Classroom of the Elite: After...

By DustyLekh

46.8K 1.7K 664

Graduation is completed. Kiyotaka prepares himself to be taken away by his father but, he never shows up. He... More

The Fireworks Festival (1)
The Fireworks Festival (2)
The Fireworks Festival (3)
Chiba University
I'm Back and Previews
Familiar Faces
The Orchestra
The Boys Go Out
Unexpected Situation at the Cafe
A Day Out with his Mom
The Job Fair (1)

New beginnings

7.4K 196 89
By DustyLekh

"So, you ready? "she asks him .

He sighed. It wasn't that he felt nervous meeting Kei's parents , he was quite sure they would like him. He looked at the two-storey house in front of him. A normal house. There was a cool breeze blowing through the quiet neighborhood.

She had given him her address and phone number the day before the graduation ceremony and told him to call her after graduation so they could meet her parents. At that time, he was counting down the seconds till his father came barging into the school to take him away. He just took  the paper and committed it to memory lest his father found it and did something drastic.

But of course , he never came to take him away...

They had met at a nearby cafe which was by itself a whole new experience for him commuting till there and they were now standing infront of her house.

Gold eyes peered into purples' as she took his hand. He nodded to which she smiled brightly. He could see that she was nervous given how awkwardly she held his hand.

 If he had to guess her mind was overloaded with various situations how her family will react to her walking into her house hand-in-hand with a boy who he claimed to be her boyfriend.

Based on what Kei had told while they were walking to her house , her parents had always been supportive of her though her father might dote on her too much. She had a little sister who was in her third year of middle school. This was news to him as her existence had never been brought up once in all their conversations in their two years of dating.

For the first time in his life, he had no plan. He would be charging blind into this and going along with the atmosphere and if he was being honest to himself, it felt nice to do so. One of the many things he would have never done if he had not met Kei.

Kei pressed the doorbell and a few seconds later he heard a girl's voice saying, "Mom, nee-san is home! " and the door opened. Kei's sister looked like a shorter version of herself but with brown hair and blue eyes. No sooner had the door opened than it had been thrown shut and he heard a loud shriek, " AND SHE HAS A BOY WITH HER!". 

Kei turned red and shouted " Idiot!" and opened the door.



We were all sitting around the table for dinner eating the food laid out on it as my mother insisted Kiyo join us for dinner.

"So Ayanakouji-kun how did you meet my daughter ?", my dad said in an innocent voice but everyone at the table could tell the underlying meaning of his words .

Hoh! You have managed to ensnare my eldest but hold your horses, for you will not go any further.

I flinched which went unnoticed by my family as they were looking at Kiyo. Our first interaction was not one which lead to a romantic relation to put it lightly. I looked at my boyfriend who had a cool expression on his face as he looked up to answer my dad.

" We were in the same class and we first met when we were put in the same team for an examination between different classes ", he replied.

Technically the truth, but not the whole truth .

My mother spoke up,  "Kei got more marks than any of us expected her to. Do you have anything to do with it, Ayanakouji-kun ?".

I puffed up my chest in pride. Due to our efforts, (some more than others...) our class had graduated from class A and you could say I had the best improvement in terms of grades. By the time of graduation I had an A in academic abilities and got an 89 in our final exam. My mother was jumping up and down when she got my report card and could not believe I had gotten such high marks. Now she suspected it had something to do with Kiyo. Well she was not wrong.

"Ahh, yes  I helped her in her studies but, in the end it was the effort she put in that mattered.", he answered.

"So how many marks did you get?", my father asked.

Kiyo finished his dinner and wiped his mouth with a napkin and said, "Full marks, a 100". There was silence across the dining table as my family as they took a moment to process what he said. The first to break the silence was my sister,  Hina.

"So onii-chan is first in the country ?!" she exclaimed to which Kiyo said yes but was not sure whether he shared the top position with someone else or not.

"You parents sure must be proud of you", my mother said. I visibly flinched. 

He had told me about his family situation. Apparently, he had no mother  and he used to lived on his own without his father and got homeschooled, his father took strict control of his life to the point where he never used to go outside his house . 

Before I could say anything  Kiyo answered, "Yeah they probably are". His eyes might mine , and I silently conveyed that I would tell them about it later.

All of us had finished dinner at that point .Hina and I started collecting all the dishes, Kiyotaka offered to help but I said it was alright.

"Say Kiyotaka, do you mind sharing a drink with me upstairs in the balcony with me ."



Apparently people have a whole other side when they start drinking. Kiyotaka watched as Kei's father who had seemed so protective of her earlier once under the influence of alcohol turned into a what he could only call a doting father as he was talking about his daughter for the past 20 minutes.

It was already dark and there was a cool breeze in the air but he didn't feel cold because of the alcohol. 

He was feeling a little woozy because he had accidentally taken a big gulp of alcohol draining about a quarter of his glass cup in one go much to the amusement of the man sitting opposite to him. He decided not to drink anymore and set the glass on the table.

At first he felt that it was going to be an interrogation of sorts but not once during the conversation had he felt like it was one. It was amusing to himself and his drinking partner to listen to his slurred speech.

They talked about a lot of topics. At some point he sensed another presence on the other side of the door to the balcony though it hurt his head to guess who it was  based on the height of the person's mouth as they let out a breath . Then it suddenly hit him.

He didn't need to stay alert.  

"Where do you live in Chiba, Kiyotaka?", the man asked the boy.

"I live nearby in the apartment next to the local shrine", he was careful not to add 'on my own'. The apartment was one of the few favours from Director Sakayanagi along with a few essentials  like clothes, a bed and money.

The buzzing in his head had slowly started receding but as his body started to detoxify the alcohol in his liver. As a result though, he started feeling drowsy. One of the few disadvantages of having an artificially advanced body and immunological system he guessed.

Kaito-san was telling him a story about Kei and a phase where she had acted like a ninja for a whole week when she was eight after watching a movie when he realised that Kiyotaka had fallen asleep. He got up with a smile on his face as he called his wife who was listening from the other side of the door to prepare the guest room for the boy to sleep in.

He's a good boy .He could help Kei where I couldn't.

He picked Kiyotaka up careful not wake him up as he carried him to the guest room.

Damn he's buff .


Sakayanagi Taishi was looking at the computer on his desk when the infamous brown-haired boy entered his office with his secretary closing the door behind him. He was staring at him with his gold eyes when he decided to speak up.

"That man... my father, something happened to him, didn't it?", Ayanakouji asked.

"Yes, it appears that we have lost all contact with Ayanakouji-sensei ", I replied.

"Is that so..."he muttered. 

Seeing him thinking  made me ask, "Ayanakouji-kun, why do YOU think Sensei is not here?".

"I assume that you have no idea either.", he said it more as a statement than as a question.

"That is correct , in fact none of the other investors of the project that I know have any idea either ".

Sitting down in the chair opposite to mine he gave his theory, " Well considering that you don't have an idea I would rule out any of the other investors in Japan on having any idea too. It can only be due to trouble with foreign investors. Considering that he hasn't even sent someone else to pick me up, I think a foreign investor messed up and there might be investigations going on from which the existence of the white room can be revealed".

 My brain went into overdrive when I realised the implications of his words if his theory happened to be correct.

"He might have decided to personally go and cover everything up and prevent the story from spreading to the other investors. To others, not being able to contact him might not warrant for much worry but we know he didn't come take me away which reveals the seriousness of the situation but then again it's just a theory.", he said ending his short theory while also implying that he wouldn't be advising him whether or not to cut ties with the white room.

"You know he might have become a monk and has taken a sabbatical.", I joked.

He looked at me an small smile but his eyes showed no sign of humour as we both knew that the chances of that happening are practically impossible, not to say non-existent though.

Damn of all the people, he is the one who is showing me pity at my attempt at a joke.

Quick to move on, I asked him a question that had been nagging me ever since the completion of the graduation ceremony, "What are you going to do now?".

He took a deep breath as we both knew where this conversation was now heading.

"I'd like to attend Chiba university and continue living a peaceful life, atleast until my father reappears and takes me away.", he replies prompting me with his eyes to say the line.

"Splendid, do you any specific area in mind? I would gladly provide for your living arrangements."

Unlike my daughter, my intentions in helping him were never as kind-hearted. I was basically extracting favours from him and I did not care how much money I spent on this because in the future he would undoubtedly hold an extremely high position and a favour from such a person was worth infinitely more. 

Of course, he knew this too. He simply nodded and took out a crumpled piece of paper and gave to me. It had an address written on it. Having completed his objective, leaving both parties satisfied he excused himself from the room.

Chiba, huh?

What a coincidence.

I wonder she still lives there.

Author's Note:

So? What do you think?

I'm pretty excited for this. I have a rough idea of the main plot and I will plan it out accordingly.

I wanted to write something different from all the other fanfics in this community. Got the idea of writing a story outside school from all the amazing SNAFU fanfics on . The writers on there are a different breed.

On the topic of romance, yes it's a KiyoKei fanfic but don't expect whole chapters dedicated to fluff. In this the focuses are 

1. Kiyo exploring and experiencing college life (atleast until he can)

2. His past.

I'm in 12th grade and I'll probably go on hiatus whenever I have any important exams. On the off chance that things get busy and I drop it do not worry for I shall at the very atleast post a small summary for how the story ends.


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