Saving Ashton // lashton

By blurryfacelester

4.5K 203 47

Ashton's in love with Luke but the day he was suppose to tell him was the worst day ever well in fact also is... More

Saving ashton •1•
Saving ashton •2•
Saving ashton •3•
Saving ashton •4•
Saving ashton •5•
Saving ashton •6•
Saving ashton •7•
Saving ashton •8•
Saving ashton •9•
Saving ashton •10•
Saving ashton •11•
Saving ashton •12•
Saving ashton •13•
Saving ashton •14•
Saving Ashton • 15•


770 26 5
By blurryfacelester

Ashton Irwin found dead. And Blah blah blah. It read on the newspaper after the day of Ashton's accident. I couldn't stop reading it. Everyone tells me to get over it and there's nothing I could do but I can't help it. Nothing has been the same since his accident. Its like the band is falling apart. It's been almost a month since his accident and I feel like it's all my fault. Ashton's not even dead!! He's just in a coma. Critical condition but not dead!

I threw the newspaper across the room not wanting to read it anymore. Ash will wake up any day now I know it. I let my mind wonder to the night of the accident


"It's cold out here Huh?" I told Michael shivering as we walked along the streets of New York.

"Yeah. Oh you want my jacket dude?" Michael asked already with his jacket half off.
"Oh no. I'm fine." My breath showing white puff cloud infront of me and drifting away. I was already wearing a longseleve and a grey sweater over and a pair of black sweats.


"Who is it?" Michael asked. I starred at the unknown number on my phone screen but I decided to pick it up.


"Hello is this Luke, Michael or Calum?" A lady on the other side asked.

"Um yes this is Luke."

"Um okay well Ashton Irwin as been in a terrible acciden-" the lady said all damn calm.
"Is he okay!" I yelled cutting her off.
"I can't really tell you until you come in person but if you want to see him he'll be at NorthWest hospital. You better hurry." The lady said kind of nervously. I felt my fingers go numb and my legs feel like jelly. My phone slipped through my hand and crashed to the floor and Michael rushed to my side to help me stay up by holding me by my shoulders as I was about to fall as well.

"Ash-Ashton's been in an accident." I said in barley a whisper.
About an hour later Michael, Calum and I were at the hostipal waiting for them to tell us how Ashton was doing. They've given us no information and we've been here since 10pm and it's now 2am. I was pasting back and forth complaining more to myself than Michael and Calum but they kept telling me things like "it's going to be alright." "He's going to be okay." And so on and so on.
"Okay Luke, Michael, and Calum would you like to know how Ashton is doing?" The lady said to us in a calm voice. It's now almost 3 am and they finally come and tell us something about Ashton.

"No shit.." I mumbled.

"Of course." Calum said trying to give her a smile but I could see in his eyes he was broken and tired.

"Ok well when we got a call from a man saying there's been a really bad accident. After we told him that an ambulance was on the way we asked him to tell us what happened and he said that Ashton's car was making a turn and another car slammed right into Ashton's. Causing his car to flip over and the other person drove off. The male that called said he ran to Ashton's car to see if he was okay but when he didn't respond he called the ambulance." The lady explained to us.

I could feel the tears building up in my eyes blurring my vision.

"It's okay Luke." Calum said hugging me.

"So is Ashton okay?" Michael asked.

"Well when the ambulance got there Ashton wasn't breathing normally and he lost so much blood but he's lucky he got here in time to save him. He could of been dead. S-"

"So he's not dead! He's okay!?" I said happily interrupting her.

"Welllllll he's in coma and also I was going to say he can't breathe on his own he has to be hooked up to a machine that's helping him breathe. You guys can see him now though." She said giving us a sympathetic smile.

My heart felt like it had broken in pieces. The tears rolled out of my eyes after trying so hard to keep them in.

"It's going to be okay Luke I promise." Michael said as Calum and him comfort me.

"Do you think he's going to be okay?" I asked the nurse.

"Well it depends. He could be in a coma for a few more hours orrrrr for the rest of his life."

My cries got louder. How could I have been such a jerk to him before the accident!! It's all my fault. If I wasn't in such a hurry I would of been with Ashton at the cafe still but no he's at the damn hospital practically dead. I will never know what he was going to tell me now and I will give anything just to have another minute with him.

"Well let's go see Ashton. Shall we?" The nurse said. We nodded and she led us to Ashton's room.

As we entered the room my eyes fell upon a life less looking Ashton and the millions of tubes hooked up to his arms and stitches across his face and stomach and a cast on his left leg. I slowly walked up to him and I rubbed my thumb across his stitches on his forehead. I blinked and a tear drop slid down my face and landed on Ashton's cheek. I knelt down next to him. "I-im so sorry A-Ashton." I cried.
It's been about an hour and a lady came in saying "okay it's time for you guys to go. We're going to be running some test on Ashton soon and we can't have you guys here."

"What kind of test?" I asked.

"To see if we can possibly wake him up and to see if he can hear us where ever he is."

"What do you mean where ever he is?"

"Well most of the time when you're in a coma it's like you're having a continues nightmare. We're going to try to talk to him. Now please go." She said giving us a fake smile and pushing us out.

"You better take care of my Ash or you'll never here the end of it." I threatened.

"Yep okay bye guys by-" she said pushing us out and closing the door.


Tears rolled down my cheeks. Every other day I always go and visit Ash also when I'm lonely or need to get something off my chest I go see him an just talk. Sure he probably can't hear me and the lady told us he wasn't responsive that day they did those test but he does make a good listener.
I looked at my phone screen. My lockscreen is a picture of Ashton and I. He looks so tiny compared to me. I gave a small smile.

I yawned and realized its 5 am. Well I guess I should be getting some sleep.


|| Ashton's POV ||

"Where the fuck am I?" I said out loud. It's not like there's kids around. In fact there is no one around! I feel like I've been walking in a circle for ages. I keep seeing the same buildings, the same lamp post, the same everything!!

Also once in a while it'll feel like someone was touching me but there is no one damn around and my forehead, stomach, arms, and leg hurt like fucking shit. Also I feel like I'm going insane because I keep hearing whispering. It's like I'm so close to someone yet I see no one at all and I can't make out what the fuck they're saying but when I hear the whispers they are continuous sometimes it's like someone's talking for ages then it goes away to very faint and comes back and so forth. Sometimes it's so quiet. I don't know what freaks me out more the quietness or the whispers that I can't make out.

Also I can't remember anything at all I can't remember my childhood. Anything at fucking all. All I remember is continuously walking and walking and walking. I don't know where I'm going or if I'm going anywhere but I feel like I'm going to end up somewhere bad...


After what felt like hours and hours of those whispers I was just daydreaming the whole time. I guess about things the whispers could potentially be saying. I was still walking. My feet are killing me but I don't know why but it's like something is forcing me to keep walking.


"I miss you Ashton." I heard the whisper actually say. It sounded like they were sad, but who's Ashton?

"Wh-who's there?!" I yelled. Then I felt one drizzle and then it turned into many. Getting soaked I still continued to walk and walk.
It's been raining for quiet a while but it seems like it's lighting up. Finally. I'm soaking wet. As I kept walking a turned another corner and I saw a shining light.

"Is anyone there!!" I yelled. I sprint faster towards the light. Finally maybe I'll be able to get out of this ghost town.

"Hey who's there!?" I yelled again and as the light dimmed down until I could actually see. There was something new I haven't seen in forever. It's a highway and a four way street and one nice looking green car waiting at a red light. The light turned a light shiny green and the car started making a left turn and then out of no where BAM! A car smashed into the nice looking one making it flip over and hit a huge pole under the high way.

"OH MY GOSH DUDE ARE YOU OKAY!!" I yelled running to the car.

It's me. The person in the car is me. I-I can't believe it. I don't even know how I look or what my name is but that's me. I just have a gut feeling.

Wait. That's when it came all to me.


"Hey Luke! Can you meet me at the cafe? You know the one just a few blocks down my street?" I asked Luke on the phone.
He sighed but said "yes I do. okay Ash but we gotta hurry cause I got a date soon."
"Oh um a date. With who?" I asked. Maybe today isn't the day to tell him after all.

"With this really cute chic named Taylor and guess what's she's a blonde dude and smoking hot." Luke said. Yep today isn't the day to tell him but I promised myself I would so I have to. I have to.

"Oh that's awesome dude. Yeah it'll be real quick just wanted to hang out with my bro for a while." I said giving a small fake laugh but of course he didn't notice. He never notices.

"Okay see you in a bit dude." Luke said then hanging up. Despite his up coming date I was kinda ecited and terrified to tell him, but my friend Lucy dared me too, and promised me It will make me feel better.

I got out of my bed and picked my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and a loose muscle shirt. I put a bandana around my curly hair and some black vans. I grabbed my coat as well as my car keys and headed out to meet Luke.
I went outside into the full moon night. I got in my green mustang and drove to the cafe a couple block down from my house.


"Hey Luke." I smiled. Luke sat across me in the booth and smiled.
"Hey ashy poo." Im pretty sure I blushed I just hope he didn't notice.
"So do you want to get an coffee or something?" I asked.
"Sure." He smiled and we got out from the booth and went in the line to order things.
We made small conversation as we scanned over the menu.

"Hello what would you boys like?" The red head lady said smiling at us.

"Um I would like a strawberry smoothie a chocolate Carmel muffin and um what about you Luke?"

"Oh um a Java Chip Frappuccino blended coffee and a blueberry scone." Ashton said.

"Okay that will be 10.47." The lady said. I got my wallet out and gave her a 10 and a 1. We waited a minute and she gave us our things and we sat back down at a booth.

"How much was my Ashton? I'll pay you right now." Luke said.

"Oh no it doesn't matter. Luke I paid for you." I smiled.
We took sips of our drinks and bites of our muffin and scone.
"So Luke I really wanted to meet up with you because I need to tell you something." I said kinda embarrassed.
"What is it mate?" Luke asked.
"Welll. It's it's like. It's kinda like. Well you see. It's it's um. It's kinda like." I stumbled embarrassingly.
"Spit it out." He said.
I took a big sigh and started saying "Its like- I really li-"
"Sorry ash Taylor's calling." He said cutting me off talking to Taylor in a lovey dovey voice. I rolled my eyes and he hung up.
"Ashton hurry up I'm suppose to be on my way to Taylor's already.
"Okay well it's kinda like- well like- um I really- it's lik-" I stumbled again.
"Ugh stop being a baby ash and man up tell me already I need to get to my date. I don't have time for silly child games." Luke kinda yelled at me. I blinked in disbelieve. I know he didn't cuse or yell really loud but it shocked me. Luke sounds like he's mad at me.
"Just forget it Luke." I sighed looked at my lap.
"Ugh oh my gosh ash. Okay bye whatever call me after my date when you're ready to man up." Luke said getting up from the booth and walking out the cafe. Why was he being such a jerk?! I'm not being a baby Im just afraid of what he'll say when I tell him. Gosh sorry.
After I finished my muffin I took my drink and got in my mustang.
It was about 9 pm and I came to a red light. I stopped and took a sip of my drink. I looked at my phone and Luke had posted selfie on Twitter of his date. Ugh Taylor she's not even that cute you have to admit. The light turned a green and i checked My surroundings and turned left. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud crash and the car skidding and everything went black.


That's really it? Is this like heaven? See I told you heaven wasn't real. This is just like a continuous nightmare! Why the fuck am I here?! Am I going to be here forever?! What do I do about the car crash? I'm in there help!! This doesn't make any fucking sense.


a/n: thank you for reading this is the end okay so comment bye.

Lol jk .-. No I'm really proud of this story so far and I will put chapter 1 up soon so please comment and vote

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