact. I sat up "That must-stt have hhh-hurt" my eyes widened as I looked up to see Ben hovering over the top of the couch looking down at me with a smirk on his face. 'What. The. Fuck.' Without thinking I reached my hand out to his and touched it but immediately took my hand back as soon as I felt the cold skin. "How the fuck did you get in that cartridge! I thought it was a fake?!" I stood up confused looking at the screen but it was black then down at the console. "Well-ll I'm clearrly-lly real" Ben gave an unamused look towards me while backing off the couch. "Now -oww can I plaayy-y the gam-me?" he asked as he sat down on the couch with the controller in hand with the tv already back on from where I was last at. 'Maybe it's not as scary as everyone thinks' I silently walked to the other side of him and sat down just watched him play. I unknowingly ended up leaning my head against his shoulder without any thinking. Ben just smirked slightly giving me a small glance and continued playing.

Alright so school just started so I'm sorry if my updates wont be as fast as I'd like but hope you'll enjoy. All art is mine.

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