Help Me

By RuthBriggs

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Andrea (Andi) Clarke, your typical teenage girl, She hates school. Always waits until the last minute to do h... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not A chapter but Important

Chapter 1

139 5 5
By RuthBriggs

All I heard were sirens and footsteps running towards me, and someone shouting "She's alive!" What did the person mean, I'm alive? What happened? Of course, how silly of me, you don't know, I haven't told you what happened, well I'll tell you now. 

Me and my mum always loved each other, that was until my dad died and she met her new boyfriend Jamie. I hated him, he never let my mum tell me anything, I was never allowed to do anything with my friends. I knew one day I was gonna lose it, and scream at him to leave me alone, I would jump out my window and run away. I swear that guy was gonna be the death of me. Why did he hate me? I don't know is the simple answer.

The only reason I hated him was because of the way he treated me. He always came stumbling into the house late at night and my mum would run up to her room, lock the door and wait for him to calm down. But one day he didn't calm down, he stormed up the stairs, tried to get into my mum's room, but when he found out it was locked and yelled and I screamed which caused him to come storming into my room, grabbed me by the collar of the shirt that I was wearing that day, Pinned me against a wall and started hitting me. It was about 21:00 and Jamie was not drunk, he was just really angry at something. He stopped punching me and went down the stairs and slammed the living room door. I was expecting my mum to come in right then but I then had a feeling, that she fell asleep on the floor crying.

I crawled over to my phone (That was on my floor, beside my bed) and called the first person I thought would really listen and care, I called Lucas. I waited until I could actually see my phone screen, and scrolled down until I came to the 'L' section of my contacts and tapped on Lucas's picture and held the phone to my ear, one ring, two rings, three rings "Hello?" a soft voices answers,

"Lucas, please, I-I need you right now, can you please come over?"

"Andi, I'll be right over."

"Oh, don't come in through the front door."

"W-what, why?" Lucas asks, really confused, I haven't told him about Jamie yet,

"I'll tell you when you get here, just sneak round the back of the house, throw a small stone at my window, climb the ladder and knock and I'll open the window for you to come in, okay?" I tell him

"Okay, I'm on my way now, I'm literally like, two minutes away already!"

"Thank you!" I said, I felt a tear run down my cheek.

A couple of minutes later, I hear both a stone being thrown against my window and footsteps stomping up the stairs, I ran for my door trying to close it, but I wasn't fast enough, Jamie came stomping in and he shoved me against the wall and grabbed my phone out of my hand, "Who the hell were you talking to on the phone?!" He shouted at me

"No one!" I lied

I looked over to my window and seen thick dark brown hair rising from below, and then I was met by bright blue eyes that instantly widened. Jamie wasn’t calming down, he threw my phone across my room and it hit the wall, he then punched my jaw and stomped out, slamming the door as he left, once he was out I ran to see what had happened to my phone. I ran to the window and let Lucas in, as soon as he was standing on both his feet inside my room, I burst out crying and ran into Lucas's arm, and just cried into his chest. He started to stroke my black, waist length hair and whispered "Andi, please don't cry, it's okay" Lucas put one hand around my waist and his other around the back of my knees and lifted me up. He carried me all the way over to my bed and sat down, with me still on his lap. "Andi, please stop crying and look at me," Lucas begged.

I slowly lifted my head, and Lucas puts his hands up to wipe my tears away. I flinch as his hand touches my jaw "Are you okay?" He asked, I just shake my head "Do you want me to call my mum to come and get us, but just to wait outside?" again, I don't say anything, I just nod my head. Lucas pulled out his phone from his back pocket, I just stayed seated where I was and buried my head into his chest while he called his mum. He was on the phone for a couple of minutes before he hung up. "Andi, get a bag ready to stay at my house tonight, my mum will be here soon, we're going to sneaking out the window and run to my mums car. If Jamie catches us, my mum has her phone out, so if she sees Jamie coming after us she will call the cops come running out to restrain him and I run you to the car. Okay?"

I look at him and nod "Okay," I say, but it doesn't come out quite right, I think my jaw is dislocated.

"He punched you that's why you haven't said anything to me since I came in, that's why you flinched when I touched your jaw isn't it?" He says. I just nod, afraid to speak again.

I walk over to my wardrobe, and quickly grab a backpack, a t-shirts and some jeans. I turn to my shoes and pick up the first pair of canvas shoes I see. I turn back to Lucas, who is just sitting on my bed playing on his phone, I look inside my bag, see how much more space is in it. Still quite a lot, I go to my desk, grab my laptop, homework and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. That is the book I am currently reading and stuff it into my bag. I went back to my bed, lifted the pillow and grab my dad’s old shirt that I sleep in. I sit down and zip my bag up. I looked at Lucas, who hadn't noticed I sat down, and just smiled because he's so god damn adorable. It hurt so much so I stopped. I stood up and hit his chest to indicate 'I'm ready, come on'.

I was almost at my window when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I'm guessing Lucas heard as well, because he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my open window. He lifted me up and jumped out onto the tree that grew right beside my window, why didn't I think to tell him to come in that way? I'm such an  idiot. We make it to the middle of the tree and Lucas runs back to shut my window so Jamie doesn't see it's open. I hear footsteps coming back and start to freak out until I see it's only Lucas. He knows he scared me, so he says "Oh my god, An, I'm sorry! I-I'm so sorry for scaring you!" He walks over to me pulls me up and hugs me. I break down and cry into his chest until he picks me up and is climbing down the rope ladder that is on the tree. We get to the bottom of the tree and he starts to run to the front of the house to meet his mum at her car. "Why is he still carrying me?" I wonder to myself.

We get to Lucas' Mum's car and we get into the back of the car. "Andi, are you okay?" His mum,Jen, asks me, she's driving so she won't be able to see me nod, so I just look at Lucas and he says "Mum, she has a dislocated jaw, she's in pain and can't talk. Well I hope it's dislocated."

"Right, well Andi when we get back to my house I'll get my first aid kit and help as much as I can." Jen said.

We arrive at their house in a couple of minutes and again Lucas lifts me up and carries me into his house. He takes me to the living room, and his mum rushes to get her first aid kit. Lucas sits next to me and takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers. I look at him like 'What the hell are you doing?'  He doesn't notice so I just let it drop, and wait for his mum to come in with the first aid kit. She comes running into the living room not long after we got in. "Lucas-" She begins but stops when she saw our fingers intertwined, "Never mind then, I can see you have already done it." She quickly set to work on my jaw, Jen starts mumbling stuff to herself as she checks my jaw for signs of fractures, but thankfully, there isn't any. My jaw is just dislocated. I scream as Jen tries to pop it back into place but she just says to me "Don't scream sweetheart, just squeeze Lucas's hand." I do as I'm told and in a few minutes my jaw is back in place and I can talk again. Jen gave me a cup of tea as we sat in the living room. "Andi, can you please tell us what happened before you called me." Lucas asked

"Well Jamie, my mum's boyfriend came home and my mum ran up the stairs to lock herself in her room which left me to wonder why? Then Jamie came up the stairs and started banging on the door, unaware that my door was open and I was watching him, he started yelling at my mum to open the door, I then scream and he come running towards my room before I get a chance to close the door. He storms in, grabs me by the collar of my shirt and starts to hit me repeatedly against the wall, when he had enough of that he punched me a few times in different places, but not that hard except for my jaw obviously. He then storms back out my room and down the stairs to watch TV or something, I then call Lucas asking for him to come and sneak in through my window. I didn't Think Jamie would hear me talking to Lucas, but he must have because he came back up took my phone out my hand and hurdled it against my wall where it smashed,” I took out my phone to show Jen “he hit me a few more times and then threw me onto the ground leaving my room. That is when Lucas came." I explain to them.

"Is Jamie normally like this Andi?" Jen asks me.

"No, he normally comes home drunk and angry, but calms down after a few minutes of being alone down the stairs watching TV. But he was just angry this time and wouldn’t leave the house to calm down, he was absolutely ragin’. I was terrified when he was hitting my mum’s door and shouting." I feel a tear roll down my cheek and Lucas, who still has a hold of one of my hands, wipes it away with his free hand. I just smile at him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Right, well you kids look tired so why don't you guys head up the stairs and try to sleep," Jen says, that's when it hits me, where am I sleeping? I don't want to ask Jen because I don't want to sound rude, so I'll just wait to get to Lucas's room and I'll ask him. Myself and Lucas stand up and start to walk to his room. When we get to the stair Lucas lets me go first, I'm not sure why but as I walk past him I can see a smirk on his face. I start walking and when I'm up a few step I hear another set of foot steps behind me, I turn around and see Lucas walking still with that smirk on his face. I turn my head to keep on going up the stairs, but almost as soon as my head is turned away, Lucas whacks my butt causing me to turn around so quickly that I nearly fall down the stairs but Lucas catches me and there is physically no space between our bodies, "Thanks," He pushes me back slowly and we continue to walk up to his room. As soon as his door is closed I whack him back. He just smiles and goes over to his dresser to change. I hope he goes to the bathroom, But no of course he just starts to strip off right in front of his dresser that is right in front of me. I decide to wolf whistle at him to see his reaction. He just turns around and stares at me smiling. "Why don't you do the same?" He asks

"Are you being serious or sarcastic?" I reply

"Serious" I just look at him but finally give in, I go to get my dad's old top that I sleep in, look to make sure Lucas isn't watching and strip off my top and pull my dad's old one over my head. I pull my skirt off and I hear a faint wolf whistle come from Lucas's bed.

"Lucas..." I whine

"Andi..." He mimics I try to keep a straight face but end up laughing at him, he stands up and walks over to me he stops a few feet away to give me a once over, "So what about trousers?" He asks, my face goes red hot, I forgot, because this top is so big on me I don't wear trousers with it. I decide to wait to answer him so I can give him a once over. He isn't wearing a top; I can make a comment about that.

"So what about a top?" I say to him trying to keep a straight face, but I can't and neither can Lucas.

"Alright, touché" He says walking closer to me closing the gap between us. "Alright!" He announces when he is right in front of me "In the bed!" He says ushering to his bed, of course I'll be sleeping there, I always sleep there when I stay here, it's somehow not awkward for either of us. I stand my ground where I am, I do this everytime and I know what is coming next as well. I'm flung over Lucas's shoulder and we are moving towards the bed, he throws me down and I lie facing up at the ceiling above his bed. "Are you going to do that everytime?" He asks me laying down next to me.

"Obviously." I say and playfully roll my eyes. I look over at Lucas who is just looking up at his ceiling smiling, I smile too because he looks so adorable like that, was I in love with Lucas? Maybe. Was I going to tell him? No. Simple and short answer. "Hey, An," Lucas begins, looking at me "I need to tell you something but you have to swear not to laugh at me okay?"

" Okay" I answer him

"Well, it's about you," I feel my stomach go crazy with butterflies, "I just wanted to say that I-I well... I, um I, I love you Andi, do you feel the same way?" He stutters, I don't reply to him, I just sit up and swing my leg over Lucas's naked waist, his hands instantly find my waist and he sits up so we are at eye level and he leans in and our lips lock. Before I know Lucas is on his feet and walking over to the wall, I feel my back hit the wall and smile into the kiss, Lucas's hand start to move towards my butt, and I move my hands up to his hair and lightly tug on it. He pulls away first "I'll take that as a yes then!" He says smiling, I nod and he puts me back onto my feet.

We walk over to his bed and fall back, on top of the duvet. Well I did, Lucas gets under the duvet, "Care to join me under here? You know just to cover your legs before my mum comes in." He asks me, I just playfully roll my eyes at him and slid under the duvet. Almost as soon as my head hits his pillow I'm asleep but, not before I hear a faint "Goodnight, An."


Okay guys, I decided I didn't really like My Secret Soul so I'm starting this one now. I'll try and update on Monday and Friday every week. 

Hope you guys enjoy this book and be sure to 




I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend @ionaross because she is a real sweet friend and has a really good book on her profile. So Please go and follow her. x

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