Chasing Innocence | ✓

By Madzalalor

342K 15.3K 2K

Rhea Thurman has always been goal-driven despite the tragedies of her past. Her obsession with criminal law l... More

1 | first meetings
2 | unwelcome visitors
3 | unravelling lies
4 | violent behaviours
5 | unsolicitated nightmares
6 | dead ends
7 | uninvited memories
8 | past resurfacing
9 | unveiling evidence
10 | dangerous plans
11 | unexpected findings
12 | learning truths
13 | unwanted birthdays
14 | midnight calls
15 | true colours
16 | unfavourable requests
17 | truthful conversations
18 | newfound homes
19 | strange discussions
20 | moral conflictions
22 | growing denial
23 | looming fates
24 | cruical decisions
25 | significant corroboration
26 | abandoning hope
27 | day one
28 | worrying signs
29 | breaking laws
30 | hushed favours
31 | dreadful learnings
32 | hopeful pleadings
33 | alarming messages
34 | detrimental plannings
35 | nice side
36 | suprised reactions
37 | devastating assumptions
38 | needed conversations
39 | false promises
40 | startling guilt
41 | unwanted revelations
42 | perfect days
43 | life endings
44 | fragmented pieces
45 | in memoriam
46 | broken love
47 | unforetold stories
48 | honest grief
49 | empathetic arrivals
50 | intimiate touch
51 | sincere talks
52 | blind panic
53 | job offerings
54 | deja vu
55 | recurring events
56 | drawing closed
57 | last straw
Author's Note

21 | threatening strangers

5.2K 261 23
By Madzalalor

I already know before I'm even setting foot on Patridge land, that they're throwing a party. The keys dig into my hands as I walk up the driveway.

What on earth could they possibly be celebrating all the time? Trial is less than two weeks away now and instead of focusing on that, the house is filled with over-the-top Soundcloud rap music and beer cans that litter the floor.

I shut the door behind me as I enter, standing against it for a second. Getting my bearings, I walk quickly towards Sofía's room.

Before I get the chance, Xavier is calling my name and pulling me into the living room. For the second time today I'm being dragged against my will into this room.

My eyes immediately go to the armchair where Casey had sat earlier, his eye bruised again. He's no longer there; a women smoking a bong and wearing a small bandana for a top, looks at me lazily. I turn away.

The room is full of a line of smoke, wafting through the air. I move my hand through it, whacking it away from me. When it gets clearer, I realise that there is at least ten people in this room. Marco sits on the couch, a pretty blonde women straddles his lap as they talk in between kisses.

"I'm tired, Xavier," I shout, trying to be heard over the music. "I just want to sleep."

"How was work?" he asks, grinning at me. I can tell he's high. His dark pupils are huge as he stares at me strangely.

"Busy," I state, beginning to step away from him. He grabs my hand, linking our fingers as he pulls me around in a twirl before hugging me to his shoulder.

"Let's talk," he says, twirling a strand of my hair. I nudge him back, folding my arms over my chest.

"I'll talk to you when you're not incapacitated," I deadpan, beginning to walk away from him.

He doesn't stop me this time, just pouts. I roll my eyes, holding my bag tightly over my shoulder as I quickly make my exit towards Sof's room.

"Do your brother's have a habit of throwing— oh my god!" I slam her door shut, squeezing my eyes closed from the image that I've just received.

"Sorry!" Sof calls through the door. "Didn't know you were coming home yet!"

Sofía and a man entwined on her bed is now something that will be branded into my brain for eternity.

"It's— ah, no worries," I shout back. "Should have knocked!"

I stride into the kitchen, grimacing as I rub my forehead. An oncoming headache is forming.

I lean against the sink, my eyes focusing on the window as I watch the darkness. Nothing is visible, except for a far off street lamp. The pounding in my skull worsens.

A door swings open behind me, revealing Casey. He brightens when he sees me, striding over. "I'll save you," he says, grabbing my hand as he pulls me away.

He shuts the door to his room and I sigh, leaning back against his door. The music is less intense in here and I welcome it.

Casey flops down onto his bed. He reaches for a small tennis ball on his nightstand, throwing it up and catching it before repeating. "They don't let me out there very often," he admits. "Not that I'm even interested in half the shit they do."

"Good," I say, sitting on the edge of his bed. "I didn't see Brax out there. Is he not..."

Casey catches the ball, raising an eyebrow at me. "Oh," I croak, realising where he must be.

All the doors in the house are closed, likely holding preoccupied couples.

"Does he have a girlfriend?" I ask, realising I'd never even thought about the possibility.

"Nah," Casey sits up, leaning his weight onto his elbows. "He's more of a mindless hookup type."

"Good to know," I retort, wishing I hadn't asked at all.

"Xavier's been delightful lately," I move on, sarcastically. "Keeps trying to manipulate me into helping them."

Casey shrugs, moving to sit up against the headboard. "Sorry about that. I've told them to go about it differently, but apparently what would a fourteen year old know".

I watch him closely, the way his eyes soften as he thinks about his brothers. "When all this is over," I begin suddenly, "would you want to come live with me?"

I don't know where the offer is coming from. I'd never even thought about asking him before. Suddenly, it's as though I need to protect him so badly against the forces in his own house, that I'd do anything to get him out.

His eyes widen and he grins. "Moving in together already? That's a big step."

I laugh, shaking my head. "You deserve a fresh start. You're different from them, Case."

He looks down at his duvet, picking at lint. "They're my family, though," he whispers. "I can't just leave."

"It's okay," I smile. "You don't have to give me an answer now. Or ever, really. Just know that if you ever want to get out of this lifestyle, my doors open."

He nods, smiling as he looks back up at me. A strand of his dark hair hangs in front of his eyes as he brushes it behind his ear. "Is this when we have our first kiss?"

I snort, laughing. "No. I don't think so, bud."

He stands up, grinning. "I'll try again soon," he admits, patting my shoulder. "I'm just gonna get some pizza. Hungry?"

"Oh, yes please," I smile. "Hey, have you ever seen Zootopia?"

Casey frowns in the doorway, the hallway light highlighting his soft features. "What? The kids movie with the talking animals?"

"Hey! It's the best movie ever!" I defend. "I'm making you watch it with me."

He rolls his eyes before closing the door behind him. I grin, reaching for his laptop on the nightstand. The door opens again quickly.

"Back so soon—"

My eyes land on an unknown figure in the doorway. The guy sways on his feet, blinking slowly as he adjusts to the room.

"I think you're in the wrong place, buddy," I say, opening Casey's laptop. "Run along now."

He begins to laugh, walking towards me in a slow stride. I look up from the laptop again, suddenly understanding the predatory nature of his gaze.

He hadn't found this room by accident. He'd seen me come in here.

"Casey will be back any second," I say truthfully, despite the trepidation in my voice.

"The kid?" he slurs, flopping onto the bed. "What's he gonna do? Join us?"

I grimace in disgust, placing the laptop back on the nightstand before grabbing my bag. "I'm gonna go," I state, briskly walking towards the door.

As I open it, the guy slams it shut behind me. I breathe slowly, turning to face him. His breath reeks of alcohol. I look away, trying to avoid the disgusting smell.

He grabs my chin forcefully, turning my head up to meet his hard eyes. "What's a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?" he murmurs, his mouth moving closer to mine.

"I'm not alone," I grit.

The handle behind me begins to jiggle and I sigh with relief. "Rhea?" Casey says. "Did you lock me out? Ha-ha. Very funny."

I realise too late that he'd slid the bolt across on the door when he'd slammed it shut, narrowly missing my fingers. My blood runs cold.

He grins at me, his fingers tracing my cheek. "What are you going to do?" I ask. "Rape me whilst a fourteen year old kid stands behind the door?"

He laughs like it's the craziest thing in the world. Like he isn't holding me in here against my will.

In his moment of weakness, I turn, trying to slide the bolt across the doorway. He grabs a fistful of my hair, dragging me towards the bed. I scream out in anger, kicking him in the groin.

He doubles over, groaning. "That's what you deserve, asshole," I growl.

My fingers shake as I reach for the door, sliding the bolt open. It flings open before I get the chance. Brax stands in the way, Casey hidden half behind his shoulder.

I'm hyperventilating as I barge past him. I can feel the tears already beginning to pool in the corners of my eyes.

"Hey," Brax reaches for my hand, gripping my wrist.

I flinch under his touch and he steps back. Something passes over his face before he peers back into the room. I notice the moment he sees the guy sprawled out on the floor. His expression hardens.

"Tell you friends," I choke, "to stay the fuck away from me. I'm leaving."

I turn, but Casey steps in my way. He moves as I go to move. I sigh, biting my lip. "I'm leaving, Casey."

"Please don't—"

A crash sounds from behind me. Casey runs back into his room as I stand behind him. Brax has the guy up against the wall, holding him by the lapels of his shirt.

He slams his fist into his nose twice, before letting him drop to the ground. The guy crumples at his feet and I'm reminded once again of what he could be capable of.

"Get the fuck up," Brax snaps. I realise suddenly that he's only dressed in a pair of boxer shorts. Casey must have gone to get him from his room after he thought I'd locked myself inside.

The guy begins to stand on shaky legs, moving out of the room. "Whatever, man. Sorry I touched your bitch."

I move away from the doorframe as the guy exits. Brax grabs the guy by the back of his neck, slamming him into the wall beside me.

"Don't you fucking—"

"Brax!" Marco comes barreling down the hallway, clearly hearing the commotion. He shoves Brax back, grabbing the guy as he pushes him down the corridor.

"That's my dealer, man," Marco grumbles. "Now I'll have to find a new one."

"Get him the fuck out of this house!" Brax screams, getting into Marco's face. "Now. Before I ask you to leave too."

Marco scoffs, his eyes turning towards me and Casey before he turns away. I don't move until I'm sure the guy is gone from the property.

I pull my bag up my shoulder, walking towards the back door as I slam it open. The cold air bites at my face as I walk down the steps towards the garage.


My heart falters when I hear Brax call my name. I sniff, wiping away the single tear that falls down my cheek. I unlock the latch on the garage door, walking down the driveway.

"Can you just stop for a second—"

I whirl around on him, shoving him back. He clenches his jaw, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he looks to the left of me. "So that's the thanks I get?" he grunts under his breath.

"The thanks you get— Jesus. Are you kidding?" I scream. "I'm no safer here than my own apartment. And it's worse, because I have to deal with you."

His fists ball as he rakes a hand through his hair. I watch the light of the moon as it illuminates the hard plane of his jawline, the slant of his full lips. His dark eyes blink down at me and I try my hardest not to let him see how broken I truly am.

"You think I asked for what just happened in there?" I point towards the house, glaring at him.

"I never said—"

"I'm leaving," I choke.

"You can't," he snaps, moving towards me. "You can't go back home."

"I'm not safe here," I repeat. "I've dealt with— with people like that before. I don't need the reminders."

I feel myself recoil and my throat tightens. I place a hand over my stomach, then my mouth. I turn away from Brax, just as I vomit the contents of my stomach onto the pavement.

"Jesus," he curses. "Rhea—"

"Don't," I say, breathless. I shouldn't care what he thinks, but I'm embarrassed that he saw that. I'm embarrassed that he knows anything about me at all.

I close my eyes but I'm only reminded of the turbulent three years I spent in the foster care system. The houses I was thrown into and out of. The way they never seemed to believe me when I said I didn't feel safe. How some of my foster brothers looked at me as much more than their supposed sister. The day I turned eighteen and met Maia, was the best day of my goddamn life.

Maia. I need to call her. I reach for my phone but curse when I realise it's run out of charge.

"That won't happen to you again," Brax says, sternly. "He won't be coming around here. Ever."

"Like you care," I say, coldly.

"Did you forget that I have a fucking sister?" he snaps. "It's not like I want people like him inside my damn house."

I watch him, waiting to see if he will say anymore. When he doesn't, I turn around, unlocking my car from a distance. The headlights blink twice.

"Stay," he calls.

I hate myself when my steps begin to slow again. Such a simple word shouldn't matter to me. But it's the tone that makes me pause. The breathlessness of his one word statement.

I ball my fists, gritting my teeth at my own stupidity. If I go back into that house, I can only blame myself for getting hurt again.

I turn around to face him, walking tentatively back up the driveway until I'm right in front of him again. He watches me closely, waiting for a response. I can't meet his eyes, so I focus on the tattoos crawling up his neck. I focus on the curve of his jaw. I focus on my own fingers as I stop the sudden and ridiculous need to trace his skin.

"I'll come back," I whisper, "but I need to do something first. Alone."


I place a hand on his chest, feeling his beating heart. The heat warms my skin, but I pull away quickly, tucking my hands under my armpits. "Don't argue with me or I won't return. For whatever twisted reason you need me here for, I'll stay."

I finally meet his expression, narrowing my eyes. "I know that's what it is," I breathe. "You want me to trust you so that I can go and break the law for you. So I can find some piece of evidence in Matthew's house and save your ass."

His eyes trail down my face and I step closer. Our noses are inches apart. "You're not as good at keeping secrets as you might think, Braxton," I whisper.

With that, I turn from him, aware of his gaze following me until I'm driving away.

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