Say What You Mean

By stromburger

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// Keaton Stromberg // + " ... and I didn't love you at first, no, it just didn't make sense because we were... More

Chapter One - First Encounters
Chapter Two - First Wave
Chapter Three - Welcome To Huntington Biatch
Chapter Four - The Break
Chapter Five - Music for Music
Chapter Six - Holy Bucket Of Oats
Chapter Seven - The Charity Ball
Chapter Eight - Noah's Bright Idea
Chapter Nine - The Aftermath
Chapter Ten - The Quiet Life
Chapter Eleven - The Closing Act
Chapter Twelve - Celebrations and Frustrations
Chapter Thirteen - Opening Up
Chapter Fourteen - Unwanted Feelings
Chapter Fifteen - The Wave Logic
Chapter Sixteen - Testing Different Water
Chapter Seventeen - The Interview
Chapter Eighteen - The Unexpected Guests
Chapter Nineteen - Saving The Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty - Not The Perfect Couple
Chapter Twenty One - The Apology
Chapter Twenty Two - The Start Of A War
Chapter Twenty Three - Phone Conversations
Chapter Twenty Four - The Dinner
Chapter Twenty Five - Choking Up
Chapter Twenty Six - Waking Up
Chapter Twenty Seven - Christmas
Chapter Twenty Eight - K for Keaton
Chapter Twenty Nine - Getting Closer
Chapter Thirty - Guitar Lessons
Chapter Thirty One - The New Year
Chapter 32 - The Talk
Keaton's POV - The End

Chapter Thirty Three - Asking Questions. (The End) ... Kind Of.

15.8K 448 66
By stromburger

Chapter 33

Okay guys, I'm really unhappy because this is the last chapter and I wrote it so poorly and I'm so disappointed. But whatever, I'll just have to deal with it. This chapter is so ... id on't even know, it's lame but I hope you enjoy it anyway and I'm so sorry I couldn't end it on a better note.

There is a sequel. It's on my page.


The hate at first is bad. Like, real bad. Like, death threats and all. I’m not expecting it. I’m truly not. It hurts at first but then I try to put myself in their shoes. I remember what it was like when I found out Harry Styles (don’t judge me okay) was rumoured to have a girlfriend, I pretty much shit bricks. He was unattainable yeah, but he was also mighty fine and I did not want some other girl having him. Therefore, I try to put myself in the fans’ shoes and I realise that I should just let them get their rants out and let them send their hate, because it’s okay. I’m taking their boy away. He is theirs, they are his, and I’m okay with that because I understand. I was in the One Direction fandom once upon a time, (again, don’t judge me) and I know what it’s like to be the fan girl so I have no problem in letting them send me hate. Sure, it’s not cool to do it but then again it’s not cool to steal girls’ future husband’s so I guess you can call us even.

Being back in California is nice. Being back at school isn’t though. Being back in school with people firing me questions about my relationship with Keaton isn’t either. Taylor practically ordering a kill shot on me is just the cherry on top. Alexa, Harper and I spend the whole of lunch in the Library, hiding out from everyone. We take the whole period talking about everything that happened over Christmas break. We even skip period 5 so we can talk some more. Sure we’ll cop the detention for it but it’s totally worth it because we all have juicy stories.

I hang out with Keaton the whole week, well, when both of us are free. Just like his Mum said, he was spending a lot of time in LA and moving up there did seem probable. It’s okay though because I’m getting my license soon and I’d be able to visit him. We agreed to make it work, despite being 16, we agreed to put in the effort.

It’s a Saturday and I’m hanging out in my room when Noah comes in. He starts eating some chocolate out of my chocolate box so I have to slap his hand away. I frown, “What do you want Noah?”

“Wanna go up to LA and see the boys? They have the rest of the weekend off and they're staying at their mates’ house." 

"Do you even have to ask?" I reply with a smile as I hop of my bed. "Let's go." 

"Sweet, I'll just grab my keys. Tell Mum what's happening and tell her we'll be back ... Eventually." 

I do as he says and Mum is so tired she doesn’t bother asking any questions. Work is stressful for her now because of the time she took off over Christmas break. The person she left in charge didn't really do a good job. I give her a hug and kiss goodbye before making my way down to the driveway where Noah is waiting in his car. I didn't even contemplate changing my clothes, I was too tired to do so, so I just stay in my Hugs & Drugs jumper, blue skinny jeans and all black chucks. I'm also wearing my Ninjas beanie in what seems like forever. It feels nice to have it on my head. Once I'm in the car, I adjust my seeing glasses so I can get a better look at the map Noah is showing me. I sigh, "You're a freak. Why don't you just google it?" 

He mulls over what I said in his head before nodding sheepishly, "Yeah that's a good idea." 

After he figures out where we're going, we finally set off in the right direction. The journey up to LA is quick because there isn't much traffic. Surprising for an early Saturday night. We're about 20 minutes away from their friend's house when I start scrolling through Twitter.  I laugh aloud when I see a certain Tweet.  Noah looks at me, "What's so funny?" 

"Wes invited the world to chill with them at this guy Kory's house. He gave the address and everything. Looks like we're hanging with more than they boys tonight." 

He laughs too, "Those boys are so whack. They're famous now but they're still giving out their location."

I text Keaton to tell him we're almost there but he doesn't reply which is expected. He's not really a texter. We arrive there in no time; we can hear shouts coming from out the back before we're even in the house. The door is unlocked so we go straight through. The first person we see is Wes, he's in the kitchen that overlooks the lounge, getting some drinks with a guy I've never seen before. When he notices us, he grins, "Guys you made it! This is my buddy Kory and he lives here. He hooks me up with all my clothes from the brand I always wear, the wink face one. Anyway, Kory this is Ara and Noah." 

Noah shakes his hand and they say hey. I smile at him, "Hello." 

"You must be Keaton's girlfriend." 

"Indeed I am."

"That's great, he's a good kid." He replies with a grin of his own.

"I know, I'm lucky to have him. Speaking of Keaton, where is he?"

Wes gestures to the back door, "Outside with everyone, jamming on the guitar." 

"Ok cool. Can you tell him I'll be out in a bit; I just need to go top my phone credit up." I say, referring to the convenience store across the road.

"Yeah sure." Wes shrugs. "We might have moved in here when we come back so be prepared. Although, the fans here are pretty chill." 

"I can't believe they actually came." I admit.

"Yeah there are about ten of them. They're cool. Stoked they actually made an effort." 

"Well of course they would. They are fans after all."

I leave them to go outside whilst I make my way across the road. It doesn't take long to get phone credit and I'm back to the house in no time. Wes was right though, they had moved the party inside. I could hear them. I straighten out my beanie and glasses and silently curse my decision to not dress up a little more presentable.

Everyone is scattered on the floor and couches when I waltz in, trying to look as confident as possible. When Keaton spots me, his face lights up, this puts an instant smile on my own. He pulls himself up off the floor and walks across the room to me. Despite everyone watching, he plants a small kiss on my lips that makes my heart flutter. "You've never kissed me in front of people before." I reply breathlessly. "Where did that come from?" 

He chuckles nervously and bends close to my ear so only I can hear, "One of the girls is major hitting on me so I need to show her I'm taken." 

I can't help but laugh at him as he gives me a scared look. I grab his hand and drag him back to the spot where he was sitting, after plonking him down there, I make my way around the room, and greeting everyone, I know and don't know. Some of them are chill, some nervous and some a tad icy. It doesn't faze me though because at the end of the day, I have Keaton and they don't. 

One of the girls starts chatting to me about the New Zealand beaches and I happily sit with her. Across the room, one girl is flirting with Keaton so obviously it's painful to watch. Mariah, the girl I'm talking too, catches me looking at them so she gives me a sad smile, "It must suck being his girlfriend whilst thousands of other girls love him. I can't imagine the hate you get." 

I shrug, "It's all good. It's kind of starting to die down now. And as for the flirting, I don't seem to mind. I trust Keaton so I have no worries about him." 

"You're cool. I didn't think you would be, but you are." she states. 

"Oh um ... Thanks." I reply, unsure if it was a compliment or not.           

"A lot of the Twitter girls give you hate right? You should come on Tumblr; we're cooler to chill with." She shrugs.

I nod along, “Sweet, I’ll check it out.”

She excuses herself to get a drink so I make my way over to Keaton. I let myself fall ungracefully to the floor next to him.  After I get comfortable and lean against the wall, he smiles at me. "Ara, this is Kate. Kate this is my girlfriend Ara." 

I give her a warm smile, “Hi it’s nice to meet you.”

“Same to you and can I just say I love your style. It’s so awesome.” She gushes out excitedly.

I blush slightly, “Wow thank you! I love your jumper.” I say genuinely, gesturing to what she’s wearing.


Keaton groans, “Please don’t start talking about fashion.”

I pinch his cheeks affectionately, “Don’t be such a big baby.”

Before he can come back with an insult, Wesley and Drew start up a song. They jam to Sunest Blvd and everyone listens. I’m watching Drew rap when I feel a hand slip into my own. I feel myself grin as I squeeze Keaton’s hand gently. After Wes and Drew finish jamming, everyone in the room starts up chatter among them, some music is played and Wes starts dancing with some fans.

I smile at Keaton’s hand in my own. “Huh, who would’ve thought we’d be together?”

“Um. Everyone. My brothers have been saying since you first got here.”

I laugh in realisation, “Yeah actually, same. Don’t you find it weird though?”

“Yeah kind of. But I mean, I’m happy. I just hope you’re happy.”

“Of course I’m happy Keaton or I wouldn’t be with you.”

And I’m telling the truth. Spending time with Keaton this week has been one of the best weeks I’ve spent here, different, but amazing. He manages to make me smile, a proper, genuine smile. He lights up the room when he walks in. He makes me laugh and giggle. And most of all, he makes me feel happy. The happiest I’ve been since I arrived in California.

I must’ve zoned out because he waves his hand in front of my face.  I snap back to reality instantly and look at him. He smiles, “You okay there?”

“Perfect.” I reply.

He jumps up, pulling me with him. “Come on; let’s go outside for some fresh air.”

I follow him out the back door and onto one of the benches. We sit with our legs on either side of the seat so we’re facing each other. We just look at each other, both with huge smiles on our faces. He grabs my hands again, playing nervously with them on top of the seat surface. When he averts his gaze to me again, he’s biting his lip. I cock my head to the side, curious as to what he’s thinking. I give him an unsure look, “Are you okay?”

He nods so abruptly and fiercely it gives me a fright. “I’m good, like really good.”

“Then why are you looking so nervous you spaz?”

He chuckles nervously and avoids my eyes. “I want to kiss you again.” He mumbles, looking at the ground.

I sigh to myself; he is so cute it’s unbearable. I yank gently on his hands, forcing him to look at me. “Keaton, you don’t have to keep asking.”

“I know.” He says breathlessly. “But I’m not used to this relationship thing and I’m not very good at all the kissing and nice gestures and stuff.”

I let go of his hands and slide closer to him. Gently, I lift my legs up a bit, so they go over his and I’m close to him. We’re eye level for once and it feels nice to be on a proper level with his face. I lace my arms around his neck gently, letting my hands cross over lazily at the back. “You don’t have to be good at it.” I say softly. “You just have to mean it.”

Taking charge, I put my lips softly against his. It’s a gentle kiss. Like all the other kisses we’ve had. I feel his hands place themselves on my hips, as he tries to pull me closer. I smile against his lips, “There you go.”

He shushes me by kissing me again. I tilt my head slightly to meet his lips better, after running my hand gently along his jaw line, a feeling of pleasure runs through me. He pulls back and I miss his touch almost instantly. I feel myself pouting, causing him to smile. He ignores my non-verbal request and tugs my jumper gently, “I like it when you’re not dressed up.”

“Really?” I ask, genuinely surprised.

He nods, “Yeah and I love it when you wear beanies.” He tugs on my beanie pom-pom. “You were wearing this the first day I met you.”

“You remember?”

He blushes, “Of course I remember. I thought you were really pretty.”

“Naww thanks.”

He rolls his eyes. “Yeah whatever.” His expression turns from playful to serious, “Do me a favour Ara?”


“Never change. Not for anyone. You look really pretty with your glasses on and I don’t think you need your contacts to look beautiful, Zack doesn’t know what he was talking about.”

I grin finds its way to my face as I press my lips gently to his, knowing words can’t really express my gratitude. He kisses me back and it’s a really good kiss. Still gentle, but still good. I don’t think we would’ve broken apart had someone not cleared their throat behind us. I knew it was Wes before I even turned around. We didn’t untangle ourselves, I just turned around. It was Wes and he was looking slightly uncomfortable, “Um .. the fans are wondering where you guys are.”

“Sweet, tell them we’ll be in in a minute.” Keaton says, obviously trying to shoo his brother away.

Wes nods, trying to avoid looking at us. He leaves without saying another work and as I untangle myself from Keaton, I can’t help but laugh. “They predicted us getting together but now that we are, they can’t handle it.”

He shakes his head, a chuckle escaping his mouth too. “Ridiculous.”

I smooth out my hair and beanie before starting for inside. Keaton stops me so I give him a curious look, “Yes?”

“I want to hold your hand.”

The gesture is cute but I can’t help but snort, “Keats it’s literally, like, twenty steps to the lounge.”

He shrugs, “I just want everyone to know you’re my girlfriend.”

What he says tugs at my heart so fiercely it’s surprising. I grab his hand almost instantly and after rising to my tip-toes, I press my lips softly against his. “You don’t need to know what you’re doing Keaton, because you’re doing it perfectly. How about, you never change.”

He takes my kiss willingly and afterwards, we walk back into the lounge hand in hand. We get a few jealous stares but I don’t care because Keaton is mine and I am his.


PLease don't unfan me or anything because remember there's a sequel coming and a chapter in Keatons' POV. Stay tuned and stay chill worrrd



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