Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

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Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

🚨New Story Alert🚨


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By JiminBeJammin

*As usual, Luna is translating as she goes.

" Galaxy! Ima give y'all a few minutes to get on in here. I know this is sudden. I usually announce when I'm going live, but I have story time for y'all today," she says, making Joon laugh in the background.

She'd had her first encounter with a hater face to face earlier that morning and her reaction to it now was sending  him. Once she'd told them she wasn't in danger at any time during the situation, they'd allowed themselves to laugh at the craziness, along with her comical response.

"Okay I see the numbers are up so I'll go ahead and start. Yes, today is still Comfortable visual release day, but we'll get to that later. It's story time," she says, chuckling at the popcorn emojis that had started rolling in.

She did this all the time before, so her fans that had been with her awhile knew they were in for a treat.

"Okay, let's backtrack to the beginning of my day. Y'all's fave, Linda, started blowing up my phone and ringing my doorbell at 6 AM cussing me out for forgetting an appointment she forgot to tell me she set. Mind you, I'd just fallen asleep at 3am. When I tell y'all I have been working my ass off these past two weeks, I mean it. I'm down about 6 pounds. I was tieddd, but did Linda care? Hell nah. I had to hurry up and get dressed—thank God I'd showered before I went to bed," Luna says, rolling her eyes.

Bangtan chuckle in the background, thoroughly amused by the way she told the story. She'd told them the exact same way, but just in Korean, and she wasn't losing any enthusiasm now.

"I have to check out some of her old story times. I had no idea she went live so much," Tae says.

"She's a great storyteller. I see why her  fans love it," Hobi grins, watching her talk to her phone like she would a best friend .

"That's not even the kicker. So we get to the salon right? And we book private appointments for obvious reasons. My mom was getting her picture taken in the middle of getting her hair done and that's just rude. Anyways, we get there and set our stuff down. I get my hair washed and I literally fall asleep while I'm getting my hair washed. I don't know what it is, but ever since I was little, if I'm even a little sleepy when I get my hair washed, I'm going. The stylist wakes me up when it's time for me to sit up and we go back to her chair. I'm so groggy, I didn't even notice that my mom was gone. She was in the back taking a phone call. So I sit in the chair and the stylist starts towel drying my hair. Tell me why some random lady with fucked up hair walks up to us and starts yelling chile. Now when I say walked up, she was near us but standing back by a few feet because security wouldn't let her come closer," Luna explains, pausing to take a sip of her smoothie.

"She starts off with, "you are so talentless" so I'm immediately thinking she's talking to the stylist. I mean, if you saw her hair, it would make sense. So, my sleepy ass just tunes her out. At this point, I'm thinking like damn do I want this woman doing my hair right now? Not if she did hers! So the stylist is going back and forth with this woman but I hear none of it. I'm in my own head until I hear BTS. I said "say what now? What about BTS?" Luna says, pausing to laugh at herself.

"Chill sis, Ima tell you. I needed to get that out first. I got you. Okay, so she says "They don't deserve you" and I'm like "What? What does your hair have to do with BTS not deserving me? When did me and my relationship even get in this?" She goes "Have you listened to anything I said?" And I said, "Not passed talent less. I thought you were getting at the stylist for messing your dye job up." Y'all...her face got so red. She was big mad, furious even. Home girl started screaming to the top of her lungs how trashy I am and how terrible my music is and again with the "BTS doesn't deserve you line." This is the little I got out of the rant because she was talking so fast it could've legit been a rap. I said "Ohh you mean I don't deserve BTS? Not they don't deserve me." Security had to hold her back after that because she wanted to choose violence after that honey. When I tell you I cried laughing about that shit for like an hour afterwards..." Luna laughs, holding back the tears that threatened to spill over again.

"Where was Linda? Girl Linda came out all after the fact. She had no idea what happened until I told her. Honestly, I'm glad because if she had been talking all that shit when Linda walked out; she would've got a Birkin bag to the back of the head. A whole Birkin beat down chile," Luna says, clapping her hands as she laughed at herself.

"Linda got at the stylists and everything like who was that woman and why was she allowed in during our appointment time—which is very valid questioning. Turns out, that woman had an appointment with another stylist that worked there and when she saw us arrive, she never left the building. I just want to say to that woman, I think you missed your calling ma'am. I don't know what you do besides hate, but you should go audition somewhere to be a rapper because you most certainly have the lung capacity. Since my music is so trashy, maybe you can give the people what they need. Until then, go touch some grass love," Luna says smiling at the camera.

She takes a moment to read the comments, calling out the funniest ones to Bangtan as she interacts with fans.

"Oop it is Friday isn't it? Perfect. I'm in a shit talking mood so let's get it. Drop the lines. I need a beat somebody," looking back at her soulmates.

Joon comes over and makes a beat with the pen he was already holding and Hobi does little ad libs and sound effects, making it that much more hype.

"Ayee, I gotta get up for this one!" Luna says, dancing around to the beat.

Everyone joins in from their spots in the living room, hyping her up to freestyle.

"Okay, the first thing I saw was Bang PD," she laughs.

I'm feeling like Bang to the PD
Boy you better bow when u see me
Luna comin live w some new heat
Guarantee you put my songs on repeat

Trip, fall, then land on two feet
When you see me better stand back four feet
Cus my guards stay down like eight deep
Ten digits and you still can't hold me

Talk shit bitch choke while you blow me
Cus u all up on my nuts like you know me
See a pic and get to hatin w ya homie
Whole time y'all know y'all love me

So much ice on my neck cause a flurry
Shiny diamonds make my pics look blurry
Cash flow ain't never weak, hella sturdy
Big hits I'm signed with Sony

If you see a badder bitch better show me
Cus all you hating ass hoes be below me
Eating up no crumbs I'm indulging
Bad bitch sick flow no budgets

She dropped an imaginary mic and walked away, laughing as the boys hyped her up in the background. The comments were going crazy with fire emojis when she sat back down.

"Okay let's talk Comfortable. It drops in approximately one hour. Drop your time zones in the comments. It's noon in Korea right now so the video is dropping at 1pm here. It'll me midnight EST, 11pm CST, 10pm MDT, and 9pm PDT for the US. That's all the time zones I know so I'm curious about other countries," she says, skimming through the comments she found actually manage to read.

"I'm not going to give too much away about the video guys. Hm, I'll just say look forward to a different look and aesthetics for days as well as a little surprise I put together for you all at the end. I worked with Taylor Terry on this, my favorite choreographer, so I'm really proud of what we came up with. I loved it when I watched the final version the other day and I know you guys will too," she gushes, excited.

"Wow, there's so many people in this stream, I'm surprised it hasn't crashed. Thank you guys for your support as always, especially the ones that are staying up past their bedtimes to watch. Also, while I'm here, I'll announce that I'm working on setting up a Vlive account to go live on. You can get the app for free and apparently it's much less of a hassle to live stream there than it is here on YouTube. I know YouTube be messing up with the notifications sometimes," she says, whispering the last sentence as if it were a secret between them.

With the premiere of the video getting closer, she ends the live with promises to do another one soon.

"I'm so excited," Jimin says, squeezing her shoulders.

"Me too. I hope you like it," she says before they're shushed by JK once the video starts.

They'd decided to watch it in the living room on the flatscreen so everyone could watch comfortably.

More interested in their reactions, she sat back and watched them instead. They were all into it, but for different reasons from what she could tell. Hobi's elbows rested on his knees, his face full of focus as he watches, little smiles appearing at certain points of the choreo. He, Yoongi, and Tae had the most serious faces, which is just how they look when they're completely absorbed in something.

JK was clearly smiling, putting his hands up to his face to hide it while Joon, Jimin, and Jin openly did so—thoroughly enjoying the performance.

(Pretend all the members are here. I just love this pic 💜)

They were about to clap when the screen when blank, but the screen lit back up and a clip of her explaining that the next choreography visual that would be shown was a self-choreographed gift from her to them plays. Then, the second video plays and they're entranced again, clearly enjoying her version as well.

"Damn sexy," Joon exclaims when it reaches a part where she's smiling at the camera as she dances.

She chuckles, amused by his outburst and they watch until the end before giving her a round of applause.

"I loved both! The fluidity in the first video was insane. All the dancers did well too, but you were on another level," Hobi praises.

"There were other dancers?" Yoongi asks, making them laugh.

"Seriously though, it was hard to take my eyes off you. The pink background, black outfit, and that blonde hair on you," Jimin trails off, making a biting motion.

"Agreed. I loved it. It was sensual, but not too much. Just enough to keep me on the edge of my seat," JK chimes in.

"Exactly! It was just enough everything. Perfect balance. Perfect aesthetics, perfect hair, outfits, and choreography. I liked yours more though because you were having fun," Tae says.

"Why is no one mentioning that flip she did in heels? Like woahh. Worldwide dancer," Jin applauds, making her laugh.

"We'll I'm glad you all enjoyed it. I worked hard. Now let's see how the Galaxy are reacting to it," she says, grabbing her phone.

Over time, Jin and the maknaes disperse, but Joon, Hobi, and Yoongi remain. Yoongi had promised to watch some drama with Hobi and Joon, having heard good things about it decided to stay and watch as well.

Luna was busy on social media responding to fans and fellow celebrities alike, her way of giving back and showing love for the views.

"Who is that?" Joon asks, pointing down at her phone.

"Kehlani," she answers, typing out her reply and hitting post.

"Thanks boo. That's a pet name right? And why these emojis," he asks.

"In the US, everyone calls everyone pet names. Boo happens to be what I call people I'm cool with and why not these emojis?" she asks, seeing no harm in the kissy face emojis.

"Kisses, really?" he asks and she laughs.

"Are you serious right now Joon? They're just emojis and Kehlani's a woman. I don't have one homosexual bone in my body. I didn't mean anything by it and she knows that. Hell, I've sent those to just about everyone," she says.

"Let me see," he says, his jaw clenched as he looks down at her.

She sighs heavily, already in a place between amusement and exasperation already. She thought he was joking, but apparently he was serious.

"You're being ridiculous right now. I'm telling you this is nothing," she says, rolling her eyes.

"What are you two talking about? I can't focus on the TV," Yoongi fusses, pausing the show.

"Joon is upset at the way I just responded to one of my industry friends. Not only is she a woman, but this is the way girls interact in America. Pet names, emojis, all that," she says.

Yoongi walks over to sit on her other side and Hobi does too, leaning into to see her response to Kehlani.

"Fuck that, look at the comments," Yoongi says, his eyes widening when he reads a particularly thirsty one.

Joon gets up and stands behind the couch so he could read it as well, possessiveness flaring in his chest.

"I'm actually disgusted," Hobi says, pursing his lips as he reached over and swiped down so they could see more comments.

"You got quiet Lu. You okay with this?" Joon asks, immediately making her chuckle at his absurdity.

"Of course not but are you honestly surprised? I could post a pic in an Easter bunny costume and people would find a way to sexualize it. That's just how the internet works," she says, not getting laughs from either of them.

"I don't even want to read more," Yoongi says, getting up and going back to his prior spot.

Hobi does the same, shaking his head at her nonchalant attitude about it.

Luna huffed in annoyance at the way they were acting. She could see this behavior coming from someone that's not famous, but they have millions of females thirsting over them 24/7.

"Do you guys never read your comments? I find it hilarious how you flip over mine but yours look the same, if not worse," she frowns, sitting up from her slouch on the couch.

"No, and we certainly don't respond to them," Joon says and she whirls around to face him.

"Bullshit, stop the cap! You may not respond but you certainly do read them Namjoon. And I'm not responding to thirsty fans. I'm responding to the ones that said nice things," she says, wiggling her phone.

"I would've know that had you let me see your phone," he says, crossing his arms as he glared down at her, his biceps and jaw flexing.

"Agreed," Yoongi chimes in and Hobi hums in agreement, making her suck her teeth.

"Boy bye! I'm a grown ass woman and y'all are not my damned daddy," she says, standing up to leave.

Joon's long legged stride caught up to her before she made it to the stairs and he grabbed ahold of her arm, forms but not enough to hurt.

"Not your daddy huh?" he asks huskily, chest heaving as he peered down at her.

"Nope, now let me go," she says, tapping her foot impatiently.

"But I've got a better idea. I think you need to be reminded who your daddies are since you've forgotten," Joon says, lifting her chin so she would look at him.

She remains silent, deep frowns in her forehead as she glares up at him, fighting her body's natural response to his touch and tone of voice.

Stupid bond.

"You don't really want me to let go do you? I don't think so. You like it when I handle you like this don't you? You like to see daddy mad?" he asks, roughly pulling her into his chest.

He grips the side of her face with one hand, tilting her head back so he could kiss her hard, immediately using his tongue to dominate it. Refusing to allow him the privilege of hearing the moan that rose in the back of her throat, she keeps quiet, gripping two handfuls of his shirt as he ravishes her mouth with his.

She sees Hobi bound up the stairs out of her peripheral, headed in the direction of his room.

They break for air and he picks her up and walks her back over to the couch, dropping her on it so hard she bounced.

"Strip," Yoongi commands, his eyes dark as he watches her.

Luna crosses her arms and raises a brow, still annoyed. It seems as if they were all pushing each other's buttons so what's the point in stopping now?

"You want me out of my clothes? You take them off," she sasses.

Sighing, he stands and reaches for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head. He pulls her up to stand, damn near making her stumble into his chest as he reaches around her and unhooks her bra. When he slides her sweats down and off her legs, he leaves her panties on and smacks her ass cheek hard enough for the sound to echo throughout the space. Luna closes her eyes, the sting robbing her of words.

"You just made this so much harder than it had to be," he whispers.

"Hold her arms Joon," he instructs, placing her on Joon's lap.

Just as instructed, he folds her arms against her back and threads his arms through them. Yoongi then positions her legs outside Joon's so she couldn't close them.

"Safe word is pussycat, like always," Yoongi says, sinking to his knees between her and Joon's legs.

He wastes no time burying his face between her legs, eating her panty covered pussy like a starved man. She feels her stomach tense, but she bites her lip, keeping her moans in as best she could.

"No baby girl. We want to hear it," Hobi tsks, perching himself on her right side.

She watches as he licks his fingers before pinching her nipple between them. Once it hardens, he lets out a satisfied hum before showing her the nipple clamps he had in his hand. It was two silicone tipped clamps with Purple hearts dangling from them.

"Let me know if it's too much," he warns, slipping her nipple between the clamps and adjusting the ring until it was snug.

"Oh fuck," she curses as the stimulation takes her over the edge.

Yoongi keeps going, his tongue never slowing for even a fraction of a second as Hobi does the same to the other side.

"That's my little pain slut," Joon whispers in her ear as Hobi attaches the second clamp, making her back arch against his hold.

He lets her arms go long enough to lift her up so he could slide his sweats down and line his cock up with her entrance.

Yoongi rips her panties and continues his oral assault on her clit as Joon slides her down on his cock and grabs ahold of her arms again. Hobi plays with the clamps, lightly tugging on the hearts along with flicking the tip of her nipple with his tongue. Luna's toes curl, the three points of pleasure overwhelming in the best way.

Yoongi settles for rapidly rubbing her clit with his hand when Joon starts to fuck her hard and fast, slamming her down on his cock at a pace no less than brutal.

She lets out a string of curses as she cums again, this time clenching around Joon—who doesn't slow his pace. If anything, he starts fucking her harder, making involuntary whimpers of pain and pleasure escape her lips.

Yoongi finally lets up, sensing that Joon was about to cum and takes off his own clothes, prompting Hobi to do the same. Those two were on the same wavelength, no words needed to be spoken to communicate.

Luna yelps in surprise as Hobi picks her up and wraps her legs around him before he slides her down on his cock, Joon's warm cum still leaking out of her. She wraps her arms around his neck, holding on for the ride when she feels Yoongi's lubed fingers poking at her second hold.

He stretches her mercilessly, scissoring his fingers inside her, causing the stretch to burn a little. Hobi keeps her distracted with his lips, kissing her from her lips to the center of her throat when she throws her head back.

She lets out a long moan when Yoongi enters her from behind, taking his time inserting himself inch by inch so she could get used to his size.

Daddy was on the tip of her tongue but she held it in. There was no way she was going to allow that to slip right now.

"Shittt," she drags when they start to fuck her together.

"Good isn't it?" Hobi whispers, no sign of strain in his voice as he lightly bounces her up and down.

Her nails dig into his back as she feels another orgasm coming and he groans at the sensation, enjoying the sting. He and Yoongi move in closer together, sandwiching her between them so she could feel both their bodies pressed against her.

They know she's close when her body begins to shake and she tilts her head back to rest in Yoongi's shoulder. He immediately licks the side of her neck up to her ear, the sensation making her pussy clench around both of them.

"You're so, so close kitten. I can't wait to fill this fucking ass of yours," he whispers in her ear.

"Our princess loves dirty talk doesn't she? I'm practically drowning in this pussy. Hmm those fuckers wish they could feel this. I'll bet they dream about it, but we're the only ones that make you feel this way. They could never. Isn't that right?" Hobi asks, his hips starting to jerk, letting her know he was close.

"Fuck, yes! They could never. Same for the ones that would kill for this. Being filled with both of you, fucking me just right. This is the only pussy you need," she moans, her words making him cum instantly.

The feeling of him flooding her pussy pushes her over the edge, making her body lock in place as she came. Yoongi moans in her ear, Hobi's cock rubbing against his bringing him to orgasm as well.

Joon lays down a blanket for them to sit on, Luna on Hobi's lap as they all come down from their highs.


The three shower together before soaking in the tub in Yoongi and Hobi's conjoined bathroom.

"Yeah, we may have overreacted a little," Hobi admits, kissing the palm of her hand as he massages her arm.

"A little?," she asks loudly , making them laugh.

"Okay, a lot. I'm sorry for upsetting you," he says.

"We were in out feelings I guess," Yoongi adds.

"I'm glad you're apologizing. That makes you more daddy than anything you've done all evening. Y'all had me fucked up," she says, making them chuckle.

"Don't get snatched up again," Joon threatens, dodging the water she splashes his way.

"You just stay out of my comments like you claim you stay out of yours," she sasses.

A/N: This was 4, 027 words and I am exhausted 😭🤣

Hope you enjoyed 💜

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