For the Empire - Inganno

נכתב על ידי LJRae0328

37K 1.9K 867

[Book 1] Stella and her father had no choice but to move in with her Uncle Timo, in New York, in refuge, afte... עוד

Author Note/Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 65

408 19 16
נכתב על ידי LJRae0328


I have not slept well these last two days, being anxious for JP to come home. I was already impatient with the week drawing out, but then he called me the same night that I had sent him the shower video, telling me Jimmy had ambushed him at lunch.

If it wasn't for Enzo showing up when he did, we don't know where he'd be right now or if he'd even be alive; to say I was desperate to see him is a huge understatement.

I admit I was upset at first to learn Enzo had known about the attack going down and didn't say anything to me, but then the realness of the situation hit me, and I was ultimately grateful he was there to save JP.

I'm chewing on my thumbnail as I watch my Uncle's private jet finally land and then take its sweet time to make its way over to us.

I had told my Uncle I wanted to be here when JP arrived, and he obliged in letting me come, with Tobias and Joey, even though I knew he'd prefer I waited at the house.

Tobias looks over at me as I bounce on the balls of my feet and fidget from one position to another. "He's fine, kiddo. You'll see him here shortly. Take a few deep breaths." He smiles at me kindly.

I try to do as he says, by taking deep breaths to ease my anxiousness, but I know I won't calm down until I see him and hold him.

Finally, the plane comes to a stop, but now the airport crew moves at a snail's pace to line up the stair ladder up to the door. I watch as the ladder moves back to get aligned better against the door.

"Oh, come on!" I groan. Joey snickers next to me, and I punch his arm. 

"Ow, shit!"

At last, the door opens, but my smile quickly fades when I see someone stepping out who isn't JP.

"That's Adriano, Timo's general manager, at the casino in Chicago," Tobias answers my question; reading my mind, I nod but don't really care to know.

And then I see JP.

My heart skips a beat as I watch him make his way down the stairs. He always looks so confident, but I can not help notice how attractive he is in his dark grey dress pants and white dress shirt. The wind blows his hair wildly, and I'm dying to run my fingers through it; his dark aviators hide his eyes from me.

When he reaches the last step, I run to him. I offer a smile as I pass the Adriano guy, who nods at me.

JP lifts his glasses up on his forehead, grinning at me as I run to him, squealing when I jump on him, wrapping my arms and legs around him.

"God, I've missed you, princess." His deep voice instantly stirs my insides. His cologne fills my senses, and I feel at home in his arms.

"I've missed you so much, John Paul; I'm so happy you're safe, amore mio." I kiss his neck and make my way to his jaw, cheek, and then his lips. He holds me tightly as he kisses me deeply.

When we pull apart, we're both breathless, laughing, but he keeps carrying me until we reach the car.

We sit in the back of the SUV while Adriano sits in the middle section and Joey and Tobias sit up in the front. Joey turns on the radio and starts tapping along to the music.

I turn towards JP. "I don't want you to leave again on the next trip; I just have this bad feeling."

He smiles over at me, bringing my hand up to his lips. "What happened in Chicago won't happen again, baby."

"You don't know that," I look at my hand in his.

"Hey, look at me," JP lifts my chin towards him with his free hand. "Timo said I'd have a security detail when I'm down in Miami."

He moves his hands to my face and neck and leans down to kiss me; I can hear the volume for the radio go up, and I smile against JP's lips as he deepens the kiss, and we continue kissing the entire way home.

"Alright, lovebirds," Joey calls out.

We pull apart, and I blink, taking in our surroundings; the ride home seemed to go by so fast. I shake my head out of the haze I'm in.

"I've gotta go meet with Timo but let's go out tonight, yes?" JP asks as we step out of the SUV.

"Sure, how should I dress?"

"Well, that depends. Do you want to take the bike or no?" He smiles at me, knowing I'll say the bike.

"Bike for sure," I tell him as we walk into the foyer of the house.

"I'll meet you down here in about an hour, then." He gives me a quick peck and heads to my Uncle's office.

I get ready quickly, check my email before I grab a book to read while I wait. I must have fallen asleep when I feel a hand on my cheek. I look up and see JP sitting next to me.

"Hey, sleeping beauty."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just didn't sleep very well the last couple of days." I tell him, stretching.

"You don't need to apologize, amore mio. You were tired, and we're staying in."

I sit up, shaking my head. "No, I want to go out."

"Another night, princess. Come on; I have a surprise for you." JP holds his hand out for me, and I take it excitedly. He grins at me as he leads me out of my room.

I finally take notice of how dark it is outside. "Dang, how long did I sleep for?"

"A few hours."

A few hours? I pull my phone out. "Why'd you let me sleep so long? We were supposed to leave three hours ago, JP."

"In my defense, I did try waking you up. But you were completely out, Char."

He stops before we walk into the kitchen. "Close your eyes." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Go on." He says.

I close my eyes, but he covers my eyes with one of his hands anyway, making me laugh as he leads me through the kitchen, heading towards the terrace.

"Open your eyes."

My eyes open, and I see a table with flowers and candles on it, and there are two heated serving plates on the table.

"What's this?" I ask him, smiling.

"I thought I'd cook for you." He pulls my chair out for me, and I sit down.

"You can cook?" I tease him, knowing he does.

"I may have picked up a few things from watching Carmela all these years." He smiles.

JP lifts the cover to the plate in front of me. "Gnocchi with Chicken Sausage and Tomatoes."

"It smells wonderful."

"Buon appetito." I watch as he sits down and pulls the napkin on his lap.

I take a bite, and I moan in pleasure of goodness, exploding in my mouth. "Wow, this is amazing, JP." I smile at him.

He chuckles at me.


"Nothing, it's just I've always loved eating with you. You make a cute sound when you like what you're eating." JP's beautiful brown eyes look back at me so softly.

"I do?" Feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.

"Yes, you hum quietly or moan, and I don't think you realize you do it most of the time, it's one of my favorite things, but I am glad you like it, amore." He takes a bite as well but then puts his fork down. "I have another surprise for you." He leans over to the other chair behind him and pulls out a small box.

He slides it over to me, and I lift open the lid of the box. Inside is a beautiful glass picture frame. I turn it over, and it's a picture of us in a split frame; on one side, he's kissing my cheek; on the other, I'm kissing his.

"I finally got around to printing some of those pictures, you love so much, that I'm always taking." He tells me sarcastically.

"Hey, I just don't like when you take pictures of me sleeping. These..." I gesture to the pictures. "I don't mind at all. I love it, thank you so much."

"There are a lot of other pictures under the tissue. I figure you can get them framed or put them up on your board if you want."

"I will." I go through them, smiling as I remember when he took each one of them. I look up when he starts talking again.

"You know, when Jimmy attempted to take Adriano and me, there was a moment where I thought I wouldn't see you again," JP looks down at his hands. "My hands are no longer clean, Char."

"You were defending yourself, JP. You did what you had to, to survive." I tell him, and he nods but doesn't look at me.

"That whole experience made me realize I never want to be apart from you. You are everything to me, Char. I want you to know I've already talked to Timo before I left for Chicago and let him know that I will be leaving after the trip to Miami."

"Leaving?" I ask, confused, not understanding, and almost feel myself panic.

"Yes, leaving, as in leaving the family. I'm going to Paris with you," He smiles at me. "I mean, there's a chance our trips will overlap, depending on how this Miami trip goes, but when I get back, I'll be flying out to be with you."

I squeal in happiness as I make my way over to him, sitting on his lap, hugging him tightly. "You make me so happy, JP. That was the part I was dreading the most; not being with you when it came to going to Paris."

I pepper his face with kisses. "I love you so much, John Paul. You mean everything to me, too. After losing my dad, I felt so empty and broken inside, but you were there the whole time. Just being there, loving me, being so patient with me. You helped heal me, and you healed my heart, JP."

He hugs me tightly as he whispers into my neck, "I love you so much, amore mio."


JP and I spend the next two weeks enjoying each other's company as much as possible, trying to make up for the month we'll be apart when he leaves for Miami.

We spend our days' training, going out on dates, or being around our friends having game nights. Of course, we still bicker over where to eat or watch when we were home, but we wouldn't be us if we weren't arguing about something.

For example, I asked him to give me some riding lessons around the property on his bike. At first, he wasn't enthusiastic about it and even told me it wasn't safe for "his princess" to operate heavy machinery.

Our argument escalated to the point where we ended up putting each other in different holds, and Joey and Santino had to pry us off of each other when they walked in and saw us on the floor of the family room.

It wasn't until I told him I'd ask Enzo to show me how to ride that his attitude completely changed.

We've even met up with Dean and the other guys from high school a couple of times. He told us things didn't work out between him and Victoria, much to our disappointment. Joey, of all people, even told him he had dodged a bullet with her.

We also spent a couple of nights with Tobias' kids again, so Tobias and Melanie could have some time away, just to themselves.

Some nights, JP would play his guitar while I'd read or just lay on his legs listening or watching him. He'd even read my favorite books as I'd drift off to sleep.

He also spent time baking with me, although we'd make more of a mess and get flower or frosting all over each other, which usually led to us taking a shower together, and...well, you can guess what would happen then.

My favorite times are being in his arms, though, whether when we were taking baths together or when we are tangled in the sheets, in bed at night, or in the mornings. Just him and I, laughing, talking, or making love.

Tonight, being the last night before he leaves, he surprised me by taking me out to another fancy restaurant.

But he seems a little off tonight, even jumpy at times. He tells me he's fine, though, when I ask if everything is okay. But I can tell he's tense and, at one point, spills his water on his pants.

I try not to laugh, but I've never seen him so flustered. He's usually calm, collected, or moody, but not today; he seems all thumbs and anxious.

After dinner, when we are back at the house, we take a walk around the grounds. The sunset view is breathtaking, giving the sky a pink and orange glow, but I love the blue, and purple hues spread thinly against the sky.

I have always loved how magical summer nights can feel, and I've never felt happier or at peace like I did at that moment with him. In general, everything seems to be falling into place after so much that's happened the last few months.

JP leads us over to the tree in the backyard with a swing hanging from a large branch. He pushes me on it for a little while we talk about our memories of being out there as kids. I enjoy the slight breeze I feel as I move back and forth on the swing, my hair flowing back with each push.

JP tells me he'll be back while I keep swinging, and he runs back in the house. A few minutes later, he walks out again, playing his guitar. I slow down on my swinging as he serenades me with the 'Perfect' song by Ed Sheeran.

I'm still sitting on the swing when he gets down on one knee in front of me, and my heart begins beating out of my chest. I didn't realize I had my hands on either side of my face until he gently grabs my left hand in his, smiling up at me.

"I have loved you since we were kids. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you; will you marry me?"

I nod my head, smiling through my tears. "Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" I cry happily as he slips a beautiful ring onto my finger and pulls me into his arms.

We kiss under the moonlight, sealing our love for each other, and then spend the rest of the night making love, slowly and passionately, exploring and taking our time to show our love for each other until our bodies give in and we drift asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning, I'm still in bed while JP's in the shower, and I take a picture of the ring on my hand and send it to Annalisa.

My phone rings almost instantly.

"Shut up! Is that real?" She says as soon as I answer.

"Yes!" My eyes start tearing up as I get emotional again.

"Oh my God! When did this happen? How? Tell me everything. On second thought, I'm heading over there right now. I have to see it in person! Oh my gosh, can I help plan your wedding? Do you know where you want to get married? What about colors? Wait, are you pregnant?" Her questions never end.

"Anna! Stop, just get over here, and we'll talk! And no, I'm not pregnant!" I laugh into the phone and hang up.

I stretch, then hop out of bed and head to the bathroom. I smile when I see JP is still in the shower and I open the door quietly and walk in behind him.

I reach around him, hugging him, and press myself up against him. I run my hands down his chest, then the ridges of his abs, and love the feeling of him getting hard in my hand.

He begins to turn around, and I let him go as his lips come down on mine, hungrily while he presses me up against the wall. His erection is hot and pulsing on my stomach.

He lifts me and enters me gradually, and my moan comes out as a sigh. He starts to move in and out of me; the rhythm is slow and tantalizing. He takes my breasts in his mouth, and his tongue swirls over my nipples until he starts suckling them, and I dig my nails into his shoulders as he continues to take me over the edge.

He pulls out and turns me around, so he enters from behind and groans sexily against my ear. I feel a pleasurable stinging pain when he bites down on my shoulder, causing me to moan loudly while I arch my back and press myself up against him.

He moves his hand down over my breasts, trailing his hand until he starts circling my clit, and I push up against him more, meeting him with each thrust until I come apart, and JP leans against me when he reaches his climax.

"I will never get enough of you, amore mío ." His voice is husky against my ear. He places soft kisses on my neck, then my face.

He pulls me towards him and proceeds to wash my hair, and we finish the shower together.

As I finish pulling my pants on, there's a knock at my door. JP opens the door greeting Annalisa, and she hugs JP, congratulating him.

She runs over to me screaming, and I can't help but scream along with her as we hug, jumping up and down. JP smiles at us as he heads out of my room to a meeting with my Uncle.

We're both crying by the time we pull apart, and Annalisa grabs my hand, and her eyes widen. "Wow, he did good. It's gorgeous, Char. He looks so happy, too. You both do."

"I just love him so much, Annalisa." I gush to her.

"Okay, so tell me everything." She says and pulls me onto my bed. I proceed to tell her about our night. From our dinner, the walk, and the song he sang before he proposed.

"So, wait, does this mean you're going to have a quick wedding? I mean, you're leaving in less than five weeks, to Paris!" She exclaims.

I shake my head. "No, we're waiting until we are back home after my courses are through."

"But that'll be a long engagement, eight months? You really want to wait that long?" She asks.

"Yeah, we talked about it, and we both agreed to wait until my courses are done so I don't freak out and get overwhelmed. You know how I get, plus we just want to enjoy this time and being engaged and out on our own."

Annalisa nods in understanding, laughing as she does.

"Since you're my maid of honor, I'll need your help with everything while I'm in Paris."

"I will not let you down, I promise." Holding her pinkie finger out to me. I hook mine with hers, laughing.

"What are your colors? Are you going to have a theme? Have you thought of venues?" She begins her endless interrogation.

We spend the rest of the morning going over a lot of things I've dreamed about for a wedding. At one point, my stomach growls, reminding me I haven't eaten anything yet.

We head down to the kitchen, and I show Carmela the engagement ring. She hugs me for a long time, crying, giving me congratulatory well wishes in Italian.

"Tanti auguri per una vita felice insieme!" She holds my face in her hands, kissing both sides of my face. (Many wishes for a happy life together)

"You give me little bambino's soon, yes?" Carmela pats my stomach.

My face flushes, and I shake my head, laughing. "No, no. Later, but not now."

Santino walks in. "Hey, look who I found outside." Enzo follows him.

"Whoa, what did we just walk into?" Santino stops, taking in all of our crying faces, and I hold my hand out to them.

"Minchia!" (Shit) Santino draws out the word slowly. "Are you serious?" He walks up to me, hugging me, and congratulates me. Enzo does the same; he's quiet but still seems genuinely happy for me.

JP walks in, and I can tell he's upset, but he quickly masks it when the guys congratulate him; he seems to share a look with Enzo before turning to me. I hug him, tightly loving how safe and loved I feel in his arms.

He holds my face, kissing me long and slow before someone clears their throat. He looks down at me so intently; his gaze is so intense. I look back at him, but he closes his eyes leaning his forehead on mine, telling me he loves me and will call me when he lands in Miami.

I shake off the uneasy feeling I have and continue talking with my friends. Looking back, I realize this is a moment I should have followed my instincts and asked him what was going on.

We all sit, talking and enjoying the food Carmela has made when my Uncle's voice interrupts us. "I hear congratulations are in order, cara mia." I turn towards him, running up to him. I hug him tightly and find myself crying again. "Don't cry, piccola. You should be happy, not sad." He wipes at my face.

"I am happy, Uncle. I just wish my parents were here."

He looks down at me, lovingly and his hand cups my face. "They are always here with you, dolcezza."

He pulls me in for another hug. "Whatever you want, I'll make sure you get it. No expenses spared. It's not every day your favorite niece gets engaged."

"I'm your only niece, Uncle," I tell him dryly as I look up at him. He chuckles then smiles down at me, hugging me a little tighter.

המשך קריאה

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