Natasha Romanoff x female rea...

By lynngeraeds

9.7K 292 17

You're around 27 years old, blonde hair and blue eyes You're a new Avenger, you have the power to control 2 e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

429 16 0
By lynngeraeds

You landed yourself far away from the HYDRA base.

You have no clue where you are.

It's somewhere in a forest that's close to a highway.

You did this on purpose so you could get a ride later on, with a ride you mean steal a car.

The collar was still working, so you had to get to the avengers tower ASAP so Tony or Bruce could get it off.

You started walking to the highway and started to try and stop a car.

Not literally stop a car but get someone's attention so they would stop and you could steal their car.

You were waving at every car you saw and nobody stopped, that was until a very familiar car stopped.

It was a SHIELD car.

A window rolled down.

"Hello I'm agent Hill, nice to meet you" the lady behind the wheel said.

"I assume you know who I am" you said

"I do, I was sent here by Fury to pick you up"

"Fury is the eyepatch guy right?" You asked

"Yes that's him" agent Hill said "now get in"

You opened the door and sat in the car.

"Where are we?" You asked

"We're in Morocco" she said

"That's a long way from New York" you said

After a long car ride you arrived at the airport.

"There's someone waiting for you" Agent Hill said

"That doesn't sound good" you said giving Hill a small smile, "thank you for picking me up" you said

"It's not like I really had choice" she said giving you a smile back

You hopped out of the car, which wasn't smart because your leg still wasn't healed, because off the adrenalin you didn't feel anything while running in the HYDRA base, but now you almost couldn't stand.

So when you hopped out only one of your legs could actually carry you, and you weren't prepared for that so you almost fell.

But you caught yourself on the door.

Then you started to hop towards the plane that was waiting for you, you knew it was for you since Nat was waiting there.

And you were excited to see her but at the same time you were scared.

When you were almost at the plane, Nat started running towards you and when she got to you she grabbed you into a tight hug.

It hurt because of all the cuts on your body but you didn't mind because you were able to hold Nat again.

When you guys let go Nat gave you a slap across the face.

"Why, why did you leave without telling, I was so worried, y/n please don't ever do this again." Nat said

"I won't I promise, and I'm so sorry but I had to leave, and we have to leave now too because HYDRA is coming" you said "I'll explain everything on the plane" you said

"Okay let's go" Nat said

You guys got in the plane, the plane was very big and there was a sofa, chairs, beds and even a bar.

You guys sat on the sofa and you started talking about what happened and what was about to happen.

There was going to be an attack on the avengers soon.

After you told everything you were exhausted.

"I can see that you need sleep, the flight will be long so take one of the beds" Nat said

"Thank you, one question though, how did you guys find me?" You asked

"Well there were calls about a flying girl and when we saw the pictures we knew it was you, and I got on the plane as soon as I heard we were gonna pick you up" she said

"Ah okay, I was already starting to think I was chipped" you said

"Who says you're not" she said with a smirk

You picked one of the beds, and after you laid down you fell asleep pretty quickly.

You woke up in your room in the tower, Nat was sitting on the chair next to your bed.

"Hello there" she said "we didn't want to wake you up so Steve carried you to your bed, and if you want Tony can take that collar off for you" she said

"So you weren't strong enough to carry me" you said "and yes please take this horrible thing off" you said

Nat smiled at you with her beautiful smile and you stared into her gorgeous green eyes.

"And you should get those wounds checked out too" she said

"Yes I'll do that after we get this horrible thing off" you said

"Let's go then" she said

You guys walked into Tony's lab

"Hello y/n, cute thing around your neck why would you want me to take it off" Tony said

"Cute right?" You said sarcastically "but I'd like to be able to move earth with my mind again" you said "and of course it'll be lovely to not get electrocuted when I touch my neck" you said

You sat down on the chair Tony pointed at for you to sit on.

After a couple minutes he got the collar off and went back to his own things.

You got up and walked to the door where Nat was still standing

"Oh y/n by the way I have your suit ready for you" Tony said

"Omg I forgot about that, thank you Stark" you said

"Ill let someone bring it to your room" Tony said

Then Nat opened the door for you and you walked out and Nat followed.

"Now the wounds" you said

"Yes let's go" Nat said

After you got you wounds stitched up and your leg checked out you walked out of the room.

"I think we should have a meeting because I want to apologize and we have to prepare for HYDRA" you said

"Yes, I'll call everyone for the meeting so you can get ready and maybe take a shower" Nat said

"I will" you said

After a good long shower you got dressed.

You heard knocks on your door.

"Come in" you said

"You ready y/n" Nat said

Yes you jumped of your bed.

Your leg was still looking and feeling pretty bad but you didn't care, and you got some kind off cream to put on your leg so it would heal better and faster.

"I hope they don't hate me" you said

"Even I don't hate you so it should be fine" Nat said

"You don't hate me?" You asked

"Nope" she said before grabbing you waist to pull you in for a kiss.

When you both pulled away you said "I've missed you redhead"

"And I've missed you more" she said with a smile.

Everyone was gathered in the big room for the meeting Nat had called.

"Glad to see you back" Steve said when you and Nat stepped into the room.

"I'm glad to be back too" you said

"Was this why we had to get here, to be all sentimental and stuff because y/n is back" Sam said jokingly.

"Definitely not, it's a pretty bad reason y'all are here" you said "you're all going to die" you said

"Care to explain" Steve said

"HYDRA is planning a attack on the avengers, I got some information but not a lot so we have to figure that out so we can stop them from killing everyone" you said

"Let's do it" Tony said

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