Into the Dark (Completed)

Bởi Anubis27

513K 13.8K 6.4K

It was dark until he lit the match. I thought he was lighting the way, but little did I know he was leading m... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue: The Beginning of the End
Epilogue: That Part in the Middle
Epilogue: And They Lived Happily Ever After?

Chapter 7

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Bởi Anubis27

"Luna Odessa Ludwig!" My mother's shrill voice screeched the second I stepped through my front door. I inwardly groaned. Seems like my mother has decided to act like one today. 

She stormed into the front room from the kitchen.

"How dare you!" She continued to yell. "Releasing wild animals inside the school. Someone got bitten! You are so lucky that child didn't want to press charges!"

I scoffed. My mother is the only person who would call Tate Marks a child.

"Don't you scoff at me. I know that you have no respect for me or my authority, but that will change, young lady!" She started to get up in my face. 

"Back up." I snapped. She clenched her jaw, but took a few steps backwards. "First off, it was ducks, not a freaking tiger. Secondly, I would have more respect for you and your nonexistent authority if you were a real mother! You are the adult here. I have no respect for you because you weren't there for me! When Dad left you only cared about yourself. If you think that you can choose when to be my mother, fine, but then I get to choose when I'm your daughter, and right now, I'm an orphan." I slipped past her and stormed up the stairs. 

Was I just using her four month drinking binge as an excuse? Yes, but it's only fair. I took care of myself and her for four months straight while also dealing with my own problems. The only perk is being able to shove it in her face every and any time I can. 

I know that I'm supposed to respect my mother, but how can I when she gives me nothing to respect? 

I fumed for another hour before I let it go. Maybe I was a little harsh, not that I would admit it to her. 

I snuck downstairs to grab myself dinner. I put a TV dinner into the microwave and peeked into the livingroom. The television's glow was lighting up the room. My mother was draped across the couch with a glass of wine in her hand. The bottle sat on the coffee table, half empty. 

I took a deep breath. She can tell me that she's changed all she wants, but actions speak louder than words. 


My three day suspension actually served as a well needed break. My mother snuck in my room and took my phone. I assume that it's supposed to be my punishment, but honestly I was okay with it. 

I had three full days where I was cut off from the outside world. I read a book, slept until noon, and watched Netflix.

As Marie pulled into my drive way, I felt refreshed. 

"Hey Mimi." I gave her a small smile. I'm not much of a beaming kind of person. 

"Hiya, Lulu. How did your mom handle the whole suspension thing? By the way, sorry about not coming forward and saying that I was in it too. I was going to, but what's the point on both of us getting in trouble." She started the car and started our drive to school.

"It's fine. As for my mother," I spat the word. "She's such a joke. I think that she's afraid of me. She had to sneak in my room when I was sleeping to take my phone from me. Then, she wonders why I have no respect for her. Finding your mother passed out drunk does that to a person." I ranted. 

"I thought that she was acting semi-normal again." Marie interrupted. 

"She had a glass of wine in her hand last night." 

Marie shrugged. "I've had a glass of wine too. That doesn't mean that I'm an alcoholic."

I didn't answer. She wouldn't understand. 

After a full minute of silence, I broke it. "What's been happening at school?"  

Honestly, I didn't care, but I hate awkward silences. 

Marie perked up. "I talked to Jackson about getting together."

"How'd that go?" 

Her smile turned forced and she gripped the steering wheel a little bit harder. "He said he only sees me as a friend, but I think he's just playing hard to get. You know how guys get."

Or he just doesn't see you that way. I didn't say it out loud because I value our friendship, but I'm a real believer in being real and upfront when it comes to relationships. With me, what you see is what you get. No games or deception. When I stand at the alter, I'll be the same person as I was on the first date. 

"What about the whole duck thing? Are people still talking about it?" I'd rather everyone move on from it. That's as close to breaking the law as I want to be. Rebel Luna is taking a long vacation. She may even get lost on her way home.

She laughed for a few seconds. "Someone took a video of Tate running with the ducks chasing him. It's gone viral throughout the town. He's been really pissy about it. It's hilarious." 

I don't like Tate, but having an embarrassing video of you floating around town sucks. 

Maire pulled into the school. 


Ten minutes before lunch, the school announcements rang. "Teachers and staff, check your email immediately. I repeat check your email immediately." 

My English teacher, Mr. Wiggle, put down his chalk and went to his computer. 

Josh turned to face me. "I was thinking that we can probably get our senior project done in like four hours."

I nodded. "Good. I just want to be done with it."

"Am I that bothersome that you can't even spend time with me, Luna?" He pretended to be hurt. 

"Pretty much." I joked. 

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever."

"Get a room." Tate groaned. 

"How's the arm, Wall-e?" I bit back. 

Tate narrowed his eyes at me, but surprisingly didn't respond. 

"Attention class." Mr. Wiggle interrupted everyone's chatter. "According to the email that all of the teachers received, there is an issue with the water heater. According to the district's policy, students cannot be in school when an essential piece of equipment is out of order. The school will be dismissing in ten minutes. 

Tate raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Marks?" 

"I have to take a piss." Tate told the teacher bluntly. Classy.

"Uh, take the pass."

"We should go to McDonald's for lunch. I'm starving." Marie complained. 

"I didn't bring any money though." I whined.

"I'll pay for you." Jackson offered. I'm still not on good terms with him, so I just ignored him.

"I didn't bring any money either. I forgot my wallet, Jackson." Marie quickly said. She leaned over her desk and pulled down her top slightly. My best friend knows what she wants and is not afraid to let everyone know it. 

"But I saw you use your wallet to buy a water from the vending machine just this morning." Connor piped in.

There was an awkward silence among our group.  

After a few seconds, Josh cleared his throat. "Anyway, we're talking about the McDonald's on fourth street right? We'll meet you two there after the final bell." He gestured towards Marie and myself. 

As he said this, the bell went off. "I'll let Tate know." Connor said as he grabbed his books.

I weaved through the crowds and made my way to my locker. I opened it and something fell out. I caught it with ease and took a closer look. 

A caramel apple. 

Caramel apples are one of my all time favorite foods. The gooey sugary treat was wrapped in clear plastic and had a note on the front. The note simply said: Sorry.

Marie is the only one who knows about my candy coated apple addiction, so what is she apologizing for? 

Letting me take the blame for the duck prank?

Not being as good of a friend?

Obsessing over Jackson too much? 

Giving me a little more attitude than normal?

That, my friends, is a question for later. 

The question for now is to eat this apple now, right before I go to lunch, or to save it for later. 

I didn't have to contemplate long before I was pulling the wrapping off of the caramel apple. As soon as it was free, I chomped down on it.

The first thing I noticed was the sugary texture of the caramel. The second was the bitter taste of middle. The third was the unmistakable smell. My eyes started to tear up. 

This wasn't a caramel apple. It was a caramel raw onion. I quickly reached for my emergency bottle of water on the bottom of my locker. I twisted the cap open and started chugging what was supposed to be my salvation. It wasn't. My mouth started burning like crazy. I spit the tainted water all over the floor. I hate spicy things and this water was the spiciest thing I've even tasted. My locker as right next to a water fountain, so I rushed over and started drinking from there. It didn't help. 

I heard laughing from behind me. 

I turned slightly, still gulping water, and saw Tate Marks. 

It didn't take long for me to figure out what was happening. 

"Wall-e, you stupid asshole!" I screamed at him in between mouthfuls of water, not caring if I made a scene or not. "I didn't mean for the ducks to go after you!"

"I will never be able to feed ducks at a park again, so I think that it is your turn." He smirked, handing me a carton of milk that had to be from the school cafeteria. 

"Oh, no!" I objected, snatching the carton fro him and practically ripping it open. "I'm not going to play this game with you!"

Tate rolled his eyes. "Of course you won't. You are too boringly mundane to do anything fun." 

I was fuming. "If you don't get out of my sight right now, I will throw that disgusting water in your eyes!" 

He snickered, but did the smart thing and walked away. 

It took me over an hour to get my mouth to feel even semi-normal. I met the rest of the guys outside, where they were patiently waiting for me.

I was grumpy the whole way to McDonald's. As soon as Marie saw me in the school parking lot, she asked me why I smelled like onion.

If he wants a prank war, that's exactly what he's going to get. 

He was expecting to be pranked. I could either do a prank right away or wait a week or so, but I want to catch him off guard. 

It wasn't until we were sitting in a booth with all of the guys that I knew what I was going to do. 

"Dammit, I forgot my cell in the car." Tate cursed. "Give me your keys." Jackson reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. He threw them to Tate.

Once Tate was outside, I quickly grabbed his drink. 

"What are you doing?" Marie asked me. 

I opened a new packet of barbecue sauce and placed the straw into the little carton. I then placed the carton into the drink and put the top carefully back on. Now the straw led straight to the barbecue sauce instead of the cola. "Giving some payback." 

Okay! It wasn't that inventive and not nearly as painful as eating an onion and drinking jalapeno pepper water, but at least it was something.

Tate came back into the fast food joint less than thirty seconds later. 

He dug into his fries as soon as he sat down. A minute later he took a big slug of his drink and spat it out. 

"Really Luna?" He asked stealing Connor's drink to get the taste out of his mouth. 

"Does Wall-e not want to play with me anymore?" I gave him a fake pouty face. "You wanted to play this game, but like I told you the first day I met you, I always win."


A little bit longer than usual.

I stayed up way later than I should have on a Sunday night to finish this for you guys.

As always point out any spelling, grammar, and plot errors.

Edited 1/30/16


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