Forever Home Lemon

By hope4dust

15.4K 389 306

Lemon for Forever Home: A Kiba Love Story. The story of your first time with Kiba. More

Welcome Home.

15.4K 389 306
By hope4dust

(Almighty, I promised that I’d try to do a lemon if it was requested, and it has been requested. So, my lovely readers, here it comes. I do not own Kiba or any of the Naruto characters. The following is mature content so you know…PG13. I’m not going to click the actual mature button, so please use your own discretion.

This take place between the time that the two of you confess and the epilogue. This is in connection to my Forever Home Story. Enjoy!)

About two months had passed since Kiba and you had finally admitted your feelings for each other. The two of you had gone on a few double dates with Hinata and Naruto, and you’d even managed to drag Kiba for a double date with Ino and Sai. Most of your non-double dates had consisted of going to Ichiraku’s or just eating dinner at each-others place. Usually Kiba would try to get the dinners to be at your place, since Hana would usually join in at some point when dinner was at his place. The two of you had kissed several times and had had some intense make-out sessions, but the two of you had yet to do anything…further. The one time the two of you had tried, Sakura had nearly kicked your door down because she had an ‘emergency’. Her so called emergency had been her not knowing what to wear for her date with Sasuke later that evening.

Kiba had been sent on a mission just a few days later and he’d been gone for nearly a week.

You paced in front of the shop where Sakura had told you to meet her. She’d promised to buy you something to try to make up for interrupting before, but she was late. She’d told you to meet her there at 10am and it was nearly 11:30am. You were considering going looking for her, since you didn’t exactly want to be seen in front of the type of store she’d told you to be at. You glanced over your shoulder at some of the displays set up in the window and your face heated up. The mannequins in the window were all dressed in lacy, see-through, tiny slips of clothing and set up in ridiculous poses. Were poses like that what men found sexy? You really hoped not, cause you really couldn’t picture yourself in one of those poses without dying of embarrassment.

You were about to give up waiting and walk away when a voice called to you, “Y/n!” You turned to see your pink haired friend running towards you. When she got to you she was out of breath and she bent over to try to catch it. When she straightened up your eyes narrowed at her neck, covered in love marks and you noticed that her lips were slightly swollen and she had bags under her eyes. “Sorry I’m late, I overslept. I was…uh…up late last night heh heh.” You wanted to punch her in the face right then, but you held back. It wasn’t entirely her fault that you were feeling frustrated, but honestly, did she have to rub it in your face that she was getting ‘attention’ while you weren’t? You’d never really had much interest in adult activities, and had certainly never craved it before, but with Kiba it was different. You wanted him. All of him. And the fact that the two of you had been interrupted made the craving that much stronger.

You huffed out an irritated sigh and tried to force a smile onto your face, “It’s fine Sakura. So can I ask why exactly you wanted to bring me here of all places?” Sakura grabbed your arm and pulled you into the store, “Well I realized that I had maybe interrupted a certain…activity between you and Kiba when I got you to help me pick out an outfit, which, by the way, was a great pick. But anyways, I figured I’d buy you something that…might make your first time with him extra special.” She pulled you over to a rack with mostly pink outfits. You wrinkled your nose at them and she burst out laughing, pulling you over to some green outfits instead. You didn’t bother asking how she knew that the two of you hadn’t done anything yet, Sakura always seemed to know these types of things.

After about an hour of her throwing outfits at you in the changing room you finally managed to pick one. It wasn’t as revealing as some of the others, but it was still enough to make you feel like your face was on fire. You’d chosen an emerald green and black lace-up corset that fit snuggly against your body and pushed your chest up. The corset came with some black lacy panties and emerald green, thigh-high stockings that had straps that attached to the bottom of the corset. It also came with a see-through green housecoat. Sakura had been trying to get you to choose a see-through bra and see-through panties, but there was no way you’d ever wear those and be able to not just hide under the covers. Sakura finished paying and handed you the bag. As the two of you left the store she looked at her watch again. She’d been checking her watch constantly during your time shopping and it was really starting to make you curious. “Sakura, do you need to be somewhere else?” She jumped slightly and shook her head violently, “No! It’s just… Hana only promised to keep him busy for so long…” You tilted your head, “Keep who busy?” Sakura kinda chuckled and rubbed the back of her head, “Well…you know how Kiba was supposed to be back tomorrow?” You nodded and encouraged her to continue, “Well he actually got back earlier today.” Your mouth fell open and your eyes widened. Sakura continued talking, “Well…I’d already made the plans with you to go shopping, and I figured the two of you would want to…’spend time’ with each other, so I pleaded with Hana to keep him occupied until around 2, so that you’d have time to shop and…get ready.” By this point your face was extremely red. Hana was in on this too? You had no idea how you’d be able to look her in the eye next time you saw her. You were starting to panic thinking about how you needed to dust your apartment and everything else you’d planned to do today, to be ready for Kiba coming back tomorrow.

You grabbed Sakura’s hands and squeezed them in yours, “Sakura I need your help!” She agreed without hesitation and the two of you broke into a sprint towards your apartment. By 1:30 your apartment was sparkling clean, you had a simple dinner ready to go, it just needed to be heated up, and you’d had a shower. Sakura had left before you went to shower, locking the door behind her. You slipped into the outfit and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your face turned several shades of red. You’d never looked so womanly before. You had straightened your hair so that it was shiny and perfectly smooth, you’d also put on a little light makeup around your eyes and a light layer of pink gloss on your lips. You hesitantly stepped out of the bathroom while rubbing some of the vanilla scented lotion Kiba liked on your skin. You paced nervously back and forth, debating putting on the housecoat.

You had no idea what Kiba’s reaction would be. Would he even feel like it? After all he was getting back from a week long mission. You sat on the edge of the bed and bounced your leg nervously. You glanced at the clock. It was nearly 1:45. You had to hand it to Hana for keeping Kiba busy. If you had just gotten back from a mission you’d probably try to beat anyone that got in your way of getting to Kiba, but somehow Hana had kept Kiba away. You huffed out a breath and flopped back on the bed, closing your eyes. You tried to get your nerves under control and relax. Right at that moment you were glad that Hana had also taken Gus for a few days to help another cat be socialized, cause it would just be awkward having Gus there right now. You could only hope that Kiba would have left Akumaru at his place too. You were just starting to feel your body relax when you heard your doorknob rattle. Your eyes snapped open and you sat up. You heard the jingle of keys and you knew instantly that it was Kiba, since he was the only person you’d given a set of keys to. You jumped up and looked around frantically, trying to decide how to greet him. You quickly decided to just jump onto the bed and you tried to assume one of the less embarrassing poses you’d seen at the store earlier.

You heard the door open and you nearly passed out from your nerves. “Hello? Y/n are you home?” You almost squealed at his voice, but you swallowed and answered, “Yeah, I’m upstairs.” You heard the door shut, you also thought you heard a click of the lock, and a thump of what you assumed was his bag. You tried to keep your appearance and your plans a secret from him until he actually saw you so you tried your best to talk to him casually, “How was your mission?” You could hear Kiba’s footsteps moving towards the stairs, but you didn’t hear any other footsteps, so clearly Akumaru wasn’t with him. You heard him give a tired sigh, and you felt slightly guilty for a moment, “It was long. All I wanted was to be home with you-“ at that moment he had climbed the stairs enough to be able to see you and his words died off. The look on his face was priceless. His face flushed red, his mouth hung open, with his eyes wide as they roamed over your body and a drip of blood came from his nose. 

You felt a surge of confidence at having rendered him speechless and freezing him in place, so you decided to tease him slightly. You leaned back on the pillows and stretch your legs out, crossing them at the ankle, “You wanted to be home with me? Aww aren’t you sweet Kiba. I would’ve preferred you being home with me too.” Kiba remained frozen, so you reached and patted the bed beside you. It was a fairly innocent action, but it snapped him out of his frozen state. He quickly wiped under his nose and threw his jacket off. He climbed the last of the stairs in two quick jumps and he came towards the bed while ripping his shirt off. By time he had reached the edge of the bed he was just in his underwear. You opened your arms to him and he crawled onto the bed, immediately pulling you into his arms, his lips finding yours, moving hungrily against yours. His tongue slid against your lower lip and you opened you mouth without hesitation. You dug your fingers into his hair and tugged gently, making him let out a low growl. You’d learned that he would growl instead of moan. It was actually a huge turn on for you. The two of your tongues wrestled for a bit before you allowed his to roam your mouth. After he had fully explored your mouth you closed your lips around his tongue and sucked on it. He growled again and you felt his sharp nails press into the skin of your back and one of his hand tangled in your hair. The two of you broke away, panting for air and Kiba rested his forehead against yours, “Are you trying to kill me?” You giggled and gently rubbed your hands over his bare shoulders, “Honestly Kiba, is that all you have to say?” He slid his face down to the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply, causing you to shiver happily. “You look amazing. So amazing I think I might just die of happiness. I love you y/n. So much!” You tilted your head slightly and kissed his hair, “I love you too.”

Kiba shifted and pulled you into his lap so that you were straddling him. You could feel his hard length pressing against your thigh and you sighed happily. “Y/n?” You hummed slightly, feeling his lips brushing the skin of your jaw as he feathered light kisses on you, “I’m not sure I can be as gentle as you deserve right now. I want nothing more than to mark you in every way as my mate. I want to be gentle with you, but it’s taking every bit of my strength to not throw you down and have my way with you. Once we start I don’t think my control will last.” The thought of him being somewhat rough made heat flood between your legs. You leaned back and made him meet your eye, “Kiba, you aren’t allowed to hurt me, but” You leaned in and pressed your lips to his ear and dropped your voice to a whisper, “I never asked you to be gentle did I?” Kiba froze again and you could feel a slight tremor run through his body. He didn’t make a move though so you rocked your hips forward, causing friction on his length, “So as long as you don’t actually hurt me…mark me as much as you want. Make my body yours. I want you to be a little rough…please?” That seemed to snap his control and with another low growl his body surged forward and you found yourself pinned beneath him, his lips and teeth attacking your neck, making your body tingle. You moaned out as his teeth scraped over a particularly sensitive spot on where your neck met your shoulder. You tattoo had spread down that far already, making it even more sensitive. Kiba placed several wet kisses on the spot. You made a soft mewling sound and your fingers dug into his shoulders slightly and your body arched against him. You suddenly felt a sharp pain on that spot and you gasped. “Kiba!” you said in protest, but the pain quickly faded and you could feel Kiba’s tongue licking the spot, “Sorry y/n, but you did say I could mark you.” You suddenly realized that he had bitten you. You grabbed a fist full of hair and tugged him up. You knew where one of his sensitive spots were by heart and you bit down on it, following your own bite with kisses. You then smiled at Kiba, “It’s only fair right?” Then you winked and he chuckled, “So cheeky.” He pulled away from your grip and kissed you firmly before moving his lips over your neck again, moving down to you collar bone and sucking on it. While he was doing this he slid his hands down to the bottom of your corset, undoing the straps of your stockings. He pulled back so that he could slide your stockings off your legs. He ran his lips up your leg, stopping as he reached your thigh. He moved back up to your face, his hand still rubbing high on your thigh, “I always loved your legs. So long, so shapely and so strong.” He let his lips brush against yours as he whispered the next words, “I can’t wait to feel them wrapped around my hips.” He squeezed your thigh slightly and you moaned in response.

His hands slid up over your hips and he hooked his fingers around the edge of your panties. He slid them down slowly and you jumped at the feeling of the cool air caressing you wet heat. He growled as he threw your panties across the room, “God I can smell your arousal. You smell so good y/n.” You felt one of his fingers rub across your sensitive heat and your nails dug into his arms as you arched slightly. “You’re so wet y/n. I’ve barely touched you and you’re already soaked.” He pressed his thumb against your sensitive bundle of nerves and rubbed it in circles. “God Kiba!” You moaned loudly then bit your lip. Kiba leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. His thumb kept rubbing in circles while his other hand wrapped around to your back and he started harshly tugging at the laces binding you into your corset. As you felt the corset loosening, he slid a finger into your heat. You moaned against his lips and you could feel his smirk. He pumped his finger into you at a fast pace and you felt like every inch of your body was burning up. Kiba finally managed to free you of your corset and he tossed it aside while sliding a second finger into you. His lips left yours and he held himself up with one arm, while his other kept up the fast pace in your heat. His eyes moved over your body in a hungry fashion, “You’re so beautiful… I must the luckiest man alive.” He bit his lip before moving his body down yours. He kissed the inside of your thigh, and he reached his unoccupied hand up to pinch one of your nipples, twisting it slightly.

By this point you were panting and writhing on the bed. Kiba kissed your thigh again, closer to your heat and you tensed slightly in anticipation. You felt his lips press against your nerve bundle, followed by his tongue and you cried out at the sensation, “You taste so sweet y/n.” Your body was on fire and all you could think of was Kiba. You felt a slight pain and you knew he’d bitten you again, but as he licked the bite mark all pain vanished and you felt your release coming close. “Kibaaa, Aah! So mmm Close!” Your body began to tremble and Kiba slid a third finger into you, picking up the pace of his fingers and his tongue. Within minutes your back arched and you cried out his name as your body shook with your release.

While your body was still shaking with aftershocks, you felt Kiba move back up your body. You opened your eyes in time to see him wipe his lips before leaning in to kiss you again. You felt him bend to remove his boxers and his placed his hands on your thigh, spreading your legs open and letting his weight rest on you. You loved the feeling of his weight pressing you into the bed and when you felt his length press against your heat you automatically raised your hips, trying to push him into you. He chuckled at your enthusiasm and obliged you, sliding his full length into you in one swift movement. You tensed for a moment at the tight sensation of your inner walls being stretch so much, before moaning loudly. It didn’t hurt since he had prepared you well. Kiba let a choked breath out, “Holy shhhi…you’re so ~Ahn~ tight!” He held still to give you both a moment to adjust to the feeling. You rolled your hips after a moment to try to encourage Kiba to move, but he gripped your hips tightly to hold them still, “Don’t…unless you want me to cum right now. You feel so good, I just need a moment.” You held still as long as you could, but your body craved movement, “Kiba, please…”you called in a pleading voice. You were going to go insane if he didn’t move soon. Without warning Kiba pulled his hips back until he was almost completely removed from you before he slammed back into you. You cried out and arched, your legs wrapping around his hips. He being thrusting into you at a fast pace and he pressed his lips to your tattoo, sucking on it harshly. The combined pleasure you felt from these actions brought you quickly to the brink of your second release. You called out Kiba’s name over and over, getting louder the closer you got. Kiba bit down on your tattoo and that pushed you over the edge. Your walls clenched around his length and you screamed out his name. This was enough to bring him to his own release and he slammed into you and held you firmly against him as he spilled his hot seed into you. He held you like that until your body had accepted every drop of him, before he relaxed and collapsed against you while panting. After a few moments he pulled out of you and rolled to the side, pulling you into a gentle embrace as he went.

There was no sound other than the two of you breathing heavily as you tried to catch your breaths. You looked up into Kiba’s face and pulled his face down to kiss his cheek. He smiled and nuzzled his nose into your hair. You cleared your throat and tried to speak, though your voice was quite horse from how vocal you had just been, “I…had planned to cook…you a dinner, but…I’m not sure I can tonight.” Kiba’s arms tightened around you and you could feel his body shake with laughter, “Good, that means I took care of you properly. Besides, I brought take out home, so we don’t have to worry about cooking.” You smiled and rubbed your cheek against his chest, “Oh good.” You sighed happily.

“Y/n?” You hummed in response, “How are you feeling?” You tilted your head to look at Kiba’s concerned face. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and he clarified, “Are you hurt or anything?” You smiled at how caring he was, “I’m totally fine. Hell I’m better than fine! I’ve never been better!” Kiba smiled and chuckled at your response.  

“That’s good. And if that’s the case,” he rolled so the he was hovering over you again, and you could feel his already hard member pressing against your stomach, “how about another round?” You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss, already wrapping your legs around his hips. You’d never have enough of the man you loved, and the feeling was clearly mutual.

(OMG first lemon! Happy with how it turned out! Hope you all are happy with how it turned out too!)

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