Before the Teardrops Fall

By Jesbelieve

100 17 0

Ron woke up in the same room, with the same sound of rain pitter-pattering against the window, and the same t... More

1: My new neighbor
2: The two treasures
3: The journey home
5: I'm with you
6: In time, On time
7: Before the Teardrops Fall

4: A change in time

6 2 0
By Jesbelieve

I arrived in the next town the next morning. The sky was grey and heavy with clouds as I looked up to check the weather - Not a good sign. I watched as 3 swallows swerve overhead and perched on the tiled roof of the stone house in front of me.

I stood outside the gate guarding the residence, contemplating what I should say when I see Elena. Once I was ready, which felt like never, I stepped up and knocked on the gate. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked as I peered over the gate. I saw Elena looking out the window and then she came out from the door, "Ron?" She asked in surprise.

As she unlocked the gate and let me in, I could feel her sadness. She was already different from the Elena I knew at the age of 10. Her features, though framed in the same oval face, were more defined. Her hair was still the shade of honey brown and she tied it back in a low pony tail. She had lost the baby fat around her, was a couple inches taller and had the curves of a young lady. She must be 13 now.

"Ron, you heard?" Elena smiled at me though her smile did not reach her eyes. Her eyes had lost the twinkle it once held.
"Yes, I'm sorry" I nodded, "I came to see how you are doing.. and.. I'm... sorry that I missed your birthday again".
Elena's eyes started to well up as she moved in for a hug. I held her close, biting back my own tears. I couldn't explain how relieved I felt seeing her again. At least during this time she could respond to me.

Elena invited me to sit by a stone table in the backyard after I greeted her aunt and uncle from outside the front door and asked for some time to speak with Elena. I noticed that her aunt, though dressed in pretty clothes and fancy earrings, was not exactly a pleasant woman. Despite my being courteous, she eyed me warily, scoffed "Not too long" before disappearing into one of the bedrooms. Her uncle gave me a faint smile before settling on a rattan chair with his newspaper. The atmosphere in the house was stern and aloof, a pole's apart from the warm and friendly demeanour of Mr and Mrs Lin. Elena went in to fetch a glass of water and some snacks then came out to sit with me in the backyard.

"Ron, I'm going to start working next week" Elena said, her voice was low and different from her old chirpy self.
"Where at?" I asked, "Are you going to stay here for good?" I had a million questions in my mind but I forced myself to slow down and pick the right questions to ask. If I want to find out what would happen to Elena in the coming years, I need to craft my questions carefully.

"My aunt, she is working in a... night club. She wanted me to contribute to the household expenses now that I was to live with her." Elena said with her eyes downcast. She had been avoiding eye contact with me since she saw me at the gate.

A night club. What would she have Elena do there? I recomposed myself as I struggled with my words.

"Okay, what is the name of the night club? What will you be working there as?" I moved my hands under the stone table as I clenched my fists. I forced out a faint smile as I realised I was being a little too firm.

"Oh, it's erm.. Moonlight Disco, right down the street around here. She wants me to serve the drinks and clean up after the guests. Don't worry. I'll be fine" Elena said, smiling, this time, a little more genuinely.

I felt my heart twisting again and my calm composure started to give away as I started ranting "Elena, I want to apologise... I know I had not been in touch often while I was away for my studies... I want you to know that I care for you and I will always be here if you need me....And... and... if you don't want to be here or there or wherever, you can come stay with me and my parents... You know... we will take good care of you. Please."

Elena' s eyes started welling up but she sat in silence. I could see a tear drop forming, heavy on her eye lid. I could tell she was not happy here but I asked anyway "Tell me, how are you doing here? Do they treat you well?"

Elena nodded "Yes, I'm fine here Ron. Please don't worry about me. I cannot let myself be a hinder to your family. I will work and earn my keep. I will be fine", tears finally escaped her eyes but she swiftly wiped them away, "Thank you Ron, for coming all the way here to find me. You don't know how much this means to me"

Elena's aunt came out at this point and stood by the front door, arms crossed. Elena took the hint and led me to the door. As we said our goodbyes, I said "I promise I will keep in touch." She smiled and nodded. Then went in the door with her aunt.

I walked down the street to find the nightclub "Moonlight Disco". After asking directions from a few people, I came to an alley with brightly lit stores and colourful walls. The nightclub was a big store at the end of the alley. It was closed at this time of the day. I spotted a flyer from the nightclub on the floor, picked it up and kept it in my pocket.

Now, I need to find a secluded space to think about my next steps while I wait for the storm to come. Looking up at the greying sky, it should be time soon. I briskly walked through the streets in the area and found an isolated spot in the alley opposite.

I sat down behind a pile of discarded furnitures and took out the pocket watch. Checking that the 4 dials on the rim were pointing to "1", "9", "7", and "7", I started to make mental calculations on which year I should try to be spun into. If Elena in her ward was in 1994, that would be 17 years from now. In order to know what happened to her before she got admitted into the Mental Institute, I would need to go to some time before that.

As I made up my decision, I could feel the sudden drop in temperature. A clear signal that the spin was going to happen soon. The shushing sound of sand was getting louder and I could hear the thunder in the distance.

I quickly nudged at the last 2 layers of the rim but they were stuck. The rims were rustier than I thought. I continued trying to turn the rims for the next 5 minutes. My heart is thumping loudly and hysterically to the sound of the shushing sand. My fingers started trembling and I could feel the cold sweat trickling down my spine.

I quickly wiped the cold sweat off my hands on my trousers and looked around the floor for something sharp. I spotted a loose nail behind one of the abandoned cabinets and begun to push at the rims using the nail. YES! IT MOVED! I was exhilarated. The sand was sifting fast away at the moment and the grey clouds dragged a blanket of shadow across the street as it moved closer towards me. NOW!! I need to turn it now! I started rotating the rims in a frenzy as the harsh wind picked me up from where I sat.

In the next moment, I was thrown into a pitch black - a void space in time where there were no memories around me.

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