"Little tiger" Akeno & Rias x...

By MoonBunny01

47.4K 420 197

The loving couple of Akeno & Rias are summoned to investigate a burnt down village and in the ashes they find... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter C
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Y/N meeting
Chapter 6
It's voting time
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
What happens when I'm bored
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter T
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

8.3K 67 17
By MoonBunny01

(3rd person POV)

In a village people where screaming, children where in tears, and cultist where initiating a plan to stop everything and in the middle of this misery stood one being. The blue tiger demon Matatabi.

(Akeno Himejima's POV)

I was cuddling with Rias on the couch until I sensed a certain demonic energy and gasped "Hmm darling what's wrong?" questioned Rias. I looked my lover in the eyes "I sensed some kind of demon unlike any I've ever sensed" I said. Rias eyes widened "Now that you mention it I sense it to" said Rias. I stood up and stretched out my wings "Let's check it out" I said. Rias nodded and we flew towards the demon energy. 

(Cultist bastard's POV)

Me and my men had made a plan to offer a sacrifice too this demon and our sacrifice was my son I may have had to kill my wife just to do this but in the end it'll be worth it. I looked at my son one last time.

I sighed as I walked up a hill and started at the demon. I cleared my throat and held up my son "Oh great Matatabi please take this offering of my son and leave my village in peace!" I said. The fire tiger walked towards me and my son and he touched his stomach. In an instant the demon's fire seemed to have gone inside my son's stomach. When I unveiled his stomach I saw a strange symbol.

I soon realized what has happened the demon has chosen my son to become its host. I ran to the temple with the boy in my arms, placed him on a stone table, and grabbed the ceremonial dagger "Lord please forgive me for this" I said. I was about to jab the dagger into the baby's heart until I saw two teenage girls one with purple hair and another with red hair.

I looked at them both confused until I noticed they had bat like wings that's when I realized they are demons. I pointed the dagger at them frightened "S-stay away from me you sinners!" I shouted. The girl with purple hair approached me "What are you doing with that baby?" the purple haired questioned. I decided to face my fear and try to stab the girl but the red head grabbed my dagger and caused it to melt "How dare you try to hurt my love!" the red head said as she grabbed my face. I felt something form in my mouth until I saw nothing but black.

(Rias Gremory's POV)

I made a ball of destruction magic in the mans mouth and expanded it which kinda caused his head to explode. I wrapped my arm around Akeno's waist "You okay?" I asked my love. Akeno nodded and soon I the baby on the stone slab started crying. Me and Akeno approach the child and Akeno picks him up "The two look similar so this must be his son" said Akeno. My eyes widened "Cultist, can't put anything else before there beliefs" I said. Akeno hummed which calmed the boy down but I noticed a symbol on the boys stomach "Akeno look that symbol I think it's used to seal things away" I said. Akeno looked at the boys stomach and her eyes widened "Whatever was sealed away in him must of been why his father tried to kill him" said Akeno. I felt sorry for the baby he had no one else but that doesn't mean me and Akeno can't raise him "Akeno what if we take him in as our own" I said. Akeno looked at me and smiled "I like that idea but first we need to come up with a name for him" said Akeno. I thought for a moment and I came up with the perfect name "How about Y/N" I said. Akeno smiled and looked at our son "It's perfect" said Akeno. Soon we stepped out of the temple and flew back home as we were flying I looked back.

(Ignore the text)

I was appalled at the color of the fire 'This couldn't have been a regular forest fire. A demon? If so where is it now?' I thought to myself as I turn to Akeno and continue our path.

(???'s POV)

I sensed something an energy that seemed familiar yet new. I then realized this energy was some kind combination of a child and a demon. I sighed knowing that I'd have to get my knight "Lecter come here immediately!" I shouted as the knight of my peerage entered the room.

Lecter bowed to me "Why hello my king I thought you said you'd wouldn't use me unless absolutely necessary" said Lecter with a crooked, distorted voice. Lecter was a demon of many names but the one most people knew by was the Bogeyman "This is necessary I sensed an energy that seems to be a mixture of a child and a demon" I said. Lecter gave me his signature crooked grin "You want me to eliminate this child" said Lecter. I sighed and nodded. Lecter soon started existing the room "Tell me something are you afraid that this child could risk your takeover...Carmon Rose" said Lecter. As soon as he said my name I threw death rose at him which Lecter dodged "You know not to speak my real name Lecter now leave before I kill you!" I shouted. Lecter would soon teleport away and I was left to think of the cult that summoned me 'They really where fools' I thought to myself.

(Time skip to late 1:09)

(Rias Gremory's POV)

I was sleeping next to Akeno till I heard Y/N crying. It woke me and I went into his room and saw a hideous demon holding my child.

I immediately launched a ball of destruction at him which he dodged and whilst he was moving I grabbed Y/N and kicked the demon into the wall "Who the hell are you?!" I said seeing if Y/N was hurt. Soon Akeno entered the room and looked concerned. Then the demon started to chuckle and soon it turned into a full on laugh "You foolish girl I am the shadow in children's closets, the one who stalks them at night, I am the Bogeyman!" said Bogeyman. Akeno launched a bolt of lightning at the Bogeyman but he disappeared before it hit him. Y/N was still crying and I know that Akeno just changed him so maybe he's hungry. Luckily I sleep naked so I just had to bring Y/N close to my breast and when I did he latched on and started sucking. I smiled and then looked at Akeno who seemed to be jealous "Oh don't worry darling next time he's hungry you can feed him" I said. Akeno smiled and Y/N was soon fast asleep. I carried him to his room and placed him in his crib. When I got back to me and Akeno's room I hugged her "I love you and now me and you have a family" I said kissing my love's cheek. Akeno giggled "I love you too Rias and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and Y/N" said Akeno. Soon we where asleep looking forward to the future.

(That's one chapter done! Tell me what do you think Carmen's goal is and do you believe she is connected to the same cult Y/N's dad was in. Until then have a nice morning/day/evening/night and take care buh-bye!!)

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