๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“ สฒแต‰หขหข...

By thesarcasticeeyore

4.5K 132 13

๐…๐Ž๐‘๐†๐„๐“ ๐Œ๐„ ๐๐Ž๐“ "๐—œ ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ด ๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ณ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐˜†๐—ผ๐˜‚ ๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—ฒ๐—ป... More

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๐Ž๐๐„สทโฑหกหก หขสฐแต˜แต— แต˜แต–!

884 20 0
By thesarcasticeeyore


▬▬𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲


𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘, most people need at least a good half hour of absolute silence in the morning before starting to show signs of life and need to get an enormous amount of coffee into the body.

In short, people usually don't like to talk as soon as they wake up, but Willette Reyes had an unusual lifestyle.

The girl had always been a morning type, being a malediction for all the residents of Stars Hollow.

The first thing Will did in the morning was open the windows of the garret, as known as her room. Then she dressed and quickly ate some prepackaged snacks, finally leaving the house with the backpack and a skateboard.

The routine was almost always the same. Will would go to Luke's to get a coffee to go for her friend and soon made her way to school.

She always arrived at about the same time, and Luke prepared her order in advance. Everything was linear.

Owning a skateboard gave Will many benefits, and one of them was going from one part of town to another without ever being late.

Quickly, she soon found herself in front of the Diner and stepped off her skateboard towards the entrance.

Entering the venue, she spotted the two Gilmores seated at a table while they were having breakfast. Will gave a small smile and walked over to the pair.

Next to them was Lane Kim, Rory's best friend and an acquaintance of Will's. They both went to the same school, but they had never deepened their knowledge.

"Good morning lovely ladies, what are you doing?" The brunette said jokingly.

"Hi Will, we're enjoying breakfast, Rory thinks we'll be late, but we won't!" Lorelai said, making Will smile even more.

"Then I leave you, cause I would never want to be the origin of your problem," She said, greeting again and going to the counter.

The Reyes and the Gilmore had always been together. Rory and Will had been friends forever, and Lorelai and Rosalie Reyes practically raised them together.

The two families supported each other cause together, they were invincible, or so they liked to believe.

When Will went to the counter, she noticed a somewhat bizarre situation.

Luke Danes was yelling on the phone as Taylor and some children waited impatiently for the owner.

The girl hadn't understood the reason for Luke's screams, and she was so busy finding out that she didn't even notice Lorelai's little crime.

Will waited her turn uncomfortably as she looked around. She had just understood the reason for Luke's anger, and she couldn't help but sympathize with the guy.

After a few minutes, Luke woke her up immediately after he ended serving Taylor and the children.

The man began to speak first -Hey Will, always the same? -

"Obviously, Lucas" Will replied with a grin.

Luke gave her a warning look and began preparing her ordination. He was used to Will's behaviour.

Although he continued to deny it, the whole town knew that Luke Danes enjoyed the Reyes family.

Maybe because they had always been nice to him or because they weren't as annoying as other residents. Except for Will. She was very annoying but he could stand her anyway.

But in any case, in Luke's heart, there was a little place for that family, even if he would never admit it out loud.

Luke returned shortly after with her order. Will asked the man one last thing before leaving.

"Luke, I overheard the conversation before when you were on the phone. All right with your sister? Do you need help with something?" She asked.

"With her, nothing is ever alright. And if I need to, I'll ask, okay?"He replied.

The girl nodded, and with a smile on her face, she headed to school.

Will had recently finished school. Returning home, the girl found herself in front of Lorelai Gilmore. Will stopped to chat with the adult, and they both decided to go to Luke's to disturb him as usual.

The two entered the room, joking and laughing.

"Hey, Luke." They said to the owner. He, not expecting the arrival of either of them, spilled some coffee on the table.

"Oh jeez!"

Luke continued to clean the table and then turned his gaze to Lorelai and Will.

"You want some coffee?" He asked Lorelai, knowing Will didn't drink it.

"Okay, I'll lick it off the table," Lorelai said, making the young woman grinned.

The three walked away from the table, and in that precise moment, the adult began asking questions to Luke.

"So? Is he here?"

"Who is here?" Will asked, not yet understanding the subject of the conversation.

Luke answered shortly after, keeping his voice impassive. 

"My nephew. And yes, he's here"

"Oh My God! You have a nephew! Is he nice?" The girl exclaimed, also starting to interrogate Luke.

"Did he see the bed?"

"He saw the bed"

"Did you have a bed?"

Both Lorelai and Luke looked at the girl, confused by her last sentence.

-Don't look at me like that. Behind that door, there could be anything" Will said in a fake dramatic voice.

Lorelai cheerfully laughed as Luke rolled his eyes.

-I want to meet him- Lorelai said to Luke as he made her coffee.

"He's out" Luke replied.

"Out where?"

"I don't know"

"You don't"

"No, he just went out"

"You didn't ask him where?" Lorelai spoke, asking more questions.

"No, because he's not two" Luke replied shortly after.

"But, Luke, he's new in town. He doesn't know his way around" Lorelai tried to explain to Luke.

This time, Will decided not to interrupt the conversation. She couldn't give opinions on things she didn't know.

The two adults continued to talk about the boy while Will listened absently.

After a few seconds, a guy entered the room, attracting Will's attention. Suddenly, Luke spoke to the boy.

"Jess, good. I'd like you to meet someone"

That sentence explained a lot of things. 

Especially since she generally knew everyone, since there were barely four people in Stars Hollow. 

Will assumed that Jess was Luke's nephew, or even better, she was almost sure of it.  A very insightful girl.

"Hi, I'm Lorelai. I wanted to meet you before Luke filled your heads with lies about me" Lorelai introduced herself. Then the woman went on talking as she usually did.

"You should meet my daughter. She can show you where all the good wilding goes on"

Will laughed coarsely, then began speaking for the first time since Jess arrived.

"Rory Gilmore? Rory The most exciting thing in my life is studying for my snobby school Gilmore, Can show someone where the wild things go on? Come on, Lorelai. You either don't believe it" Will said, grinning.

Jess smiled slightly at the comment without being seen by anyone.

"Will, shut up. She is Willette Reyes, but you can call her Will. I'm friends with her mother, Rosalie. She was friends with Liz too," Luke said, introducing the two. Will raised her hand in greeting while Jess gave her a simple nod.

Jess, as soon as he had the chance, took refuge in Luke's apartment. The first to speak was Lorelai, who opened the conversation.

"He is Jess? Very chatty," Lorelai said sarcastically.

"He just arrived, you don't even know him," Will said, defending the boy. Lorelai didn't pay much attention to it and kept talking.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night? Why don't you, Jess, and Rowena come over for dinner? Sookie will cook, Rory will be there. It'll be a little Hey, Welcome to Stars Hollow. And see? Everyone here is not straight out of a Fellini film. " Lorelai asked both of them.

"Sure, not that my sister and I have better to do. I just have to tell mom," Lorelai smiled happily and then waited for an answer from Luke.

"That would be nice. Thanks" Luke said, smiling at Lorelai. Will looked at her watch and sighed.

"I have to go, Row needs me at the shop. The plants are calling me! See ya," Will announced, greeting the two and going to the flower shop.

Will arrived at the flower shop, where her sister worked.

Rowena Reyes, just out of high school, decided to buy a place located under their house.

The place, at the time, hadn't cost much since it was a ruin. But with time and effort, Rowena had made her work her greatest passion, which was flowers and plants in general.

Ro had always tried to include her sister, and the only way she could find was to give her sibling a job. Will, although not interested, had always listened to her sister. Will knew everything; Their meanings, Latin names, and characteristics.

And while Will didn't like plants or herbs in general, Will loved Rowena. Whatever she did with her sister would have been phenomenal because Rowena worked with so much love that even poison ivy became delightful. The doorbell rang, bringing Rowena's attention to Will.

"Hey Will. How's it going?" Rowena asked her sister from behind the counter.

"Well," Will replied, then continued talking.

"Close early tomorrow. We'll go to dinner at the Gilmores" Will announced, but Rowena looked a bit perplexed.

"Why? I mean, not that I mind, but is there any particular reason?" Ro asked. A mischievous smile appeared on Will's face, and she answered her sister.

"Luke's nephew, Jess, has just arrived in town. And so Lorelai decided to organize a dinner to welcome him. It will be fun,". Rowena looked more lighthearted.

"Is he friendly?" The woman asked, interested in finding out something about Jess. Will smiled even more at the question.

"No. That's why it's going to be fun," She replied. Rowena shook her head at her sister's immaturity, even though she was amused too. Ro walked into the back of the shop and was followed by her sister.

"I will make a bouquet for Lorelai. It was very kind of her to invite us," Ro announced, this time making Will roll her eyes.

"You don't have to give plants to everyone you meet. Don't you think about poor people who are allergic to pollen?" Will exclaimed. Rowena whirled around, glaring at her sister.

"Will, shut up!" The big sister said exasperated.

"You are all so bitter. Without me, this city would have been lifeless! Sure it would have been"  Will yelled, but her sister was already gone.

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