Your Odd Neighbor (Horror San...

由 OreoDaSkeleton

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Y/N's best friend Blueberry (also known as Underswap Sans) invited them to move into the shared/connected apa... 更多

Introductory A/N
Chapter 1- Tons of Boxes
Chapter 2- Horror Sans
Chapter 3- Late Night Visitor
Chapter 4- Hanging Out
Chapter 6- Disappeared
Chapter 7- We're Going Home
Chapter 8- Blue Needs Help
Chapter 9- Cute and Awkward
Chapter 10- Horror's Job
Chapter 11- Crazy Day
Small but Still Important A/N
Chapter 12- Worried For Him
Chapter 13- Cat Snuggles
Chapter 14- In The Closet
Chapter 15- Honey's Plan
The End.. I Think-
~Bonus Episode!~

Chapter 5- The Food Court

4.7K 191 355
由 OreoDaSkeleton

Writer~San: Yeah, you probably get the idea of this chapter from the title, lol. Good job to whoever drew this picture XD I like all the different expressions. ;w;
(~Your POV~)

Blue's taking a while in all the stores, trying on several assortments of clothing. He's so excited, I took a video and sent it to his brother.

'We share a similar love for the adorableness.'

It's almost lunch so Stretch should be awake by now. Proving my point, Honey calls my phone. I sit down on a small seat nearby and answer it, holding the phone to my ear, "Sup, Honeybee?"

[Nothing much, (N/N). Heh, seems like my bro's having fun without me already. Ya took him to the new mall?]

I watch Blue looking through a new rack of clothes, his pupils turning into stars. Then, I answer Honey while smiling, "Yeah, seemed like a good way to bribe him to forget you faster." I hear him laugh on the other end of the phone.

[Oh really? Bribery was involved? Well, at least he didn't give me up for just some human.]

"Pffff- Pap, come on. You know I'm kidding." I let out a small chuckle, "Besides, I didn't bring just Blue. We brought Horror too."

[Oh, that's caring of you. How's it been going? You two get along?]

I sigh, "Got off on the wrong foot in the beginning, but I think I can get used to him. Eventually..."

[Lol, that's understandable. I didn't quite like him at first either. Is he enjoying the mall too? I didn't see him in the video.]

"Yeah, that's because he's hiding." I answer, glancing over to Horror. He's timidly hiding himself behind Blue or any clothing displays he can find.

I arch an eyebrow, saying, "I don't think he's interested in the whole going outside thing."

[Yeah, he doesn't leave the house except for work.... Why don't ya take him to the food court? I'm completely confident that he would enjoy that. That skeleton would do anything for food.]

"Blue did mention that he liked food, but he doesn't really show it that much. All he does is stay home and eat Blueberry's tacos. I didn't have to stay longer than a day to figure that out."

[They may not have said anything, because it's a sensitive topic. Horror's kinda anorexic.]

I roll my eyes, joking, "No duh, he's all bones."

[Heh, not what I meant but he is starving to the bone. He was forcibly starving himself in his au. It wasn't good for his health and caused him a lot of stress. Blue and I brought him to this world, so he'd feel comfortable with eating again.]

"Why? He's a picky eater or something?" I ask, getting concerned by Honey's serious tone.

[Don't freak out, but things are a little chaotic in his world. The monsters... they uH.. They eat humans.]

I abruptly stand up, shouting, "WHAT?!"

[Y/N, I told you not to freak out.]

"Why can't I?! Don't you hear what you're saying?!" I fuss, getting seriously anxious.

'They ALLOWED a human-eating skeleton to come LIVE here?! I'm sorry Blue but ArE YoU KIDDinG mE?!!!'

[You're not paying attention to what I've been telling you. Horror was the only one that wouldn't do it.]

'He didn't? The only one.. Even his Papyrus did it..?'

I'm speechless. Being sensible, I realize how much pressure Horror must've been under in his Au. The things he had to watch and do, to the extent of painful starvation. Things went quiet for a while, until I heard Classic Pap's voice ring in the background, shouting some things.

[Sorry N/N, I got to go. Don't be so harsh on Horror, okay? He's trying his best.]

"I got it... Bye.." I hang up the phone and sigh.

"Hey." I completely lose focus and flinch, seeing Horror right beside me.

'How long was he there?!'

"Blue found some more outfits. Thinks he's gonna be here a while so he said we could take a look at some other stores." Horror explains, keeping solid eye contact with the floor.

I feel guilty, now knowing information that completely changes my opinion of him. "H-Hey.. um.. I have an idea of some things we can do. Come on.."

Horror walks ahead of me, leaving through the entrance of the store.

'He's going to get himself lost-'

I catch up with him and hurriedly tug on his sleeve, "Horror, wait. You're going the wrong way." "I didn't ask to be here. I don't care. I'm going back to the car." He mumbles with a small growl, trying to walk away again.

I move my hand downwards and intertwine my fingers with his, stopping him. Blush appears on my cheeks as he looks to me in confusion and shock. I startled him.

I turn away, embarrassed, but I keep a tight grip on his hand, "You didn't eat breakfast. I didn't either. You're probably agitated because you're hungry, right? It's going to be lunch soon anyway so we should get something to eat. The food court should be near here. I'll make sure to text Blue a meet-up point. Please, don't give up yet."

I hear him sigh, "Okay...." I let out a breath of relief, tugging him along to follow me, "What are we waiting for?! Come on!"

(~Small Time Skip~)

Horror got more excited about this than I originally expected. He gasps almost every time he sees something new. Before we knew it, he had bought something from every restaurant in the food court.

Having so much food, we had no other choice but to share. Except my (f/f) meal, no way he's getting that. Thank god that there was a place that sold it in here. We sit amongst the dining area and open up all the bags and containers of food we've collected.

Horror inspects a piece of pizza in absolute awe, "What is this?!" I giggle at him, explaining, "That's pizza." "What do humans make it out of?" He asks, taking a bite.

I think about it, "Well, it's a bread crust, then some type of tomato or pasta sauce on top. Then they cover and bake it with toppings like cheese, vegetables, meat, and even fruit. There's all types of combinations you can do now." "It'S aMaZInG!" He shouts, taking another large bite.

I playfully roll my eyes, "Come on. There's no way you didn't have pizza where you came from." "I don't know... I guess I didn't really pay attention to menus." He responds and puts his pizza slice down, his mood dropping too.

'Ah dang it! You shouldn't talk about that!'

I look over more of the plates and grin, "Hey- try this!" I hand him a plate of sushi rolls. He looks at it, curious and perking up again, "What is this?" "Sushi. A combination of items rolled up in a layer of rice and seaweed. It looks like your roll has some... hm.. wait a minute.." I take a roll and taste it, now I'm sure.

I smile and explain, "Yeah, your roll has things like crab, avocado, and cream cheese in it. The drizzle on top is a spicy mayo or something. There might be some cucumber rolled in there too." I finish my bite, encouraging him to try it as well.

'Besides, I don't want to waste any of this food either. I paid for all of it.'

Horror grabs a small roll and puts it in his mouth, flabbergasted by the entirely new flavor. He takes another one, but makes the same shocked and amazed face.

I can't help but smile at his expressions. He makes a new one with each thing he tries. There were a few things he didn't like, more of the sour or spicy themed dishes. However, he liked most of the foods, especially sweet and savory things. Those are the plates he finishes first.

"This is a hamburger, right? They're made with animal meat up here on the surface?"
"Well, some hamburgers are made out of plants for vegans, but for the most part... yep!"
"And this?!"
"Teriyaki chicken on a stick. It's chicken with a thick salty-sweet sauce on it. These sellers skewer it like this so that it's easy to bite or pull off."
"Y/N! What about this?!"
"That's just ketchup."
"Oh- heh, you're right. I already know what that is." He laughs, poking his finger into the ketchup and then putting it into his mouth.

'Looks like he's relaxed a lot more. That's good.'

I try a few things for myself while patiently explaining the contents to Horror. He has a hard time fathoming that there's really so many ways to prepare and cook food. I can imagine why he feels that way, since Blue really only focuses on one dish, tacos. While Horror continues to chow down on everything, I focus on finishing my plate of (f/f). I needed to have at least one dish to myself.

There is no limit to his stomach. He's made it through all the lunch meals, and is now asking me about the desserts and snack foods he bought. Pretzels, chips, cakes, milkshakes, etc..

I smile and explain all of it to him. He smiles and takes a bite of some angel cake. He gasps, filled with joy as he holds out the same slice to me, "TRY THIS!"

"Horror, I'm a little full already. I probably shouldn't-" Before I could finish, he shoved his spoon into my mouth, containing a bite of the cake.

'HE fEd Me-'

My mind goes on complete shutdown, making me internally scream and die inside. My heart rate spikes, and my cheeks feel warmer with each second. I enjoy the bite of sweet cake and fluffy icing. Then, I pull back while holding my hand over my mouth, mumbling, "Thank you."

He smiles, acting like a small child, "Ya like it too, right?! I think I'll call you Sweetcakes from now on. That'll be my special nickname for you!" I nearly choke on my bite of food, my cheeks turning redder and redder.

'Oh god- what has gotten into him? Did I give him too much sugar? Dang it, don't tell me he has a similar sugar rush reaction like Blue.'

I turn away, trying my best to calm down.
I'm so flustered, I don't even know how to answer him.

'Why is he acting so cute?! Horror's completely different once again, like yesterday! Has he forgotten that he basically despised me when we got here?!'

Horror takes some larger bites of his cake, "That's alright if you're full. It means there's more for me!"

I stand up from my seat, not saying a word, "I'm sorry. Excuse me for a minute-" "What are ya apologizing for? Y/N?" I anxiously pull my hair back and rush to the nearest bathroom.

Once I'm inside, I hang over the sink. Clearing my thoughts and slowing my heart rate is proving to be the most difficult challenge today.

'Why? Why is this happening?!'

I let out a small growl. After that, I turn on the the faucet, splashing handfuls of water onto my face. My face still feels warm, and one glance in the mirror proves that I'm still blushing.

There's no way I can face him like this. I sigh and rub my hands together, remembering the touch of his fingers around mine.

This flustered me even more, making me actually miss it. I groan, "This is going to take a while...."

Writer~San: YAAAAAAY! All this talking about food is making me hungry, lol. >w< You've reached the end of the intro chapters. As I did with all my books, I aim to write one chapter every 1-3 days. Of course, sometimes things happen and I may need to take longer breaks. I always make sure to tell my readers in advance when this happens.

Anyway, my point is that the book is going to be constantly updated. Make sure to check it daily! ( ^^)~ I hope you enjoyed it so far and hope to see you again as the book progresses.

Have a good rest of your morning/afternoon/night! ;w;


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