Remade as a Sans/☝︎♋︎❍︎♏︎❒︎

By Truenote

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Matt was a regular person who was a big fan of Undertale and its fangames. One day, he dies because of a pers... More

Chapter 1 Tutorial
Chapter 2 Dungeon fight
Chapter 3 Some maybe truth about the multiverse...
Chapter 4 Penalty time
Chapter 5 Multiverse dungeon
Chapter 6 Time leave
Chapter 7 Time to explore
Chapter 8 Acting
Chapter 9 New dungeon
Chapter 10 Dimension fight
Chapter 11 Dead
OC Creation [CLOSED]
Chapter 12 Summoning
Chapter 13 New skill
Chapter 14 1010 years later
Chapter 15 What?
Chapter 16 Squad name
Chapter 17 Well
10k special (closed)
10k special part 2 Answers
Chapter 19 Waiting
Chapter 20 Preparing
Chapter 21 Fixing the timelines
Chapter 22 Event unlocked and an annoying voice
1k votes
Chapter 23 Error's dream
King multiverse's Side Story Part 1/2
King multiverse's Side Story Part 2/2
Chapter 24 Max, Mike and Matthew in OuterTale
Chapter 25 Error404's big entrance
Chapter 26 Bye
Chapter 27 Why?
Chapter 28 Wait...

Chapter 18 Introduction

2.4K 105 27
By Truenote

<Third-Person Pov>

Everyone around the table then brought out the magic and were about to attack the sudden intruders until Nightmare's sockets then widened as he then yelled out in shock "KING MULTIVERSE!

"Hello there nightmare. It has been a quite while. " Said Mike who was imitating Matt who tried to imitate King multiverse.

Killer then said "Wait who are you?"

Mike and the his gang then looked around the room to see the member's of the Bad Sanses group.

"As Nightmare has just said, I am King multiverse." Said Mike as he did a slight bow. 

Mike then said "It would seem you have formed your own little group while I was away."

"Where have you been all this time!? Ink and my brother have been destroying the balance of the multiverse while you were away! " Questioned Nightmare. 

Mike looked at Nightmare and said "I have been finding members for my group."

 Nightmare paused and then said in confusion "...Your group?"

Mike then said "Yes, my group."

Nightmare's sockets squinted and said "Why would someone like you need a group? In fact why haven't you restored the balance? Aren't you suppose to be omnipotent."

Mike rubbed the back of his skull as he said "I am not completely omnipotent I can still be killed like any one else."

Nightmare squinted his sockets before checking Mike's stats.


Name: King multiverse

LV: Null

HP: Null

Attack: INF

Def: INF

The king of the multiverse


Nightmare becomes shocked and says "Holy sh#t.

Nightmare then becomes confused and then says "Sh#t! Sh#T! What the hell?"

Mike then says "Anyways it's time to catch up and introduce ourselves.

Mike then teleports everyone to the nearest in couch and the nightmare gang began to introduce themselves. 

Timeskip (since you already know all these people)

 "So let me get this straight." Said Dust with a grin.

"Your name is Error404?" Asked Dust pointing at Matt while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Yes." Replied Matt without a change in expressing.

"Error I think we have just found your long lost relative." Said Dust as he bust into laugher as did everyone else except error, Matt and his gang.

(This joke made no sense.)

Error just looked at Matt with a bit confusion because Matt did look like he was his relative.

"Anyways it's time for us to go." Said Mike as he stood up.

"But you just got here." Said Nightmare as he quickly stood up in a bit of panic.

"Yes but me and the gang have so much things to do. Do not worry because we will be back." Said Mike.

Mike then teleported the gang back to their base.

'Is he related to me? I must find and figure out who he is.' Thought Error as he looked up with a determined expression.


 Everyone fell on their backs on the floor as Matthew then said "God help us. We have no clue what we are doing."

Matt then says "Yes we do we have a goal and a squad name."

"Umm dude we don't have a real goal. What are we suppose to do?" Said Max.

Matt then thought and then said "We can kill Fate.

"Nah we can do that later plus that would be too easy. I mean just look at our stats." Said Mike.

"Do you guys want to go to different au's or events and have fun?" Said Matthew 

"Yes!" Replied Matt.

"Why not." Said Mike.

Max then asked "So we don't have anything better to do?"

Matthew sat his up and clapped his hands together while ignoring Max and before saying "Alright it is decided where do you guys want to go."

"A genocide route of Undertale."

"Let's go to the X-event."

"How about we go to Glitchtale."

Said Mike, Matt and Matthew simultaneously.

 They then glared at each other.

"It seems we need a vote on where we go first." Said Matthew with a smile.


 I am back.

Sorry for the long update time. I wasn't able to write anything because my mind wasn't feeling anything to write down.

Mike: He was just to lazy to write a chapter.

Hey get out here!

Mike: I will *Teleports away*.

By the way I made a mistake last chapter that I fixed.

I put cross instead of horror.

In this multiverse the Bad Sanses haven't met Cross yet.

So this happens before episode zero of underverse.

Anyway it is time for you to decide where the gang go next chapter.

A genocide route of Undertale, The X-event and Glitchtale.

Leave your vote in the comments.

See you all in the next chapter.

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