Lifted Part I: My Best Friend...

By JuranAlphabet

1.5K 51 68

After many years, Jess meets up with her old best friend, Argo. There's only one problem. Her best friend's s... More

1. Reunion
3. Tunnel
4. Bite
5. Hurt
6. The Diner
7. Love Came For Me
8. Argo

2. Condom Run

196 6 3
By JuranAlphabet

Warning: Drug use ahead.

::::::Look at me. I love that bandanna. I always get lucky when I wear it and tonight's the night::::::

As we head off from the airport I was determined to not let Alice ruin my weekend with Argo. What was I thinking anyway? Must have been a blip in my system. This weekend is all about getting slut drunk and fucked and I was sure Argo was going to lead me to the promised land, starting tonight.

As we made our way to the car, Argo stopped suddenly and started checking all her pockets, "Fuuuuuuuuckkkkkk."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I must've lost or forgot my condoms."

"Really? That's a sudden crisis?" I laughed. "I'm glad to hear you use them now. Have you changed on me?"

"No fucking way, just didn't want to waste time having to stop and get some."

"No worries, we can stop at the store on the way to my apartment." I said.

Then I heard a small laugh behind us.

"What's so funny?" I said as I turned to Alice.

"You don't have condoms already at your apartment? Classy."

"Woah woah Alice, be nice." Argo interjected placing her hands dramatically between me and Alice for no reason.

Alice just smiled and rolled her eyes again.

I mean, so what if I didn't have any. It didn't mean anything. For all she knew I was fucking a million guys and ran out (I haven't and I didn't). I mean, she didn't know I was I gay yet. Did she? I'm sure Argo has told her by now. I mean....right?

Or could it be she thought I was a prude who never got laid and didn't need them?

"Whatever." I said under my breath as I kept walking.

When we got to the store Argo ran inside while Alice and I waited in car. We both knew from experience that going into any store with Argo had the potential to get wrapped up in petty theft, a fight or argument with strangers, or someone just needing to flee for some random crazy thing she did. Dam I missed that girl.

As we waited in the car I reached to light up a cigarette.

"Uhhhhh, you better not." Said the voice in the back seat.

I looked at her through the rearview mirror and burrowed my eyebrows.

She didn't look at me at all and just kept looking out the direction of the other window.

Some things never change.

"fine." I grumbled to myself as I opened the car door and made my way to lean on the side of the car.

I took in a long draw and shifted around for a bit. I was starting to feel antsy and wanted to get the night started already. Even though it was still early, daylight and no place Argo frequented would even be open for many hours still.

As I leaned on the car I looked down and saw a scuff on my boots. 

"shit, i just bought these." I grumbled more to myself.

I leaned down to wipe my shoe and felt relieved I was able to get it off.

As I brought my head up I glanced at the side mirror of the car and to my surprise I was being watched. She probably couldn't stand that I was smoking. Probably not "classy" enough for her. I rolled my eyes.

I wish Argo would fucking come out already.

I got back in the car and decided to turn on some music. I couldn't bare the thought of sitting another moment in silence with her.

After checking every station, nothing good was playing and I started to feel even more annoyed. I hated feeling this uncomfortable. I knew this would happen. This is exactly why I told Argo not to bring her. It's like even the slightest move I made for any reason was being critiqued and pulled apart. All the while she never had to say a single word. I could just see it in her eyes.

I let out a long sigh and looked at my watch. As the minutes went by I started to give in a little. I looked through the rearview mirror and saw she was just staring out of her window.

God, she looked so different now. The way the glare of the sunset came in through her side of the car really brought out her eyes. And the curves of her mouth. Why didn't I notice that before? Did her lips always look so moist? Did her chest alway move that fast when she breathed? Wait...why is she breathing fast?

Just then I felt a rush of something run through my body as she turned and suddenly glanced back at me through the rearview mirror. 


I shifted around quickly to act like I was fixing something on my eyebrow and moved my attention straight ahead. What the fuck was I doing? This is ridiculous.

Where the fuck is Argo?

"Let's go Fuckers!!!!" I heard Argo yelling as she ran out of the store, laughing, as usual.

Thank god.

We made our way to my apartment and Argo immediately started to make herself comfortable throwing her shit wherever and touching everything I asked her to please not touch.

She pushed everything off my coffee table and quickly setup a bong and some joints she had prepared with precision. 

I had actually forgotten about this pre-game ritual. 

First, Argo smokes some weed to get herself as relaxed as possible. Then she has to have the movie Reservoir Dogs playing in the background while she carefully prepares her hits of E in little baggies for later in the night. Then she does exactly 36 push ups in honor of the 36 Chambers of the Wutang Clan. And then she lights a match, blows out the fire and sticks it on her tongue to fade down the feeling in her mouth so that she can give better head.

Dam. She really is crazy.

As soon as Alice saw the ritual getting started she stood up.

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower. You need the bathroom?" She asked me. Not bothering to ask Argo as Argo was already getting into the zone.

Not that I need permission to use my own bathroom......

"no, I'm good." I replied.

Ignoring me completely she made her way to get her things and get ready.

As Argo did her ritual I started to feel more comfortable. Like old times. I missed watching her crazy. And I never judged her or betrayed her. She knew she could trust me and that meant something to her. She never said it but I think she preferred me more than her actual sister.

After a while I decided maybe I should start getting ready and made my way into my bedroom to change my t-shirt. As I lifted my shirt over my head to take it off I walked over to look out onto the terrace just outside my bedroom. The sunset looked amazing. Even with Alice around and Argo most probably going into a drug binge, I still felt that tonight was going to be a good night.

I stood there looking out bare chested and started to undue my belt when I heard a voice behind me.

"ehhhh hemmm." She said, standing at the bathroom doorway in her white robe. She looked embarrassed and awkward. That was a first.

"Did you need something?" I said. I wondered how long she had been standing there, forgetting I was still bare chested.

"Sorry my clothes are there." She said as she pointed to the edge of the bed that was right next to where I was standing.

She made her way over and bent across me to grab her things. Her face was just a few inches away from my chest as she leaned over to grab her clothes.

I looked down at her and felt my eyes close briefly as a bit of her breath passed across my chest on her way down. My abs tightened.

She finished getting her things and made her way back into the bathroom and shut the door.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed a shirt and my lucky bandanna and put it on. I stayed there though. Sitting still. 

The truth is I couldn't move even if I tried. I felt like if I moved even slightly in any direction something might overcome me.

I really liked looking down on her. And I don't think she realized how warm her body was from her shower when she was near me.

I shook my head. This is crazy. She's just collateral damage since I haven't gotten laid in a while.

I stood up and did a few jumping jacks to shake it off and went to the kitchen to fix myself a drink. The moment I took out the Vodka bottle Argo slithered over right on schedule.

I smiled and we immediately began doing shots.

"HOT PANDA CREW REUNITED!!!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and downing a shot.


We stood laughing as Alice made her way to the living room and stood in front of the tv to see what was on. As Argo started to tell a story with a clear buzz going I started to look at Alice in the corner of my eye. Her black heels were so tall and thin. And her legs looked so smooth. They ran right up into the grey pencil skirt she was wearing and the black strapless shirt she was wearing. Her shoulders looked smooth like butter and her skin was so tanned. I couldn't see her stomach but it was clear that whatever was under that shirt was toned.

Collateral Damage.

As the night progressed random people started to file into my apartment. Argo had this way of getting people together on short notice. Especially very very sexy people. Suddenly my kitchen was starting to fill up with a group of tall gorgeous women who had just left a photo shoot. One of which especially liked to hang on my shoulder. What was her name again? Marina? Rina? Doesn't matter.

Thank the gods for Argo.

Meanwhile Argo found herself making the rounds and seeking out who would be her target that night.

She never changes.

We all laughed and pre-gamed as the clock got closer and closer to club time. 

As everyone started to file out of my apartment to make their ways to their cars I stayed behind to lock up and saw Alice standing alone on the terrace outside my living room.

"Hey, we're heading out now, so..."

She didn't respond and just kept looking out onto the twinkling lights of the city, her hands on the bannister of the balcony.

I walked over and stood next to her. Not really sure what the point was. I just wanted to see whatever it was she was looking at.

I peeked a look at her and realized her chest was moving fast again.

I placed my hand closer to hers on the banister and gripped my hands to the banister tightly, not really trusting myself to move in any direction again. For some reason it took everything I had not to move.

"You.....ok?" I said softly.

She rolled her eyes as she looked out onto the city.

"Fuck it. Let's go." She stormed off.

She left the apartment so fast before I could even snap myself out of it.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!" I screamed out into the city from my balcony.

Fuck this. 

Time to get slut drunk and fucked.

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