Be Creative

By Starskulls

208K 5.5K 4.2K

PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY STORY ANYWHERE. THANK YOU. Lila succeeded in taking everything Marinette held dear t... More

Chapter 1: A Dreary Day
Chapter 2: Read You Like a Book
Chapter 3: Pawns
Chapter 4: Practice What You Preach
Chapter 5: Two Became Four
Chapter 7: The Queen Makes a Move
Chapter 8: Countdown
Chapter 9: I am MDC
Chapter 10: Damage Control
Chapter 11: A Crack in the Kingdom
Chapter 12: Who?
Chapter 13: Ashamed and Alone
Chapter 14: A Storm is Brewing
Chapter 15: A Game Within a Game
Chapter 16: The Final Vote
Chapter 17: Today is the Day
Chapter 18: Act 1
Chapter 19: Act 2
Question Session
Chapter 20: Act 3
Chapter 21: Act 4
Chapter 22: The Final Act
Epilogue: The Closing Curtain

Chapter 6: Assemble the Players

7.1K 228 104
By Starskulls

The morning could not have gone better in the next few classes. Not only had Marinette succeeded in getting her commission prices through but she had resigned as president. Alya never helped that much out to begin with and to be honest she couldn't wait to see how they would handle the responsibilities. All of Lila's connections would come in handy. Not! All morning, she had been thrown a sour comment by some of the class, but she only responded cheerfully so they couldn't really bash her for it. They were just coming out of science class to break for lunch until Marinette felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see the face of Aurore looking at her with a smile.

"Hey Aurore, how's it going?" Marinette asked with a smile. She never caused any hate towards her. Either she didn't know about Lila or she had brain cells.

"Oh, it's going great! Me and Mireille co-hosting a new show is working out. It's so better than just one of us doing it," Aurore said.

"You're a great team!" Marinette complimented.

"Thanks. Actually, it's why I wanted to talk to you. We will be doing a weather section at one point, which leads to me asking if you can create some costumes for us. We're happy to pay," Aurore explained.

"Oh! Of course. I can send you my commission rate over if you want. I have it all in a spreadsheet," Marinette said.

"Oh perfect! I was hoping you'd have a sheet already," Aurore said. Marinette then cocked her head to the side as she realised something.

" were going to pay me? Without even knowing I'm charging now?" Marinette asked. That made Aurore have a confused look on her face.

"I assumed you were charging. I mean your designs are amazing. Wait, you mean that your class have been asking for freebies all this time?" Aurore asked, anger evident in her voice.

"It's only been brought to my attention recently but yes. I have to...put the hammer down now so to say," Marinette admitted.

"I had no idea you had it so bad. Well, I mean you probably weren't aware...but your class is known as the 'Akuma Class'," Aurore said.

"I had no idea," Marinette said in surprise.

"I know akumas are caused by distress of course, and I am not blaming anyone. But the attitudes in that class... no one really likes them as much. You're Class President. I'm sure you noticed at some point," Aurore stated.

"Well..." Marinette said thoughtfully. "I've resigned now."

It kinda made sense now. Whenever she went to the President meetings, they always welcomed her with smiles and such but whenever she talked about the people in the class, there always seemed to be something off in the atmosphere. Aurore was a president herself, so she knew first hand.

"You resigned? Well I can't say I blame you. You've practically offered your mental health for those guys and you don't get thanks. So, who's replacing you?" Aurore asked, not knowing that her words warmed Marinette's heart as she was aware of the metal health issues.

"Lila Rossi. Alya is her deputy," Marinette said, disgust rolling off her tongue at the name. Aurore froze at that.

"What? Lie-la? Seriously? Oh man Marinette, why would you pick her?" Aurore said in disgust.

"I didn't! Alya nominated her and everyone seemed fine with it. They said I was lacking anyway," Marinette said in defence. The blonde's shoulders relaxed a little at that.

"Okay, that's something. Can't wait to hear what lies she spouts at the meetings," Aurore said with a scoff.

"Her lies?" Marinette squeaked as her heart pounded.

"Yeah her lies! Honestly you'd have to be an idiot to..." Aurore started but was cut off when Marinette wrapped her in a hug. Aurore was surprised but hugged the girl back as she felt her shake.

"Thank have no idea how much that means to me," Marinette whispered, tears threatening to fall. She'd held her composure well thanks to Morgana but to know that someone knew and wasn't afraid to say it ... it was a breath of fresh air.

"You're welcome? Wait is that why you resigned?" Aurore asked as Marinette pulled away.

"One of the reasons yes. But please...don't say that I said anything to you about it. Or she'll make you...well like me," Marinette said.

"There is nothing wrong with being you. But I won't say anything. But now that she's president... it may change. Don't worry Marinette. You aren't as alone as you think," Aurore said with a warm smile. She then handed her a piece of paper with her email and gave her a wave as she walked off for lunch.

"I'm not alone..." Marinette whispered.

"Told you," Tikki whispered from her purse. A buzz from her pocket made Tikki go quiet again as Marinette pulled out her phone.


Where there are pawns, there are knights. And where there are

knights...we now have rooks.

"She likes to play games," Marinette mumbled as her eyes darted around.

Morgana was levelling her players now. Morgana couldn't have known Aurore that well or she would have been mentioned. So essentially, Marinette was making her own allies. She felt her confidence grow ever so slightly. Time for lunch!


"What do you mean she resigned?!" a student said in shock.

"It is what I said, she resigned," Aurore said as she rubbed her face in tiredness. She had decided to call a meeting of the Presidents, minus Lila, to come to hear her news and needless to say, none of them were ecstatic about it.

"But why? And we are stuck with that liar?" another shouted.

"Yes! Marinette has tried to tell her class several times but they disregard her. I am fairly sure they're abusing her kindness too. Turns out she was doing all the treats and costumes for free," Aurore said but that only seemed to annoy everyone further.


"You sound like Chloè..."

"Shut up!"

"The akuma class suck! I say we exclude them all! Apart from Marinette, she's a sweetie."

"Okay enough! We cannot isolate people even if we don't..." Aurore started, before there was a knock on the door. She got up from her chair and headed towards the door and opened reveal nothing.

"Who is it?" someone called.

"No idea. There's no one here," Aurore said as she looked to the left and right to see empty corridors.

Everyone was on the other side of the building for lunch so someone had ever been very quick or we are hearing things," Aurore said with a shake of her head. Her eyes then landed ono the floor to see an envelope. She picked it up cautiously and turned it over to see no name. She then opened it to reveal a small piece of paper with a little message.

The akuma class need a wake-up call about how they need a real President. Show them.

"What's that?" someone called.

"I think we need to invite someone to more meetings. We need to show...the importance of being one," Aurore said with a smile. This caused a discussion behind her and making sure no one was looking, she turned the paper over to see another message which made her widened her eyes in shock.

Aurore. If you want news, then go to the lock room after school today.


"You okay bro?" Nino asked. Himself and the currently dubbed 'Akuma Class', were all sitting at the lunch table, blissfully unaware that no one else chose to join them. For obvious reasons.

"Yeah, I'm fine...I just feel bad," Adrien said.

He'd had a serious talking to from Plagg, totally out of his character which made it even more serious.



"You messed up kid and I mean really messed up!" Plagg said angrily.

"Calm down Plagg, remember your cata-" Adrien started until Plagg flew in his face.

"Forget my powers! Do you have any idea what you did today? You crossed a line!" Plagg spat.

"I know but Morgana..." Adrien tried again.

"She was right! You cannot expect others to come to your defence while you walk away consequence free! Look kid, I know you've had a sheltered life, but that does not give you an excuse. You need to know about basic human interaction," Plagg all but shouted.

"I'm sorry," Adrien said quietly as he sat down on his bed.

"I know you are. But you need to wake up. If someone, it doesn't have to be Lila, made fun of your mother, what is the natural thing to do?" Plagg asked.

"Defend her of course," Adrien said quickly.

"Good. People don't know your mother, so they wouldn't know she was in that film," Plagg said.

"But Marinette and Morgana..." Adrien said but Plagg flew up in his face again, his green eyes narrowing.

"...are not her daughters! Pigtails did exactly what you told her to do! Take the high road! I suggest you have a long hard think about the 'advice' you give to people. It's like that new girl says! Practice what you preach!" he said firmly, before whizzing off to find some spare cheese, leaving Adrien to dwell.



"Oh, I am sure Morgana will forgive you! She would be rude not to!" Lila said sweetly.

"Oh yeah? If someone shoved you against your will, would you forgive them?" Alix asked.

"Marinette...has several times but I want to make friends with her," Lila sniffed, earning a hug from Alya.

"Hey, with you being our new President, we will show Marinette! But maybe we could take Morgana for ice-cream. Lila's right, she'll forgive you!" Alya said determinedly.

"Well she did forgive him yesterday," Rose said.

"True but I bet she said that to just go home," Alya said with a shrug.

"Babe you can't force someone to forgive another person. Sorry bro," Nino said. Adrien nodded in understanding.

"I get it I really do. I want to make it up to her, but I am not going to force her to do anything," Adrien said.

"You're so sweet!" Lila said as she forcefully hugged Adrien who recoiled but no one noticed.

"Say, where is she?" Ivan asked as he looked around. Everyone else followed suited as their eyes then fell upon the said girl over on her own. Only, she wasn't really doing something...well normal.

Morgana was sitting on a spare two-seater table which had a chess board with the pieces in the middle. She was moving a piece from one side and then getting up and moving to the other side and moving another piece. She was playing chess with herself. Not to mention talking to herself.

"Should we keep her company?" Adrien asked in slight concern.

"Might be best," Sabrina said in agreement.

Morgana looked at the table thoughtfully as she played the game. She had overheard the conversation Marinette had with the blonde and was pleased. Seems that there were more players here that she had predicted. And now with Lila and that tabloid writer as representatives, things would become even more interesting. She just needed to assemble the players to take each other down at the right point. The confrontation the other day had caused a rift in her game but now she was back in control. Now not only did she have pawns and knights, but she had rooks. Now was the time to...

"Hey girl!" a voice said, making Morgana twitch in irritation. She turned to see the class minus Marinette in front of her game.

"Hello," she said simply.

"So why are you playing a game with yourself?" Kim asked bluntly, making Alix elbow him.

"W-Why does anyone play p-player one on a console?" Morgana responded.

"Good point," Max supported.

"So why don't one of us play with you?" Adrien offered.

"No..." Morgana said as her eyes trailed to the board.

"Aw why not?" Rose said sadly.

"I'm no play with at least not back in my other school..." Morgana said shyly. Like any of you idiots could even beat me in a game, Morgana thought with a hidden smirk.

"I'm sure we can give you a challenge. I met Bobby Fischer once when he was doing one of his public games in parks and he taught me a few tricks," Lila said with a wink while everyone, minus Morgana and Adrien awed at her.

"Really?" Morgana asked. Unless Lila had access to a Ouija board as said chess champion had been dead for years, then there was no way she'd have known him. Given the exception that she'd met him when she was in nappies and had an eidetic memory.

"Of course! I bet I could give you a run for your money!" Lila said as she uninvitedly sat down opposite Lila. That sparked something in Morgana's brain.

"A bet?" Morgana asked.

"A bet?" Marinette chimed in as she suddenly appeared after picking up some lunch.

"Hey Marinette, Lila was just challenging Morgana to a game," Adrien said. Marinette could have laughed. If Morgana liked games, then boy was Lila in trouble.

"Oh cool! Can I watch! Hey why doesn't Markov referee?" Marinette suggested.

"Good idea!" Max said eagerly. Alya also pulled out her phone but Morgana looked at her.

"I would p-prefer if you didn't record this..." Morgana asked.

"Oh, come on, this would be so good!" Alya protested.

"I said no," Morgana said, calmly but firmly.

"Come if she doesn't want to be filmed, then put it away," Nino said, causing Alya to grumble as she put her phone away.

"So, come on, what's a good bet?" Kim said eagerly.

Lila thought about this. She wanted to know more about Morgana, but she couldn't get into the main office without being caught and there was no way she was going to get in. So maybe she needed to get personal. But she had to do it without being obvious.

"So I would love to get to know you more. How about if I win, you take me to your old school for a tour! It would be a nice bonding thing for us!" Lila said.

"So sweet!" Rose gushed.

"..." Juleka said.

"That's be an amazing experience!" Nathaniel said.

"Interesting," Morgana mused. Yeah, like I'd let you all into such an elite place. Such vermin.

"So what do you say?" Lila asked with a hidden smirk. She'd have her in her palm in no time.

"Well, if I win, I'd like us to have a selfie," Morgana said. There was a pause.

"That's it?" Lila said in genuine surprise.

"Sure. I-I mean if you take a s-selfie of me, then maybe some of your connections will see me and you can tell them... about me," Morgana said shyly.

"Ah that's sneaky!" Alya applauded. But Morgana wasn't done. What's her game now, Marinette thought.

"I will up it... if you can beat me, I will take y-you all to my school," Morgana said. The class all started chattering. You could only get in that school if you knew someone or had super bags of money. It would be so amazing!

"Wow!" Marinette commented but Morgana held up her hand and they quietened down.

"That is...if y-you can beat three turns or less," Morgana said, pure confidence coming out of her voice.

"What?!" Lila all but yelled, as well as causing chatter between the class.

"No way!"

"That's insane!"

"You'd have to be a genius!"

"What do you say?" Morgana said quietly.

Lila could have burned holes in this girl's head. Who did she think she was, coming into her kingdom and showing off like this? She had no idea what Morgana's game was, no pun intended, but she didn't like it. Morgana clearly had no social concept, nor did she seem to know about her lies. But she was also clearly gifted at something to go to that school, even Lila knew that. What it was, well that was something she had to figure out. A smile then came to her face. There's no way she could beat her in three moves, she knew the basics of it but not to a professional level. Lila was sure as heck that Morgana wouldn't know how to either. She might lose but that'll just earn sympathy. So, Lila really had nothing to lose. Morgana couldn't make her look stupid if she tried.

"You have a deal," Lila said as she folded her arms. All she needed to do was move the pieces randomly, then there was no way Morgana would know what she would do. Yeah, she would just drag the game out.

"Oh, this is going to be awesome!" Alya squealed.

"Markov, please go here so you can referee!" Max said in equal excitement as the robot took his place.

"Wonder how this will turn out," Adrien said as he gave a small worried glance to Marinette but she didn't bat an eyelid. If Lila didn't realise how smart Morgana was then it was her own fault.

"It'll be interesting," was her simple response.

"Who goes first?" Mylene asked.

"Rock, paper, scissors?" Ivan suggested. In response to that, both girls shook their fists three times and opened them. Lila made a fist while Morgana held her hand out. Paper beats rock.

"Morgana, on the white side, goes first!" Markov stated, making Lila bite her tongue.

Morgana looked down at her little pieces, scanning them all individually. No one seemed to move as they watched her. Morgana's hand finally closed on a little white pawn, which she then moved to E4. Lila made no hesitation as she grabbed her little black pawns and landed it right near Morgana's on F5. Adrien, who also had a basic understanding of chess, knew that was a bad move, as did Max.

"Your move," Lila said smugly. Morgana didn't even blink as she then picked up the same pawn at E4 and moved it to F5, where she knocked over Lila's pawn and claimed it as her own.

"A pawn to Morgana," Markov stated.

A few of the class applauded Morgana while Lila was clenching her knuckles so hard, it turned them white. However, she did keep her composure as she again did not hesitate and moved another pawn to G5, which was right next to Morgana's. Now she couldn't beat her! She'd have to make another move elsewhere which would break the three-move deal but at least Morgana would be in the same boat.

"Having fun?" Morgana asked as she looked down on her board, her eyes not leaving Lila.

"Oh yes! Mr Fischer was a lot better than you though of course, I mean he's a world known player! I mean after this you'll be taking me to your school but maybe I can call-" Lila trailed off and just as everyone was leaning in to listen to her, one word made everyone freeze.


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