who are you?

By flwrhn

16.2K 704 628

just when jeongin thought his marriage with hyunjin was perfect, the elder's careless actions was now startin... More

safe with me - book II
please read :3
hi, important kinda
twenty one


614 30 7
By flwrhn

im sorry i kept on uploading late :) my mental healths down the drain lol, i suggest rereading the last chapter in case you forgot what happened.

"master, your father had been waiting for hours along with the vice president. since you weren't here, the discussion for the blueprints might be moved— or worst, cancelled."

hyunjin inhaled from the burning stick dwindled between his fingers, a deep frown decorating his face. the two was still tangled in the sheets, their skin glazed in sweat and their own fluids mixed with each other.

"call kim, tell him to name his price." he then exhaled, making sure the smoke was directly in front of jeongin who was having a hard time in staying awake.

there was a brief pause on the line and he heard a familiar voice faintly talking to his secretary.

"your father wishes to see you master. right away, if possible." he rolled his eyes and dispose the stick on the ashtray. from the wavering voice of the boy, he knows what's waiting for him is more than just a series of scolding.

"tell him i'll come by then." and he finally ended the call. hyunjin heaved a long sigh and moved his position to see the younger.

his body was still shaking but not in a violent way just like how it was earlier. his eye lids were drooping but they won't shut fully, as if he was trying not to fall asleep.

"innie, i have to go work." he said, brushing the boy's black strands back as some stick on his forehead because of the sweat.

"y...yes okay." jeongin whimpered, forcing his glassy eyes to open. tears trickled down his cheeks as the pain from all over his body was still there and it was hard to endure.

hyunjin chuckled whilst admiring what he did. it's been a long time since any form of intimacy happened between the two of them, he's glad he got to touch him again.

and as for the younger who has been craving it ever since then, he was more than happy and satisfied that the torture of waiting was finally over. the burning sensation, the soreness and the inability to walk. jeongin missed it all.

"come. i need a shower and so do you." he carefully assisted jeongin's head and positioned in on his arm before carrying him out of the bed.

"hyunjin..." he whimpered when he felt another pang shoot up his abdomen. his fingers weakly clung onto him with a contorted expression and a ragged sigh.

"i'm sorry," quickly he walked towards the bathroom, pushing it open with a kick. the older then laid him on the tub very gently and started peeling his clothes from his drenched clothes.

"just go, i can take care of myself. you're gonna be late again." jeongin gripped on his arm and urged him to enter through the glass doors of the shower on the other side. he smiled and this time it wasn't the forced, tight lipped he'd been giving hyunjin the past few months.

it was a genuine one wherein his familiar dimples popped and his teeth on the show. the older felt his breath hitch and his chest fluttered a tad as it's been so long since he saw it.

he leaned his forehead against him, cradling his face  with both hands and closing the distance between them.

"beautiful." he breathed out with eyes shut.

as soon as he entered through the doors, his secretary was already by his side, struggling to keep up with his big strides.

"he's pissed isn't he." hyunjin stated, referring to his father. nonchalantly he started fixing his tie and smoothed a hand to brush off the non existent dust away.

"more than, master."

"i told you not to speak formally with me, jae." amused, the older started chuckling. he pat his back before pressing the highest level button on the elevator they both entered.

"your father might jump out of nowhere." he whispered jokingly. then soon as the doors had shut, he turned to him with an exasperated expression. "god fucking dammit hyunjin. he's been chewing my ass ever since 7 am. where were you?"

they were friends, seeing as he had been his secretary for 3 years and he's the only employee the blonde could ever trust in this building.

"i had to fix something with jeongin."

"well, is it all good then?"

"more than." he smirked then waited patiently for the lift to arrive at the highest level, where his office is located.

they continued to chat about random things until they eventually made it. the doors slid open and the smiles that were both on their faces withered soon as they saw the tall man just in front of them.

"abeoj- sir." hyunjin immediately stopped himself from the mistake of calling the intimidating man 'father' as he'd been told many times not to call him that.

"lee, you can leave now." the old man stared at him with so much hatred and anger held within those gaze before moving on to his secretary. " and while you're at it make sure to take all your things , seeing as you're not gonna come back here anytime soon."

both their expression fell and hyunjin could feel his skin get cold.

"master, i don't understand." his frantic eyes were pleading the blonde silently.

"you're fired, mr. lee. your services for hwang hyunjin are no longer needed." he simply stated.

"sir, i think you forgot that he is my secretary. he works for me and i can only decided whether he is to be fired or not."

"did you forget whose the head of this company? you're still below me at any means, therefore, you don't have a say in any of these." he took a step forward and with a glare he's telling him to stop.

"i am the heir after all, aren't i? this year ends, and you're no longer needed here-"


"master!" jae was just about to approach him but the old man pushed him back inside the lift and pressed the button going down.

he was on the ground and when he swiped a finger on his mouth, he saw blood staining his skin. hyunjin winced as he sat back up.

"i didn't raise you like this. you must've took after your retarded mother."

and that was when he felt something snap deep inside of him.

"what the fuck did you just say?" he could feel his whole body turn numb as he slowly rose back up on his feet. his father's eyes slightly widened when he cursed him.

he knew exactly just how triggering it is for hyunjin to hear anyone talk about his mom, specially if it's not of anything good.

"who do you think you are, cursing your father like that-"

"you're not my father." he spat, taking a step forward and jabbing a finger right on his chest harshly. "you will never be my father."

from behind he heard footsteps echoing, approaching them.

"what's going on in here?" it was minho.

the blonde was about to walk away but then he heard him say one thing that made him break.

"you're just like her. you make me sick."

without letting anyone digest what's about to happen, hyunjin immediately lunged towards him which made both of them land on the floor. one hand was pushing down on his windpipe, cutting his air while the other was beating his face mercilessly.

"go to hell!" he repeatedly mumbled until he was full on screaming with tears racing down his cheeks.
"go to fucking hell." he sobbed, voice wavering into nothingness as his throat was already scratchy.

"hyunjin, stop it." minho was behind him, trying his best to get him off his unconscious father but even then he didn't stopped throwing punches.

he could feel the skin on his knuckles splitting open and there was blood already oozing from the man's mouth.

the blonde then stopped and got off of him. luckily the floor was restricted to employees as its for family only. this could have been a scandal big enough to ruin their reputation and business. not that he cared.

from behind he could hear the older dialing a number on his phone while he stared at an empty space with bruised and blooded fists.

"jeongin, hello? it's hyunjin. please get here as soon as you can."

hyunjin's gaze fell on his father for one second and then all he did came flashing back. the way he tortured his mother into killing herself.

" it should've been you."

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