Mineta One-Shots

By st00pid_fiction

4.4K 89 14

Oc x Canon will be involved some of the time, lol. Hello, I'm Remy (that's my name, lol) and this is a one sh... More

Green Hair
Tater Tots???
It's Grape Flavoured, Really
Special Treatment
Special Treatment: Trouble
Special Treatment: Kitty & Fights
Special Treatment: Recovery Girl Visits
Special Treatment: Stop Staring
Special Treatment: New Friends?

Books And Stars

912 11 3
By st00pid_fiction

Ship/s: Mineta x Sero x Iida & BKDK

Mineta laid on his bed, bored. It was Friday night and most of the students had left for home, leaving him and a few others at the dorm. Staring at the ceiling, the boy squinted his eyes, trying to remember who was still at the dorms. Sero, Bakugou, Midoriya and...Todoroki. Sighing, Mineta sat up and climbed out of his bed. He slid on his light purple slippers and left his dorm, walking around may make him tired, maybe. Just as he began walking down the stairs, Midoriya and Todoroki ran past him, both with fear on their faces. Mineta was tripped, making him fall down the stairs. Before he hit the floor, tap wrapped around his feet, pulling him up and into the air. With a bored look on his face, Mineta hung in the air, his right slipper on the floor, arms on either side of his head and his white shirt coming up on him slightly. Third year was just as horrible as first year was. Sero came into view, a nervous grin on his face. "Hey dude," he waved slightly. Sero untied the purple haired male and helped him down. "sorry bro, Bakubro and Roki got into a fight and Bakubro didn't take it too lightly. So they're running from him, even though I dealt with that already." Sero explained to him. Mineta nodded and slid back on his slipper. "We're third years and they still act like first years." he mumbled out. The Raven haired male nodded, agreeing with him.

"Well, you weren't here last year." Sero shrugged. "Midoriya and Bakubro are actually dating now." the purple haired boy nodded again, not surprised. He was one of the students waiting for the two of them to finally get together, too bad he wasn't there for it. Sero side glanced at Mineta, the other had changed since they were first years. He looked bored, all the time, he studied like his life depended on it, he never really left his dorm and his nose was always in some sort of book. Everyone found it off, like he changed his whole persona over the last year or so. Mister Aizawa began looking at Mineta's files, trying to figure out what was going on with him, but he found nothing. Mineta even had a glow up. His hair was bigger and he was Tsuyu's height. It was a surprising glow up, especially considering how short he was when they were fifteen, but that didn't change the fact that he was acting different. "I'm going out." Mineta said, breaking the silence. The boy started going back up the stairs, his hands in his sweat pants pockets. "Out?" Sero asked. "It's nine at night, dude. Aizawa will be on your ass faster than Iida." the tape user said. In response, Mineta shrugged. "Oh well," Sero sighs and goes to the kitchen where Katsuki was making a snack for himself.

Sero leaned on the counter, watching Katsuki move around the kitchen. "Mineta is going to leave." he said suddenly. The blond turned and looked at the tape user, raising an eyebrow at him. "He's leaving the dorms? Why?" Katsuki asked, taking a bite out of the omelette that he had made for himself. Sero shrugged, he really didn't know what Mineta was up to. Katsuki hummed. "You should go with him," he said, throwing away his trash and washing his hands. "I mean, just so he doesn't do anything stupid." the blond said, a smirk on his face as he dried his hands. Sero glared at the other, making Katsuki laugh. "Get your gay ass to the doors before he leaves." Sero rolled his eyes and walked over to the dorms doors, waiting for Mineta. He already had his phone on him and his wallet was sitting on the counter, so he was good to leave. As he waited, he messaged Tenya, wanting to see what he was up to. It didn't take long for him to hear the small steps of the other coming towards him. Quickly, Sero put his phone away and smiled at the other. Mineta stopped in front of him, an eyebrow raised. "Uh, what are you doing?" he asked, eyeing the boy suspiciously. "Just wanted to see if I could come with you. Is that okay?" the raven haired male asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The other stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes. "Whatever." Mineta headed for the door and went outside. Sero silently celebrated and followed the other out the door, catching up beside him and taking in the scenery of the outside at night. It was different when it was nighttime at the dorms.

Sero's eyes quickly glanced over at Mineta. He noticed that the other had baggy black pants, a white and black checkered long sleeved shirt, and a pair of black boots, getting his chin over Sero's elbow. The taller had grown since Mineta had last seen him, a lot taller. "You can put your hair up now?" Sero said suddenly. Mineta shrugged. "Guess yeah, it's kinda hard to see when your hair blocks your eyesight." he answered as they turned, leaving UA grounds. Sero nodded, putting them back into the comfortable silence again. It was nice. Mineta enjoyed the silence, sometimes. When it was silent he could think and get things done, but, if it was too quiet, he would begin to fidget and hear a ringing sound. The male would complain about how it felt as though his head was being pushed on, it was hell and he hated it. As the two walked, they enjoyed the silence. Cars passed, trees rustled in the wind, their hair and shirts moved, and the sounds of crickets making their own music was in the air. It was perfect. It was nice. It was as if Mineta was in his own little world. The purple eyed male looked up at the sky, small shining dots scattering it, a beautiful sight it was. Over the last year, Mineta had taken a liking to stars. Yes, he knew there was an actual term for it, but whenever someone asked him about it, he just said he liked the stars and that would be the end of it; simple really. Sero noticed the shorter staring up, getting lost in his own mind. The raven haired male looked up, curious as to what he had taken a sudden interest in, and he saw it; the stars. His eyes widened slightly, both stopping to look at the sky littered with spots too far to see.

Mineta shook his head and began walking again, his once amazed face going back into the bored look he held before. Sero noticed the other walking away, so he followed after him. They both stayed silent until they reached the small bookstore. It was quite plain on the outside. It was just like any other building, boring. Mineta walked forward and opened the door, he turned his head and rose an eyebrow at the other who was just staring at the building. "You gonna just stand there, or?" Mineta's voice shook the other out of his trance. He smiled widely and followed the shorter into the store. And holy crap did Sero take everything that he was thinking back. The walls were covered in books, rows of shelves held more, and the ceiling was like the night sky. It had a small desk in the front, a male sat there, reading his own time away. He had short brown hair, a pair of thick back glasses on, and wore a nice uniform. He seemed very interested in the book to even notice them, or so Sero thought. "Hello Mineta," he said, his voice soft. Mineta turned his head and smiled at the male. "Hey, Nishinoya, didn't think I'd see you here today." Sero watched the two interact with one another, a pang in his chest threw him off slightly. Shaking it off, he watched the two say their goodbyes and he followed the boy, watching as he picked books up, watching as he checked them and made sure that they were of his interest. Mineta made his purchase and they left. Sero couldn't exactly take his eyes off of Mineta. Quickly, Sero spoke up. "Hey, Mineta," he said, making the other stop and look at him. "Yeah?" the shorter questioned. Sero felt his face get hot. "Uh, uhm, wanna go to a café with me? I know a place that's open." Sero said, jabbing his thumb backward.

Mineta stared at him for a moment, the other getting nervous. The boy shrugged. "Sure." Sero silently celebrated to himself and the two began walking again. He only knew the place because it belonged to the Iida family, he found it when he went out with Tenya one day, he was surprised to say the least but enjoyed it when Tenya got flustered from the outfit he had to wear to work. The café was like any other one, it had a small sign outside, that Tenya would play around with after school, food was displayed in the windows, and the sign for the café was blue with big letters that read, Family Café. Inside it was quite cozy. Mineta was confused and Sero caught on. A small smile formed on his lips. "It's a family café, the family said they wanted it to feel like home when they worked late. They also decided on it for the customers, especially those who stayed later to do work." he explained as they sat down in a booth. Mineta set his bags beside him, looking around more. The walls were a cream white, different colored butterflies scattered the walls in a soft aesthetic. There were booths, tables and even stools at the counter. The floors were carpet, beanbags sat in corners of the place, and there was a place for little children to go to color, walls filled with small drawings. But, what surprised him most was their waiter. "Iida?" Mineta said in disbelief, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of their class president. The male's hair was it's usual, his glasses set on his nose, the only difference was the pad and pencil in his hands with the suit he was wearing. It was blue and grey, and instead of a tie, he had a blue bowtie, he had a light blush on his face from seeing both of his classmates.

He quickly turned to Sero, who tried hiding his laugh. "You ass! I told you not to tell anyone about this!" Tenya threw his notepad at Sero's face, sending both of them into a fit of fighting. But, of course, Mineta couldn't understand them because it was in Spanish. So, he just watched as they yelled at one another, it was quite enjoyable, but he was getting tired and kinda wanted to go back to the dorms. So while they fought, he looked up at the ceiling, it was like the one at the bookstore; a galaxy. A small smile came to his lips as he stared at the stars, planets, and even the constellations. It was beautiful to him. It didn't take long for the boy to begin to doze off, but it was quickly shaken away when Tenya tapped the table lightly, waking the other up from his small doze. He say up and looked at the taller. Sero and Tenya held a gaze on him, making him confused. Tenya looked to his boyfriend. "You two should go back to the dorms. I'll bring something for the two of you when I get off of work." he smiled. Sero smiled back and nodded. The raven haired male stood up and grabbed the bags. Tenya watched as the two left the café, a small sigh leaving his lips as he turned to pick up the small notepad from the floor. Unfortunately, he was stopped by his grinning mother. A feeling of dread fell over him. "Sooo," she began. Tenya quickly grabbed the pad from the floor and turned on his heel. "Nope." he said, walking away from her quickly. "I- Tenya Iida!" she called after him.

When Sero and Mineta arrived at the dorms, they quickly went inside. The television, and lights, had still been on, a show playing in the background. Unfortunately, Sero ran straight into Midoriya, literally. The both of them stumbled back and tried to regain their stand. Mineta rolled his eyes and maneuvered his way past Sero, the bags in his hands after the other had dropped them. Midoriya looked at him and put a hand through his messy hair. "Nice eyeliner." he said before moving past the two to leave. Mineta turned a shade of red, bringing the bags up to his face in a shy manner. Sero rolled his eyes and picked Mineta up, throwing him over his shoulder. "To my dorm we goooo!" the raven haired man said, his arm extended and pointing to a random place. Mineta laughed and the two made their way to the elevator, both tired from the walk that they had to endure for the night.

The Next Morning

The next morning Mineta was awoken to a knock on his dorm door. Sliding out of his bed, he went to it and open it to find Sero and Iida, both ready for school. Tenya held a small box, wrapped in galaxy wrapping paper and a white ribbon on it, neatly wrapped into a bow. A small blush came to Mineta's cheeks as he stared at the box. "It's for you," Tenya said, smiling at the boy. Mineta looked up and smiled back, taking the box with a ‘thank you’. Tenya nodded and nudged Sero in the side. "Oh, uh, Mineta," Sero began, the boy looked up at him. "uh, we wanted to know if maybe you wanted to study with us later?" he asked nervously. The shorter stared at him, making the two taller males even more nervous than before. When did Mineta become so intimidating? The shorter chuckled. "Sure, I don't see a problem with it." he said with a grin. The two let go of the breath that they had been, unknowingly, been holding in. They both smiled at the other. "Come sit with us at lunch, we will discuss where to study at and at what time." Tenya said. Mineta nodded and the three said their goodbyes. Sero and Iida made their way to the common room, everyone was talking to one another or getting breakfast. Katsuki and Midoriya looked to the two of them. They both blushed a deep red as sighs of relief left them. Sero squatted, bringing his hands up to his face and Tenya put his hands on his knees. This made the couple laugh. "So you did it?" Katsuki asked, a whistle leaving him when they both nodded. Tenya and Sero smiled at each other, this study session is going to be an interesting one.

Hello everyone!!

Hope you're enjoying this so far! I'm a huge Mineta Stan, any art that is displayed in this will, more than likely, belong to me! If you have any ideas for a one shot, let me know! I'll try to get around to it.

A reminder that we don't bash characters here (except for Uraraka, AFO, All Might, and Mitsuki). ^^

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay Safe!💜✨

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