Eclipsa de Lună 🌙

By JamTheMaam

31.2K 1K 89

Your head feels fuzzy as you begin to stir. Your mind feels foggy, as if it was...erased..? or forgotten. You... More

in the dark...✓
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Hiatus 🤦

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2.6K 100 3
By JamTheMaam

The carriage rolls slowly down a dirt road, then smoothly moves to stop in front of a dark rustic mansion. A tall, flowing waterfall streams down from a tall mountain side just behind the house.

Snow covers every inch of the ground, with no sign of life in sight within the property of the old home.

A few settling moments after the carriage finally hults, the couchman quickly hops down to the door, carefully opening it wide for the tall misterss. With a puff of her stout pipe, Lady Dimitrescu ducks gracefully out and onto the mansions frozen front grounds.

She turns briefly to wave the coachman away to park the vehicle, who in return bows slightly before driving the carriage to the near by stables.

Alcina strides her why past the gates of the small courtyard, up the porches steps and rings the door bell. It rang out a loud, cranky chime, ringing throughout the dark mansion walls. The lady stood there with pipe in hand and waited, still deep in thoughts from her ride here.

On the way to the mansion, she had the many busy workings that needed to be finshed before the day is out. Paper work that needs to be signed, future wine shipments that need to be sent out. As well as the New Maidens to retrieve by the end of this month.

But even with all her busy duties in the back of her mind, there was still this lingering headache continuing to screamed over all of it. She comes to conclusion that the headache is in cause of both frustration and confusion of the unknown.

Mainly due, of course, to that horrible dream. The same questions to it keeped spinning in her head, all lost to a proper answer to any them.

Poor Alcina drifts off in frustrated haze with a frown plastered over her face, her head throbbing with distant pain. She takes multiple puffs of smoke, stewing within herself while looking blankly out to the side.

A click of the door captures Alcina's attention immediately, watching as the door begins to open. Her line of vision lowers towards the bottom of the door, knowing exactly who would answer it. The small high pitch giggles can be heard from the small bridal doll as she looked up at the tall woman.

"Why Hello, Miss Alcii~!!" the bubbly doll calmly squeeled.

With a small sigh, the woman give a crooked smile down to her.

"Good Morning, dear Angie. May I please come in?"

The doll Angie nods, opening the door wider. "Oohoo~! Yes, yes of Course! Get Yourself Outs of the Cold, Silly!!"

The lady ducked through the door, while Angie nearly slams the door shut giggling to the slam. Alcina dusts herself off and fixes her hat, still holding her cigarette holder in the other hand.

The tapping steps of Angie can be heard waddling around her, walking to the front of the Lady.

"Welcome!! Donna is in the kitchen Right Now!! But I'll Show You To The Living Room To Wait For Her!"

Angie beckons her little hands, leading Alcina to the lounging area. The woman stood in the room, smoking on her pipe, and waited for Donna while Angie waddled away to fetch her, humming a recognizable tune to herself.

A few moments later, Donna appears through an open archway with tray in hand. A hot pot of tea, cups and other essentials lay on top of the tray as she set it down on a coffee table.

"Welcome, Alcina..." The veiled woman spoke softly. She wore her normal black veil, covering her face. Her long button down, black dress draped down over black flats she wore on her feet. She clasped her hands together as she peered up through her veil at her fellow Lady.

"I hope your travels here this early weren't too much of a hassle....Mother Miranda seems to requires of me later this morning."

She goes to sit on the dark green sofa and pours a cup of tea for herself. She brings the cup under her veil and sips the drink, then looks back up to Alcina.

"I just didn't want to forget returning your re-hemmed dresses I had finished....As you requested of me to fix."

Alcina smiles down at the shy woman, moving over to sit next to her. She places her holder down on table then leans back on the small couch and sighs softly. "No... It is quite alright, Donna dear. I understand. We all have busy schedules... especially with these upcoming weeks..."

Donna moves to pour Alcina a cup, and places it on a porcelain tea saucer.

She watches the quiet woman serve the tea, pouring a specific small milk pitcher filled with blood into the cup with care.

Donna has always made the mistress feel at ease when being in her presence. Her calming, patient aura was comfortable to be around, and she was easy to conversate with. Alcina always liked being around Donna when visiting her mansion, whether for business or just for a chat. She felt a trust between her and Donna. Especially with her and Angie being the only other female lords, besides Mother Miranda of course.

Donna was, in her mind, her favorite 'sibling' out of the rest of the lords.

She goes to grab the cup and saucer from Donna, passing it over to her.

"Thank you, dear."

Alcina always admired how hospitable Donna was with her guests. Lifting the cup to her lips, she takes a sip, humming at the warm sweet taste.

Donna stands up from where she sat, moving out from behind the coffee table.

"Your dresses are in the back... I'll go retrieve them for you now."

She moves patiently through the archway she first came, moving to another room.

Alcina sets her cup upon the table in front of her, and grabs her long pipe back up from the table, re-lighting it again.

As she waits for Donna, her dragging smoke off the pipe holder, she hears Angie walk into the living room. She looks to see her waddling and humming gleefully, with a plate bigger than her full of glazed sugar cookies.

"Hiya, Again!" she giggled walking to a lounge chair that is clearly much larger than her.

Alcina amusingly smirks with an eyebrow raised. The little doll places the plate on the arm of the chair and then scuttles her way up on to it. With a brief struggle to climb on up, she manages her way up and plops down into the chair.

Giggling triumphantly, she grabs back the plate, placing it in her lap and starts scarfing down a cookie. She grumbles happly with a high pitch tone while munching on her cookies, satisfied with yourself. Alcina chuckles a little at the doll's childish action.

Donna returns back to the room with Alcina's four large white dresses, all clean and hemmed in garment bags. She holds them up carefully, holding the bottoms from touching the floor.

"Well, here they ar-..."

She stops and looks down to Angie in the chair. Angie looks up to her and then to the cookies in her lap. She giggles nervously back up to Donna who, without even seeing her face, knows she is giving her the stink eye.

"Angie...You know those weren't made for you." she said gently but stern.

"BUT I WAS HUUNGRYYY, DOONNA~!!" Angie whines, pouting a bit.

"No buts..." Donna says with a soft giggle.

Alcina holds back a smile at the sight of this rare, sweet scene between the two. Angie is really almost like a baby sister to Donna, when watching them from afar.

It was kind of adorable in a way. Angie, regardless of being caught eating them, keeps on chowing on the cookies. Donna shakes her head down and turn back over to Alcina, sitting over on the sofa.

"Anyways..." She could feel Donna roll her eyes.

"Here they are then...I've had them ironed and press, and they should be a better fit to you now.... I'll have my dolls take them to your carriage."

Alcina nods with a thankful smile, and gracefully gets up from her seat.

"Thank you so much, my dear. I am so grateful I have you....It seems that I've been growing more an more every day now." she shakes her head with slight annoyance.

"Perhaps it's from Stress." she sighs thinking to herself of all the many tasks she still needs to finish later today.

Her schedule for the past few months has been hectic, with no help coming from Mother Miranda constant needs for her latest experiments. The stress levels could not be more high with that woman...

Donna nods in agreement with Alcinas remark as she places the dresses in the hands of a huddled group of floating dolls. She then whispers to them to go take them to the stables and they hover away.

After the dresses were out of her hands, Alcina notices a medium sized brown box, tied with a red ribboned bow left in Donna's hands. The lady tilts her head to it.

"What is that?"

The veiled woman jumped a bit, almost forgetting she had the box. She lift it up a bit, looking down at it.

"O-oh!...right. This is for Bela.... Last I had visited your castle a while back....when I measured you for the dress?"

Alcina nodded, listening.

"Well...after staying for dinner, Bela told me she wanted to try knitting....and well....I wanted to give her something to start her out."

She moved foward, gently handing Alcina the box full of old knitting supplies and yarn. She mentioned a note was inside with directions and guidelines.

Alcina smiles warmly.
"Oh Why- I hadn't known that she had an interest in knitting. Perhaps you should visit again soon to teach her hands on?"

Donna nodded, then looked down at Angie, plate of cookies gone to only crumbs.
Donna sighed.

"Those cookies were Supposed to be for Cassandra and Daniela but...." She let the now guilty face of the doll explain the rest as Angie giggled innocent-like, looking up at both of them.

They both chuckled as Donna shook her head at Angie's silliness.

"I'm sure it will be quite alright, Donna.

"The girls will manage, though I will mention that you Tried to gift them something as well." She adds while looking down at Angie, who just giggles under her stare.


The lower level of the house was much more warmer from the upstairs rooms.

Mother Miranda had guided you to a living room area after you had made your way down the steps. She sat you down on the sofa and told you to stay put while she went to grab a few things.

You watched her walk away through a door leaving you alone in the room. You look around at your surroundings a bit. The living room walls were was decorated in a dark mint green and lined in rustic timings all around. The floor was boarded with a dark chestnut wood and had furry brown rugs spread over them.

It was still in a rustic, old-European theme with old furnishings scattered around and grand fireplace along the rooms middle wall.

The warmth and stillness of the room, along with ticking sounds of a clock on the wall, put you in both a settling and unsettling mood. You felt a shiver again but this time it's not from being cold. You couldn't help but feel restless sitting on the couch. With a couple of taps of your feet on the ground, you get up curious and start exploring a bit closer at things.

You walk by different furniture to the decorated walls on the far side of the room. On the walls, you see a few black and white images of landscapes, strange crows and other images so old and withered, you can't make out some of them.

As you glanced over the weird photos , you take notice at the corner of your eye a framed painting above the grand fireplace. The frame was lined in gold and in the painting looked to be Mother Miranda, but a bit younger and more relaxed. She was also wearing different apparel, more casual clothing. And in her arms she was holding a small infant girl.

They both had the same colored hair... and same colored eyes. Both a lightish blue and cold. Below the image, on the mantle lay a single pale rose, slightly withered from Time's touch.

As you stared at this picture, studying over the the two female's features, it almost felt like the painted mother and daughter were staring back at you, studying you as well.

"Admiring the portrait, I see?" Mother Miranda hummed.

You jump a bit, spinning around to her sudden appearance walking in. You blink back for her to the painting, then back to her again.

She chuckles a bit and moves towards the green velvet sofa. You watch her sit down and place a small box she was holding down beside her. She then looks up to the painting and frowns a bit.

"I had that done years ago ...before she died of course."

Your eyes widen and look up at the painting as well. You look at the little girl in it....


She sighs, looking towards you and chuckles briefly, practically seeing the obvious question painted over your face.

"The infant girl there... Is my daughter." she said answering the unasked question.

You look to her with a bit of saddness and curiosity lingering in your heart.

Her daugher, huh?


"She you." you said shyly.

She smiles at you, staring at the painting again.

"Yes. She was- ...Is... my most precious possession."

You frown to her slight hesitance. It makes you think to yourself, remembering the little girl from before. You wonder more on your theory. Yet, even though you're sure this Woman might be that girls mother, you continue to stay silent about it.

Mother Miranda sighs, shaking her glance at the painting away.

"Well. I hope that with your Help... Both our questions may be answered, yes? Come child, come sit." she ordered.

You release yourself from your personal thoughts and rush over to her side on the sofa.

After sitting down, Mother Miranda grabs the box from her side and places it in her lap. The box was dark army green with a clasp and handle on the side. You see a faded red pluse sign on top. The woman clips the clasp open.

"I'm going to do quick look over you. Just to take note of well the Cadeu's progress."

"Cadeu..?" You whispered.

With a slight smirk, she opens the box and pulls out a small flashlight and a flat stick, before placing the box back beside her.

"It is what brought you back to the living, child.

"The Cadeu... is the Gift of Life. A gift only I am able to grant to another."

The priestess then faces you, lifting your chin up gently, inspecting the sides of your face.

You were slightly hesitant to her touch at first but relax as to not upset the woman. She continues to look over you, flashing the light in your mouth holding the stick down on your tongue.

She then checks your eyes, ears and pulse rates of your veins and heart. She pulled out a note pad while doing these things and scribbled down notes in-between each check up. You simply watched her in silence, listening to her commands to stand, sit, or move your head or arm up or down.

She was measuring your body temperature when you started wondering to your thoughts once more. You pondered on if you should ask her questions now. About your past, about why you're here.

Maybe even who you really are?...or Were perhaps.

The woman jots down a few more note on the pad of paper, playing the light and stick back in the box. She then looks up to your wondering eyes. She frowns.

"Something on your mind, dear?"

You blink, looking up to her beaming blue eyes.

"I-I ....oh, um...n-nothing.."

You fluster your eyes down to your hands in your lap. You suddenly feel nervous to try and ask anything while under her gaze.

Miranda's face turns into a stern smirk, understanding your thoughts.

"You have questions. I know, dear child."

She pats your head lightly

"In due time... just be patient."

With some final written sentences, she puts her notes away and slowly rises up, holding her hand out to you. You take hold and are gently lifted to your feet.

"It seems the Cadeu has given you some very interesting new abilities, yes?" she hums.

"Luna Moths....very interesting."

She gazes at you with something almost predatory. You hold back a flinch from her eyes glowering down at you. You can hear fluttering coming from the moths skitting nervously off your skin.

She smiles softly at them and blinks away with a sigh.

"Yet it seems that you may have hidden talents that do not at first meet the eye.... why in due time ....perhaps..."

You tilt your head briefly confused at her drifted remark before you are guided into the middle of the room. She pulls you slightly closer to her, her armed wrapped around you.

"Well. I believe it is Time. Hold on tight to me now."

Without even a second thought of whats to happen, a crowd of black birds swarmed the both of you, blinding your sight in a feathery shroud. You cling to the robes of the priestess, fearfully closing your eyes from the strange commotion.

A few moments later, the flapping of the black, winged beasts faded out and quieted down.

Eyes still closed, you felt a light pat on your shoulder from the woman beside you. You peak your eyes open, looking up to her eyes.

"Are you alright, dear?" she smiled, patting the top of your head.

Realizing you're still clinged to her, you carefully move out of her arms. You feel flustered with embarrassed, while folding your hands together in front of you.

"S-sorry.." you mumble to her.

She chuckles at your blushed checks, then starts walking.

"Come along, child. I have some 'special' people I'd like for you to meet."

As you watch her walk, your eyes drift around at your surroundings. The room is much larger then where you were before. The wall went quite high up, and the walls and ceiling looked very fancy.

With dark green and gold trim lining the roof and structure. You notice Mother Miranda was far ahead of you walking through an archway. You almost ran after her, yet feeling yourself drift a bit from the ground.

You look down seeing the green moths hover you a off the ground. You start hopping a bit with their lifted lightness, speeding you up to catch up with Miranda.

You giggle to the effortless motions, even though you stuggled to fully lift from the ground on your own.

You felt your self skid to a stop to the priestess side, almost loosing balance. She giggled to your learning efforts and continued walking till you both came to a large double door archway.

Mother Miranda lifted her two clawed hands onto the doors, and pushed them wide open. She graces herself in and as you walk through behind her you stop cold in your place.

You look up and down around the large room. The large stairway leading up, the big chandelier hanging from the celing. The double doors beneath leaning to.....

The great hall from the dream. You're here again.

It's... real? Could it mean....?

"Child. Don't wonder now."

You blink, walking slowly to her, staring around at the familiar surroundings. Miranda stood in the middle of the room looking around for someone.

"Now where is-..."

She starts to say before hearing a loud hoard of buzzing. You look around trying to make sense of the noise when you see black clouds forming into the room.

You feel black winged bugs crawl on and off of your skin as they fly around. The swarms flood down to the floor before three cloaked woman form from the many flies.

There was giggling coming from them as the buzzing fazed out. You feel yourself moving behind Mother Miranda, clinging to her back.

Who are these three girls?

You think to yourself cautiously watching them over the womans shoulder. Miranda simply smirked at your cower of the the girls, and then looked back over to them smiling warmly.

The girls walk over to them, smiling back at the priestess.

"Grandmother!" they all shouted with glee.

"Hello, girls." she said, patting each of their heads.

You watched from afar as one of them with dark brunette was staring right at you, with a devilish grin.

"Who is this, little thing?" she hummed, hungrily.

The other blonde and redheaded girl look towards you as well. You try to hide a bit more behind the woman, who in then moves aside, placing her hand on your back.

"This is another successful experiment of mine. Yet she has some very interesting qualities that you girls might... relate to."

You look down from the girls, feeling unsure under their gaze. Their golden eyes beaming into you. They grinned at you, like you were some kind of prey. This made you very uncomfortable.

Mother Miranda cleared her throat, gaining back the scary girl's attention.

"I've brought her here in hopes for your mother to watch over her from now on. Is she around perhaps?"

They shook their heads in unison. "No, I am afraid not, grandmother." the blonde spoke.

"Mother has gone out for a quick errand. But I'm sure she'll be bac-"

The girl's sentence was stopped to the sound of clicking of heels walking up to a door, it opening slowly.

Watching the door open, you feel frozen at the sound of the clicking heels walking into the hall. A giant black hat entered first connected to the head of a tall woman bending through after it.

The woman in her creamy white dress stood up straight and looked around the room, until directly landing at your peering gaze. Your silver eyes lock with her gold. You shudder where you stood, not leaving your sight from those golden irises.

Its her... Its that woman.

You feel all urges to move leave you, as the woman looks down at you from across the room.

Miranda turned to the tall misterss.

"Ah, Alcina! Lovely to see you've arrived."

She saw how the tall Lord didn't remove her gaze from the girl.

"As you can see, I have some things I'd like to discuss with you." she says, hand placed now on your shoulder.

The tall misterss just nodded, not removing her eyes from your grey, green-tinted eyes, curiously peering back at her. Her gaze felt like she was searching you. The way she looked at you seemed strange.

Like she was taken back at you being here. A fearful shiver creeps up the back of your neck.

It's Her.... she wasn't a dream...

[[ I hope you enjoyed the chapter, Yall!✨

I'll see you in the next one!! Bye, chickies!!💕💕]]

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