Splicing of Changes (Editing)

By Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 56

18 4 0
By Growling_moon

Aaron is a bad marksman.

As I watched my family and the girl I love, look at me with horror in their eyes, I smiled. The scene was that of an utter chaos. But me, I had no idea. For I knew that the bullet will soon be piercing my flesh even if this was all happening in slow motion. I knew it would pierce my flesh. Only thing I did not know was where it will hit me? I also had no idea if I was going to die or not? Then suddenly I felt my arm jerk back. It was at that moment I knew the bullet hit me.

I had no idea it would hurt this much. Nobody ever told me getting shot hurts this bad. Then again, I do not know anybody who got shot in the first place. I knew nothing major had been hit but the pain was blinding my senses, so I wasn't sure if I was imagining that or if that was the reality. Soon, darkness followed, and I fainted yet again during my short life till date. At least this time I knew it was from the pain.

Next time I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was red hair all over me. Instantly I realized who it was. But before I could even say anything, I heard little whimpers followed by footsteps, as my sisters came in through the door. Both of them crying and were holding cups. I assumed coffee, but they could very well be water. And that's when I realized I am not in the court room anymore. I am at my most despicable place. Yes, you guessed it. It is the damn hospital. Weirdly I am at the same hospital where I was brought to after my accident. How ironic! I wake up to the smell of the disinfectants and a constant beep reminding me that I still have a heartbeat. Well, that much I understand. The other stuffs are just medical mumbo jumbo to me.

Liz rushed out to get the doctor after saying, "don't scare us like that kiddo." I smiled faintly. Tori started sobbing as Lee looked at me through her tear-stained face and red eyes. Hey, her eyes are matching her hair! I knew I shouldn't tell her that. At least not now. Tori bent down and kissed my face while Lee sobbed holding onto me. I could not feel pain. Means I was on painkiller. Dammit. It's a good thing and a bad thing. Good because that bullet hurt like hell at least I do not feel that now. Bad because it is pain meds, and I grew to love them a little too much. And I do not want to get addicted yet again. Lee must have seen my face. As she muttered, "don't worry I won't let you." I smiled at her while Tori was busy kissing my whole damn face.

"You are awake? How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as he walked into the room.

"Great doc. I cannot feel a single thing. So awesome!"

"That's good. But that is because of the morphine. It's a good thing where it hit you."

"Why Doc?"

"Because it did not puncture any major nerve or artery. It just grazed your flesh and that is why we can discharge you soon enough."

"That's great news doc."

"Good. I am glad to see you are doing well Kristina. And I really hope not to see you here again soon. Now I will let you guys talk. And Kristina do not put much pressure on your right hand just yet. Even if you do not feel pain, you still had to get stitches."

"Thanks Doc. Always a pleasure seeing you." He just nodded and left.

"I am guessing the doctor knows you?" Liz asked.

"Yeah. I was at this hospital after my accident, and this was one of the doctors who treated me." Liz nodded. Tori was now looking at me and Lee is well not really looking.

"So, what happened after...well this?" I pointed to my hand.

"I am not sure as we rushed you out of there to an ambulance. Somebody called it but as much as I have heard Aaron is being taken into custody and because of his behavior today I am not sure how much of a case he has. Also, I heard from Simone, who called me after you were brought here. She said that Aaron's lawyer told him he will not be fighting for him anymore. After your revelation I do not think he has much more a case to fight for either. Also, we are moving forward with our case. And now we are also serving him restraining orders."

"He must be fuming." I laughed a little. That made me wince a little which did not go unnoticed by both Lee and Tori.

"Where is it hurting, Kris? Just tell me." Tori instantly asked me coming to my side. I mean she already was but on the other side.

"What will you do Tori?" I asked her seriously.

"I will ask to up the dosage of Morphine for you. I mean you are hurting Kris." Tori started shaking her head.

I touched her hand with my left hand because my right arm was shot at. Tori instantly looked at me with concerned face. I know that look, I do not particularly like that look. I try to soothe her, but it was not working. Because the more I try to soothe Tori by touching her arm the more concerned she looks. I am not entirely certain why though. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with my right hand and me getting shot in general. Also, Holy Shit! I got shot!

"At least for now Zach does not have to appear as a witness." I suddenly declared.

"Yeah, about that. He kind of has to but not in court. As after this Simone said she will do your case in a different way. Hence you will be asked questions again and recorded. But not in a court room. And Zach will be called. We are doing this Kris." Liz replies. I just nod. What can I say or even do? It's not like I do not want to its just that...right now I am high on pain meds to make much sense. Yeah, that sounds about right.

"So, I am guessing it's a good thing it's still spring break now?" I joke by showing my right hand. Lee slaps my left leg and shake her head. Tori just looks at me with wide eyes and Liz...her face contorts into something weird before she shakes her head.

"Hey guys on a serious note do any of you know how Aaron's lawyer was able to send me that letter requesting me as his character witness?"

"No. Why are you asking, Kris?" Tori asks confused.

"Because. It came to your house. I never gave Aaron your house's address, nor did I ever tell him which town it was. All he knew was I was moving to Florida."

"He might have been able to get it from someone." Tori replies.

"Or maybe our website." Liz supports.

"Yeah sure. That's possible. The website I mean because no one knew where I went not even Zach."

"What are you trying to say Kris?" Lee asks realizing something.

"I am saying or rather thinking and getting scared to ask. Where the hell did Aaron get my current home address? Because I never gave it to anyone and unless it is in your website no one knows your address." After I declared this, everyone's face held some form of horror mixed with question. And I for one knew that even now I cannot rest easy. Even though I made it uneasy for everyone, I knew this was one thing what has been bugging me since that evening.

Remember when I said small things which gnaw at your senses are the worst. Because when you can focus your brain to think what it is, you can find out. And then they become a big thing. Just like this one. It is or rather it was a small thing. A letter addressed to me. Hosting what a two-line address to Tori's house. In Cape Creek, in Florida. A place where no one knew I went to. Not even my aunt and uncle. Because I didn't know either till, I was flying as Tori booked a flight for me and I did not check my ticket much other than the fact that I knew I was shifting to somewhere in Florida. Small things have a way of coming back and biting our ass. Only in this case it will not be biting ours.

Next few days were very haphazard. Solely because after I asked that question or threw that statement, I am not sure which it was anymore. Liz suggested we talk to Aaron's lawyer but then Lee suggested that we talk to the detective working on our parents' murder case. She suggested because well then it would be killing two birds with one stone. We could get information about the pace of the case as well as get help from a detective on how to approach this situation.

Turns out Lee's suggestion brought a whole new ordeal. Because as soon as Tori asked the detective, whose name I have conveniently forgotten, he said that this is a serious matter. Simone was called as well. It is apparently so serious that she flew here. Guess where I was during all of this? You guessed it staring at the bland, vacant white walls. Depressing I know. There was a T.V. in my room and so was Lee. I should not have mixed those two in a sentence together as now I cannot get the image of Lee trying to entertain me out of my head. Not a bad imagery though.

Anyways moving on. The detective then took over my sentiment and fear and put it to task. By that I mean he wanted to ask Aaron's ex-lawyer I suppose. As opposed to Tori and Liz asking him. I heard he said that he did not have to find my address because Aaron gave him my new address. He showed them the paper where Aaron wrote the address and gave him. That piece of paper is now in custody as it is evidence. Another thing the lawyer said was that Aaron was confident about my new address like he knew it by heart and has visited me. That was one of the things which made the lawyer not question our long-distance relationship. I mean I thought that once, that how did he not question it. Aaron apparently soothed his worries and queries regarding all of this right out of the window. Hence which is why Simone asked him some questions and recorded it as evidence. That lawyer, Simone, wherever Tori or Liz found her is brilliant. Her mind works truly in mysterious ways.

I got discharged what after three days of being shot. I thought I would be discharged the next day with the way Doc told me. Turns out he wanted to do some more tests because he knows about my previous injuries and everything. Hence, let's call it special treatment shall we. It did not feel anything special though. It felt like I was held captive. I could move easily because I was shot at my right arm so moving was not difficult. But I guess if I misstep it is. Turns out balancing with one hand when you limp is not easy. In fact, it lands you on your butt looking up wishing you had not thought you could do it all. Lee was with me during this unfortunate time. As she ever so brilliantly laughed at my misfortune before even offering me her hand to help me up. Not that I could have stood up on my own. No chance of that.

Another weird thing was that I have a pain in my side. I do not know why, or even how. Because I was not shot there but I have noticed it after waking up as well as after I fell down. It does not hurt much but I wince every now and then. Tori, Liz and Lee everyone knows but they have not asked me about it again. I am guessing Doc told them but forgot to tell me. I hope that is the case. But whatever be it, I need help now. And that just downright sucks.

As all the exciting things happened in the world outside, I was busy dealing with this weird pain and balancing myself while having just my left arm to support myself. Because the more I move my right arm the more it hurts. Oh yes, I am not on any pain meds anymore. Lee's order. I understand and would have said I agree if it did not hurt this bad.

Zach is not here. He knows what happened and has called but he is not here. I do not know where he is, nor did I ask. Because I know he would not tell me. So, it is futile to even ask. He did call me or text me throughout my stay in this godforsaken town. And for the rest of our friends well Lee sort of did not want to tell them. I am not sure why, but I understand. I told Mattie though and he cried. Maybe that is what she wanted to avoid. Friends crying over the phone and us being helpless because well there are few thousand miles between here and Cape Creek, home. Ah, that even sounds nice to call that place my home. Such a small four-letter word yet holds so much value and emotion. Home. At least now I have a place to call home.

Today we are meeting the detective. He wants to discuss something with us before we fly back. I mean I thought we would have done my recording here but apparently not. I guess it makes sense after all Alex and James are there while their parents are here running around this town. One they left so long ago.

We four enter the small café where the detective and Tori decided to meet. I have no idea why either of them chose this café but here we are. At least the smell of coffee is refreshing and a nice welcome for my senses who have been deprived of any smell except disinfectants in the damn Hospital. I breathe in and take a huge gulp of the strong coffee smell mixed with something though. Like there is a hint of something else, one that I cannot place. I shrug not caring for it much and we get ourselves seated at a nearby table. Once seated Tori orders herself a nice cup of coffee while Liz eyes her wife and then us. Not sure why as she proceeded to order the same thing as my sister. I smiled at that then I also ordered the same thing. I mean who opposes to a nice cup of cappuccino? Certainly not me. Lee ordered herself a Latte. That shocked well all three of us. Not that it is bad, but she ordered something different and maybe combined with the fact that it is coffee. A drink Lee never really obliges in, but one I have grown to love.

"I see all of you are here. How are you all? Kristina, right?" Detective comes in our view and Tori nods at him. He continues. "I heard about the little incident. I am sorry. I also heard he is already behind bars so I cannot help you catch him." He chuckled a little. While my brain supplied me, 'was that supposed to be a joke?'

"Anyway. It's such a nice day, isn't it? Nice day to go out and solve crimes. Ah, I can just feel it." Okay he is odd. That's certain now. "Now onto the reason I called to see you all. It's because what I suspected came true. I took the paper with Aaron Reuter's handwriting from his lawyer's office thinking it might come in handy. Well, it came. I gave it to check if it matched anything we had in our files related to your case mainly. Well, it did match. It matched to the person who broke into your house and also who sent you what was it letters? Yeah, it's the same person. His handwriting also matched to something else in the system I do not think it will tie up to this case. But who knows? For now, this is the news."

"Whoa!" I express instantly. "No wonder he told his lawyer my address easily. No wonder he said we were still together. If I didn't know better, I would say he has mental problems. But I know better." The detective looks at me in a weird way. Then he shrugs and shake his head before a look of pure curiosity takes over his face.

"Why do you say it like that Kristina? You knew him, but is there something more to it you are hiding? Has he ever done something?"

"Yes. He did. Not stalking well, I don't know if he did though. Now that I think about it, isn't it stalking if he knows my address in a different state? If he has sent not once but twice stuff to my house granted one was official and the other not so much. But it did rattle some long-hidden past and brought forth many new information. Wait, was he the same person who broke into our house here?"

"Yes. There were some scribbles on some files which did not amount to anything, but it was his handwriting which we now matched to."

"Any idea then what he took? Because I do not know what those files were, but they looked kind of important. And it was Mr. Monroe's so I would not be surprised if they have some supreme valuable information." I shrugged after saying. Lee was watching me intently while Tori and Liz sipped on their coffee slowly, not burning off their tongue. Unlike a certain someone who tried to swallow a lot and burnt not only her tongue but the inside of her mouth as well. Welcome to hell, I thought then.

"He did not take anything per se. But I am sure he made photocopies of all the documents. And yes, they were important. Some were related to Mr. Monroe's business, some related to the house which he was trying to do something with. And the rest of them were about his campaign. His ideals as well as financial papers."

"You swallowed something detective." I casually remarked.

"What now?" Tori questioned instantly. Liz looked at me curiously.

"What? I can't help it. It's one of the perks of growing up with Mr. Monroe. You kind of know when someone is not telling everything, or outright lying, which detective here did not do. So, what are you not telling us detective?"

"Umm...Mr. Monroe was on the process of taking out mortgage on the house to pay off someone. We still do not know who because all the details are fake, the name, the bank account number. Everything. It's as if he was scammed big time and he did not even realize or question. But I know that is not the case. Hence, I suspect he knew who it was and also hid it. Only question is why did he hide the traces? Well except for the fact he paid this person every month for about four months."

"When did this start? Which month?"

"Huh? Oh, uh it started in April of that year, the year he died and ended in July. I mean I am sure he would have continued but something tells me he would not have since he paid almost double in July. Now the only question remains who was it?"

I took a deep breathe because I feel like I knew who it was. Yet, I do not want my suspicions to come true. I mean it did surmount to something, the small nagging I had. Who is to say this one won't follow its path? Except I do not want to. Still, I uttered, "check Aaron Jason Reuter again."

I sipped my coffee this time while the three of them spitted their drink onto the table at my suggestion and the detective just looked at me with wide eyes. Now there is only one way to find out.

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