Colour Me Slytherin - A Draco...

By lunarillusion

642K 7.6K 1.8K

Alice Smat is a girl from Canada, who was forced to go to Hogwarts in the start of her fifth year, when her p... More

1. The start of the year
2. New Students?
3. Another sorting?
4. Time for Trix
5. Oh Canada
6. Double Riddle, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!
8. Will you go to the ball with me?
9. Hogsmead
10. The dresses
11. The Slytherin Ball
12. Boys are dumb.
13. Make the burning stop...
14. Why am I partnered with you?!
15. Hey, wanna be my girl?
16. Youuuu Sonofabitch
17. Listen... I'm really sorry.
18. They need your help.
19. Why won't you leave me alone?!
20. Double Trouble
21. If I could change your mind....
22. Long time, no see.
23. St.Mungo's
24. Diagon Alley
25. Lunch Money
26. Christmas
27. New Years Eve, part one.
27. New Years Eve / Back to Hogwarts. Part 2.
28. Cap ou pas Cap?
29. Hospital Wing.
30. The Funeral.
31. The Wedding.
32. His Return.
33. Defenders of Hogwarts
34. Voldemort's dead.... And so is Fred.
35. George.

7. The suspense is killing me!

16.8K 203 8
By lunarillusion

"Well?" Draco asked, getting more and more anxious as the minutes past by.

You smiled at Deb, "sorry about the fireplace... I'll send money once I'm back in England to get it fixed." you motioned for Draco to follow you, as you walked out of the house.

Draco followed silently behind you. Whatever you had planned, he didn't care. As long as the pair of you won the tournament, that was all that mattered.

You continued to walk down the roads of Stratford, turning corners, and going around bends, eventually you reached a mall that had closed down a few years ago. With a flick of your wand, you stepped through the now unlocked doors. Old store signs hung on the walls, while there was no merchandise in the actual stores. You walked to the back of the room that said "CD Plus" on the front entrance.

(And, now its shower time, cause I smell like meat and its distracting me.)

Draco watched as you searched around looking for something. "What are you looking for?" he asked. The store was very bare, except for a few things dropped on the floor.

"The portkey I left here." you mumbled, crossing your arms trying to think. "Right!" you sighed in relief, remembering that you had cast evanesco over it. Muttering a few words, you looked around the room. "Ah, here it is!" you grinned.

Draco stodd in front of a small stuffed polarbear, "this is a portkey?" he asked, trying not to snort in laughter.

"I can just leave you here you know." you stated, giving him a flat look. "No? Didn't think so." both you and Draco grabbed onto the port key.

You could feel your grip weakening as you watched for the right area to let go in. "Alright!" you yelled over the howling winds, "let go on!"

As soon as you said let go, Draco, well... He let go. Reaching for your hand, he pulled your falling bodies together. He held the back of your head, as your face rested against his chest. His arm wrapped around your waste. Throughout this whole tournament, you had been taking all the hits. The two of your crashed onto a cool pavement.

You landed roughly, but you didn't dare look just yet. You couldn't feel any pain, but then again, it never really kicked in until after you saw the wound. Slowly you opened your eyes, only to find yourself on top of Draco. Your face turned a light shade of red, "right then... lets get going." you avoided looking at Draco. You stood silently, but heard no movement. You looked down, and saw a small pool of blood. "Oh geezus..." you said, a little shocked. Pulling out your wand, you knelt down and hovered over Draco. "Episky." you whispered, turning his head slightly to see the scrapes healed. Still, his eyes didn't open. You grumbled to yourself, how easy could this boy get knocked out.... "Rennervate."

Draco sat up. "What happened?" he asked, feeling his head.

"Well... we landed in Nova Scotia..." you stated, deciding it was in both of your best intrests to just ignore what had happened... Luckily for you though, he was unconcious.

Draco stared, "Now what?"

"Now, we go buy new brooms." you stated, pulling him up.

"Why do we need new brooms?" he asked.

"Well, unless you've managed to shove them somewhere where the light don't shine, we left them back in Stratford."

Draco grumbled, they were in the Lotus Elise. "Right..." he grumbled, what would the point of buying a new broom be, if they were going to get a Thunder Cloud?

You lead Draco towards a small shop, pushing the door aside a small bell tinkled.

"How can I hel---" the old man stopped mid sentence as you and Draco stepped into the shop.

You nodded to the shop keep, "we need new brooms.... Fast ones." you stated, glancing around the shop.

"Right away!" he exclaimed, waddling off into the back of the shop.

Draco stared, as soon as the old man layed eyes on Alice, he jumped to do her bidding....

'Well mate, maybe she has good blood...'

'I really don't think Canadians worry about blood lines...'

'Are you Canadian?'


'Then how would you know about what they worry about mate?'

Draco rolled his eyes at himself, these ridiculous self conversations had to stop at some point, right?

"Ah, here we are..." the old man stuttered, handing Draco and yourself a broom. "Fastest ones we've got."

You smiled at the old man, putting a few bottles of maple syrup down on the counter, you got out your wallet.

"Oh, no need Ms.Smat." the old man smiled, his thick Nova Scotian accent almost inaudible.

You smiled back at him, "I know these brooms aren't cheap, so please, take this." you said, handing the man fifty galleons.

The old man smiled to you. "Thank you love." he said quietly. He was glad to give you the brooms for free, but you were right, those brooms were very expensive.

"Right then." Draco muttered, putting a hand on your shoulder, "should we be going?"

You nodded, smiling at the old man once more, "Thank you." Walking out the door, you stuffed the two bottles of maple syrup into your cloak, and mounted your broom. Kicking off from the ground hard, you hovered for a moment, before shooting up into the sky.

Draco pulled his broom level as the two of you broke through the clouds. "These aren't too bad." he said over the howling winds.

You scoffed, "they were made out west, so of course they're not too bad."

Draco shook his head at you. 'Well, at least she's proud of where she came from...' he thought to himself, casting a glance downward, seeing the dark tauntings of the ocean below.

You pulled something out of your pocket. Adjusting your broom slightly, you pointed in the direction, as Draco also adjusted himself. Putting the object back in your cloak, you pushed forward.

After hours of flying through the freezing air, you could see land on the distant horizon. "Draco look!" you pointed at the mass of land.

Draco smirked, "and no sight of the other teams... looks like we're in first place."

"You just jinxed us..." you said, pointing behind him. You watched as blue and black blurred with red and gold in a duel on brooms. "Hopefully they won't notice us..." you mouthed to Draco, a red beam shoot over his shoulder, just barely missing his head.

'We just can't win, can we.'

'No, apparently not. Now keep your mouth closed before you jinx us more.'

'Oh hardy har har.'

'Will you two shut it?! I need to concentrate!' You thought angrily, watching all around yourself and Draco for anymore attacks.

Draco was on edge, that spell was just millimeters from the back of his head. He glanced downward again. The good news was, you were still above the ocean. The bad news was, you were still above the ocean. If either of you fell into those tossing waters, you'd be long gone. Draco turned his head at the sound of a loud crack.

You had completely left your back vunerable. You could feel your joints stiffening from the body binding curse. Before you completely froze up, you turned to see Hariet Catwright glare at you, holding her wand out. "Obscuro!" you yelled, a mildly satisfied smirk freezing into your feautures as Hariet had a giant blindfold fly into her face, and latch itself around her head.

Draco watched as your body froze, and your broom slowing. As if in slow motion, he watched your body slip from the broom and downwards. "Geezus!" he muttered to himself, almost immediately he launched himself towards the merky depths of the ocean.

You watched Draco watch you fall off your broom and towards your death. 'Go, win the tournament!' you willed him in your head. If your eyes could widen in shock, they would have as they took in the sight of Draco Malfoy going into a suicide drop after you.

'How heroic!'

'Are you not worried in the slightest of drowning?'

'I'll die happy.'

'Forever boy crazy aren't you.'

'Till death.'

Draco concentrated on your form. He had managed to catch up a little bit, but still, it wasn't enough. He thought to himself frantically, there had to be a way to pick up speed. He felt his cloak flapping in the wind behind him. 'Thats it.' he thought to himself, ripping the cloth from his body, letting it fly to the wind. Almost immediately his decent picked up to something launched out of a cannon. Within seconds he had caught up to your body. Grabbing onto you, he wrapped his arm around your waist, and pulled you in front of him onto his broom.

'You might have a chance afterall mate.'

'I guess...'

'Don't give me that, you know she can't ignore you after this.'

'Well its not like she didn't save my arse more than once during this tournament.'

'Not the point.'

Pulling his broom upwards sharply, the two of you barely avoided plummeting into the dark depths, like a ton of bricks.

Your stiff body leaned against his arms, as he struggled to fend off the hexes and curses, and keep the two of you steady.

'Oh, my, Gosh!!! This is nice.'

'You know we're in the middle of a battlefield, and we nearly died.'

'Yah, but we didn't.'

'You're hopeless.'

Draco sent curses out right and left, while flying through thick clouds to avoid all the magic flying through the air. He could see the land rushing up beneath the two of you. "We're almost back." he whispered in your ear, jerking the broom to the right.

It had been a long 45 hours. Neither you or Draco slept during the whole time, too nervous, and cautious. You didn't want to be caught off gaurd by an opposing team.

Draco sailed through the air, the terrace of the castle coming into view. He could feel your heat through the cloak, and for the most part, it kept him warm through the whole ride back to Hogwarts.

You could feel the curse finally starting to ware off. Stretching your arms, you put one hand on the broom stick to steady yourself, and drew your wand. "You fly, I'll defend." you said, smiling.

"Gryffindors at 10 o'clock." Draco said, narrowly avoiding the green jet of light.

You smirked, pay back was a b*tch. Watching as Hermoine and Ron flew closer to you and Draco, you got ready.

"Woah, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaw on the right." Draco said, now avoiding a three way attack between the three teams. It appears the three teams came to an agreement, they didn't care who won, as long as it wasn't you and Draco.

Conguring a thousands birds, you circled your wand, "Oppugno!" as soon as the spell slithered out of your mouth, the massive flock flew at the other teams, blurring their vision, and pecking at their eyes.

"Nice." Draco said, his arms still around you, as he held tightly to the broom. Noticing a flash out of the corner of his left eye, he made the broom dive.

You sped across the top of the forbidden forest, the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw team all neck to neck with yourself and Draco. It was down to an all or nothing mad dash to the quidditch pitch.

Draco flew as fast as he could, pushing the broom for all it was worth. Entering the quidditch pitch, everything fell silent as the whole school watched, awaiting for their champion team.

You were still a few feet above the quidditch pitch, going full speed. "Meet me down there." You said, swinging your leg over the side of the broom, you jumped off, landing in the grass roughly, earning a few cuts and scrapes over your arms and face. Finally rolling to a stop, you looked up to see all the houses running from the stands, and onto the quidditch pitch, cheering, excitmented to greet their champion.

"It appears that our new champions are!" Dumbledores voice boomed out over the audience.

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