It Started with a Hijabi's Di...

By flower_seeds_

9.9K 1.5K 2.2K

"And they plot and plan, and ALLAH plans and ALLAH is the best of planners" (Al-Quran) "Can you tell me to wh... More

1= Finding The Diary
2= Iman
3= Islam and Ethics
4= Are Flaws Actually Flaws?
5= Al-Raheem
6= Hazrat Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
7= What's in this bottle?
8= Secrets
9= Little hints
10= Ramadan
11= Lane of memories
#Free Palestine
12= Veil
13= Daughters=Princess
14= Badr is Missing
15= Soulmate
16= Finding new secrets
17= Letters
18= Search
19= Hayatuhu حياته
20= She found them
21= Proposal
22= Reaction
23= "it was the only thing I had of her"
24= "how did you know it was Me?"
25= Finally!
26= "this diary has more than it shows"
27= "the villian of our story..."
29= "I dream to meet a secret agent one day"
30= "I Know You..."
31= "Where are we?"
32= "Let me surprise you..."
33= "our last breath?.."
34 = "I Didn't Fake It "
35= Ilham
36= Choosing ALLAH
37= Mehram
38= "Been Shot..."
39= Graveyard
40= Wonders Of Love
41= The Court
42= Engagement
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3
About Author

28= "I need to find her, no matter how much it costs"

118 28 22
By flower_seeds_

Bismillahi alAllahi Tawaqqaltu wahuwa rabbul arshul azeem

(Starting with the name of Allah, I keep my Tawaqqul in Allah and He is the Master of everything)

May Peace and Blessings of Allah Almighty be upon our beloved prophets, especially Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ, their noble companions, and all the true believers present in this world or other.



بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

" In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

وَ اسۡتَعِیۡنُوۡا بِالصَّبۡرِ وَ الصَّلٰوۃِ ؕ وَ اِنَّہَا لَکَبِیۡرَۃٌ اِلَّا عَلَی الۡخٰشِعِیۡنَ ﴿ۙ۴۵﴾

"And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]"

Ayat no. 45)

If you haven't prayed yet, then please pray before reading this. Your connection with Allah Almighty is Much more important.
Remember, Salat is obligatory, this is not.

The One Who created you, feed you, protect you and Bless you with so many blessings, don't delay opportunity of having connection with Him.


This book got #1 in guiding,
#1 in Taqwa,
#6 in Quran out of 6.02k stories
And then #6 in Hadith too!!!!!!
And not only that we reached more than 1k!!!!

I am soooo happyy!! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! And thank you to all of you, who voted, commented and gave your time to this book. It means a loot!

*squealing whilst hugging you all*

And to remove any confusion, it's a day in which Badr's bottle incident happened and also the cute scene of Ilham and Hana

(I need a ship name for them, what do you recommend?)

And that night, Badr came to meet AbdulWadood. And that night continues in the past chapters because it's a really important and longgg night. And that night continues,

Chapter no. 28

"I need to find her, no matter how much it costs"




"The... team", he stuttered but then continued again, "the team that found the lead on the adress of AbdulRahman, also found out that KJ's men came to his old home; that also seem like he found out that the diary was with AbdulRahman"

"And...", he didn't know how to continue but when he looked at the impatient and desperate look on the boys' face, he knew he had to,

"Our team wasn't the only team who was trying to find his adress. KJ was also finding their location. And... we just got a hint; while he found out their exact adress. I am scared for my friend".

And for the first time in his life -that he didn't ever want to view ever again - AbdulWadood saw his father crying.

"He is my bestfriend. He didn't have to do anything with this. He wouldn't have been involved if it hadn't been for me".

Both of them looked at Mr. Adam with deep sorrow, but what Mr. Adam said next shook AbdulWadood to his core.

"I know KJ will harm his biggest weakness to get the information out of him... And his biggest weakness is his daughter, Iman. She'll be the first one on his target".

"It all started with a Hijabi's diary, and now none of us knows how it's going to end".

AbdulWadood stood up abruptly; with a determined look on his face.

"Abdul, where do you think you are going?", Badr almost growled - he was already worried about Mr. AbdulRahman and now he couldn't let AbdulWadood go out without any defence.

It was sure that he had a guard following him. But he knew what this act of KJ spoke; it was like declaring a war.

A war which was theirs but unknowingly they got other people involved in it, too.

"It's one of their plan, too. They know we'll come bursting out of our home after hearing this news - and I am sure they must have planned something for us. We need to find a proper plan before taking out actions", Badr elaborated furthur and this made AbdulWadood sunk into the floor; as he sat on his knees with a pained expression.

"You don't get it, Badr", he almost whispered, "You don't get it. I love her. More than I can describe. She is my soulmate. And if any harm comes to her with being in this world; I won't be able to forgive myself. She is in danger and I can't describe the ache in my heart because I don't know how to save her".

Badr sat beside his friend with a sorrow expressions; he was feeling pain too. For his friend, for his boss, who was feeling the same pain because of his best friend.

Mr. Adam was confused when he heard AbdulWadood saying this. He didn't know about his feelings - they left that part when they told him the story. But he was too drowned in his own sadness to ponder on anything.

There was a thick atmosphere in the room, the three of them feeling deep sorrow and worriness. A worriness that crawls your inside when your loved one is in danger.

And then, it lightened very much, when they heard the sooting sound that was like a balm on their soul and ticked the right cords of their heart.

آمالُنا بِاللّٰہ
(Amaluna Billah)

(Allah shows us the way)

ودُعاوْنا لِلّٰہ
(Wadu'auna Lillah)

(To Him, we all pray)

لا نستعينُ سواه

(La Nasta'iinu suwah)

(If you search for Him)

لا نَرْتَجي اِلّاه
(La Nastaji illah)

(You will never astray)

لا تَصْلَحُ الاَحْوالْ
الا بأمرِ اللّہ

(By Allah's command and Will
Distress diminishes to nil)

لا یطمئن البالْ
الا بذكر اللّٰہ

(When you pray to Allah, the kind
You will find peace of mind)

اِلجأ لَهُ تَغنم
(Resort to Him and you'll win))

سلَّم لهُ تسلم

(Submit to Him... Don't sin)

لا تحترِقِ بالهم

(Put away the worry, you'll never be sorry)

دعهُ وثِق باللّٰہ

(Put away the worry, and trust Allah, The Holy to Him and Glory)

It was like time stopped, too, to hear the rememberance of Allah Almighty. And the three of them who were in a really distressed position, felt their muscles relaxing as they felt the peace around the air.

It was actually the Nasheed (آمالنا بالله) that Mrs. Adam played in the living room, but it seemed like it was more than a coincidence.

It was like He planned this to give peace to His Slaves.

Their eyes were closed and strangely the air was so soothing; and they all felt their souls relaxing.

When it ended, their eyes opened and their souls almost whined as if pleading them to repeat it again.

Badr stood up with a new found determination; and then shook AbdulWadood gently.

"Abdul, you are a Hafiz", he said to him making serious eye contact, "do you remember ayat no. 26 of Surat-us-Shoora?"

AbdulWadood smiled as he remembered the ayat, and he found a very warm feeling and peace in his heart.

That was the blessing of being a Hafiz. They have the whole Quran memorized in their heart and that make them more beloved to Allah Almighty than you can ever imagine..

AbdulWadood recited in his melodious voice,

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ

"In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. "

وَ یَسۡتَجِیۡبُ الَّذِیۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا وَ عَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ وَ یَزِیۡدُہُمۡ مِّنۡ فَضۡلِہٖ ؕ وَ الۡکٰفِرُوۡنَ لَہُمۡ عَذَابٌ شَدِیۡدٌ ﴿۲۶﴾

"And He answers [the supplication of] those who have believed and done righteous deeds and increases [for] them from His bounty.
But the disbelievers will have a severe punishment"

Ayat no. 26)

Then he placed his head on his hands and whispered in utter desperation, that was only between him and his Master.

"Help me, Ya Allah!"

And at the same time, a bird flew inside the window -even though it was the night time - and sat on the diary, pecking its beads with its peak making a tik tik sound.

It seemed like it was a sign, a miracle. A bird flying inside the open window at the night time and then sitting straight at the diary and then pecking on it.

Badr stood up with surprise just like a bulb lit up on his head - and he almost yelled in excitement.

"The diary!", he said in excitement, "Abdul, we have the diary".

AbdulWadood and Mr. Adam raised his brows; there wasn't anything new in it now.

Badr shook his head and again tried to explain in a better way.

"Abdul, this diary is the only thing you have of her. That made you fall in love with her", he continued ignoring the shocked look on Mr. Adam's face, "now the diary is what is going to help us reach her".

"How?", AbdulWadood asked, with puzzled expression; yet feeling a hope in his voice.

"This diary is her personal diary, as you said, so she must have written almost everything about her in this diary?"

He asked with an excited look on his face; finding hope for the things to turn better.
And he prayed in his heart again and again to Allah Almighty for making the hope he had been feeling to come true.

"So she must have written anything -at this point anything will be helpful - about where they moved to. You said the time you saw her -or more like her shadow- she had this diary with her. So she must have written something about their departure or the place they left to".

AbdulWadood opened his mouth to tell Badr that he almost had all the words memorized of the diary; and there was no such thing that hinted about it. Even her last entry didn't seem even a bit suspicious.

But then he stopped when he remembered about the entry - few hours ago- about Mr. Adam being the best friend of Iman's father.

It was true he had missed that entry and two more, maybe he missed someother too.

He rushed to the diary - the bird that sat on it already flew out the window- and then placed its spine on the desk.

He placed his thumb on the pages of the diary and then he saw the papers flicking; all the while carefully looking at the words of each entry that was very much familiar to him. And stopped until he found the last entry.

He looked at Badr who was already staring at him. Badr wasn't looking at the diary, he was looking at AbdulWadood trying to guess about the answers through his expressions.

He didn't want to invade anyone's privacy.

He felt his heart sinking when he saw AbdulWadood's sad expressions dictating that he hadn't find any such clue.

Then AbdulWadood again looked at the diary and his thumb still on the upside of the pages, while the book's spine rested on the desk.

He hadn't looked at the empty pages. It was probably because of the feeling that he strangely felt that the empty pages mocked him.
And he didn't like them..

Will he get anything from rummaging through all the pages he knew was empty?

He again loosed his thumb slightly seeing now empty pages flick infront of his gaze.
His expressions was going to turn very sour until he saw a page among the empty pages in which something was written.

He stopped his thumb and opened the page, sparing glance at Badr whose eyes now showed more hope seeing AbdulWadood stop on a specific page with a surprised look.

AbdulWadood looked at the page, and he realized that it was written in very hurry - probably on the time they were leaving- because AbdulWadood did see them all rushing everywhere.

The words were literally craved on the diary - the way it happens when some write on a paper with too much pressure. It happens either when they write it in hurry or desperation- and in this case, it seemed both.

It didn't also seem like Iman's writing. Like AbdulWadood knew it was her writing - he could recognize it any where.

But unlike Iman's neat writing, the words didn't seem neat; words were even flying out of the lines. The way a person writes in hurry.

But the thing that caused an ache to AbduoWadood's heart was the stains - tears stains- on the page. The ink was smudged and the tears stains was visible. A proof that she was crying when she wrote it.

AbdulWadood traced his thumb on the tears stains; in the deep corner of his heart wishing that he could be able to wipe those tears from her eyes.

He looked at Badr who was looking at him impatiently, and he read it with hope,

Hey Inny,

How are you? If you're not happy, then have faith and Tawaqqul on Allah Almighty, He'll always help you. He's the Master and everything is in His control. He'll make you smile so big that your cheeks will start to hurt.

Keep Tawaqqul on Him.

That's what I am doing too right now. And that's one of the only thing that is keeping me sane.

Today in the evening, Abbu came bursting in the home, and then told ammi something, they were standing far so I couldn't hear their voices. But from the look on Abbu's face, it was clear that it wasn't the happy news.

And then all things happened in blur, my abbu and ammi rushed everywhere packing things.
They yelled at my brothers and I to do the same. But we were too panicked to do anything.

Then from the look on our parents' face, we realized that it was really important - and that we were in a danger.

My brother helped me and even now, I can hear the thumping of footsteps downstairs. They are literally rushing everywhere.
And I keep praying to my Allah.
I know He will help me.

I am locked on my room, because my parents said that they had something important to tell to my two brothers. They had to do it when my brothers almost pleaded them to tell them what all this havoc was about.

They didn't tell me though. They said I was too young. But a good thing, I found the time to write the diary and I am feeling very...scared.

Where are we going? There's even a moving truck outside? Why are we shifting our home suddenly - that too in the middle of the night?


I am going into a panic state, and at this moment when I am looking at the small mountain where I spend so much of my time, I told you about it, Inny, remember?

I have the fear, what if I don't get to see it again?

So now I am sneaking to that mountain, hoping that it's not my farewell to the place where I spend so much of my time.

Because I don't know where are we going. All I know when I heard my Ammi say is that it's close to my friend Innaya's home.

I don't know why everything is happening too suddenly!

I don't know what happened to Abbu that forced him to take such decisions.

But I have a feeling is that it's not something good.


AbdulWadood was shocked when he read that and he looked at Badr who was going mad with his impatience.

He thought for a second and then handed the diary to him - knowing Badr won't read anything else.

He didn't want to hand him diary at all. But he knew at that moment, he had to. Because it was for her safety. And hopefully, Badr would find something out of it, too.

As Badr read it, AbdulWadood thought with a wild heart beat, the things most importantly he could point out of this entry.

> it was written on the day they moved away - the day AbdulWadood saw her.

> the mountain she said that she was going to sneak in, was the exact mountain AbdulWadood first saw her - or more like her shadow.

>she was crying. She was hurt.

AbdulWadood gulped the emotion and tried to ignore the pain in his heart. He was aching to go to her. And then he prayed in his heart million times to his Allah, to protect her from any kind of pain and hurt forever.

His heart was going through a turmoil; but his mind being the logical one was focusing on the proofs and it pointed out one more.

> and the most important, they needed to find this Innaya girl. If Iman moved to Innaya's - her friend's- colony, then Innaya must know something about Iman's residence.

"Where is this Innaya?", Badr almost growled, "is there any way to find this girl?!"

Badr voiced the question going on inside AbdulWadood's mind, and Mr. Adam who had peeked behind Badr's shoulder to investigate the paper said,

"It's clear if we find Innaya, we will find about Iman bint (daughter), too".

"But how can we find this Innaya girl?", Badr pointed out; his mind running a mile trying to find some hint.

AbdulWadood who looked at both of them, realized something. Innaya, this name was not new to him. Iman had mentioned her more than one time.

AbdulWadood knew he had almost all the words of the diary memorized and then he raked his mind about any information he could find about this Innaya girl.

"Today Innaya asked me again to show her this diary. And again, I refused. Innaya is my best friend and even though I share so many things with her"

"We are today going for shopping. Me, my friend, Innaya Kashif, and my mum. It would be an amazing day! I am so excited.

"Innaya Kashif, that's her full name", he said to both of them,
"Iman mentioned her in the diary".

"Are you sure?", Badr asked to confirm and relaxed when AbdulWadood replied in affirm.

And then without wasting any second, he rushed out of the room and then to Mr. Adam's office.

Mr. Adam and AbdulWadood followed him and after entering Mr. Adam's office, they saw Badr opening the zip of his own bag that he brought with him, like usual.

It was the house of his boss, and he knew he could need anytime his laptop - especially at the time when they were in hurry.
And it proved that he did the right thing.

He opened his laptop, and typed some words -or maybe code- in a very fast speed; with his eyebrows ceased in a full concentration.

Mr. Adam and AbdulWadood rounded the table and stood beside Badr while peeking from his shoulders to see an unknown program opened - unknown to AbdulWadood- and Badr typing someone's name,

Innaya Kashif

After some seconds, they got the result and at the screen of the laptop, these words were written,

Innaya Kashif

Age, 20 years

Father -
Jamal Kashif
52 years old

Zainab Kashif
50 years old

Ali Kashif
24 years old
Innaya: 20 years old

Martial status: single

Adress: xxyz

AbdulWadood looked at Badr; amazed. He just found out about a person just like that, in mere seconds.

But then he got confused,
"Can't you find about Iman like this, too?"

Mr. Adam and Badr sighed sadly. And then they looked at each other before Badr typed Iman's name in his screen.

Iman AbdulRahman

And then his screen showed,

Iman AbdulRahman

Age: 19 years old


Father -
Muhammad AbdulRahman
51 years old
Aisha AbdulRahman
48 years old

Brother -
Umar AbdulRahman
22 years old
Iman AbdulRahman
: 19 years old
Affaan AbdulRahman
- 17 years old

Martial status:


AbdulWadood looked at the screen with wide eyes and then said,
"But it's her old adress, their home in this colony. Why isn't it showing about her new adress? About where did they move to?"

Badr again looked at Mr. Adam before sighing and answering to AbdulWadood.

"Because according to government records, they still live in the same place. They hadn't sold their property and there are some caretakers still in the home - who when being asked say that the family has gone the long vacation",
he continued,
"some neighbor family reported on police and when police came; the caretakers, Mr. Adam and I convinced that they really had gone on a long vacation.

Mr. Adam had a letter that Mr. AbdulRahman left when they left the home,and it helped mostly in convincing the police. Because in that letter, Mr. AbdulRahman cleary said that he is going on a long vacation with his family".

He ended with a sad sigh,
"But only we know that it wasn't a vacation".

"Why?", AbdulWadood asked confused and slightly angry, "Why didn't you let police help you? They could have helped you. We could have found them fastly.
Why did you lie to police, when you yourself knew that it wasn't a vacation!"

"Because it could have risked their life!", Badr almost snapped, he was exausted too, he did what he could to save them, went to any extent he could, he didn't want anyone to doubt him, not even a bit.

"It could have risked their life. If we had let police find them, they'd surely dig in the matters closely. And it is also sure that by hook or by crook they would have find about the diary", he said in a tired voice,

"Their life isn't important than our mission or even KJ's doom. If police had found out about the diary, it wouldn't have taken them any time to leak this news to media. And I can't tell you how many gangs are after this diary - and mostly leaders. If they would have gotten even a hint that Mr. AbdulRahman had the diary, even for sometime, they would have started searching for them, too. And then they'd have tortured all relatives of their family until they had found Mr. AbdulRahman's family to repeat the same torture -maybe worse- with them".

Then it went silence, they all were controlling their emotions, that mostly contained distres.

Mr. Adam had tears flowing down his eyes again, and looked at the pained expression in the boys' eyes. He even saw layers of moisture in his son's eyes.

And he knew they had to move fast.

Mr. Adam then looked at both of them and said,
"Why are you here?! Shouldn't you start moving towards Innaya?"

It didn't take even a second more for them to literally run towards their car, and then when they started the car and moved to the road, Badr looked at AbdulWadood who was in deep thoughts and said,

"I must warn you before, Abdul, this mission has many dangers. We may get our life in risk, too".

"I know, but I need to find her, no matter how much it costs. "

Only if they knew that this mission of theirs was going to rememberable, and they were totally unaware of what the other person had planned for them.


Please I'd appreciate if you'd vote and comment. It's a huge source of motivation for me.

Nowww, about the story, this day is going to be really longg... And a very important one.

You'd find many secrets in it!

Anndddd *letting out an excited squeal* next chapter is my own favorite. You probably won't believe me when I say that I had been waiting for the next chapter from the very start of the book. Why?

You'll find out.

Take care of your health. Remember me in your prayers.
Stay tune,

Till then,


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