Friend ; Faen (complete)✅✅

By deydreamer21

29.8K 2K 1.1K

A handsome sexy alpha and a beautiful alluring omega. Best of friends? Only friends? Is it possible? What wil... More

1. when they met
2. first fight
3. rut and heat
5.🔥 Faen? Friend 🔥
6. chaos
7. Peace
8. Afterwaves...

4. Human alchohol win

3.2K 257 87
By deydreamer21

We are arriving at the culmination of everything slowly but surely
And one thing Kongpob nor Arthit's purity of feeling in this story stems from their virginity
That means, it doesn't make Kong less in his place, because he had to sleep with to satiate his Wolfish needs...
Or make Arthit pure or more in this puzzle of relationship,
just because well he didn't.
He just didn't get the time to date or find another sexy alpha/beta.
Nothing like he was saving his ass for Kong or something
Wink, Lol.
In real world too, people do date others or explore before realising their one.

So, Let's begin....

Kongpob about to be 20 and Arthit 18plus.

"Why the farting fuck are we here phi? Has the break up with phi Nina finally gone to your head ?"

Oon literally shouts to be heard above the acoustics of the human nightclub, karaoke come bar.

The music inside booms aloud as the human men and women gyrate their body against each other. The dancing lights almost dazzles his eyes. But more than the smell of sweat and some disgusting sweet fragnanced smoke, laser lights of myriad of colours, the loud bass beats resonating inside hurts ; it's a pure auditory ding dong dang to the wolf ears.

The younger doesn't comprehend and remains baffled by the elder's strange choice of place.That too after months of both of theirs, heavy gruelling schedule, the woman Nina's various butting in ploys, leaving them rare to no chance to be in each other's company, alone.

Why choose this ringing place, does the sly ever prankining alpha wolf plan on giving him tinnitus.. the Omega keeps on thinking as the oblivious happy alpha soon drags him to a far corner and opens a well concealed booth door. That too with a key card into a surprisingly well furnished kind of silent room. And further baffling the younger, pushes his stunned body to sit upon a huge fluffy comfy red couch bang in the centre of the room. Before settling himself beside the bewildered face with a contented sigh.

The omega is, but not amused. Why is he here@ @? After EVERYTHING they did. Kong would have rolled his eyes if he had heard the omega's mental tirade for sure.

Well, Nothing dirty get the minds out of gutter pls. The ground breaking news folks, everything is quite simple or not so simple if you look from our dear Oon's perspective.

The omega, dindindin, LIED to his father about his whereabouts for the weekend. The unsuspecting father knows his darling ever truthful, nerdy, forced to remain virgin son, is at Kong's mansion studying for a difficult first semester college project. And later will sleep there if late, at his designated guest room; like he has done many a times. Big OMG right!? For Oon it is!

And Kong's parents? they have been told the alpha is with Wad and Em at his house. Confined to his room. To spend some quality time and project work.
And the guards shouldn't disturb him. The alpha then had escaped like he had done multiple times before, climbing down his window! Piece of cake and no big deal for him!

It does help that both their fathers are out of station for three whole days over a new bridge development. And Kong's mom taking care of the new born twin, his niece and nephew, at his sister's house.

Mariam is there to take care of Oon's ailing grandmother and the omega for sure knows the beta will cover for him if things go wrong. Like Em and Wad will do for Kong.

So the excited omega who has never done something like this ever, which is so out of character for him, was expecting a Beach outing or something similar along the line; definitely not a day moving around shopping and eating in a human snow filled township, chilling cold albeit extremely beautiful, far from home; and then thrown into this.. this posh over the top rowdy club!

" This is tacky phi. Why do you have to fucking bring me here. You could have tortured your darling Nina with this monstrosity; why me? WhAt did I ever do to deserve this? I was so good to you."

"Stop your theatrics!"
Flicking softly on the forehead of the pretty pouty face the alpha replies, his smile teasing but his eyes sad hearing the name of Nina and reminiscing how she had affected the younger and him.

" But phi it's so pricky dicky tacky place. There is even a bed in this booth come karaoke room. Shiya!"

He whines and shouts again purposely onto the ears of the alpha.

"Ouch! Shh not so loud idiot! And Language Oon. Language. And that's not bed Oon, are you blind? Its just another sofa Come bed. And this place is new and best of the best moron, for hanging out. The extreme drunk can even spend the night here rather than going back. The door can be locked."
And the alpha winks earning a hard flick back from the younger on forehead.

Unfazed the alpha opens a heavenly smelling snack packet already there on the glass table beside the karaoke set. And continues with a smile when the younger's face lights up even in the dim light ; as they both simultaneously dig into it.

" idiot never ever would I spend thousands of human dollar over that girl! Did you ask break up woes over Nina?! The answer is a loud NOOo00ooOo."

This time the omega covers his ears as the alpha returns the favour and continues with a teasing smile. Opening another packet, this time of sweet caramel treats. Oon's favourite!

"That drama of ending the farce that was being with her, was over six weeks ago. Thank the dear moon goddess. It's finally over! Hallelujah!
And why the hell are you bringing that vile woman up in our conversation. And that too at such a chillaxing place!

You of all people know extremely well , how I regretted succumbing to the parental pressure and forced to try dating her. That too for almost two long horrible years!"

Kong shudders visibly. And pouts like a petulant child himself. Nobody will believe the cold elegant introvert alpha can act like this. Well,..only with his Oon.

Arthit pats the elder's hand sympathetically. He definitely knows the mental pain and torment the elder had faced! It was a nightmare experience for both of them.

The elder frustratingly moves his hand over his tanned face and then through the thick dark locks. Meeting the concerned doe eyes he feels a pang . He knows these expressive sea of innocent golden tinted brown orbs, had cried for him and along with him, amidst the disaster called Nina.

A neighbouring high clan leader's daughter. The person his parents have found for him within six months into the first year semester college life. Their reason was deceivingly simple.

Kong needed a mate and a date for clan events, they stated firmly. And to show amidst the pack that their to be leader is getting matured enough and in a commîted relationship. He needs an able Luna by his side, to be taken seriously by the pack oldies.

What age old wives tale of judgments and prejudices! Though Kong has to agree, his parents did offer him a leeway. A six months gap to sort his own dilemmatic shit. To find someone acceptable to clan or to date his Oon, if he so desires.

Oon has always been a soft spot for his parents too. They adore and love the fiesty omega like their own son.

They had thus asked frankly about the beautiful younger to him. In the night of his eighteenth birthday. A birthday evening he spent dancing with Oon and laughing unabashedly. His parents knowing scrutinising eyes never leaving them.
That was also the night before his college life had officially begun.

They had asked the alpha openly heart to heart , how actually did Kong feel about the omega. And What's his future plans for the two of them?

What did he actually feel?

It's not such a difficult question to answer. It was hazy to him before and during his first rut. But got clearer to him with passing days, years and subsequent ruts; when he had succumbed due to his parental pressure and inner carnal urges to be with a trained escort, and later with Nina, accordance to the Suthilack norm.

Komg can't help but remember, every damn time the mindless sex happened driven by his inner alpha instincts, the enormous weighing down in his mind and heart he felt, while meeting the younger's sad eyes. The day he used to return to normalcy felt thus the grossest. That incidents had repeatedly made him wish and beg to spend his subsequent ruts, rather alone.

Sadly for the high alpha Kongpob, the suppressant medicines don't predictably work well. And his parents were not ready to let him suffer so much or be a guinea pig to new experimental drugs, until he decided on a true mate. Or reached an age around 20 where mostly the alpha's develop more restrained prowess. It's a maturity wolfy thingy. Because by that age mostly they are besotted and sorted.

And Oon, being Oon, the kindest caring angelic soul that he is, had vehemently protested too, when Kong discussed the same medication topic with him. The younger never ever making him feel worse than he felt about himself for having sex with the strangers.
And later Nina. She and her parents insisted on helping him ; since she was his official consort.
Evil manipulators!

The alpha's parents also failed to fathom the waves of guilt and repentance the ever obedient son experienced afterwards. Every damn time!

Kong strangely always felt like he was cheating on the younger though they were not in formal romantic relationship. But nevertheless hesitated to even meet the omega's eyes. It took eons of friendly efforts on his Oon's part to make the alpha again normal laughing but introvert to others, Kongpob.

So, it became crystal clear to Kongpob as stretches of time rolled by between them, that he felt more than profound friendship, beyond mundane companionship for the younger.

The alpha understood quite long time ago, feeling for his sunshine is so deep that it hurts physically if he is even away from his Oon, even for a day. Or the younger's eyes shows a speck of mere sorrow. He cherishes in his heart for the doe eyes to be shining happily, craves the ethereal face to be shimmering in glee. And that just makes his every day. And most night's, the sweetest of dreams.

But Oon was just 14, a child in his eyes, when Kong's first rut hit. And 16 and a few months old , when Kong turned 18 and entered collge, a milestone even in Wolf's world.

Oon was definitely not too young to date at 16. But the younger was too inundated with endless school works, ample of studies and in house complications. The young omega had aspired to take up two majors in college. Wanted to rise up to a level that he can never be looked down upon as a mere nomad boy, ever again.

And who else but Kong can understand this burning fire, honor the constant fighting spirit in the heart of the younger, to prove himself.

Oon had suffered multitudes of unjust prejudices , unfortunately experienced a lot of cynical and dark sides of the society. And their double standards varying with a person's ranks and lineage.

These all happenings with passing years had justifiably made the younger extremely stubborn with his aspiring goals and crude to the world view. And his inherent insecurities ran deep. So he strived harder and longer to achieve his own drawn pinnacle.

And then there was the matter of his grandma's failing health. After his mom's death his sole family companion at the house. Since his Dad was extremely busy, the younger had Mariam as the caretaker too. But with the onset of dementia with his grandmother, kind of made him feel obligated to be there for her everyday. To make her not forget them, him.

How could at that juncture, Kong would have asked the sixteen year old omega out as his romantic companion? And complicate the younger's life further more ! Kong could easily deduce and observe his sun had no time to eat, rest, think or just plain hangout as friends,.. let alone date.

Kong's plans for them, their future as us, also had another major hindrance. He can't deny about his own mental block! Then that' would be a humongous omission of true circumstances turmoiling inside his head. The alpha unfortunately knew extremely well, Oon's negative view points about others of his rank.

Apart from Kongpob, the exception, sadly all the other alphas who has brushed past Oon, in the short part of his young life, had been either sleazy perverts, pushy, or rowdy callous dudes ; who only wanted one thing. His virginity. And obviously to parade him as a trophy pretty face and his subjugation as mate.

So like a pure coward Kong had been too afraid to break the barrier of friendship and ask Oon to try seeing the alpha in a new light more than friendship.

For six months after his parent's ultimatum Kong had thawed. Huffed and hawed. And tried to dodge, and avert the topic of serious dating whenever his parents brought it up. Until his parents have had enough and pushed Nina upon his head. A horrendous mistake!!

Nina's mere mention of name trigger his inner vent machine and anger. An anger he feels towards his parents too. For forcing him for something he was absolutely not ready for. Oon's soft touch on his arms, breaks his reverie. He orders them a crate of beer first via the room Intercom, to take off the bitter taste of the lingering memories with her.

"Beers are so bitter and yucky phi. Order me something else sweet. I hated it even at the last time you made me taste it. I don't know why you always like bitter things. Exception me, thé sweetest being."

" So humble nong. Tsk tsk. Grow up a little kiddo, we have three hours before we have to head home. These beers are strong. Albeit human mix. Will get you relaxed and feel nice fuzzy afterwards."

Kong pats his head, lovingly looking at the younger. While the younger averts his piercing warm gaze. His phi is behaving oddly tonight. Is the alpha feeling guilty of something? The next sentences proves the omega's doubts right.

"Oon I always wanted to say sorry for all the trouble you faced because of that woman. Because of my inability to say no to my parents. Hd to honor the Stupid clan politics, diplomatic relationships and just go along with it!

I remember everyday in gory details the varied fiascos she created not only regarding you and me, even Wad and Em ; my friendship with them and their male alpha partners. So prejudiced. So yucky she was, if I have to directly quote you.

Still, I don't know why my parents were so keen that I keep on dating her! Skin deep beauty that's all they saw."
Kong fumes.

" Come on phi, don't be again so hard and bitter about mae luna and high alpha. You can't completely blame them. She was such a great actress. How soft and sweet she behaved in front of them. No clues she left behind to suspect what a snitchy creature she actually was."

Arthit gulps down a beer and another in quick succession from the crate was soon served and left in front of them. Though making a sour distasteful face. After the initial aversion to the loud music and humdrum around, he is liking the chilled mood and the promise of quality time lying ahead.

They even have this private booth and a closed door option, to have their karaoke time or rest if they want. And he has to agree the sofas are so damn comfy. He feels like sleeping off. They did roam a loooot. Hmm Sounds fun brain! Kong's voice rustles up his drowsy self.

"Don't mention pls her double standards Oon! And the games of bitchy manipulation!"
Kong dramatically sighs gulping down his own beer.

"Sorry phi for bringing her up. But you have to agree, it was funny to see your desperate attempts at Break up and she in turn turning super clingy. Your face used to drain literally off-colour when she used to approach our study table at mansion .

White ghost resemblance you used to look phi! Petrified! Haha. And I do remember how you used to run and hide in the mango orchard.. it was fucking hilarious."

Oon gets a prompt smack on his head as he giggles shamelessly.
"Idiot! How can you even laugh at my misfortunes!"

"Because I am your bestie phi. I can laugh at you. Discovering you in my closet or, at my rooftop hiding during weekend ; you expect me not to laugh about those incidents too?

Come on don't pout now phi. You also must had found them laughable. Her multiple through the years failed attempts to salvage you and hers nonexistent relationship were some high grade dark comedy show. Not to mention her endless efforts to create break between us. So petty they were and so extremely childish."

"But you were hurt. And I could do nothing until my parents saw her true colours. Until she tried to physically harm you"
The alpha somberly states holding the pale hand in his own. And the omega promptly squeezes it back. Assuring him and with a dimpled sunny smile.

" Let's not spoil our free lively time making it about regrets or her misdoings.
So tell me instead why exactly are we doing this? What's the grand occasion? I even lied to my father that I am going to study with you for upcoming exams. And here I am at a loud human bar. Their drinks don't even make us wolves horny or even high phi."

The alpha pulls his one ear with his free hand. The other hand remains entangled with the younger's,resting relaxed on the alpha's thigh.

"Horny! Did you say horny kiddo!? Hey, How do you know Oon, our wolf alcohol makes us horny?"

The omega's whole face heats up, he didn't want to slip that word. It was purely accidental. He tries to pry off his hand. And Kong laughing like the teasing alpha he is with him, holds them together, firmer. This time a warmth settling in his heart, seeing the flustered blushing face.

" Oh come on phi. Don't tease! It's an open secret. Didn't phi Em hooked up under the same influence? Now let's close the door and do some karoake. We are already about to finish the crate of this beer. "

For the next one hour they spend in enjoying another dozen beers, and singing along with popular human songs they both like.

Feeling fuzzy and warm but not really drunk they laughed and swung their hips sexily, as they sang the last love song together,totally offkey.

Later while as giggling simmered down, lying sprawled on the plush couch, the omega breaks the welcome silence of the private booth, after the constant din of their own karoake.

" You didn't say why you brought me here, Suddenly? And made me lie. Don't say something pervert and outrageous like to have sex with me."

"What if I am? The way you are progressing in your dating life you will die a virgin if I don't intervene." Kong jokes, the air between them serene and light.

" So if I tell you tonight I wanna do it with you. You will do it?"
The omega suddenly declares, his face red hot and ears rouge.

Nina, out of all the heart thorns he felt, had made him realise how much he craved to be in her place. Atleast she had the rights of making love with the alpha.

To hell with constant thinking over relationship tag or unpredictable future. He knows he is beyond Kong's league in so many ways. Lineage,social status, rank. The alpha's parents would never accept him as the Luna or any one of the clan members for that matter. He had already seen how everybody was thrilled about Nina. The perfect choice and utterly disappointed by her evil skin show later.

Whom is he kidding. Even the alpha looks at him just as best friend or worse may be a younger brother.

And nothing more ; nothing else.

But phi Kong is his first love. The one he thinks every heat. Every time he pleasures himself. And he thirsts for the alpha, like a bird parches for a drop of water amidst the scorching summer. Like the pelting rain wanting to meet the roaring river.

Can't he atleast have his first with him? He is an attractive omega. He has been told he is almost Wolf's bane for the alphas. By the last alpha who dared to court him.

Toxic in his independence and stoicism but undeniably attractive. Lethal but death by sex is also welcome,if it's him. Yes the alpha was extremely cringy, creepy, and repulsive but the words had made him stop short. Self retrospect.

He had been forced to think then, doesn't the alpha within Kongpob, not see him as even vaguely attractive or desirable. An omega like him, who is supposed to an alpha's wet dream personified: if he has to believe those creeps. Yes, his insecurities about himself and Kongpob runs too deep!

The ample consumption of human alcohol tonight, have made him brave enough to ask the question he was dying to ask for long.

The six weeks since Kong's official break up with that witch Nina, he had been debating on every day, how to even propose this preposterous idea raging on in his heart and mind. Like his raging boner whenever the alpha sits close. Or showers him with attention and compassion.

" Oon..what.. implying..?"
Kong stutters and stops as he speaks, comprehending the joke and their casual banter has long ended!

" I .. I...want to ..havesexwithyou."
Kudos to human alcohol the omega says it aloud but immediately after, buries his face into Kong's chest. Not able to take the erupted tension. Will phi Kong slap him for his audacity? Will he just walk off. Or the alpha didn't really decipher what he said at the last, fast-forward mode.

The silence stretches on, as the alpha remains unmoving. The omega can hear his own beats thumping away. Galloping synchronised to the beat of the alpha. Drowning out the miniscule of the loud party noises seeping inside their private space.

And then he feels the plump lips descend down slowly,. Agonizingly slowly; and then kiss the top of his head. Then as he closes his eyes, sighing two tanned palms holds the omega's rouge chubby cheeks between them, and lips this time softly touch the closed eye lids.

One after another..

Left then right.

Then cheeks

Left then right, brushing over them like a magical feather's touch. Hightening the colour. Warm and so enticing.

Then the lips touch the tip of his nose. Loving the rosy tinge left behind..

And as the younger's breath hitches aloud.

As he audibly gasps and shivers with each contact. Each one spiralling him into no return, beyond logic or reason. Or sanity and practicality.

As he gets wet down there,

As his tongue comes out licking his lower lips his anticipation of the dream like inevitable. The dreams he has daydreamt for so many years, in so many ways.

As his teeth bites the soft tissue, drawing a thin rouge ; colouring the pale pink with a hue that makes it lascivious. Inviting.

Two plump lips goes down and press upon on his expectant quivering wet pink ones.

Marking the beginning of a night that will change everything for them.

Every damn thing...


So is coming soon

please vote comments share.

Helps a poor authornim 😅😅

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