The Alien in a Guild of Fairi...

By MnTexan2

576 23 8

After stopping a new enemy that seemed to be a bit odd even for one of Ben's enemies. Although, upon capturin... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

385 13 4
By MnTexan2

Ben woke up on the ground and looked around, he noticed he was in an alleyway. When he looked up to study the buildings, he noticed that they were designed similarly to buildings out of a fantasy novel or possibly the of the Middle Ages. "Where am I? What happened?" Ben asked. Then he remembered the person that did this to him.


Ben was walking down the streets of Bellwood it was a quiet day for him. There weren't any bad guys out and about to bust. He'd just put away the Vreedle Brothers for trying to rob a World War Two History Museum, the other day. He was kinda bored if he had to be honest, all in all, he was hoping for some action. Granted he didn't want death and destruction to come to his friends and hometown, even though it seemed to follow him whenever he wore the Omnitrix. But it was either him at this point, or some evil, corrupt, sociopathic, villainous, warlord, nutjob Hellbent on conquering the whole universe. So, he'd put up with it, he had fun fighting bad guys and being a Hero anyway. On his way to Mr. Smoothie, his favorite hangout spot, he heard an explosion, followed by screams of terror. He rushed toward the sounds to see a man in strange, golden armor the likes Ben had never seen before.

The only reason he could tell it was a man was because of the voice. "Where is Ben Tennyson?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he fired off some weird-looking beam from his hands. "I'm right here! Now, what do you want you golden chrome dome!" Ben shouted. "So the rumors are true. All someone needs to do to get an audience with you is cause some destruction, a little rampant chaos, and you come running. Perfect now, come with me." The man said threateningly. "Yeah. How 'bout no." Ben said and turned into a giant tan dinosaur, and as he did he shouted. "HUMUNGOUSAUR!"

He was roughly 15 feet give or take a few inches. But the man only tilted his left, right, then left again as if studying the bipedal dinosaur from another planet. "Look buddy, I don't know who you are or where you came from. And to be honest, I don't really care. So just make this easy so I can go back to having a RELATIVELY good day." Humungousaur said. The man said nothing and just stood there doing nothing. Until he fired a bolt of unknown energy right at Humungousaur's chest. Humungousaur tanked the blast, but it stung. Now that says something considering a Vaxisaurian has an extremely thick hide and even has armor plating on its arms, back, head, and shoulders. And it gets more when it grows, as well as stegosaurus-like planting along its back and spikes coming from its tail. Humungousaur roared at the man and charged him. When he got close enough, he swung his right arm back and brought it up only to drop it down on top of the man. But a field of energy seemed to be protecting him and just barely caught the attack. It left a huge crater around the man. Humungousaur then noticed that the man was focusing his full attention on Humungousaur's right arm, keeping Humungousaur from hitting him. Humungousaur decided to hit the man with his left arm. To Humungousaur's surprise, and luck, the attack hit its mark. The man was sent sprawling across the Mr. Smoothies parking lot. "Ugh. It seems you've figured out my weakness. That's problematic. Anyway, you have to come with me now." The man said. He got up and unleashed a torrent of strange lasers. Just before they hit Ben slapped the Omnitrix badge on his chest and was enveloped in an unearthly green light. All the lasers hit either where Humungousaur was standing or the ground around him, sending dust and rubble flying everywhere. "Hmm. That seemed easier than I previously thought. Oh well. I'll just grab him and-" The man started saying but was interrupted by a voice coming from the cloud of dust. "I don't think so." Suddenly two multi-colored beams fired out of the cloud of dust and slammed into the man's chest and cracked his armor. When the man looked up, he saw the dust settle around a tall, purple rock creature, with multicolored spikes coming from its body and hands and one green eye. It wore a mainly white collar, with black and white pants, the Omnitrix logo on the chest.

"How about you take on Chromastone and see how you fare?" Chromastone said to the man as if issuing a challenge. The man then charged Chromastone began to wail on the Crystalsapien, but nothing seemed to affect the alien. "My turn." Chromastone said and backhanded the man breaking more of his armor and throwing him into a truck. When he pulled himself up, shaking his head, he looked up to see an ultraviolet beam coming straight toward him. "Ah sh-" Was all the man he could say before the man could say before the truck was blown up by the leaking gas tank being hit by the laser of energy. As the man walked out of the wreckage, he appeared to be an older man. Perhaps in his late 40's, with medium-length silver hair. He took his helmet off and threw his chest plate to the ground. "Well done. Let's keep this going!" The man shouted, seemingly enjoying the fight. "Come on man. Why won't you just stay down!" Chromastone said. They then started punching each other until they launched each other to the other side of the parking lot. Chromastone turned around to see a giant ball of what he thought was energy five inches from his face. When it hit him, he took the full brunt of the force to his face and chest. Chromastone was sent flying through the sign for Mr. Smoothies and into the building across the street. Out of the building came a large orange canine-like alien.

Wildmutt then roared and charged the man. "Huh. No eyes. How can you possibly be a threat?" The man asked and casually threw a ball of magic at it. But much to his surprise, Wildmutt was able to not only dodge the attack but, rather acrobatically, double front flip over it and, with one of his gorillaish/lion-like front paws, he grabbed a light post dodging another attack by stopping short of where the beam of dangerous magic energy was being aimed. Using his centripetal force to spin around and launch himself at the strange man. As he pinned the man to the ground and just Wildmutt roared in his face, he was struck by a bolt of black lightning. Sending him onto his back. As the man got to his feet a blueish-green crystalized fist slammed into his face launching him into the air. When he got to his feet, he saw a humanoid being made of diamond in a black and white bodysuit.

Diamondhead opened his fist and encased the man in diamonds, stopping him from attacking him again. "And stay still." Diamondhead said knocking him out. After thirty minutes the man woke up to find himself in alien-like shackles restricting his movements. "And make sure this guy has a cell sturdy enough to hold something like a To'kustar. He's... a little touchy." Ben said to one of the Plumber Officers. "Will do Magister Tennyson." The Officer said and saluted. Just then the man started laughing. "UGH! What now!?" Ben shouted in frustration. The man did not speak, instead, his eyes changed from golden amber to ruby red. Then a red magic circle appeared around Ben and in an instant, Ben felt a form of power flow through his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw a second version of himself. At that point, Ben couldn't determine whether he was the original or the copy. Then a blinding red light surrounded one of the Bens and he passed out.

~End of flashback~

"Oh. Now I remember. That JACKASS RUINED MY DAY!" Ben shouted. He then heard a noise and whipped around, seeing the man again, this time in a black suit with a grey tie. "You again!? I'll take you down it doesn't matter where you've brought me." Ben said. "What about to a universe where people don't know you, because both you and the Omnitrix do not exist?" The man said. This made Ben remove his hand from the Omnitrix's faceplate. "Good. Now the reason you, the Plumbers, and the Omnitrix do not exist, is because aliens do not exist. Well, I guess one now. And that one is you." The man said. "Aliens don't exist?! So is this universe just filled with normal people? And why am I here?" Ben asked him. The man then said. "To answer your questions. You are the only alien in this universe. No, there are other beings other than humans. Those being magical beings and creatures. And as for the people not all of them would be labeled as normal, due to their extensive and impressive use of a wild variety of magics. Those people are called Wizards." The man said. "Magic? Magical beings and creatures? Wizards? What the hell?" Ben said in shock. "As for the reason you're here, there is a group of Wizards who will be up against the wall time and time again. Don't get me wrong, they'll win every single time. But it'll be close, closer than they'd like it to ever be. But with your help, they won't have such a hard time." The man told him. Ben was silent for a moment. People were in trouble, and he could do something about it. He couldn't not help. "Where do I have to go? And what do I have to do?" Ben asked with a serious look on his face. The man just smiled and said. "I knew you'd say that. But, before I send you off, you should probably know that I have changed your Omnitrix so that it would match this world better so that the people of this world don't get suspicious." "WHAT?!" Ben shouted in a panic and looked down at his wrist. Where there was originally the finished Omnitrix resembling the one he wore after the prototype recalibrated, was now replaced with what looked like an Omnitrix used by a version of one of his future self-had. It was effectively a large black, and grey gauntlet. It also had a fingerless tactical glove attached to it. However, there was something different about it, the metal felt powerful. He felt like he was being imbued with power just by having it attached to his arm.

"What did you do it?" Ben asked more curious than anything else, not taking his eyes off his modified Omnitrix. "You'll find that out once you reach your room." The man said. "What? What room?" Ben asked, now looking back at the man. "Don't worry about that just worry about finding Fairy Tail." "Wait? Fairy tale?" Ben asked confused. The man then snapped his fingers and in a bright and in a blinding flash he was gone. Ben walked out of the alleyway and into the town. He looked around and sure enough it looked like he had walked right into a fantasy novel with all the Medieval architecture. He looked behind him and saw a key, with a tag attached to it. On the tag was the number 10 and on the back was a symbol of what looked like a gold wyvern. Ben grabbed the key and put it in his pocket, he then walked around looking for any place that had a sign with that symbol. Although, the first thing to catch his eye was the large building on top of a high rocky mountain, the building itself looked like an imposing palace, composed of both pure white stone and light blue bricks, with large, elongated windows with arched tops being placed over its walls, some complete with glass, others hollow. Ben couldn't make out any other details from his distance, but it was nevertheless an imposing sight. He eventually tore his eyes away from grandiose building and began to look for a building with the golden wyvern. After asking for directions, he was able to locate the building. The building was named the 'Gilded Wyvern Inn'. "I guess this is what he meant when he said 'You'll find that out once you reach your room.' But, where is this Fairy tale place I'm supposed to find? And are they the people who I was sent to help? GAH! I wish that asshole wasn't so fucking vague." Ben said to himself before going inside and going to his room.

The room itself was fairly nice, single twin bed with a small bathroom off the side. But what caught his eye was the wooden desk in front of the window. It had a few suitcases, a large, green and black traveler's backpack. And on top of the desk were a few slips of paper. Ben sat down and took a look at the papers. The paper read. "Hello Ben, you don't know me, and you never will, but you probably have called me an asshole several times upon meeting me. I'm the one who brought you here, changed your Omnitrix to have it use the magic of this universe, and brought your enemies here and changed them to fit this universe as well. Now, in the suitcases are your clothes and in one is how much you have outside of your wallet. Now in case you're wondering all of your Taydens converted to the currency of the world, Jewels. As you know in your own world the conversion rate of Tayden to USD is 1,000 USD per Tayden, and conversion rate of USD to Jewel is 100 Jewel per 1 USD." Ben stopped reading and tried to do the math, but it became too big a number. He eventually checked the suitcase with the money inside and his eyes went wide. Upon seeing the amount of money that was in the suitcase, he felt like he just robbed a bank. What was worse they were all... THOUSAND DOLLAR BILLS?! Or Jewel, or whatever. There was a small note on top of the money that read. "This totals to all the money you would've had in your world converted to this worlds currency. The total is 30,000,010,000 Jewels." Now he really felt like he robbed a bank. "WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH ALL OF THIS?!" He whispered angerly to himself. After a few minutes of staring at the money wondering what he was going to do with it, he shut the suitcase and went back to the paper on the desk. "What the Hell else does this say?" He asked himself.

"Now that you know about your finances, let's get onto the Omnitrix. The Omnitrix has been functionally recreated as if it was made in this world, for this world. But, you still use your aliens as your transformations. The device itself is made of a metal known as Celesta Steel. It's usually gold but, can colored differently depending on if a smith adds a magic crystal with a certain color during the melting process, the metal adopts the residual chemicals and adopts a completely different color to match the crystal. This metal is a magical material, it possesses an unimaginable roster of unique traits and abilities that trump all other metals in Earth Land. It's indestructible from all kinds of attacks, can absorb and redirect magic, absorb kinetic energy, doesn't rust or corrode, and can dampen any form of magic that attempts to reshape it. The majority of the device is made of this material, except the power source, and the glove attached to the gauntlet. The glove is made of Celestial Fabric. A fabric only found in the Celestial Spirit World. It, much like the metal, is indestructible. Beyond that it functions like regular clothe. The power source is an Ethernano crystal. Ethernano is Magic particles, a crystal of Ethernano is effectively pure Magic power. The way you transform into your different forms is with special type of Transformation Lacrima. Lacrima is a Magic crystalline substance, that can be powered up with different spells and used for different purposes. Yours has been powered up using Advanced Transformation Magic and all of your aliens. Now for a few enchantments it has. All of the fail safes have been built in as enchantments, and you can gain more transformations using Scanning Magic which had been built into the dial. The Omnitrix is still stuck to your arm, much like it was before, but now it's stuck using Body Link Magic. And finally, the evolution feature is now a new form of Magic special to you and you alone. Known as evolution magic, it only works when paired with Transformation Magic. Everything else is up to you to find out."

After reading the paper he folded it up and put it in his jacket pocket. He then got up and threw himself on his bed and went to sleep mumbling to himself. "I need to sleep on this shit. I'll try and find this fairy tale place tomorrow." Ben then allowed himself to drift off to sleep, hoping that he would wake up and be in his bed and all of this would be one very strange dream. Once he fell asleep his eyes fluttered open and he saw he was in the Omnitrix.

He was always astounded whenever he went inside the Omnitrix, he was never able to fully understand how or why it constructed his universe to allow Ben to comprehend what he was seeing. He looked around and saw the man standing there, almost as if he was waiting for him. "Oh, come ON! I thought you ditched me... wherever I am." Ben complained to him, upset that even in the Omnitrix he could still be a pain in Ben's ass. "Well, I forgot to tell you a few things. First off, the world you're in now is known to its inhabitants as Earth Land. And you are in the Kingdom of Fiore. By the time you wake up tomorrow, you'll have a general lay of the land and know where each city and town is located as if you lived here your whole life." The man told Ben. "Thanks, that would've been incredibly useful earlier, but fuck me, I guess. *sigh* Anyway, what's the other thing." Ben asked. "Oh, that. I aged you up two years." The man said casually. Ben had to register in his head what the man just said. He had been thrown off, seeing as what he did seemed pointless. "Wait, so I'm 19 now?" Ben asked. "Yeah. And in case you're wondering why I changed your age. I did it cause I wanted to." The man stated blatantly. 'Seriously? What's wrong with this guy?' Ben thought to himself. "Anyway, you might want to wake up. Don't wanna sleep in, now do we?" The man said smugly. "Huh?" Ben asked. Soon enough, what appeared to be the universe began folding in on itself and a bright light blinded Ben to the point that he had to close his eye. When he got used to the light, he slowly opened his eyes and sure enough it hadn't been some weird dream his brain had cooked up. He groaned fairly loudly and got up. He looked out the window and saw it was morning. When he looked to the bedside table, he noticed a calendar. He read the date, July 3nd 784. "Well, at least I know the date." He said to himself.

Ben grabbed his stuff and left a few dollars for housekeeping to find. Walking down the stairs he saw that the main room was full of people eating, and the only free space was right next to an extremely short, elderly man, he had black eyes and was growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair. He also had a thick white mustache and was wearing a white shirt with a black stamp of... something in the middle under an orange hoodie, with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat. So Ben walked up and asked. "Is this seat taken?" The elderly man looked up from his food and paperwork to Ben and replied jubilantly. "No, it's not taken at all young man! Take a seat. Can this young man get some service!?" "Thank you. Didn't realize how packed this place was." Ben said. "No problem. It's like this during mornings and evenings. They don't serve lunch, but they're convenient because by the times they are serving food you're either waking up or think about going to bed." The older man said. "Fair enough." Ben said and then ordered their standard breakfast. The two ate and didn't say anything to one another. The older man read his papers and would occasionally groan or mutter to himself about foolish children. Eventually Ben thought ask him if he knew where Fairy tale was. "Excuse me, sir?" Ben asked getting his attention. "Hmm? Is there something you need young man?" The elderly man responded. "I was just wondering if you happened to know how to get to fairy tale? I'm trying to find it so I can help out." Ben said. "Oh, if that's the case you're in luck. I'm the Fairy Tail's guild master. But, I have a question for you, young man? Why do you want to help?" The elderly man asked. 'So it's a guild. Probably for Wizards.' Ben thought. Ben weighed the options of whether or not he should tell the truth, eventually he came to the conclusion that he should be honest and sighed. "I'm not going to lie, what I'm about to say may not sound very believable but, I'm being 110% honest with you. I have been brought to this world from mine by what I can only describe as an asshole with what appears to be unlimited power. He told me that fairy tale will be in trouble time and time again, and even though they'll come out on top every time, he said that it'd be closer than they'd be comfortable with most of the time. I don't know specifics, but I have an opportunity to help so I'm going to take it. If you'll let me."

Ben took note of the elderly man's face. He seemed to be deep in thought, though Ben felt instinctively that he didn't believe Ben. He was waiting and bracing for the older man to tell him how unbelievable a story Ben just weaved. Not that Ben could blame him, even Ben thought it sounded ridiculous. "So you're from another world. Is it similar to ours by chance?" The elderly man asked. "Uh, not quite. From what I understand a great number of people use magic, and everyone uses magic items in some way or another. The world I'm from, only a select few people can perform magic, and the rest get by using scientific advancements. I've never used magic before, but now I can thanks to the person who brought me here." Ben replied. "I see. No need to worry young man! One of my children is from another world, just don't tell anyone else." The older man told Ben. Ben just stared at him for a moment in surprise. 'Someone in this world is from another world? And it's this guy's KID!?' He shook off his surprise and asked. "I'm sorry did you just say your kid is from another world? How does that work? Are they adopted?" The elderly man laughed before saying. "No. He's not actually my child. That's just what I call the members of my guild. After all, a guild is a family whether related by blood or not. As for the rest of your story, it concerns me that my guild may be in danger. And even if we will be victorious at the end of the day, if you say that our victories will be considered close calls then I see no reason to not take you up on your offer for assistance. After all, neither of us know what it will cost Fairy Tail." Ben nodded and said. "Thank you for believing me and allowing me to help, mister...?" "Ah, right. I haven't told my name. I'm Makarov Dreyar, members of my guild tend to call Master Makarov." Makarov said. "Thank you, Master Makarov, I genuinely didn't think anyone would believe me. My name is Ben Tennyson." Ben told him.

Makarov smiled and organized his papers, picked them up and got off his seat. "Come with me. I have to meet with the Magic Council. *sigh* My children are often a bunch of overzealous, rambunctious, rascals. I fear the stress they cause me will put me into an early grave, and I'm 88 years old." Ben got out of his seat, grabbed his stuff, and gave back the room key, before catching up with Makarov. "I'm assuming you want me to inform this Magic Council of my story, so they're not surprised when suddenly someone who doesn't exist starts helping out." Ben clarified. "I just didn't want to have to find you after dealing with the Council. But, you make a good point, we'll do that." Makarov said, groaning when he mentioned the Council. "I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say you don't necessarily like the Magic Council." Ben asked. "I hate those Magic Council blowhards! Their rules are too restrictive for guilds like mine. And Dark Guilds don't listen to them, so the rules don't apply. I mean, how can I as Guild Master expect the skill and Magic of my children to grow if those Council asshats keep tightening their unforgiving grip!" Makarov complained. Ben chuckled at Makarov's reaction. They eventually made it to the Magic Council Headquarters, the building Ben gawked at the other day, and went inside. Ben joined Makarov in his meeting with the Council, and just listened to everything that was said. The most baffling thing that was mentioned was that even though one of Fairy Tail's members defeated the Wizard criminal Bora and stopped him from kidnapping women for a human trafficking ring, they also destroyed most Hargeon town, doing thousands of Jewels in damages. And that was all last night! "Hng, Natsu, you foolish child." Makarov groaned clearly upset. 

Ben eventually spoke up. "Um, what's the total for all these damages?" "Siegrain, if you would please read the total in damages." The Chairman asked. "Of course, let's see." Siegrain said, and then looked through a magic screen in front of him. Siegrain was a young man, about Ben's age, whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye, dressed in elegant yet simple robes; consisting of a long white frock-coat with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms, a decorated standing collar, large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes. He also sported a ring on his right middle finger. "Ah, here it is. In total Fairy Tail owes 894,300,255 Jewels." Siegrain said. "Would a flat 900,000,000 be better?" Ben asked. Makarov whipped his head to stare at Ben with a look of betrayal plastered across his face. Siegrain smiled and suppressed a chuckle and said. "I believe I speak for everyone here when I say that would be greatly appreciated." Ben then reached for his briefcase with the money and started to count out the money. When he finished, he looked up to see everyone starring at him, mouths agape. "Here's the money." Ben said gesturing at the massive pile of Jewel. A few seconds later, and three people burst out into laughter, Makarov, Siegrain, and Yajima, a short, old man with thick light-brown eyebrows and a small toothbrush mustache that reaches halfway to his mouth. He wore a brown long sleeve shirt with black vertical stripes and a black three-spiked hat. "Very well, we'll accept this as Fairy Tail's debts paid. However, I would like to know who you are." The Chairman said. "That's actually why he's here." Makarov said. This caused the Chairman to throw up an eyebrow in curiosity. Other Council members were also curious and so they listened to Ben's tale.

After explaining everything to the Council, and the Council explain that they believe his story. Ben felt relieved, then they wanted to know more about the Omnitrix. When he explained everything to them on how it works in this world, their eyes widened. Even Makarov seemed to be both astounded and fearful of what Ben was capable of. "Well, seeing as you are here to help, and seeing as Fairy Tail has paid off the damages, I see no reason to keep the two of you here. You may go." The Chairman said. Ben and Makarov quickly left, and Makarov was thoroughly impressed with Ben, not only was he able to assist Fairy Tail already by paying off the damages they owed, but his abilities could be a real asset to the guild. The two took a train back to Magnolia, unfortunately the ride there would take all night, and they would arrive in Magnolia in the morning. Ben passed the time by regaling Makarov of some his own adventures. "And that's how I accidently destroyed Mt. Rushmore, the first time." Makarov laughed and shook his head, before saying. "I believe you'll be a perfect fit for Fairy Tail. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, well I'll leave that up to you to figure out." "If any of your guild's members are like me, then I'd understand why you have so much stress. I've been told I can be quite a handful at times." Ben said. Makarov laughed at what Ben said, and then declared it was time for him to hit the sac and would see Ben in the morning. Ben was going to stay up a little longer, and so he bid the older man a good night. Soon enough, Ben was the only one in the observation car. He was taking in the silence and reflecting on everything that had happened to him. In all honesty, he still couldn't really believe it. "Man, this is one of the weirdest things to happen to me. Like top 10 at least." He said to himself. He sighed and looked out the window and was shocked to see a familiar sight. He saw the constellation that was created when Azmuth hid Ascalon. "Huh, so I guess you followed me here. Well having a familiar sight will definitely help with transition to my new life as a Wizard. God if Gwen or Kevin heard me say that..." Ben said to himself. Taking one last glance out the window he got up and went to the sleeper car to get some rest. 

Ben was woken up by the sounds of loud, obnoxious snoring. Ben glanced over to the other bed in the sleeping car, that he shared with Makarov, and was astounded that such a loud noise could come from such a small man. Ben got up and walked to the dining car for breakfast, after a while he was joined by Makarov. "You're up early. Sleep well?" Makarov asked. "I slept fine. And I'm used to getting up early now. My old job basically had me getting up at the crack of dawn and that's if I got the chance to sleep. Most times I would work for an entire 24 hours, sometimes days at a time." Ben complained. "Sounds like this is your first good sleep in a while." Makarov said. "Last night and the night before. So when do we get into Magnolia?" Ben asked. Makarov then looked out the window and smiled. "Not long now." Ben turned to see what Makarov was looking at and he was in awe at the amazing city he saw. It was a huge city straight out of an MMORPG, it was mostly two or three story buildings, a gigantic cathedral in a gothic architecture, with water canals leading to the ocean. "Woah, is that Magnolia? Where's Fairy tale?" Ben asked. "See that three-tiered building behind the cathedral? That's Fairy Tail." Makarov told Ben. "Woah, that's Fairy tale? It... kinda looks like a cake." Ben said, which caused Makarov to spit out his drink and laugh. "It's just as I thought, you'll fit in perfectly." Makarov told him. 

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