The Tales Of Taylor Daniels (...

By hogwarts-is-my-home8

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My name is Taylor Daniels and you probably don't know me. I'm not as famous as the very famous Harry Potter... More

The Tales Of Taylor Daniels (Book 3: A Harry Potter Short Story)
Favourite Moment 1
Favourite Moment 2
Favourite Moment 3
Favourite Moment 4
Favourite Moment 5
Favourite Moment 6
Favourite Moment 7
Favourite Moment 8
Favourite Moment 9

Favourite Moment 10

367 17 9
By hogwarts-is-my-home8

My final favourite moment has to be myself and Mattie's wedding. Mattie Windsor was everything that I had ever wanted and more. He was the perfect person to me and I couldn't be happier that he chose me. He was the most amazing husband, father and best friend that a girl could want, so when our wedding day came I was extremely excited but also very nervous.

If somebody would have told me when I was sixteen that I would have a baby at eighteen and marry at just turned eighteen I would have laughed in their face and told them that they were stupid to think that. However, looking back on my life with Mattie, my three amazing children, my children-in-law and my grandchildren, I wouldn't change it for the world.

The day started with me struggling to get my dress on due to my baby bump and arguing with Ginny about my hair, just like you'd expect my wedding day to be really.

"Taylor, why didn't you think and order a bigger dress when you decided on your dress. You knew that you'd be bigger when it came to your wedding day." Ginny groaned, trying once again to zip the back of my dress up.

"Ginevra Weasley, I never think and you should know that by now. Besides, I only bought it two months ago." I shrugged.

Mine and Mattie's wedding was a real rush to organise because we decided to get married two months after we got engaged. We didn't ever plan to get married so early, however we found out that I was pregnant with Olly just after my eighteenth birthday. I was already three months pregnant on my wedding day and of course, it never crossed my mind that my dress might not fit me.

"You need to learn to think properly Taylor! You won't just have yourself to look after soon, you'll have a baby and that's such a big responsibility!" Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed in relief as she finally zipped the back of my dress up.

"I know that." I replied. Ginny's reaction to my pregnancy at the age of eighteen was just how I imagined my Mother's to be if she was alive. She looked at me horrified for a few seconds before smiling a little and saying 'I really can't imagine you with a baby Taylor, congratulations though!'

I saw Ginny smile at me as she held pulled a mirror out of her wardrobe and stood it so that I could see my whole reflection. At this time, Ginny and Harry were still living with Mr and Mrs Weasley at the Burrow. Ginny's Dad wouldn't let them live in a house together unless they were married, so when Harry finally proposed to Ginny in 2000, just after Olly was born, Arthur finally agreed that they could live together after they were married.

"Why are you getting married at the Burrow, you aren't even a Weasley?" Ginny shook her head and laughed lightly at me.

"I love it here! Besides, neither myself or Mattie are religious so what's the point of marrying in a church?" I shrugged and turned myself round a bit so that I could see all of my dress.

"There are many other places that you have gotten married in Taylor." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Be quiet Ginevra, I bet you'll be getting married here." I grinned as she blushed a little.

"Taylor I'm not even getting married yet." Ginny rolled her eyes yet again.

"Well you didn't deny it." I smirked as she blushed again. She probably had her and Harry's wedding planned out in her head perfectly already.

"Girls are you ready?" Mrs Weasley stuck her head round the door, smiling at the two of us.

"Yes Mum, we're coming down now." Ginny replied to her Mum and picked up my bouquet, handing it to me.

"Are you ready to become Mrs Windsor Tay?" She grinned as she helped me walk down the stairs.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I grinned.

Hermione was waiting at the bottom of the stairs in her royal blue bridesmaids dress that matched Ginny's as well as Angelina's George's wife. I had only chosen the three of them to be my bridesmaids because I didn't really have anyone else to choose. They were the three people closest to me, so they were my bridesmaids.

"You look beautiful Taylor." Hermione smiled, picking her small bouquet up off of the kitchen table. It was quite a sunny day to say that it was early October, you'd expect it to be raining or cold for English weather, but it wasn't. It was the perfect day for our wedding.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely. I took a deep breath and followed Ginny and Taylor outside towards the marquee that had been put up this morning by the Weasley's. They were so good to myself and Mattie to say that we weren't even family.

As we made it to the entrance, Ginny hooked her arm through mine and gave me a smile. I had asked her to walk me down the aisle because my parents were no longer around. She was happy to comply. I wouldn't want anyone other than Ginny to walk me down the aisle, except maybe my Dad who unfortunately couldn't be there.

"Could everybody please stand for the bride." I heard the priest say from behind the curtain, the only thing that separated me and my bridesmaids from the rest of the wedding party and Mattie.

The bridal march began to play and Hermione and Angelina walked down the aisle first with me and Ginny following a few steps behind. Mattie's lovely Mum, Helena, was sat on the front row of the groom's side of the marquee grinning widely at me with tears streaming down her face. She was such a kind and understanding woman, she was brilliant.

Harry and Ron were sat on the front row of my side of the wedding party with spare seats for Hermione and Ginny, Mr and Mrs Weasley were sat on the other end of their row. Our wedding party wasn't big, but it was just right for the two of us.

I reached the front and took Mattie's hand's, grinning widely.

"Miss Weasley, as you walked Miss Daniels down the aisle in the place of her father, do you give these two people permission to marry?" The priest asked Ginny as she stood at the side of us.

"I do." Ginny nodded her head once, gave me a quick side hug and scrambled over to her seat next to Harry.

"Let us proceed then. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Matthew Henry Windsor and Taylor Anne Daniels. If any person has any reason why these two people shall not be married, please say so now, or forever hold your peace." The priest looked around the room to see if anybody objected to our marriage. When nobody spoke, he carried on.
"Now, can you both recite your own vows to each other. Mr Windsor." The priest smiled at Mattie. Mattie nodded his head in reply and squeezed my hand's, taking a deep breath.

"Taylor Daniels, I never thought I'd ever fall for someone as loud and eccentric as you. Life has a funny way of proving you wrong sometimes though and I'm so glad it did because if it didn't, we wouldn't be standing here today. I love the way that you're so honest, you don't care what anyone thinks and you tell them straight if you have a problem with them. You're funny in your own way and you don't even realise it sometimes. You are the most beautiful and amazing person to ever enter my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby Taylor. I love you." Mattie grinned.

Never did I ever think that something as soppy as a wedding vow could make me cry, but Mattie's did and I couldn't help but feel so loved and special. I had never felt that way. Knowing that you're special to someone is the most perfect feeling ever and it's amazing.

"Oh wow, that's hard to follow. Okay, Mattie Windsor, I don't think we can take the credit of finding each other because if it wasn't for Ginny and Colette, we wouldn't even know each other. I have so much to thank those two for, seriously. Anyway, I've never felt so many feelings towards one person like I have for you. You're a truly perfect person for putting up with all of my outbursts and mini temper tantrums. You get me like no one else does, well maybe except Ginny, but I've never felt so loved by someone and I'm glad that I fell in love with you. I love you very much Mattie Windsor, and I can't wait to become Mrs Windsor." I smiled. He grinned widely at me, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Matthew Henry Windsor, do you take Taylor Anne Daniels to be your wife?" The priest turned to Mattie.

"I do." Mattie replied.

"And do you, Taylor Anne Daniels take Matthew Henry Windsor to be your husband?" This was it, the moment that I never though I'd ever see in my life. It was finally here and why the heck was it taking me so long to reply?!

"I do." I smiled, shaking my head jokingly at Mattie's scared expression when it took me a while to answer. To many thoughts rush through your head at once.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you can now kiss the bride." The priest smiled.

The whole wedding party stood up and cheered as Mattie quickly pulled me to him and attached his lips to mine. Everything was perfect.


"What are you doing down here by yourself Mrs Windsor?" Ginny grinned as she joined me down by the lake that I had been to so many times as a teenager.

"I'm thinking things over Miss Weasley." I rolled my eyes and nudged her side as she stood at the side of me.

"You're thinking about Colette aren't you?" Ginny asked with a sigh.

"I'm never not thinking about her Gin, I miss her so much." I replied with a sigh.

"So do I, I miss her loads. I get nightmares sometimes you know? It's been over a year since the battle and I still get them and I still see Colette and Fred-" Ginny quickly cut off and looked down at the grass.

Fred's death was still a touchy subject for the whole Weasley family, especially to George. It had been a massive shock when he told us that he was engaged to be married to Angelina Johnson just five months after Fred's death. Ginny had said that it was his way of getting his mind off of his dead twin and I thought she was right until I saw how in love he was with Angelina. They were perfect for each other and no one could deny that.

"It's okay to still be sad Gin. He was your brother and he was such a great person. He fought for what he believed in and he lost his battle, but he helped us win. Think of him with the best memories possible Ginny. We'll do the same for Colette because they wouldn't want us to live in misery." I nudged her shoulder with my own.

"Taylor Windsor, what the heck has getting married done to you?! That was the nicest and the wisest thing I've ever heard you say!" Ginny gasped jokingly.

"Ginevra! I was having a wise moment there and you ruined it!" I slapped her arm lightly.

"I'm not used to you being like this!" She laughed.

"Well don't get used to it, it won't happen all the time!" I grinned.

"Oh I know that." Ginny rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." I smiled genuinely at my best friend.

"What for?" Ginny looked at me like I was crazy.

"For being there and being my best friend through everything." I replied.

"Shut up you soppy freak, let's go back because I'm sure your husband will be wondering where you've gone." Ginny rolled her eyes. I nodded and stood up, following her up the hill.

"Taylor." Ginny turned to me as we made it back up to the Marquee entrance.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"You're welcome."

This is my absolute favourite moment because the day really put everything into perspective for me. I hadn't had the easiest life up till then, my parents had died along with my bestfriend, I took part in a huge battle where I saw things I thought I would never see, I became pregnant at eighteen and life had been hard. However I wouldn't have changed it for the world. After my wedding day I went on to have three beautiful and amazing children with the love of my life and got the chance to see my best friend again. Life isn't all sunshine and daisies but it is what it is and I've thoroughly enjoyed mine. Hey, at least I didn't have a boring life.

My name is Taylor Windsor and here's me, signing out for the last time.


It's finished!:(

Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me through all of my stories, you're the best fans ever!

Remember to keep reading Colette's story;)

Thank you! Natalie xx

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