heart of a Phoenix (male read...

By Radiodemon264

335 9 5

you are the fifth friend of zack, will, Taylen, Finn. along with Finn, you are the laid-back goofball of the... More

ep1: secret school

ep 2: the choice

66 3 0
By Radiodemon264

Zach P.O.V

Finn: Zach c'mon dude wake up!

Y/n: you better wake up Zach or I'm not making anymore cookies for you

as soon as I heard that I immediately woke up

Zach: GAH!

Will: I cannot believe that worked

Zach: guys! I had an awful dream! the teacher told us we would have all our DNA fused with animals and Y/n wouldn't give me anymore cookies!

Y/n: that last part would never happen in a million years besides-

Mr. Ludwig: your DNA would only be fused with one animal not many

Zach: *sits up* wait! you mean that was all for real?!

Y/n: *sigh* yup

Will: very real, how are you feeling?

Zach: my head hurts, that was a lot to take in uh, I don't know

Y/n: no dip, it's expected for your head to hurt due to the information we just heard, it's only normal to be a bit...

Finn: shook?

Zach: oddly, yeah

Taylen: here drink some water, *Zach turns around* then we can ask questions and figure out more about this

I took the water Taylen gave me and slowly but swiftly started to drink it

Mr. Ludwig: alright, ask away

Taylen: does it hurt, like getting features and shifting?

Mr. Ludwig: it all depends on the features that link well together, for instance my beak took form because my appetite was mostly affected by the procedure, most students have ears tails or fins, due to the fact we're aiming to heighten senses and these attributes help with hearing and balance 

Will: and what about shifting?

Y/n: is it painful in anyway?

Mr. Ludwig: well shifting is hard to achieve and not everyone will be able to shift into their animal, if they are able to it will take years of practice and peace with your animal counterpart 

Finn: how does the procedure go down?

Mr. Ludwig: well I'm no scientist myself, but you'll be put into a machine with an IV like device and the machine will fuse your DNA with the isolated animal genes they picked out for you 

Zach: and you said we had 12 hours to decide 

Mr. Ludwig: yes because it is something we're presenting to the world and we want our breakthrough to get more cities and start advancing as quickly as possible, the more brains we have to this the better your lives would be 

Taylen: IF we do this, we can live here and be provided for but what about after we finish 

Mr. Ludwig: there are many options to choose from, and many more will show themselves over years but there are lots of internships in the lab and government offices we have lined up for graduating students, so there are amped to be accepted by their colleagues 

Y/n: can we see the dorms?

Mr. Ludwig: of course, Raven can escort you there

Raven: can wobbly legs even make it to the dorm over there without passing out 

Zach: hey, if you were given news like that and twelve hours to decide it might overwhelm you too  

Raven: well suck it up! I didn't even get a ch-

Mr. Ludwig: Raven, no arguing young lady take them to the dorms please

Raven: fine! follow me

the girl then walked out of the nurses office with us close behind 

small time skip

we were walking down a walkway outside when Finn started to whisper to me

Finn: she's scary

Zach: you don't say

Raven: even without the enhanced hearing I can still heightened senses I cans till hear you two dimwit's 

Y/n: sorry about them, thanks for taking us to the dorms 

Raven: yeah, like I had a choice

Will: still, thank you anyways

eventually we made it to the dorms, well a part of the dorms

Raven *sigh* here's the dorm building you guys will be staying in, well the boys, anyway

we all started to gawk at the sheer size of the building you would've mistaken it for a school

Will: oh my goodness! it's really nice

Raven: *melancholy tone* yeah, just like everything else here

Y/n's mind: there's a sense of dread literally pouring off of her, and what was she about to say before Mr. Ludwig cut her off? I'll ask her on a different date

we followed her into the building and here we thought the outside was amazing, the inside is spectacular 

Zach: *stars in eyes* woah! this is awesome!

we then started to explore, obviously Y/n was excited over the kitchen and weirdly enough started rubbing the oven

Y/n: I'm home *starts to cry*

Raven: are all of you this weird?

Will: *sweat drops and smiles* he has a love for cooking, especially when it comes to sweets 

Y/n: *continues to rub oven* I think I'm gonna call you ace, you will be my son and we will make such wonderful things together

  Finn: *chops head* snap out of it!

Y/n: ow! how dare you interrupt our father-son bonding time! you jerk! *looks to oven with a smile* don't worry kiddo, daddy will be back soon enough

we then went to the game room where Finn soon fell in love with a...pool table?

time skip

Raven: bathroom's upstairs as well as more rooms but we aren't allowed up there yet cause the custodians have to finish preparing them

Taylen: uh, what about the girls dorm

Raven: it's practically identical, minus the gaming room, girls are allowed in the kitchen lounge and game room but just not the rooms and bathroom, and vice versa

Finn: I'm pretty much set guys, this sounds like the life

Y/n: same here

Will: yeah, minus the animal fusing stuff 

Finn: oh, yeah, the pool table pretty much had me sold

Y/n: for me it was my beloved son *smile of ecstasy*

Zach: well, what are we gonna do?!

Taylen: I don't know, I wanna stay with you guys but, committing to a private school education and getting fused with a deer is really scary

Will: I mean, think about it, this is a scientific breakthrough for humanity! we might be forced to do this when we're older anyways if this is what society changes to, I'd rather be in the front line than the back

Finn: Tay proves a good point, this is a lot for a group of teenagers 

Zach: well it's between becoming the newest members of society and staying together or splitting up and living life the same ol' same ol'

Y/n: to be honest, I really don't care

the four of us: WHAT?!

Will: *grows angry* what do you mean you "don't care"?!

Y/n: should it really matter id we're fused with animals or not? we're trying to stay together right, should having a deer's antlers or a squirrels tail really decide our friendship? when I say I don't care I mean that as long as we're together it doesn't matter if I get fused with an animal as a product of that 

Zach: *sigh* he does have a point, as long as we stay together, what does it matter?

Raven: you guys are super mushy about this whole thing, you know that right?

Will: what do you mean? this is life-changing! 

Raven: I get that, but you guys are doing this to stay together as a friend group, did it ever dawn on you that you might have split anyways, it's high school! people change 

Finn: I get what you're saying but we've been the og squad from kindergarten

Y/n: yeah, we can take anything the world throws at us 

Taylen: except this apparently

Zach: I have an Idea, let's get dinner and then sleep on it tonight, then in the morning if you show up you stay here and if you don't you go to another school, how does that sound?

Y/n: I'm fine with it if you guys are fine with it

Taylen: sounds good to me

Will: same here

Zach: *turns* Finn?

Finn: yeah I'm down, so what's on the menu for dinner

Y/n: well obviously my famous nacho cakes

Zach: yes!

Taylen: other than that, no clue, but I bet I can beat you to it! 

Finn: oh yeah?

Taylen: *smiles wide* yeah! 

the two then started to race towards the cafeteria 

Will: guys, wait up! you're gonna get lost-guys!

Y/n: you wanna come Raven?

Raven: uh, why would I?

Y/n: *shrugs* just thought I'd offer

Raven: mmhmm well I'm not interested, I have more important things to do

Y/n: *sigh* suit yourself, c'mon Zach

the two of us then tried to catch up to the rest of our squad

time skip

Y/n P.O.V

the five us of we're all eating our dinner, just chatting like any group of friends would

Taylen: oh this looks so yummy, I didn't know school cafeterias could be this amazing with food! 

Finn: such a sad reality though, normal schools have a giant room to eat really cruddy food in

Y/n: *dramatic tone* *sigh* how tragic

and to my happiness everyone started to giggle and chuckle

Will: *sigh* yeah, life is tragic

Zach: true that

Will: guys I'm serious, this whole situation is tragic! 

Taylen: will we're here to eat and not think about things, just make your decision in the morning

Will: well, it's all I can think about! I'm sorry you guys are taking this so well but I'm not excited for this 

Zach: I don't think any of us are ecstatic about jumping in a machine and having our DNA messed with

Y/n: yeah dude you have time to worry about this after we eat

Finn: but right now it's chow time!-

Will: no, we can't just not think about this! look I'm happy we found a school that wants to accept all of us but are we sure this is what we all want? 

Taylen: if it means staying together then yes, this is what I want!

Zach: I'm with Taylen

Y/n: ditto

Will: *turns* Finn?

Finn: I.....

Taylen: Finn?

Y/n: Finney? 

Finn: I don't know, you guys are my peoples, but I can't do this right now, see you when I see you!

and just like that, Finn left


Will: no! that was not what I wanted! 

Taylen: really because it sure seemed like it!

Y/n: guys, chill out, we're making a scene

Zach: take a chill pill and take a deep breath

Will: no, what we need is to take action and make a decision you two! sorry but I'm going home

and then Will was the next to leave

Y/n: *rubs nose and sighs* 

Zach: are you okay?

Taylen: I'm fine!

Y/n: you want us to walk you home?

Taylen: no, I think I'm gonna ask to stay on campus for the night, my decision was made as soon as Fawkes gave that explanation 

Zach: okay, I think I'm gonna walk home and...think about it, everything

Taylen: okay

Y/n: you do you man, but I'm gonna see if I can stay on campus as well, get my bearings Y'know? Good night guys

Taylen: good night

Zach: good night

and then the three of us went our separate ways but before Zach leaves, Taylen chased after Zach

Taylen: Zach wait! even if you don't show up in the morning we'll still be friends...right?

the two of us could tell that Taylen was really worried about his answer so Zach gave her a hug

Zach: you know I'd never just leave you like that, Taylen, I wouldn't do it to any of you four

Taylen: okay, thanks Zach, goodnight, for reals this time

Zach: goodnight...for reals

time skip to the next morning

Third person P.O.V

we see Taylen quietly eating her breakfast, patiently waiting for her friends, but in her heart, she was extremely nervous until someone sat across from her

Taylen: morning, Fawks

Y/n: *yawns* morning Tay, how did you sleep?

Taylen: to be honest, horribly, I just couldn't get last night out of my mind

Y/n: same, but we aren't in control of our friend's decisions you know, so the best we can do is wait and hope they all show up

Taylen: you're right, thanks...for showing up

Y/n: anytime Tay

whilst they were talking we see Will near the schools lake docks, sitting and staring at the calm water. next was Will who was sitting on his front porch looking towards the sun rise, lastly we see Zach sitting on a staircase in the city looking at the sky. we now see the two sitting on a bench, Taylen was on her phone whilst Y/n was just humming a tune until the noticed Zach

Y/n and Taylen: ZACH!

Taylen: you came! 

the three then embraced each other in a big hug

Zach: yeah, our group wouldn't work well all split up now would it?

Y/n: you're damn straight! *smiles* 

Will: hey guys

we all turned to see Will at the bottom of the stairs, their smiles grew even wider

everyone: will!

Y/n: yay! all is not lost with thine homework!

Will: I told you tis before I am NOT doing anyone's homework!

Y/n: *laughs* just teasing dude

Will and Taylen then embraced each other in a hug, tears threatening to escape both pairs of eyes

Taylen: what changed your mind?

Will: well I tried to imagine life without my friends and I couldn't, plus if I could fly one day, that would be pretty awesome 

Y/n: same here dude!

Zach: we're glad you're here, Will

Will: me too

small time skip

it had been 25 minutes and the second goofball of the group had not shown up, Taylen was starting to lose hope

Taylen: guys...

Y/n: have patience Tay

Will: yeah just a little longer, okay?

Zach: I'm with them, we gotta give him a chance!

but Taylen was not having any of it

Taylen: look, it's time, I don't wanna go without him but we can't wait forever 

Will: fine, c'mon guys

Zach: okay

Y/n: *sigh* fine

the three of them started to walk down the hall until

Finn: guys wait up!

to say they were happy to see him would be an understatement

Everyone: FINN!

Y/n: oh thank god, and here tiny peace of me was thinking you wouldn't show up

Finn: sorry I'm late, I snoozed my Alarm

Y/n: classic Finnie

Taylen then walked up to him and smiled

Taylen: oh little Finnie, you're hopeless

Finn: I know, I know, now I do believe you guys were walking to accept an invitation 

Zach: *walks up to Finn* that we were, now let's go!

the squad then continued to walk down the halls 

small time skip

the group was now in some sort of lab sitting on couches

Zach: well here we are

Finn: is anyone else shaking?

Y/n: and here I thought it was just me

Will: it is a bit cold

Taylen: I think they meant in fear will

Will: oh

Zach: look there's nothing to be nervous about, we're trusting these guys, and plus Mr. Ludwig said no one has died from it...recently 

Will: Zack's right, we made it this far 

a scientist then walked up to them

scientist: welcome, welcome, are you five *looks at paper* Taylen, William, Finn, Y/n, and Zach

Zach indeed we are

scientist: great, now we've made some refreshments for you while you wait 

the man gave the five teens a bottle of water each

Scientist: for now please just remain seated on the couches

the scientist walked away as the teens continued their conversation

Finn: soo do you guys think it'll hurt

Y/n: doubt it, it's not like we're getting injected with the super soldier serum or anything

Taylen: I hope you're right about that I don't deal well with pain

Will: don't worry, I'm sure whatever happens they won't let us feel it, and if they do it's too late to turn back now

Zach: so close to being comforting Will

Y/n: so close, yet so far 

Will: oh shut up! I'm trying here 

Taylen: *drowsy tone* do you guys feel...

Finn: sleepy?

Y/n: well would you look at that...

immediately Will falls down unconscious followed by Taylen and Finn

Y/n: they roofied us

Zach: what?! guys!

then Y/n joined them in dream land

Scientist: don't panic, this is for the procedure to be painless without the needles and hassle

Zach: so that means I'm going to sle-sleeeep

and just like that, the entire group was knocked unconscious 

Scientist: alright, they're ready


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