DEVIL HUNTER (TwicexReader)

By PakbettBdd

4.3K 190 93

Demons invade earth millions of years ago. They want to enslave humans, the humans don't want that so they fi... More

1. Job In Korea?
2.Ariving In Korea
3. Details
4. Meeting The Members
5.Demonic Invasion
6.Unknown Group
7. Silicone Creatures
8. Almost Died And A Situation
10.The Angel Of Death
11.The Chaos Amulet
12. Highway Traffic
13. Meeting
14. An Old friend
Happy 1k
16.Red And White Door
17. Resuming the Mission

15. Shadow Figures

94 9 0
By PakbettBdd

A/n:Hey guy's this is a quick announcement. I'm going to change my writing style from putting characters names to just this " hope you guys don't mind and if ever you guys want e to return to my old style of writing just comment here and I'll change it back.


*Moscow, Russia*

In the middle of the Night of a snowy storm. A young man was carrying what looks like be sack on his back. The young man was Y/n. Y/n walk on the snowstorm not even stopping for a bit. He then suddenly slipped and falls in the snow face first and drops the sack that, he was carrying.

Y/n lifted his head from the snow and his face fully was covered with it. He then brushed off the snow on his face with his hand and tries to get up. As he gets up the wind then gets stronger almost making him fall again, but he plants his feet in and did not fall.

Y/n then brushed off some of the snow
from his clothes and looks up in the night sky."Fuck it's cold" He said then a vapour from his mouth came out and went up.

Y/n then looks down and finds the sack that he was carrying earlier. Once he found it he then put it back on his back and continues to walk.

As Y/n keep walking he then felt his legs are giving out and he starts to fall again, but only on one knee. He then kneels on the snowy floor, and then looks around catching his breath he was walking for about hours now, and not sure what time it is, Y/n then look ahead and saw a yellow light emitting from the distance.

Y/n then look closer his eyes try to see, what was the light that he saw. The light then turned into the shape of a window.

He then blinks for a couple of seconds before fully seeing a cabin. "Finally, I found you"

Y/nsmile and laughter came out from his mouth and felt relieved. Y/n then picked up the sack and use all of his remaining strength to stand up and walk towards the cabin.

As he gets close to the cabin he then hears the voice from, when he visited Jihyo "Weak" the voice again said to him. Y/n tries to ignore the voice on his head, but the voice keeps repeating the same word over and over and over he heard the word again"Weak" Y/n then felt his head swelling again and his ears start ringing as he walk toward the cabin.

Y/n then stopped dead in his tracks and felt a strange presence in the atmosphere around him, he turned and saw the snow stopped falling and saw the snowflake floating in the air, he then raised his hand to feel it.

He then puts down his arm and laughs realising that the snowflake didn't break when he touched it more than once. Y/n then laughed as he thought he was dead and then look around. As he looked around he saw a shadowy figure standing in front of him  6 meters away.

Y/n look at the figure for a second.
"Hey!?" Y/n yelled out trying to get the stranger or thing that was standing in front of him. The figure didn't even move, but only stand before like it was staring into his soul.

Y/n then slowly puts down the sack and grabs the strap of his weapon God killer from his shoulder and slowly, not looking away from the shadow figure.

As Y/n took off the God killer from his shoulder he then aims it at the figure.
"Hey! Answer me, Who the fuck are you? are you the one responsible for stopping the storm?"

Y/n yells a question to the figure as he slowly put his index finger on the trigger, the figure then disappeared and then reaper behind Y/n.

The figure then stretches out his hand and forms a black fire around its hand. Y/n then quickly trunk around and shot the shadow figure with his gun the God killer.

As the shot was fired the bullet come out of the barrel and then forms a red flame around it the body of the bullet.

The bullet then hit the unknown creature and then set it ablaze, its whole arm began to rip apart from its body and fall on the ground.

Y/n then watch as the figure then began to shake rapidly around and then raised its hand r and scream.

The scream was high pitch almost like an was like screech, Y/n then cover his ears as the scream gets louder he look around and saw the snow falling and then felt the the the wind coming back. Suddenly a blast of wind hit Y/n that caught him off guard and sent him tumbling back.

Y/n rolled and landed on his back. He then was his by another wind, which send him up in the air. Y/n then landed at the thick snow face-first thankfully breaking his fall.

Y/n gets up and the storm suddenly comes back but was stronger. Y/n then cover his face to try to look at his surroundings. As he looks he saw not one, but many more of the shadow figure.

The shadow figures then open their palm and summons black circular spears pointed directly at Y/n and all of their fire simultaneously.

He then quickly dodge the spears, but not fully, one gaze at his leg and left a small mark. He then fires another shot and makes a small pathway in the middle and then runs for it.

The shadow figure then turns not moving or following fires at the young man as he runs towards his sack and picks it up without stopping and continue to run.

As he was running the black spear from the shadow figures almost hit him creating a small explosion that almost hit him.

Y/n then look back and fire a shot and another killing more of them and then turn around and run towards the cabin.

As he was in front of it he quickly opened the door and went inside. He then immediately closed the door and lock It.

The shadow figure then closed its palms and disappeared slowly. The first one that Y/n shoot earlier disappear last, as they left and the storm continues like nothing happened.

Inside the cabin, Y/N was sitting down on the floor catching his breath and was exhausted from all the running. he then removed his coat and noticed the flames are still burning and quickly dropped, the coat on the ground and stomps on it trying to put out the burned spots.

Y/n then heard a cock sound from a gun behind him. Y/n slowly look back, then suddenly a shot was fired almost hitting his head. "Move and I'll blow you're head off," The person said, Y/n did what he was told and stop moving person then reloads its gun. "Okay now! But you're hands up and Turn around slowly so I can see you" The voice commanded him, Y/n then turns and sees.....

Mina holding her gun the samurai edge and was aiming at him. Mina then lower her gun and has her jaw dropped "Y/n is that you?" She said surprised at seeing him.

Y/n then smile at the girl and reassure her, then suddenly out of nowhere door opened from one of the bedrooms and Tzuyu and Jihyo came out in their undergarments and with their weapons out and look around.

"Mina are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt?" Tzuyu asked and looks around and sees Y/n who still has his arms raised.

Tzuyu then blinks for a second before elbowing Jihyo gaining her attention
"What is it?" Jihyo said to Tzuyu and she pointed towards Y/N and Mina direction.

Jihyo then suddenly rushed at Y/N hugging him tightly making it hard for him to breathe. Jihyo then cried in Y/n's chest.

while Y/n struggling to breathe. all of the while Tzuyu and Mina watched the two with a deadpan facial expression.

Jihyo then let go and look at him. "You're back thank, God you are back," Jihyo said and continue to hug him, suddenly Mina come closer and also hugged Y/n.

Jihyo then look at her and whispered
"what are you doing?"Mina then smile and whispered back "Getting a hug, why? You think you're the only one can get?" Jihyo glared at her and Mina just wink at Jihyo and continue to hug Y/n.

As for Tzuyu, she was just standing there. She felt..... Jealous because she want to hug Y/n, but felt like she was just nothing more than just a  team member. Y/n saw her feeling left out, and then clicks his tongue for Tzuyu to notice it.

Tzuyu heard the slight clicking and looks to where the sound is from, Tzuyu then saw Y/n fanning her to come over and hug too. Tzuyu then looks around and points at herself
"Me?" Tzuyu softly said to Y/n and he nods.

Tzuyu then slowly approached them and Tzuyu hesitate for a sec but leans in for a hug of her own. Mina and Jihyo then let go of one arm and pushed Tzuyu closer. Tzuyu didn't expect it and tried to escape, but then felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest.

She then blushes and just plants her head even further in, on Y/n chest just like Mina and Jihyo.

"Okay, girls you can let go now," Y/n said to the three and they did so, as the three let go of Y/n, he suddenly yawns.

Y/n then rubs his eyes and yawns again "hmm. I think I'm getting sleepy, maybe I'm exhausted" he said while looking at the girls.

The three look at each other and suddenly they turned around and whisper at themselves. "Umm what ar-" Y/n was gonna ask, but Mina turns around and shush him. All of them turn around and said.

"Can we sleep with you tonight?" Jihyo asked and Y/n was about to reply, "But we're not talking a no for an answer" Mina then added, Y/n then raised her eyebrows in confusion. "Only yes" Tzuyu followed it. "And you're only choice is Yes or Yes," they all said in unison.

Y/n nods in defeat and all three of them and grab Y/n and drag him to his room.

(Time skip Next morning)

Sana is taking a seat at the dining table in preparation to eat breakfast, as he was waiting for the others, the door opens and Momo walks in rubbing her eyes and yawning. Dahyun then follows and Chaeyoung all four of them we're the first ones to wake up, before the others.

Chaeyoung then rubs her as she looks at Dahyun. "Did you sleep last night?" Chaeyoung asked the still sleepy girl. she just nods and sleepily responds.

Chaeyoung then looks at Sana and Momo. "How about you two, did you guy's got any sleep?"

Sana yawns and replies. "we only slept for a short time, but we still slept" she rubs her eyes and turn to Momo who was sleeping on Sana's shoulder.

Dahyun then stretches her arm and yawns, " I didn't because of that shitty ass storm last night" Chaeyoung and Sana nod in a provable.

Suddenly Momo muttered while sleeping. "Explosion outside, outside" she muttered repeatedly.

As the two are talking Jeongyeon then opens the door fully awake and had an apron on. She then walks over to the kitchen and starts the stove

As she starts the stove, she then turn to the four and asked. "Hey, you four. What are guy's eating?" As she fires up the pan and prepares to cook.

Chaeyoung then turns to Jeongyeon and said. "I'll have eggs and bacon" Dahyun then turns to Jeongyeon and added. "I'll just have an omelette, Thank you"

Jeongyeon then smiles and crack an egg on the hot pan. "Okay! One bacon and egg and one omelette coming right up" she said enthusiastically like, she was a cook in a restaurant.

Jeongyeon then turns to Sana and the sleeping Momo and points, "What are you guy's eating?" she asked the two and Sana was about to answer when a sleeping Momo woke up and sniff the air.

All four of them looked at the girl and was confused. Momo then sits back down on the chair and said. "You guys' cooking eggs, bacon and omelette?"

Momo asked all of them we're surprised except for Sana who was yawning and looking at them. Dahyun raised her eyebrows and point at Momo.

"How the fuck did you know, what she's cooking?" Dahyun asked Momo. Sana then look her and replied, "Because, that's her unique trait" she then yawns again and turned to Jeongyeon.

"Hey Unnie can, I have sausage and bacon please and also coffee," Sana said commanding her a little bit Jeongyeon smile and replied with enthusiasm. "You got it, one sausage bacon and coffee coming right up"

Dahyun then snap her finger and got the two attention. "Hey don't change the subject, How?" she said demanding an answer from Sana.

Sana then scratched the back of her head and just shrugged. "I don't know to ask her not me," she said a little annoyed, Dahyun noticed it and replied.

"You getting annoyed by me?" Dahyun replied a little angry at Sana. Sana then scoffed and look at her. "What if I am?" Sana mockingly said back to Dahyun, she then gets up and almost tackled Sana, but Dahyun was held back by Chaeyoung.

Dahyun then sits back down and was mad at Sana, while she was just smiling and taunting her. Jeongyeon then walk towards the table and her hands were filled with plates of food that she made for them. Jeongyeon then placed all the requested food to their respective orders and smile.

"Eat up everyone and don't fight," Jeongyeon said and sit down with them. As all of them start eating the door opens and Nayeon, Kate walk in on the eating. Nayeon then goes towards the kitchen and get a fresh cup of coffee and then sits down next to Kate who was yawning.

Nayeon then gives Kate a cup and Kate nod at her thanking her. As the two sips their coffee the door opens again and Tzuyu, Mina and Jihyo walked into the dining room.

"Hey, you three" Kate said and the three of them look at Kate who was sipping coffee. "What is it?" Jihyo asks just like her usual self. Kate then sips her coffee again and said. "Why are you guy's late going to bed last night?" She asked the three a question, Nayeon then look at them and added, "Yeah, now you mention it, You were never there in our room last night Jihyo, where were you?"

Now all of them look at Jihyo, Mina and Jihyo watching for their answers
Kate then puts her open palm under her chin and supports it. She the smiling at them and waiting for the answer.

Mina was flustered and was fidgeting her hands. Jihyo just looks up her cheek was red and was also flustered for some reason. The only one who was not embarrassed or flustered was Tzuyu who was looking at them with a straight face.

"All of us, where in Y/n room," Tzuyu said bluntly to them. Kate then smiled while the rest are shocked at, what they have heard. Mina and Jihyo then looked at Tzuyu sending a subtle glare at her.

Tzuyu raised her eyebrows and looks at them. "What? It's true?" she said as she rolled her eyes. Kate then chuckle lightly and asked, "Huh, So what did you three do? In Y/n room" all of the people in the room are looking at them and was waiting. Kate and Nayeon want the tea, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Sana are eating, but also are listening Jeongyeon was just minding her business and Momo is still asleep.

Tzuyu didn't answer cause, if she did they might get the two in trouble. Kate then smirk, while waiting for Tzuyu answer. She then sips her coffee and was about to say something, the door opens and Y/n walk into the room.

All of them look at him at Y/n who was just walking in the dining without a shirt on, his abs and some scars are visible with some of his tattoos on his torso. Y/n then scratches his messy hair and yawns, before going to the kitchen not and minding the eyes following him. As he is in the kitchen Y/n grabs a fresh cup of coffee, "Hey Jeong" He said while pouring the coffee from his cup.

Jeongyeon hums on what he called from her, Y/n then puts back the coffee container on the coffee maker and sips his coffee and said. "Did they talk about me?" He said while leaning on the countertop, smiling in  Jeongyeon direction. She then nods.

Y/n laughed and almost spilt his coffee. Jeongyeon then just shakes her head and smile, before standing up and said. "You win this bet Y/n, you win" she then walks to Y/n and hands him a roll of money, Y/n takes it happily and smile. " Pleasure doing business with you miss Yoo," He said and starts counting the money.

Jeongyeon then puts her plate in the sink and look at Y/n. "I can't believe they would suspect that all four of you would fuck, man what a lost"

Y/n chuckle again and said, "Yup" He then laughed and Jeongyeon just shakes her head. Y/n then stopped counting and looks up he saw that the other girls are looking at them confused.

Tzuyu then turns to Y/n who was leaning on the countertop and looked at him angrily. "Explain now! Before I cut you open like a fish" Tzuyu threatening Y/n which work, Y/n then goes to the dining table and sits at the end of the table.

"Ok so, when we're about sleep last in my room. I was about to go to bed when we're bladder was about to burst and I ran to the bathroom an-" Y/n was explaining when Tzuyu cut her off and pull out her wires and binds him with it.

"JUST CUT TO THE FUCKING CHASE, BEFORE I'M EVEN MORE PISSED OFF!!!" Tzuyu commanded visible anger in her voice. Y/n then nods and Tzuyu then sits him down hard on the chair which resulted in the chair breaking.

Y/n then rubs his bottom. "It's because I was going to the bathroom and was about relieve myself" Y/n then look up and saw Tzuyu coming at him with her fist out.

Y/n then covers his face and said."It was Jeongyeon. she said that they won't anything suspect about you, Mina and Jihyo were in my room. While I bet that they would know or one of you will tell so we agreed on it"

Y/n said scared because Tzuyu was about to punch him but luckily stopped in the nick of time. Before landing on his face. Tzuyu then looks at Y/n. "What about the Shadow figure that you encountered last night?" She asked Y/n who was still shocked at the punch and was still in a bit of a state of dizziness.

"Wait shadow figure like people, but like darker and have a dark aura around them?" Mina asked both of them.

"Yes and no" Y/n answered and then grabbed another chair and sits. "it's more complicated than that" Y/n added.

"What do you mean complicated?"
Kate confusingly ask. Y/n scratched his head and signed. "it's a long explanation, but the short version is that they are formed from the dark souls or whatever. Who didn't want to leave this place so that, so anger in gulf their souls and turn black with their faces are gone they roam this land trying to find a new body to take"

Y/n sigh and explained he then look at Tzuyu and she followed up." That why we have to be more careful going outside at night we don't want your souls to turn out like them" 

"Then why didn't it appear in like normal areas at night like the others"
Dahyun asked them both, Y/n then sigh and look at her. "It's just theory, but they said that the Shadow figure walks among the snowstorm. That's all I know nothing else" He answered and Dahyun only nodded.

"So, What all of us are going to do? Since it always storms here might as well make a plan" Kate asked the group. All of them think of something for plan, Jihyo then snaps her finger and smile.

"I know what we could," Jihyo said while she walk out of the room. Y/n and the rest are confused about why she left.

"Where is she going?" Sana asked and they look at the door, "We don't know" all of them said in unison.

Suddenly the door opens and Jihyo walks in again with a whiteboard in hand. "Okay here's how we're doing it" Jihyo then grabs a marker and began to write something on the board.

"Okay. since the shadow figure or things only goes out, whether there's a snowstorm. We need to combat it" she stops writing and looks at them.

"We're going to use their weakness against them" Jihyo then puts back the cap of the marker and puts her hand on her hips. All of them look at the board and reads what's written on it.

'Every enemy has a weakness' That was written on the whiteboard. She then taps the written words that we're encircled.

"Do one of you have any idea, what's there weaknesses are?" Jihyo asked.

Chaeyoung then raised her hand and  Jihyo points at the small girl. "where did you get the whiteboard?" chaeyoung said.

"Yeah. I was gonna ask her that" Y/n added, "Yeah me too"  Kate followed up.

Jihyo glared at the two and both Y/n and Kate felt the death glare from Jihyo and just looked down.

Jihyo sigh and then look at Chaeyoung
While she's adjusting her hair. "Just don't mind it" she looks at them and sighs, "So many of you don't know?"

Jihyo look at each of them and then stops at Y/n who was looking on the ground. "Didn't you encounter them Y/N?" Y/n then slowly look up and said.

"Uh, Yeah I did," Y/n said, Mina then look at him and said. "So you didn't tell us?" Y/n shakes his head, Mina nods and look back at Jihyo.

"How did it go?" she said, Y/n and he just lowered his head. "it was hard, but also fun" He replied and was scratching his head.

"What do you fun?" Kate asked Y/n, he then looked at her and said.
"Well for the most part i-" Y/n stopped talking and look Kate and was confused.

Kate then turned pale and was horrified at looking at him. Y/n then turns to Tzuyu who was next to him.
Tzuyu also had the same face and was shocked too. He then turns and all of them look at him pale and was shock.

"What are you all staring at?" he said in confused. Jihyo then points at him and didn't look away, "You're eyes are......bleeding"

Jihyo said horrified at what she saw, Y/n then slowly touch his face and felt the liquid substance on it. He then gets up tries to walk, but his head then starts to hurt and fell on the floor.

As Y/n hit the floor the others panicked and rushed over to him.
Jeongyeon then immediately inspect him and said.

"Everyone get back for a sec, so he can breath" she commanded everyone to move away from him and Y/n. All of them did as Jeongyeon said.

She then checked Y/n pulse on the neck and waits. Jeongyeon then felt a slight pulse and sigh in relief after feeling Y/n's pulse. She then looks at the other.

"He'll be fine, Y/n just passed out that's all," She said and the other sighed in relief Kate then looked at Y/n unconscious body and sees his eyes are still bleeding.

"What about his eyes he's still bleeding" she crouch to him, "If we don't do something he might bleed out or worse" she looks at Jeongyeon concerned.

"Hmm, we could just wrap his head to stop the bleeding" Jeongyeon said and look at the other for their opinion.

All of them nodded agreed to her and then all of their help and carry Y/n to his bed.

A/n:Hey this just going to be a boring chapter cause I'm beginning to get lazy on writing don't know, but that's just it. And I'm going to address my changing of my writing style cause I realised that my first one is harder and this one now that I'm currently using is much easier than the last one. Sooooooooo that's all and see  you all in the next chapter byeeeeeeee

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