Sealer of Your Fate

By timebomber666

2.2K 38 22

Chris Motionless as a demon fic. "Promise me this is forever." "I promise, Amaris. I am eternally yours." Dem... More

Chapter 1 (Trigger Warning)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Trigger Warning)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Explicit Content)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Behind the Scenes

Chapter 12 (Explicit Content)

243 3 7
By timebomber666

Chris turns Amaris so that her back was to his chest. He wraps his arms around her torso tightly, then unfurls his wings and horns.

"Are you serious?!" Amaris asks, excitedly, knowing that Chris was going to take her flying.

"Well, the reason it's been so long is because you've grown too much for me to hide you. Since you'll be one of us soon though and be able to fly on your own, I figured I had to take you myself one last time." Chris tightens his grip around Amaris, "You ready?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Hold on tight."

With that, Chris launches the two of them up in the air. Amaris shrieks in delight, much as she used to when she was younger. She smiles ear to ear as Chris takes her all across the demon realm. The skies were made of purple and green fire, which never ceased to completely enchant Amaris. The average buildings towered higher than some of the highest sky scrapers in the moral realm - never mind the castles, which seemed to tower endlessly into the fiery skies.

There was a river that stretched through the entire realm, the water a deep black in color. Trees with black bark and black leaves, growing forbidden fruit. As Amaris continues to look down at it all, she sees the tail of a giant water serpent appear in the river.

"What's that?!" Amaris exclaims.

"Eh, it's just Leviathan in his true form."

Another large, four-legged creature walked along the riverside, with gray rubbery skin and spikes going along it's spine; it almost looked like a dinosaur.

"And that's Behemoth, in his true form," Chris explains.

"Do all demons transform into weird creatures like that?"

"Nah, just some of the more ancient ones. You'll be stuck looking like me, with human shape-shifting capabilities."

"I'll take it."

"Baphomet should be around here somewhere too; I'll have to introduce you to them once you're transformed."

After flying around the realm for a little while longer, Chris flies them back home. Once they're back on their feet, Chris shifts back into his human form and the two of them walk inside. Both of them were smiling ear to ear, but they were home now. It was perhaps time to start getting things in motion...

Admittedly, they were unsure of what to do next.

"Um..." Chris says, "I-It's pretty late, did you wanna sleep? We have time, and it might be your last chance to before - "

"Chris," Amaris cuts him off, "There's no way I'm gonna be able to sleep."

The two of them stare at each other a moment, the realization about what was about to happen crashing down on them.

Amaris swallows, then extends her hand to Chris.

Chris gives a small smile, then takes Amaris's hand and she leads him off to her bedroom.

Amaris opens her bedroom door and the two of them step in. Amaris sees something set on top of her dresser and furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"What's that?" Amaris asks.

Chris releases Amaris's hand and walks over to observe everything. A bouquet of large red roses sat in a crystal vase. A few gift boxes, a leather bound book, and a note were also present.

"A little gift from Asmodeus," Chris says, looking at the note, "He must have figured out we would end up here."

"What did he bring us?"

Chris reads the note in full, "Aphrodisiacs," He chuckles, "And instructions for the ritual."

Amaris raises an eyebrow, "Do we really need instructions?"

Chris laughs again, "Well, it is still a ritual. There's some formalities that need to be addressed before we get to the, part."

Amaris blushes, then shrugs, "Well, I'm not gonna turn down chocolate-covered strawberries. Let's see those instructions."

Amaris opens one of the boxes of treats and takes one of the chocolate-covered strawberries. She flips open the book and gives a small hum in delight as she bites into the fruit. Her eyes scan the pages, and she slowly nods her head as she takes in the information. There were details about a ritual bath for Amaris only, stripping each other down, and everything from there was pretty much up to them.

Amaris swallows, "Wow," She states, "This is, um...steamy."

Chris blinks, "Was that a pun?"

Amaris facepalms, "I hate you so much right now."

"You sure you wanna become a demon? It's just gonna be you, me, and my puns for all of eternity."

"I'm starting to second guess this."

The two of them laugh a moment, happy that they were able to still joke and play around even in times like this. Amaris then returns her attention to the ritual instructions; she takes a breath.

"Okay...seems simple enough." She turns to Chris, "Here's my question though."


"The spell that my mother put on us when I was a baby binds you and me together for as long as I live," Amaris says, "But if I become a demon, and I live forever, is this sort of like we're...mating for life?"

Chris blinks, then nervously scratches the back of his head, "Heh, uh, funny you ask that," He starts, "Um...I-If you turn the page, you'll see there's an optional last step to the ritual. It's not mandatory because, well, it's an optional last step, but..."

Amaris furrows her eyebrows, then flips to the next page. She reads its contents, then her eyes widen. She brings her left palm up and stares at her circular scar for a moment, before slowly returning her attention to Chris.


Chris gulps, "Amaris, listen, I -"

"Shut up and kiss me." Amaris throws her arms around Chris and crashes her lips into his, never wanting to let him go. Chris holds her tightly, definitely not expecting this response, but happy with it nonetheless. When they come apart, they rest each other's foreheads together, a million different emotions running through them.

"Well," Chris starts, "Let's cast the circle, then get on with our individual preparations."


Amaris didn't understand how regular humans were able to function. The tub that she and Chris had in their home was big enough to swim in, yet it seemed most tubs in most human homes could hardly fit a child. Amaris really was meant to reside in the demon realm for the rest of her days.

All except for her face, Amaris had completely submerged herself in the warm water. She lay in silence with her eyes closed, able to hear her own heartbeat as her ears were under the water as well. It was funny to think that soon, her heart would no longer be beating. What was stranger was how okay with this Amaris was.

Steam filled the air from the hot water, clearing her sinuses and lungs. Did demons have lungs? Did they breathe? They had a sense of smell - but how did that work? There were so many questions that Amaris had about what her second life as a demon would be like, but she supposed the majority of them would have to wait.

She could vaguely smell the Dragon's Blood incense that Chris was burning in the bedroom as well. Chris was taking care of some of the other formalities in the bedroom while Amaris did her best to meditate in the water; she was to stay in there for exactly twenty six minutes; no more, no less. As for the bedroom, certain candles with certain engravings needed to be lit; certain runes and crystals needed to be out, and Dragon's Blood incense had to be burned.

Once it was time for Amaris to get out, there'd be one or two more formalities to address, then they'd be able to do pretty much whatever they wanted.

Amaris tried not to think about how, a few hours ago, she'd never even kissed anyone before, let alone had sex, and now all of those things were happening in such a short amount of time. With the demon that she grew up with, no less.

Then again, it was Chris. He loved her. He made her feel safe. He would make sure that she felt comfortable and enjoyed herself throughout this entire thing. It would be something special, like Amaris had always wanted.

What about that optional last step of the ritual?

Before Amaris can think about this much farther, the timer goes off.

Amaris opens her eyes, then sits up in the water and shuts the timer off.

She takes a few breaths, trying to stay calm; it was time. She drains the water, then dries herself off and brushes through her wet hair before putting on a pair of simple black panties, and a black silk robe that tied around her waist.

Amaris stares at the door a moment, then takes another breath before opening it and walking out.

Amaris makes her way into her bedroom; everything appeared to be ready. Chris turns to face Amaris, then nods to her, signaling for her to continue with the next step of the ritual.

Amaris looks to one of her end tables and sees her athame, a ritual dagger, sitting there. The blade was dulled, used for symbolic purposes only. She picks up the blade, then walks over to Chris. She points the tip of the knife to his tattooed neck, then recites her lines.

"It is better for you to brush upon this blade than for you to enter this ritual with fear in your heart. How do you enter?"

"With perfect love and perfect trust," Chris recites.

Amaris then hands the knife to Chris, and he does the same, pointing the tip of the blade to Amaris's neck.

"It is better for you to brush upon this blade than for you to enter this ritual with fear in your heart. How do you enter?"

Amaris smiles; she couldn't help it, because she one hundred percent meant her words, "With perfect love and perfect trust."

Chris smiles in return, then sets the knife down. He and Amaris stare at each other a moment, admittedly a bit awkwardly. Amaris clears her throat, then says:

"We can make out while we strip each other down, right?"

Chris blinks, then glances to the ritual instructions. He briefly skims the beginning, then looks to Amaris and shrugs.

"I don't see why not."


Amaris throws her arms around Chris's neck and stands on her tip toes to kiss him. Chris rests his hands on Amaris's hips and grips her tightly. They'd both wanted each other for so long, and there was so much tension to be released, but Chris knew that he'd have to be careful with Amaris. For one thing, he was a demon and was much stronger than any human, but also because Amaris had never done anything like this before, and was pushed into a circumstance where she was, in a sense, being rushed into it.

As if to be thinking this, Amaris grips the hem of Chris's shirt and goes to lift it. Chris chuckles, then breaks the kiss to take off his shirt before looking down to Amaris again.

"Hey..." He puts his hands on either side of her face, softly stroking her cheek with his thumb, "We've got time, okay? Plenty of time. Let's do this right."

Amaris pauses, then nods. He was right. Amaris puts her hands on Chris's tattooed chest, eyeing him up and down. She looked at all of the colors on his skin, the designs; he was so beautiful.

"I'll have to get some tattoos once I transform," Amaris says.

"I think you're beautiful no matter what."

Amaris smiles, then returns her lips to Chris's. He was so sweet with her; it was clear that he was the one all along, and that this was meant to happen. It was all finally beginning to make sense.

They break the kiss and Chris takes both of Amaris's hands. He sits down on the edge of the bed and brings her to him so that she was straddling him. Her robe rides up her thighs, and Chris slowly runs his hands up and down them. He starts leaving kisses along Amaris's neck, sucking on her skin, not caring if he left any marks. Amaris's loins began to throb as he did this; it was like he'd found a g-spot on her neck.

Amaris leans her head to the side to give Chris more space at her neck. She gives something between a sigh and a moan as he runs his tongue from her collar bone all the way up to her jawline.

"Will everything still feel this amazing once I'm transformed?"

Chris chuckles, "Your senses will be heightened," He whispers in her hear, "It'll feel even better."

Amaris smiles, then leans down and starts kissing up and down Chris's neck, wanting him to feel as amazing as she was right now. Chris moans softly in a way that Amaris had always wanted to hear from him, and it drove her crazy. It was like every fantasy she'd ever had all combined were finally coming true.

Amaris sits back and starts undoing Chris's jeans. Chris looks to Amaris, the robe forming a V of her cleavage, her nipples visible through the fabric of the thin, silk robe. Amaris de-straddles herself from Chris so that he can kick his jeans off, leaving him in only black boxer-briefs that left little to the imagination of what was underneath.

Amaris swallows, then remembers one more small ritual formality that had to be performed, but it was hardly an inconvenience as it gave her more time to mentally prepare for what would come next. Chris still sat on the bed and Amaris still stood. She steps in between Chris's legs, close enough that she could feel his breath on her chest. Chris looks up at Amaris, then without leaving eye contact, brings his hands up to the tie of her robe.

He begins speaking in his native, demon language. Amaris wondered if she would have to learn this language, or if it would come to her naturally. This thought quickly disappears though as the cool air hits her bare chest, as her robe falls to the floor and Chris finishes the incantation.

Chris exhales, "Fuck..." He whispers, "You're so beautiful."

Amaris snorts, "Please. I've seen the demon women. No stretch marks or scars or blemishes on any of them."

"I love that you have those."

Amaris smiles, "Really?"

Chris grabs her hand and brings her back down to straddle him again. They were both still in their underwear, but Amaris was still able to feel a lot, and it damn near made her explode. However, she regains her focus when Chris rests his hands on her hips.

"I love how stringy your hair is when you first wake up in the morning," Chris starts, "I love that when you smile, you only have a dimple on the left side of your face. I love the little freckles that you have on your nose. I love the birth mark that you have on your right shoulder blade. I love the dips in your collar bone. I love the stretch marks on your thighs and your hips."

Chris brings his hands up Amaris's sides and her back. Amaris leans forward and presses her forehead against Chris's.

"I love you so much," She whispers.

"I love you more than anything."

They crawl further onto the bed and Chris crawls on top of Amaris. He kisses her deeply, their tongues tracing each other. This feeling was better than Amaris ever could have imagined. They pull each other's hair, bite each other's lips, and roll their hips into each other's.

Chris breaks their kiss and once again starts trailing his lips down Amaris's neck and chest. He takes one of her breasts in his mouth and the other in his hand. He starts sucking on the underside of Amaris's breasts, where they were most sensitive. Amaris moans softly, feeling herself getting wetter and more excited.

"You're so sexy, baby..." Chris whispers sensually, "Fuck, look at you."

"I want you," Amaris exhales, "I want this. I'm ready."

Chris chuckles, "Baby girl..." He purrs, "Relax. I've got you."

Chris pushes himself down further, then loops his thumbs around the waistband of Amaris's black panties. Amaris thought that she'd be nervous, or that her heart would be beating a mile a minute, or that she'd want to stop or slow down. None was the case. Chris slipped her panties off with ease, then sat up on his knees. His eyes drank her in, and Amaris simply awaited his response.

Chris notices this and asks, "You okay?"

Amaris gives him a small smile, "You've already seen me naked emotionally. This is nothing."

"You still seem tense."

"Well, excuse me if this is still a bit of new territory for me," She jokes.

Chris puts his hands on Amaris's thighs and spreads them before laying down on his stomach between them.

"Then let's get you relaxed," Chris muses before beginning to kiss and suck on Amaris's thighs.

Amaris leans her head back and moans. She didn't know her thighs would be so sensitive, but this felt amazing. Plus, the visual of Chris being right between her legs was enough to drive her wild.

"God damn, look at you," Chris muses, "Just begging to be eaten."

Amaris nods, unashamed to admit how much she'd wanted this. How many times had she lain awake at night imagining what it would be like for her demon to devour her like this? Now, here he was, not breaking eye contact with her as his mouth finally made its way to her clit.

Amaris arches her back and gives a loud moan. Feeling his hot breath on her drove Amaris wild. Her entire body felt warm with electricity as Chris moved his hands under her ass, lifting her hips slightly, which made it feel even better.

"Oh my God...Oh my God, Chris..."

"So wet already," Chris muses before continuing.

Amaris grips the sheets beneath her, relaxing and allowing herself to melt into the bed. Chris clearly knew what he was doing and wanted to prioritize her pleasure. Amaris had always figured that having someone making out with her pussy would feel pretty great, but this was otherworldly. Then again, so was Chris.

"Ungh..." Amaris moans, "Put your fingers in.

"You sure?"

Amaris nods, "I touch myself and finger myself all the time, thinking of you."

"Fuck..." Chris moans, in an ecstasy of his own.

"I've wanted you for so, so long."

Chris slides twofingers in and Amaris moans, not appearing to be in any pain, which may not be the case when it came to the real thing, so Chris wanted to make her feel as amazing now as he could. He brings his fingers up to her walls and continues sucking on her clit, rolling his tongue over it in circles.

"Agh! Ungh, just like that, just like that. Ohhh, fuck..." Amaris moans.

"Your pussy is so fucking perfect."

Chris gripped her ass tightly, digging his fingernails into her flesh. Amaris loved seeing him take control, knowing just the way to please her.

"Oh my God, agh! Fuck, I want you. I want you, baby," Amaris begs.

"I want you to cum first," Chris says.

"Oh, baby...Mmm..."

Chris pushes his fingers deeper. Amaris felt like he was trying to reach her soul. Amaris arches her back again as Chris's tongue traces her clit. She never wanted this to end. She didn't know this kind of pleasure even existed. She felt like she'd ascended to another reality, where the central focus was the knot building in her stomach.

"Ungh...Ohh, I'm close, I'm close..." Amaris exhales, "Keep going, don't stop."

Amaris gives a high pitched moan, her body beginning to tremble. Her walls begin to clench and pulse, and she feels a warm gush between her legs. Chris grips Amaris tightly, not stopping what he was doing until she'd completely ridden out her orgasm.

Amaris's moans slowly turn into soft whimpers, and it's then that Chris finally releases her. Amaris lays flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling, coming down from her high. Chris crawls back up the bed to lay next to her, letting her compose herself.

Amaris takes a couple more breaths, then turns on her side and kisses her demon, loving that she could taste herself on him; it turned her on even more. Amaris then starts kissing up and down Chris's tattooed neck, and he gives a soft moan.


"I want you."

"I want you so bad, baby."

Amaris re-situates herself so that she's straddling Chris as he lay in the bed. His dark eyes drink in her naked body as her soft fingers make their way to the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Heart pounding, Amaris pulls them down, and Chris kicks them off the rest of the way.

"Fuck..." Amaris whispers as she begins to stroke him.

"Mmmm..." Chris hums. He'd wanted to experience her touch like this for so long, and all he wanted was to just sit back and enjoy it, but he forces himself to ask one last time:

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Amaris stops, then leans down and kisses Chris again, slowly and lovingly.

"You're my best friend," She mumbles against his lips, "And I love you so much."

Amaris rests her forehead against Chris's, and the two of them rub noses a moment.

"This is what I want," Amaris whispers.

Chris takes her hands, "Well, listen, the ritual doesn't go into specifics with this part, so if you need to go slow, that's okay. I don't want you to be nervous or feel rushed, just do whatever feels right."

Amaris nods. She sits up to position herself, bringing herself to where his head was at her entrance. Amaris swallows, then inhales before slowly sinking down as she exhales.

"You okay?" Chris asks.

Amaris nods; while she felt a bit of a sting, it wasn't bad. Not anything like the high school horror stories she'd heard about being in horrific pain for your first time; this was fine.

"Yeah, it's not bad," Amaris says. She puts her hands on Chris's chest, then slowly begins moving her hips up and down.

Chris moans; he couldn't help it. She was so soft and wet and warm. He had no idea that being with a human would bring him so much pleasure. Perhaps it didn't matter whether or not Amaris was human - just that she was Amaris.

Chris had let Amaris take the lead at first so that she could get used to the feeling, but once she seems comfortable, Chris grabs Amaris's hips and starts moving his hips up into hers.

Amaris gives a devilish smile, "I like that," She whispers.

"You're so sexy, I can't get enough of you."

Chris's hands graze Amaris's entire body. He couldn't stop looking at her; the way her stomach tightened with each inhale, the way her breasts bounced as she rode him, the way her hair fell over her face...Chris brings his hands down to her ass again, guiding her as she moved up and down on him. He went down her hips and thighs and back up again, tracing every inch of her soft skin that his fingers could find.

"Fuck, Amaris..."

Amaris closes her eyes and lets her head fall slack, giving soft moans as she moves herself up and down. She digs her fingernails into Chris's chest, trying to savor this moment. Amaris loved the feeling of Chris's hands wandering her body, the way he moaned, the way he held her. Amaris leans down and kisses her demon passionately as the two of them continue to move their hips into each other. Their tongues trace each other, they bite and suck at each other with a fiery passion as their bodies melt together. Chris brings both hands up to pull Amaris's long, black hair at its roots. He was so passionate, but so gentle with her. He loved her so much, and wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was.

"Lay me down," Amaris says against his lips, "Get on top of me."

Chris chuckles, "Damn, I kinda like it when you're bossy."

Amaris giggles, then the two of them reposition so that Amaris lay on her back and Chris lay on top of her. He sinks into her again slowly, resting his forehead against hers. He loved her so much, it was indescribable.

Chris tangles his fingers into Amaris's hair and pulls her head to the side so that he could devour her neck as he continued to move in and out of her. Amaris moans, overcome by the sensations that were filling her body and mind. She left scratches up and down Chris's tattooed back, her toes curled, and she continuously bucked her hips up into his.

Chris rests his forehead on Amaris's. He was going slow for her, and every now and then would ask if she was okay. Amaris was more than okay though. This was the best possible way her first time could have gone. She adored Chris, and was so happy that this experience was happening with him.

"Promise me this is forever," Amaris whispers.

"I promise, Amaris. I'm eternally yours."

Amaris kisses Chris fiercely, biting his bottom lip and tangling her fingers in his hair. He then breaks their kiss and starts trailing his lips all over her face and neck, telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. Despite the circumstances, this moment was everything the two of them ever could have wanted it to be.

"Ungh...Fuck, baby I'm close..." Chris moans.

"Make me yours," Amaris whispers sensually, sending Chris over the edge. They reach their climaxes, gripping each other tightly as the ecstasy over takes them. They kiss deeply and passionately as they ride out their highs, then Chris rests his forehead on Amaris's for a moment as she catches her breath.

They come apart, Chris rolling away to let Amaris process. She lay flat on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her pupils were dilated, but her mind was slowly coming back to reality.

Amaris swallows, then asks, "How long will it take?"

Chris purses his lips, then says, "Not long."

"Will it hurt?"

Chris doesn't answer.

Amaris sighs, "Then just hold me."

They turn to face each other and Amaris nuzzles herself into Chris's chest as he runs his fingers through her hair.

"I love you," Amaris whispers.

"I love you so much."

Amaris looks up at him and smiles, "You still gonna remember me when you're a top notch high elder?" She jokes.

"Please. You'll be my Queen." He kisses her forehead, "I'm gonna go run another bath for you. It'll help ease the transition."

Amaris nods, and Chris walks off.

He was right, it didn't take long.


Chris walks out to find Amaris sitting up in bed, looking woozy.

"My head..."

"It's starting," Chris says, "Come on, let's get you in the water."

Chris guides Amaris back to the large bath and the two of them get in so that Chris could hold Amaris as she transformed. He was right, the water was soothing, but it didn't lessen the fact that Amaris could feel herself changing.

Amaris's hand goes to her chest and she gasps. She coughs a few times, her lungs and heart beginning to shut down.

"Shhhhhhh, it's okay, it's okay..."

"It hurts," Amaris manages to choke out before putting her hands over her eyes, "God, they burn..."

Chris puts a hand on Amaris's chest. He then checks her pulse on her wrist and her neck. Her heart had stopped beating.

Amaris groans in pain and her hands go to her forehead; her horns were coming in. A similar thing began to happen near her shoulder blades where her wings were forming.

Amaris lets out another yell before opening her eyes again, now bright red.


"I'm here; it's almost over, I promise."

The worst part would be the horns and wings penetrating through Amaris's skin. Seeming to sense this, Amaris decides to completely submerge herself under the hot water. She comes back up a moment later, shrieking in pain. However, her horns and wings had penetrated.

"I've got you, I've got you," Chris holds her to his chest, "It's almost over, I've got you."

New, black feathered wings begin to emerge, as did horns that resembled Chris's; perhaps because of their imprint, or because he was the one that transformed her.

A few moments later, Amaris seems to relax, and she sits back to observe her new body. Chris had also transformed himself into his true form, so that Amaris could see them both fully as demons together. Amaris reaches up to feel her horns, and behind her to feel her wings.


"What do you think?" Chris asks.

"I feel...incredible," Amaris says, "How do I look?"

Chris smiles. While she was clearly different now, she was still Amaris. Best of all, she looked happy, and it was perhaps the first time Chris had seen her truly happy.

"Still the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."

He kisses her a moment, chastely. They come apart and stare at each other a moment. Chris then gives a small smile, and he raises his left hand, where his scar began to glow white.

Amaris's eyes widen, then she smiles as she raises her hand as well. The pull between their light centers was stronger than it had ever been.

"Are you ready?" Chris asks, softly.

"I was born ready," Amaris smiles, "I love you."

"I love you."

Amaris swallows, then slowly brings her hand to Chris's. After years of wondering what it would be like...Amaris presses their light centers together.

They become one.

They were still separate, but they were one, if that makes sense. Amaris still had her own body and mind, and Chris still had his, but it was as if Amaris could suddenly crawl into Chris's thoughts and memories and feelings, and he could access all of hers.

"By the powers of the infernal divine," Chris recites, "I am yours, and you are mine."

He presses his forehead to Amaris's, then recites the final line as the energy flows between them.

"We are mated for life."

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