They Dont Know About Us - MP...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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They don't know about the things we do They don't know about the "I love yous" But I bet you if they only kne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Epilogue 😥

Chapter 14

1.1K 18 2
By NotReadyToPlayNice

and when harry hears the pop he sits up quickly on the bed and starts to cry as he gets out of bed and goes into louis room and lays down with louis as louis cuddles into harry and harry hugs louis tight as he starts to cry and louis opens his eyes

"what is wrong" louis says concerned

"i had a nightmare" harry says crying as louis kisses harry

"you want to tell me about it" louis says as he hugs harry

"it was to real i never want to loose you again i am so scared to loose you to never have you" harry cries out

"talk to me" louis says as harry starts to tell louis about his nightmare  "harry  i want everything with you i want to  marry you i want to have more babies with you i want to grow old with you i want everything we ever planned with you i never want anyone else but you"

"please tell me you love me" harry says in almost a whisper

"i (kiss) love (kiss) you" louis says as he places one last kiss on harrys lips "i want you to be my forever"

"and i want you to  be mine" harry says

"lets go to sleep we have an early morning" louis says

"can i sleep here please" harry  begs

"yes" louis says as he cuddles into harry and soon fall asleep and a few hours later louis alarm goes off "H" louis says as he shakes harry "Get up before you are late"

"nope" harry whines as he hugs louis tight

"come on before jeff goes looking for you" louis says

"fine" harry says as he stretches and  yawns and soon they get up and start to get ready to leave as they walk downstairs and see jay and anne in the kitchen "why are you up"

"we are making you breakfast" anne says as they all sit down and eat and soon are leaving to the radio station

"here take these to roman" jay says as she hands louis a to go bag

"we will be back as soon as we are done" jeff says as they walk out of the house and soon get to the radio station and when they get they park at the underground private garage and soon are taken to the room where harry was going to do his interview

"Harry " roman yells out as he hugs harry "ohh shit didnt see liam niall and louis"

"hey we missed you" niall says as they hug each other

"so i want to know if i can bring up the twitter feud with louis" roman asks

"umm ummm" harry says nervously as he looks at Louis

"im ok with it" louis says "here mom sent you breakfast"

"Tell her thank you ok come on we are going on the air in 5 minutes" roman says as they take their seats "GOOD MORNING everyone listening to me this wonderful morning and this morning we have none other than HARRY STYLES"

"umm thank you for that its the only reason i keep coming back to see you" harry says laughing

"well you are here for a special reason" roman says

"yes" harry says

"well before we get started  lets get somethings out of the way" roman says

"Ok" harry says nervously

"well your fans are going to want to know lets talk music and tour" roman says

"i have a single i am dropping in october but i am not sure what date so please bear with me" harry says "album sure and tour of course" harry says with a smile

"well we cant wait" roman says "so i want to know the last time i interviewed louis he said you all are on a group chat what do you all talk about"

"stupid stuff i swear but mostly if we are writing and get stuck we help each other out and when we are about to release a new song we send it and i mean we give honest criticism but we just send each other stupid jokes or like things we see or maybe like if we are on tour and we see something we like we send it but trust me nothing to exciting" harry says

"ok well lets get to why you are actually here' roman says as harry takes a deep breath as liam niall and liam all get their chairs and sit next to harry and louis takes harrys hand and interwines his fingers with harry  as he feels harry calming down

"ok i can do this" harry says as he takes another deep breath

"take your time"  roman says as he smiles at harry

"first let me start with I harry edward styles am gay and i am in love with louis tomlinson and one day i am going to marry him and have a hundred babies with him" harry says laughing "but i am here because someone i trusted recorded me with out knowing" harry says as starts to tell what happened with camile and also about seeing his therapist "so you see i wanted to do this differently but being outed i was forced to do this in a way that i didnt want to but honestly i am happy it happened this way but in no way is it ok to out someone when they are not ready"

"wow i cant believe that so how do you feel" roman asks

"relief like i can breathe" harry says with a smile

"so what about you and louis are you togehter again since you came out" roman asks

"umm not yet we are meeting with my therapist when we have time i mean we have to work thru somethings from our past but i think its a start" harry says

"well harry i am so proud of you and i have been online and looking thru social media and there have been positive messages for you i mean like anything there are negative but honeslty all your fans and one direction fans are so happy you finally came to terms with your truth" roman says "what do you have to say about that"

"just thank you for the support I appreciate every fan that supports me i love you all" harry says

"ok now the twitter war between louis and camile" roman says laughing as he reads the tweets

"well louis has been over protective of me as any person about their significant other but what pissed off louis the most was that she outed me when he knew i still wasnt ready it really was not her place to say anything i mean when I told my parents and sister i mean everyone close to me everyone was pissed so they let louis go after her" harry says as louis lets out a loud laugh as everyone looks at him as louis puts his hands over his mouth as he looks at Jeff and Simon

"and we will be back after these message" roman says "louis the audience heard you"

"i dont care" simon says laughing

"me either" jeff says laughing

"we want to be part of this too" liam says

"me too" niall says

"well then what do you guys want to do" romans ays

"its a temporary one direction reunion" harry says laughing

"and we are back with harry styles" roman says as he wants to tease the fans for a bit "well harry do you know where camile is right now"

"no and i dont care" harry says

"ok lets take a few calls" roman says   "you are live on the air with harry styles what is your name"

"im cristal was that louis laughing i swear i can recognize his laugh anywhere" the caller says

"yes its me" louis says "sorry"

"ohh my gosh" the caller screams out

"sorry i was trying to be quite but my big mouth gave me away" louis says laughing

"we know" niall and liam say at the same time

"ahhhhhhhh" the caller screams out

"ouch " everyone yells out

"im sorry" the caller says

"its ok love" harry says

"i love you all umm are you all getting back together you all said 18 months" the caller says

"not yet liam and niall came to support me" harry starts to says "well let them tell you"

"well when we heard about the recording we knew we had to be here to support him" liam says

"yeah i mean even if we are on break we still support each other no matter what happens" niall says

"thank you guys' harry says

"we told you that no matter what happens in life we are here for each other" louis says

"so i hear that harry you were thinking of outing your self differently what made you change your mind" roman says

"well i wanted to do something else but i thinking camile recording me saying i was gay and in love with louis i would not be able to avoid that question anymore altho it was not on my terms saying the rest of the story will be on terms and louis when he heard he came right away"

"really well harry you  have so much support its amazing" roman says

"i really do liam was teasing me that he thought i woould do somethinge more low key and i was like well you know i like to do things over the top:" harry says laughing

"true' Liam says

"ok lets keep taking calls" roman says as they continue to talk call after call "well this has been so much fun"

"man this has been fun i think your fans are tougher than roman" niall says

"well we have time for a few more questions" roman says "hello you are on the air with harry, niall liam and louis what is your name"

"umm my name is james and i wanted to ask harry have you realized why you didnt want to come out and be so public with louis i mean looking at videos of the two of you it was so obvious" the caller says

"i was scared" harry says as louis hugs harry "it was right after one of our first perfomances as a group and when we got off stage i was wondering what people were saying and it was kinda that moment where you feel sorry for yourself your looking for bad comments to kinda make sure that your right about being so bad so i would go online and see what people would say about me" harry says as the tears start to fall

"Some of the bad things people would say about him was just disgusting and no one wants to go and read that stuff about themselfs "liam says "no matter who they are"

"i actually went on my phone and i actually searched and typed harry on my phone and i just read" harry says as he pauses as the tears start to fall "im sorry so i read kinda just a massive list of these comments"

"its kinda strange because you want to comfort him after that performance obviously there was nothing we could do or say to help him" louis says as the tears start to fall louis realizing where his fear started

"there was really nothing i could say to make that much of a difference we just didn't know how to help him" niall says as tears start to fall

"how did you feel" the caller asks

"we all felt powerless i really wanted to do something for a friend but i couldnt" louis says as the four friends hug each other

"you read through for example twitter feed if there is three people saying your amazing you dont think why are they saying i am amazing because they are saying you are amazing you are amazing because they are a fan but if theres one that says that they hate you its like why do you hate me its like what have i done to you to hate me I can take criticism i can definitely take criticism but if its like uhh i dont like you then i want to know why people dont like me" harry says as he takes a deep breath " i always wanted to be one of those people that never cared what people said or thought about them but i just i just dont think that i am"

"im sorry about that" the caller says

"and since then i always worried about what our fans i mean one direction fans and the world would think about me being gay i put pressure on myself to never let anyone know it was tough" harry says

"did you not talk to the rest of the guys about it" the caller says

"no i wanted people to think i was perfect" harry says

"harry as a fan of yours from the xfactor to one direction and now to your solo stuff i dont want perfect i want the real you so please dont be perfect for us your true fans not only yours but all of you as long as you all are happy we are happy" the caller says

"thank you and i am sorry for trying to be something i am not" harry says

"i love you all and i cant wait for you all to tour and then get back together" the caller says

"thank you we all appreciate the support" niall says

"umm thank you" roman says "next caller man they are tough"

"we know" the 4 friends say

"ok next caller" roman says "what is your name"

"im brandon i want to ask the 4 of you about touring harry i know you said yes but what about niall liam and louis" the caller says

"we are all working on it" liam says

"ok cuz i am going to collect one direction solo concerts like thanos was collecting infinity stones" the caller says laughing

"that is hilarious i love that" liam says laughing

"and harry you have my support and i mean i have been a larry shipper since the begining" the Caller says " i have one more question"

"ok" roman says

"what do you say to people that want to say that you are doing this for publicity" the caller says

"its not this is my life my real life and all my true fans know that i love to keep my personal life private and doing this publicly is not how i wanted any of this done" harry says

"ok thank you" the caller says

"one last call " roman says "what is your name"

"hi my name is maddie" the caller says " i want to ask you all how often do you all keep in touch with zayn"

"umm umm" harry says nervously "we try to reach out to him but he told us not to so now we all reach out to him thru simon and simon send him messages and gives us messages"

"we are just giving him his space like he asked of us" liam says

"ok thank you" the caller says

'well we are at the end of the show and want to thank harry niall liam and louis for joining us today and harry i am proud of you for realizing who you really are" roman says

"thank you i appreciate it" harry says

"well i am roman kemp and i will be here tomorrow at 5 AM but unfortunately harry liam louis and niall will not unless you all have nothing better to do tomorrow and come back"

"sorry i have to fly out tomorrow to continue what i was doing" niall says

"yeah i have meetings" liam says "sorry"

"i am recording and an almost 3 year old to deal with" louis says laughing

"and i am writing and recording" harry says "but i hope you all enjoyed this mini reunion"

"thank you and we love you all" roman says as he presses the off button as they all walk out of the studio and go to romans office "i cant believe you laughed"

"shut it but this was fun and H thank you for answering questions about me and munchkin" louis says

"i dont care anymore as long as i have you and harper i dont care anymore" harry says as he hugs louis and gives him a kiss

"you both are gross" roman says laughing

"shut it we are happy" louis says

"I see it" roman says

"well we better get going" jeff says as they all hug each other one last time and walk out of the office as they head to the parking structure and get in the car

"niall liam do you need a ride to the airport" simon asks

"yeah please" liam says

"me too" niall says

"we want to come" harry says

"stop it we don't know what the airport looks like and we don't have body guards and if something happens to any of you your mothers will kills us" jeff says

"its true" louis says as they start to laugh as they head out the parking structure and drive to jeffs house

"thank goodness for the secret parking garage" simon says

"I know did you see the outside of the building" jeff says

"I love our fans" niall says as they all agree

" lets take a picture and post it" louis says as they all take their phones out and take simon and jeff take their pictures as they upload it to their social media with a caption "reunited and it feels so good"

"well all platforms are down you all still can break the internet" jeff says laughing

"well that was quick" liam says as they reach jeffs house

"well fans are at each of your houses" simon says

"so how long are we staying here" louis says

"just a few days liam and niall when you get to where ever you need to go please post  a picture hopefully the fans will get it that you are no longer together and things calm down" jeff says as they walk into jeffs house and louis and harry if you are out especially with harper please take a body guard"

"we will" the 4 friends say

"how did it go" dan says as they start to tell everyone about the radio interview and everyone hugs harry as he smiles wide

"mommy" harper yells out as she runs to louis

"where you a good girl" louis asks as niall takes her from louis

"yeah" harper says with a smile

"hey munchkin I have to leave but I will come see you when I can" niall says

"ok I miss my nini" harper says as she pouts and bats her eyes

"stop or I will take you with me" niall says

"I go witchu" harper says

"can I take her" niall says as he gives harper a tight hug

"sure but ask harry" louis says laughing

"uuggggh of course he is going to say no" niall says

"or ask our parents" harry says laughing

"fine but I will see you when I can ok" niall says as harper moves to liam

"uncle lili when I see bear" harper asks

"soon I will call your mommy and we will plan ok" liam says

"ok I go play" harper says as liam puts her down

"well I have to get going before I miss my flight" liam says

"me too" niall says

"the car is waiting when you are ready" simon says as liam and niall walk to the room they were staying at and pack their things and soon hug everyone and walk out of the house

"angel how do you want to address harper" harry says

"lets talk to jeff and simon and come up with a plan I want to share her with the world but on our terms and what we want to show of her but I still want to protect her" louis says his heart jumping hearing harry wanting to address harper

"ok lets go see where they are" harry says

"I think they are in jeffs office" louis says as they walk to jeffs office and knock

"come in" they hear jeff yell out as they walk in the office

"hey come in have a seat" simon says

"is everthing ok" harry asks nervously

"yeah we are just monitoring social media internet you know doing our jobs" jeff says laughing

"shut it" harry says "we want to talk to you about addressing harper I know I haven't officially talked about her but I want to and louis and I want to make a plan for her"

"you sure" jeff questions

"yes I never want them to be a secret and I think if louis and I are more active in what we want to have out there for harper then we can some what control things and paps wont have to chance to make money off her" harry says

"ok then you and louis post what you feel comfortable with also I suggest you put a watermark on the pictures just for safety measures" simon says

"well then we are out to the world" harry says with a wide smile

"what happened that harry was in louis bed" simon asks

"I had a nightmare" harry says

"you want to talk about it" jeff asks

"umm" harry says as he tells them about his dream "but I swear it was like it was real it was too real" harry says as the tears start to fall

"but it was a nightmare and look you have louis you are out and your fans all support you" simon reassures harry

"I know thank you all for everything" harry says as he stands up and hugs simon and jeff

"so what have you found about harry coming out" louis questions

"that your fans are amazing are supportive and they love you all" simon says with a wide smile " and they are overshadowing all the negative people that are trying to bring you down they just reply to those messages with positive messages your fans are more overprotective of you than louis"

"really" harry says with a wide smile

"look" jeff says as harry reads a negative message and the messages his fans put and that makes him smile

"thank you guys" harrys says "I guess I was worried for nothing

"no your feelings were valid after what you went thru at your first performance with the band we all understand I just wished you would of talked to us any of us so we could of helped you" simon says

"im sorry" harry says

"just talk to us we are all here to help you no hurt you" jeff says

"I promise" harry says as louis sits on harrys lap

"told ya but you never listen you stubborn ass" louis says as he places a kiss on harrys cheek

"hey kettle meet pot" simon says laughing

"shut it" louis says as they all start to laugh as they hear a knock at the door and simon opens it as they hear harper crying and harry stands up and gets her

"what is wrong munchkin" harry says as he hugs her

"I fell and got a booboo" harper says

"aww munchkin I think you need a nap" louis says

"no" harper says with a pout

"lets lay down for a bit" harry says "im gonna see if I can make her fall asleep"

"ok" louis says as harry walks out of the office as jeff and louis and simon continue to talk

"so how do you feel now" jeff asks louis

"good im happy we can be open but i want to talk to the therapist before we start anything else i am just scared he will go back to being scared of being out" louis says

"well we dont know but for now honestly i think something clicked in his head" simon says

"i hope so but i told him i wont make anything official until we work thru all of the past" louis says as he hears a knock on the door and harry walks in "did she fall asleep"

"yeah cuddled her and she knocked out quick" harry says as he sits next to louis 'ohh doctor smith said he can see us next monday at 8 in the morning"

"yeah that will work i have nothing planned" louis says

"ok let me text him back:" harry says as he takes out his phone and text the doctor

"well i am dont working let enjoy these moments together" simon says

"let go play with the big kids" louis says as they walk out of the office and go to the back yard and start to play with the kids


its the monday that louis and harry have their appointment with the therapist as louis gets there first and walks in the office

"Can i help you" the receptionist asks

"yes we have an appointment with doctor smith" louis says

"ohh yes please follow me" the receptionist says as she stands up and louis follows her as she takes him to an office as the receptionist opens the door and louis walks in "doctor smith mr louis tomlinson is here"

"ok thank you" the therapist says "harry texted me he woke up late, so lets get started is there anything you want to talk about before harry gets here"

"yes" louis says as he starts to cry

"talk to me"

"im scared he will go back into hiding i cant break and that thought alone scares the fuck out of me" louis says as the doctor starts to write on his note pad

"that is a valid feeling we can talk about it when harry gets here" the therapist says "but i want to tell you that harry is in a different place than when he first started coming to see me i can see it and the fact that he outed himself was a big step for him"

"i know i saw it" louis says

"we can work thru all of this as long as you and harry work together" the therapist says

"do you think we can make it i mean make our relationship last" louis says nervously

"as long as you both do the work i think 6 months of couples counsling will help you both i know there is alot of hurt and broken trust that needs to be rebuilt and alot of things that need to be talked about it i know harry loves you i mean we sometimes spend about 45 minutes talking about you which is why i suggested you come to one of his sessions" the doctor says

"really" louis says surprised

"yeah honeslty" the therapist says

"umm i wanted to ask you how can i help harry with his nightmares he had one the other night" louis says

"and what happened" the therapist says

"he came into the room i was sleeping at and he cried as he told me about his nightmare" louis says "i didnt know how to help him so we cuddled and fell asleep"

"ok we can work on that too but you did the right thing most of his nightmares are about loosing you to someone else when he first came to see me he wouldnt tell me about them but little by little he started to tell me about them and we have worked thru them" the therapist says as they hear a knock at the door "come in" the therapist says as the door opens and louis sees harry walk in

"sorry about that woke up late" harry says as he sits down next to louis

"its ok louis and i were just talking about some thing he wants to work on" the therapist says

"ohh ok" harry says

"louis you want to tell harry" the therapist says

"ummm" louis says nervously "umm i am scare that you are going to want to hide again i mean me and harper"

"never again i want you and only you and i want you and harper to live with me and be a family i want to scream to the world that i am in love with you i never want to loose you or know what being without is again i came to therapy to win you back but i stayed to find myself and be true to me i want to be the man you deserve and a father to harper that she deserves i did this for you and her but it turned out i needed it for myself which is why i never told anyone" harry says as he starts to cry

"then if you are trying i am staying but we have alot of work to do" louis says

"then im trying angel I never want to live with out you" harry says

"we have a lot of work to do before I become your boyfriend again I really want to work past the hurt and start our new relationship working past everything in our past I promise just give me 6 months" louis says

"ok I promise I want to work past everything too" harry says

"ok then we fight for each other" louis says with a wide smile

"we fight for each other" harry says

"good now I want to address your nightmares louis mentioned you had one the other day you want to talk about it" the therapist says

"ummm yeah" harry says as he tells the therapist about his nightmare "umm and I had another one last night"

"you want to tell me" the therapist says

"ummm I had a dream that louis got engaged but all these dreams are so real like I am really living it at the moment and that scares me to loose you forever" harry says as he starts to cry

"lets talk about that" the therapist says

"just I come to realize that I think you are way to good for me I don't know what I ever did to deserve you when you can get anyone you want" harry says

"but I only want you I don't care what  anyone says I only want you" louis says "I never wanted anyone but you and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you that you are way to good for me"

"and why do you feel like that" the therapist "louis you go first"

"because he has always been more popular can get anyone he wants I was always insecure about myself and when you cheated on me my worst fears came true that you didn't want me the fact that you wanted to keep me a secret became my reality into what I feared worst when you told me the truth that you only got with me over a bet I felt I wasn't good enough for you to like me unless you were paid money" louis says as he starts to cry

"im sorry" harry says

"do you believe harry when he tells you he fell in love with you even if your relationship started as a bet" the therapist asks carefully

"I do believe him he has always been a shit bad liar" louis says

"ok so harry tell us why you didn't think you deserved louis" the therapist asks

"just in my eyes he is perfect what I have always felt I wanted in a partner just my idea of the perfect person was a woman as I have said before I never saw myself as gay or even liking men but louis he is perfect maybe to perfect for me and it all scared me that I would never be good enough for him" harry says crying "I always felt like he would realize that and leave me I think it was more the guilt of how I started out relationship but I know I love you with everything in me I realized it one night where we were just watching a movie and I kept staring at you and I felt so happy so complete and we started talking it was the night we talked about everything just a simple night and that night I got scared I knew I had to tell you the truth but I didn't want to loose you and got scared then it became a snowball effect of me making mistake after mistake and I lost you and since I lost you I keep having nightmares of loosing you forever" harry says crying

"I want to know why you reacted the way you did when I told you I was pregnant" louis says

"I got scared I didn't want to talk about you and you were pregnant and that meant If the world found out you were pregnant I would have to admit us but when dan told me you lost the baby I felt so low I still have regret about that day I will always regret that day I never should of reacted that way it was that day that I went on a drunken binge and hated myself I hated what I did to you every wrong I have done to you" harry says crying "and when I met harper before I knew she was mine I felt this strong connection she was crying and when I picked her up and held her I felt his overwhelming peace and when I found out she was mine I felt so bad I thought of walking away from her from the guilt but I couldn't I loved her immediately and I couldn't break her heart which is why I spend whatever time I can with her I guess to make up not only for lost time but to forgive myself for you almost loosing her I don't think I can ever imagine my life without her specially you"

"how do you feel right now harry" the therapist asks

"happy scared relieved excited" harry says "a lot of emotions relaxed is the one I am leaning towards since everything is out in the open and I don't have to hide who I really am"

"ok that is good" the therapist says "and louis how do you feel"

"a lot better that we are talking about things just I never knew that about harry" louis says

"and I didn't know how you really felt I guess we just didn't ask each other" harry says

"I guess we didn't but H I want you to know that I never want you to ever feel like you are not good enough for me I sometimes stare at you and wonder what life would have been like if you didn't take the bet from zayn in a way it was a blessing" louis says "now don't get me wrong I still want to stab you for it but in a way I am glad you did"

"umm thank you but you are right but I honestly don't care I am happy I took it and I got you" harry says as he takes a deep breath

"ok well our time is up and harry I will see you tomorrow" the therapist says 'and I want to see you both I think for the next 2 months weekly unless you have commitments and then we can revisit"

"ok' harry and louis says at the same time as they stand up and walk out of the office "want to have lunch with a pop star"

"sure who do you have in mind" louis says laughing

"shut it lets take my car" harry says as louis gets in harry s car

"who has munchkin" louis says

"my mom she is going to on a playdate with lindas granddaughter they are the same age" harry says as they get to the restaurant and walk in and soon are seated "so you think we will be ok"

"I think so as long as we put in the work" louis says with a wide smile as harry puts his hand on top of louis and louis interwines their fingers  and smiles "you know people can see us" louis teases

"I don't care I never want you to be a secret I want to scream to the world that you are mine" harry says with a wide smile

"im proud of you harry" louis says as they continue to talk and soon the waiter takes their food and drink order

"so are you nervous about releasing your new album" harry says

"petrified" louis says

"you are amazing and I know what ever you have written and recording will be amazing" harry says

"umm I wrote a few songs about us"  louis says nervously

"well most of my songs are about you" harry says

"I know" louis says

"so mr Tomlinson can I ask you on a date this Saturday night" harry says nervously

"I cant I don't have a babysitter" louis says trying his best not to laugh but failing

"you can bring her with you" harry says with a smile

"ok I will go on a date with you" louis says as he bites on his lower lip

"you both are so gross" they hear a voice say laughing

"gemma what are you doing here" harry says as he stands up and hugs her and louis hugs her next

"came to lunch with some friends and saw you dumbasses" gemma says laughing

"shut it we are happy" louis says

"who has munchkin" gemma asks

"mom" harry says

"can I steal her for the night" gemma says

"yes I was going to ask you I have a late night at the studio" louis says

"good I will call mom and tell her" gemma says as she gives louis and harry one last hug and walks out of the restaurant as the waiter takes them their food as they continue to talk and enjoy the moment and soon they finish eating and harry pays the bill as they drive back to the therapist office

"um you want to come to the studio with me" louis says nervously as harry parks next to louis car

"if you don't mind" harry says

"Julian will be there so we need to be on time you know how dramatic he can be when we are late" louis says

"I will pick you up at what time" harry says

"5" louis says

"ok I will see you at 5" harry says as louis gets off harrys car and goes to his car and louis drives to his house and goes to his room and lays down as his phone starts to ring

"hello" louis answers

"hey just wanted to talk to you some more" harry says

"man forgot how needy you are" louis says laughing

"shut it" harry says as he starts to laugh

"ok pick your poison" louis says as they continue to talk and soon harry picks up louis and they head to the studio and walks in

"hey oh hi harry" Julian says as he hugs harry "how have you been"

"good just came to see the magic that you and louis create since he wont help me record my music and you are retired" harry says

"I am but I am loving being here might come back for just some artist" Julian says

"well since louis doesn't want to help me then If you do work with me" harry says

"on your next album let me think about this I know you are almost done" Julian says

"I am thanks" harry says as louis goes into the recording booth and puts his earphones one as harry and Julian sit where they are suppose to

"he is amazing" Julian says

"I know I love to just look at him and admire who he is" harry says as he stares at louis with love "cant believe he is mine"

"you better not fuck it up again" Julian warns

"I wont I learned my lesson I swear" harry says as they continue to work and a few hours later they all leave and harry drives louis to his house and louis walks in and goes to his room and falls asleep


its been 3 months since louis and harry have been seeing the therapist and have been doing really good they have had some set backs but they have worked hard to get to a good place and louis is at the BBC radio dropping his new single and had to take harper with him because he couldnt find anyone to watch her and the daycare at the recording studio was not open as he had to be at the radio station at 6 in the morning

"Hey" roman says as he walks into the room where louis was at

"morning sorry i had to bring harper" louis says as harper starts to wake up

"its ok been wanting to meet her since forever" roman says "when does harry get back"

"this afternoon but trust me he wanted to come home when i told him i didnt have someone to watch her" louis says

"its ok dont worry" roman says

"let me change her and have her use the potty before we go to the studio" louis says

"ok i will wait for you we go on the air in 10 minutes" roman says

"mommy who that" harper says as she points to roman

"well this is my friend roman and we are going to talk to him today about my new song i am going to play for people can you say hello" louis says

"hi you be my unckle roro" harper says

"i will be your body guard" roman says laughing as harper walks to him and he picks her up

"no unckle paul my bodyguard i like you" harper says with a wide smile

"come here munchkin lets use the potty" louis says as he gets her from roman and he walks out of the room and louis takes harper to the potty and soon walk to the studio "now be a good girl and dont get into trouble or i will tell dad"

"no pease no tell daddy pease mommy" harper says as she start to pout

"well behave" louis says as he takes harper close to him as he takes out some toys for her as she starts to play

"she is really well behave" roman says

"ohh dont let that fool you i have to watch her like a hawk or she will get into something" louis says as he starts to laugh

"ok well we are going live in 5,4,3,2 and 1" the producer says as he points to roman

"good morning everyone and welcome to the breakfast show i am roman kemp and this morning i have a very special guest well 2 actually but will only be interviewing one special guest can you say hello" roman says

"good morning everyone i am louis tomlinson" louis says

"well louis you are here to drop a new single but before we get into that how have you been" roman asks

"really good finishing recording" is all louis say say as he feels harper tuggin on his shirt "im sorry everyone what is the matter"

"i bored" harper says as louis picks her up and sits her on his lap

"im sorry everyone i didnt have a babysitter and had to bring harper with me" louis says proudly "can you say good morning to everyone that is listening"

"morning i harper grace styles"

"well harper who is your favorite parent" roman asks as he starts to laugh

"her father" louis answers laughing

"yeah" harper says with a wide smile

"well louis lets get business out of the way and take caller questions" roman says

"you want to tell everyone about my new song" louis says to harper

"yeah pease mommy I good girl" harper says " i i pout if you say no and will tell nana"

"you wouldnt dare tell on me" louis says as he laughs

"ohh my" roman says

"ok you tell everyone about my song" louis says

"hi my mommys song is called habit and it about my daddy and mommy" harper says as roman plays the song

I always said that I'd mess up eventually
I told you that, so what did you expect from me?
It shouldn't come as no surprise anymore
I know you said that you'd give me another chance
But you and I knew the truth of it in advance
That mentally you were already out the door

Never thought that giving up would be so hard
God, I'm missing you and your addictive heart

You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the high that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break

I took some time 'cause I ran out of energy
Of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be
But honestly, I don't have to choose anymore
And it's been ages, different stages
Come so far from Princess Park
I'll always need you
In front of me, in front of me

You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the high that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break

You give me the time and the space
I was out of control
And I'm sorry I let you down
Guess that I know what I already knew
I was better with you
And I miss you now

You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the high that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break

You're the habit that I can't break
You're the feeling I can't put down
You're the shiver that I can't shake
You're the habit that I can't break
You're the high that I need right now
You're the habit that I can't break

"and that was habit by louis tomlinson" roman says as he presses a button and cheers and claps starts to sound

"unckle roro i press button please" harper says

"sure come over here i will show you" roman says as louis puts harper down and she walks to roman and he picks her up "ok press this button"

"k" harper says as she presses the button "unkle roro sit here withchu"

"if its ok with your mommy:" roman says

"pease mommy i be good girl" harper says

"ok but please dont touch anything" louis says

"ok well lets take caller questions" roman says "pick a number from 1 to 10"

"7" louis says

"harper press this button" roman says as harper presses the button as roman whispers into harper ear

"moning you on air with my mommy:" harper says

"awww" the caller says

"what you name" harper says

"morning harper my name is krista and i wanted to ask louis what took you so long to release more music"

"i been busy producing and taking my time and well ms harper over here is a handful" louis says "but honeslty i wanted  my music to be perfect and my first album as well but dont worry i am almost done just a few more things to do"

"ok thank you and i am loving ms harpers personality are you going to be sharing more of her" the caller ask

"yeah but harry and i have to really plan this out we want to keep her safe at all times and harry and i being on tour and promoting our music will be tough to keep her out of the spotlight but i promise we will"

"ok thank you louis bye harper" the caller says

"bye kista have a beautiful day" harper says

"ok next caller" roman says "harper press a button" and harper presses the button "ok say it again"

"moning you on air with my mommy:" harper says "what you name"

"hi my name is angel and louis i wanted to know are you going on tour:"

"umm yes" louis says "but the dates are not finalized so look out for that"

"next caller" roman says as harper presses another button

"morning you on air with my mommy:" harper says "what you name"

"my name is mort and i wanted to know niall liam and harry sing one direction songs on tour are you also going to sing one direction songs" the caller says

"yes and i know which ones too" louis says

"can you tell us" the caller says

"nope things are not finalized and i dont want to say and then change things" louis says

"ok fair enough" the caller says

"mommy" harper says

"yes munchkin" louis says

"can i stay wit unckle roro" harper says

"well if you want but dad is coming home today" louis say

"sorry unckle roro daddy coming home" harper says

"its ok harper maybe next time" roman says

"ok" harper says as she gives roman a thumbs up

"lets take a few more calls" roman says as harper presses a button

"hi you calling and talk to my mommy" harper says "what your name"

"morning harper my name is jason" the caller says

"hi you have question for mommy" harper says

"yeah are you taking harper on tour with you" the caller asks

"well harry and i discussed it and we are going to take turns i will have her some of the time and he will have her as well both our families are more than willing to bring her to us since i think he starts his tour before me and finishes about the same time if things dont change" louis says

"ok well cant wait to see you on tour" the caller says

"thank you i am so excited to get back on the road" louis says as they continue to take caller after caller and soon their time was done and louis and harper start to leave and head back to louis house as louis phone starts to ring "mom"

"hey lottie and fiz are going to pick up harper they are going to the movies with the rest of the kids" jay says

"ok text harry let him know in case he wants to get her" louis says

"ok i will text you when i have an answer" jay says

"ok im gonna feed her and change her are you going to keep her" louis says

"no but i am sure lots is going to call gemma and she is going to want to keep her" jay says laughing

"ok just tell me who is going to have her" louis says as they hang up and louis goes to the kitchen and make harper some lunch as the doorbell starts to ring and louis goes to answer the door and lets lottie and fizzy in the house as harper runs to them "sorry was feeding her i asked mom if you were going to keep her since harry should be back sometime today"

"well gemma is going to take her so i am sure harry will get her" lottie says

"Ok well here is her stuff and just let me know who has her" louis says as they agree and walk out the house and louis finishes eating and goes to his room and lays down as he falls asleep


thank you all for the reads

I appreciate each and every  like comment and read

All the love

Me 💚💙

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