(18+) As the sin caves in (T...

بواسطة smuthasthecolourred

88.3K 1.6K 795

"You really are bad with timings." ---------------------------- "You're mine." He growled causing my heart to... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Final chapter

Chapter 7

2.3K 35 4
بواسطة smuthasthecolourred

Tw: räp£
I represent,

When the demons gather around

Anastasia Pierce:

It's been two days since i uh... screwed Riddle. Last night when i saw him, i was too embarrassed but i sucked it back, he doesn't have anything on me. He's the one who fucked me. "Liz, Liz!" I groaned as she turned to the side with her eyes still shut. "What?" She asked annoyed.

"Is this letter yours?" I picked up the envelope on the side table between us. "No, it's yours." She turned to the other side as i wiped my eyes sitting upright.

From Edith Walker
To Anastasia Pierce

My mothers name made a smile surface my lips right away with zest.

I cut it open for first off a small pile of paper money to appear inside. I clasped it hurrying then picked up the paper inside.

Dear Anna,

I've missed you, my sweet daughter. I've heard you've done quiet the mess with one of your professors calling him some animal name. Remus told me. You will need to stop it.

Lovely, i got paid and this is yours. Two hundred galleons. I really hope they're good. And about that guy who told your father about me, i broke his nose. Yeah i punched him. Proud, eh?

I love you my pretty daughter, and i really hope you're having fun.


I smiled widely at the perfectly timed news. I dropped gleeful on the bed smelling the money and holding it to my chest.

"Thank god." I huffed in relief shutting my eyes. "Why?" Liz switched her position to me. "Money," i sang it rubbing the papers together with my thumb.

"What are you going to do with it?" She leaned on her elbows. "Sin." I smiled widely as she rolled her eyes. "A friend to friend advice, save it. If you have nothing necessary to do with it, just save it Anna." She shrugged as i furrowed my brows nodding.

"Weekends are boring." She groaned leaning back in her bed. "I'll write mother a letter then, let's not make it boring." I smiled widely before standing and moving to my desk.

Dear mother,

I'm so glad you got paid. And the professor i called an animal name, his name is professor Riddle. He's fucking annoying mom, i hate him. And you would hate him too. And i am seriously proud of what you've done to that son of a bitch.  Anyways, i am happy mother. I'm glad you sent a letter it's been a while and mother i beg you. If you meet a guy, try not to spill your life story.


"Done." I placed the paper into the envelope wrote our names then proceeded to ice. "Ice, take this to mother." I adjusted the letter in her beak before she flew into the fireplace then above the water level into the sky.

"Now, what do you have in mind. It's like 1 pm." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Uhm... let's annoy Blaise first." I tapped her thigh prior to moving to my wardrobe.

Ahh, weekends. Only that the homework is tough, but i could manage. I changed into a normal hoodie with some running shorts leaving my hair down as she wore a little dress.


"Blaise!" We flung the door open. "What?!" He jumped out of his bed, clearly he was still slumbering.

"Hi." I tilted my head to the side before throwing myself on his legs. "Anna!" He hurled me off to the floor.

"Tell your girlfriends to go away Zabini." A figure spoke under the covers of the other bed. "No." We said in union. "You're the one who should go ferret." I sucked my lips in before he took the covers off rolling his eyes at me.

"Fine." He groaned getting up in his sweat pants. His perfectly jacked abdominals made me gulp even though I knew he was aware of my glare. I bit my lip slowly dragging my eyes up to his. He raised a brow giving me a smirk then advancing into the bathroom. My cheeks heated up as i sucked my lips in.

"What?" I raised my brows after noticing they were burning their eyes through me. "Don't mind her, she's horny." Liz rolled her eyes dropping herself flat on the bed. "When is she not?" He checked me out with disgust as i repaid the favour.

A knock echoed from the door before Blaise allowed the knocker in then Damon appeared making my eyes go wide and my heart drop. His hair falling perfectly on his forehead and his blue eyes reflecting my bouncing heart's colour. He smirked widely at me raising his brows making me swallow.

"Hey Anna," he greeted with his deep voice sending actual goosebumps around my body as my heart pumped between my legs. "Hey Damon." I smiled back. "I uh.. i was actually looking for you and i saw you enter here." He scratched the back of his neck making me part my lips pointing my index to my chest questioning.

"Yeah." He smiled. Anxiousness swelled in my chest. Looking like that? I didn't look bad, i just wanted to look the best around him. "Yeah sure." I shrugged hastily getting off the bed before tripping on the covers foot around the other and falling to the rough cold floor. Bad timing! "Anna!" Liz called out.

"I'm okay." I answered quickly gathering myself up. "Shall we?" I smiled at Damon as he nodded opening the door for me. "Good luck Anna." Liz mocked making me raised my middle finger high up to her with a sarcastic smile.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I gulped crossing my arms as we stood in the dungeons. "Uh.." he paused looking at me with parted lips as if he forgot or that he's nervous. "Have you ever had like.. a real boyfriend before?" He nervously queried making me huff raising a brow.

Like this is the thing he wanted to talk about? I rolled my tongue in my cheek.

"No," i sighed. "You came all the way across the dungeons to ask me this stupid rhetorical question?" I crossed my arms tighter sucking my cheek in.

"No no." He answered hastily. This actually built up a little spark of excitement in my heart. "I uh... i was wondering if you wanted to... go out. Tomorrow night?" He raised chin making my heart dance inside like it's my wedding.

My actually entire future planned with him in a minute in my head as he stayed silent, his hands in the grey pockets of his trousers. "Me? Go out? With you?" I parted my lips with wide eyes. "Is that a no?" He furrowed his brows. "No, no, no. I want to. God i really really want to." I shut my eyes then opened them right away.

"And i shouldn't have said that." I shook my index at him. "Okay." He chuckled. "I'll take you out by 8 tomorrow night. Don't be late." He raised a brow before moving away.

"Oh my god." I murmured. Why is everything going great all of a sudden?

I went back inside speechless. "Damon... just asked me out... tomorrow night." I leaned on the door looking into nothingness. "Damon?" Blaise asked curiously.

"Asked me out." I gulped. "Damon Basset?" He shook his palm at me. "Yes, Damon!" I answered excitedly.

"Ew" Liz narrowed her eyes. "Don't go." She shrugged. "I am going." I assured her stomping my feet.

"What will we do now?" She rested her head on Blaise's pillow. "Go out, drink. Or no, I don't want to have a hangover tomorrow. So, let's explore the dark forest." I clapped my hands together.

"Again?!" They asked in union as i bit my lip.


"This was fun." I skipped moving into the night hallway. "Yeah except the part where Blaise almost got dragged by his legs into a cave by elves." Liz crossed her arms in judgment. "Hey don't be bitter, we saved him." I smiled widely before. "Anastasia!" The voice made my heart stop and fall in my legs.

I parted my lips halting in my place. "Let's go." Blaise flared his nostrils. "Okay." I whispered before my name was called out again.

I wanted to run for the hills, but not turn back. Get skinned alive right now by my best friends but not turn back.

"Anastasia, come here!" His voice was happy. My father is never happy with me. There's someone with him. My knees felt weaker as i leisurely turned back.

"Anna let's just go." Blaise tried pulling me. "No, you guys go. I'll be alright." I patted his forearm with shaky hands.

He stood with his slutty girlfriend and another man. Probably his boyfriend. His broken teeth could be seen from miles away as his fearsome face showed under the candle light.

I inhaled horsely with fright knocking the door of my every vein. With sorrow camouflaging my each happiness source under a dark cover.

"Just go guys." I looked back at them before Liz took Blaise's arm nodding at him then they left.

The other three demons neared me in a steady pace smiles on their faces. "Hello daughter," he grabbed my head kissing my forehead with chapped rough cigarette smelling lips. I stayed silent and still.

He has never in his life done that. And it was definitely not a good sign. "Anna, nice to meet you again!" The ginger lady smiled at me; the wrinkles under her eyes gathering beneath her eyes. I kept my body inert and my face down not looking at them.

"Smile," Michele looked at me with a menacing look in his eyes. I gulped unable to force one. He lowered his head at me before raising a hand in the air making me convulse and flinch taking a long step back. "I'll smile, I'll smile." I held my hands inches away from my face.

He yanked me from my shirt back as i stood with what looked like a smile on my lips. "This is my friend, you know him: Uncle Robert. Say hi." He introduced me again to the forty seven year old man who i have met before. The womaniser, mom likes to call him.

His white soft hair brushed back as he stood taller than my dad. Swimming in seas of green: money. And eating caviar for treats.

"Mhm, she's a piece." He commented clutching my hand and shaking it as i furrowed my brows with confusion. "Young and beautiful like you asked." My father answered him before taking my hand back. He held his palm out flat. Signalling for money.

What was happening? What was he doing? Money for what? I switched my eyes back and forth between them not knowing what was going on. Or knowing, but denying it.

"What's happening?" I uttered. "Alright sweetheart, be a good lass and obey Uncle Robert. He'll give us money." My father patted my shoulders as i shook my head trying to break out of his grasp around my arm.

"Stay still Anastasia!" He smacked my face yet i kept fighting with cries escaping my lips. "No! Please no!" I sobbed trying to drag my arm out.

"Don't worry, I'll treat you nice." The man clutched my head brushing a hair behind my ear. "The money, Robert." My 'father' raised a brow at him. The man huffed handing him a great pile of money before he moved away.

"No don't leave me here! Please!" I sobbed for my own father to save me from the 'friend' of his. The man licked his lips before clutching my waist. I raised my legs from the ground trying to kick him away.

My father came back for me raising his palm and slapping me harshly. The sting of his palm pressed against my cheekbone forced my boiling blood to rush up out of it after it swelled. "I beg you please don't. Please." I cried letting my face fall to the floor.

"He'll be good to you, if you obey him." He dragged my chin up to him and me. I had no strength, no power, nothing but weakness. "I fucking hate you! Fuck you!" I tried to stir away from the man's grip trying to catch Michele. "We are gaining money. Look." He raised the pile of money to my face waving it back and forth as the paper hit each other.

"You are gaining money. I'm gaining fear! How could you do this to me?!" I sobbed loudly begging for someone to find me. "I told you he'll  treat you nice, you ungrateful filthy child." He kicked my stomach making it churn up.

I wanted someone mighty to get me out of this. I wanted someone with the power to kill someone right away. I wanted anyone to help me. Please.

He looked back wrapping an arm around his girlfriend and moving away as i whimpered in pain. And this is the part where i get raped, and i should deal with it- that's what i thought to myself. Accept it. I shut my eyes as i was dragged across the floor, with my feet weak and powerless under me.

"You're so beautiful, your father didn't lie. I wonder how you taste like." He spoke in my ear. Even if it was weekend, there were still students. They decided to respect curfew now?

"I beg you please don't- pl- please." I sobbed before he flattened me against a marble surface in the middle of the hallway. "I'll pleasure you, I promise." He smirked as i shut my eyes letting my tears fall.

His filthy undesired hand moved from my neck to touch my breasts and squeeze them harshly. I stretched my hands to him trying my best to push him away. "Just leave me alone!" I screamed before he clutched my hair slamming me against something solid freezing surface.

My head felt dizzy as i shut my eyes going unconscious.

I opened my eyes to see him between my legs after roaming his hands around my body. I shut my eyes crying again. His dick was slipped inside of me as he exhaled loudly smiling at me. "Great timing." He grasped my breasts beneath my hoodie.

He started pushing himself in and out of me as i stayed silent my head flat on the marble looking to the side while darkness filled my heart and brain. Anger, self pity, shame, sorrow, anguish. All made more tears escape my eyes.

"I beg you, stop." I shut my eyes feeling his cock forcefully inside me. "You like it deep down." He chuckled as i shook my head. My body rocking forward and backwards as he groaned while i stayed silent. His hands exploring my convulsing muscles as i looked at anywhere. Deep into the hallway not knowing what to do.

My body too weak to react, my brain too confused to think, and my heart too broken to feel. I wanted to fight, i wanted to protect myself. But fate was too rough this time. I felt the hickeys on my neck collar and thighs sting with his marks on my breasts burn and the slaps of my father compelled me numb

I shut my eyes with my body giving no reaction to his touch whatsoever. "Expelliarmus!" I heard a familiar voice shout before the man between my legs was hurled in seconds. I let my naked legs fall down still numb.

"Blaise?" I saw my best friend's face appear out of the blue. "Blaise!" I started sobbing again before he neared me wrapping a robe around me then holding me compact. I advanced my trembling hands to his chest clutching his shirt tightly. He picked up my shorts from the floor as i weakly put them back on.

"Anna," he said my name with his timbre full of compassion. I shut my eyes breathing in his fragrance and exhaling in relief. "Get me out of here." I whimpered in pain before he placed an arm beneath my knees and an arm behind my back. He caressed my body picking me up and moving away.

"He sold me." I was full of stupefaction and lack of sensations. "He sold my body for money." I rested on his heart as he walked through the cold bare corridors. "Anna, I'm so sorry." He whispered as i shut my eyes letting tears fall. My legs trembling unintentionally and my heart racing; overwhelmed. "I'm sorry too." I murmured.

"What happened?" Liz came rushing to me placing a soft hand on my arm. "Not now Liz," he huffed. "I just got raped." I announced out of the blue making her lips part with shock.

"My father's friend. He sold me for money." I explained lifelessly. "Can we just get out of here, I don't want anyone to see me." I muffled myself in his chest as he held me tighter kissing my head.

I hid my shameful face in his chest while Liz held my arm tightly feeling my insecurity. I could feel her eyes on me caressing my heart to comfort it. How could someone be so cruel. I can't just let them get away with that. I can't just let any of them. Rage shot up my whole body like a whole army during a war.

"Let me down," i added before he halted in his place. "Anna, I'll get you to your dorm." He commented. "No." I disagreed keenly. "Let me down, Blaise." I looked up at him, the tears sucked back into oblivion and turned into dark bits of revenge.

"No, not until you tell me where are you going?" He tensed his jaws. "You don't need to know." I pushed myself off falling to the floor. "Anna, you're not going anywhere until you tell us where are you going?" Liz clutched my arm before i turned back shoving her off.

"You wanna know?!" I smirked raising my hands up to my sides. "I'm going," i slowly stepped towards them, "to find a a way." I neared her fanning her face with my breath. "To kill... that guy." I whispered cupping her face before clutching my jaws and turning away.

"You want to stop me?" I raised a brow looking at Blaise. He sighed in... relief. They smiled in union. "Really?" Liz raised a brow as i sucked my cheek in nodding slowly. "I don't know how will you do it. But Anna go, but come right back" Blaise tilted his head to the side. "Don't follow me. And don't tell anyone." I raised my index before turning back into the hallway.

I stumbled through the hallways silently.


I knocked, not knowing if the person inside was in his place. My breath broke as i inhaled slowly. My tears were resting on my bottom lid still. My anger, and shame colliding together. The person inside has something i could use. I don't need their help. I don't need his help.

Professor Riddle opened the door while I was looking away down to my shoes. He stood in a turtleneck and black trousers with a glistening belt. He stayed silent checking me out.

"Can i come in?" I kept my eyes down and my tone low and broken. "It's past curfew, Miss Pierce." He commented standing in his place making me shut my eyes and a tears surfaced my cheek.

"Just let me the fuck in." I slapped my thigh as he furrowed his brows stepping away. "Thanks." I murmured.

I tightened Blaise's robe around myself stepping into the golden lit office. "What do you want?" He shut the door sighing.

I raised my index before he could start his offensive talk. Because i was less than an inch away from breaking, I didn't care who was standing in front of me. And the person in front of me already wouldn't mind watching me die, slowly and painfully.

"Look, first off. You're the last person on earth that I'd come ask for help from." I looked up at him with blurry eyes as he neared me tensed his jaws then advanced his hand to my chin picking it up. I noted he saw the marks on my neck by his roaming stare. "Get away." I muttered moving back.

"I need to borrow something. Someone. Whatever the fuck." I shut my eyes with another tear falling onto the other cheek.

"What happened?" I could tell he was hesitant from his colour. "I just need to borrow Nagini." I sighed.

"Not until you say what happened, she can be too precious for your selfish needs." He crossed his arms, his watch reflecting the light on my swollen bleeding cheek. How can he be so blunt.

"I got touched against my will, okay?!" I yelled it looking up into his mahogany eyes yet they remained motionless. Like a sea despite the howling wind still and dead. "How is that selfish?" My lips quivered holding the robe tightly against my chest.

"And you need Nagini to do what exactly?" He cocked a brow. "Kill him." I coldly answered making him raise his chin. "You think I'll be okay with a student asking me to kill someone." He queried coldly yet due to my gaze into his eyes I noticed something.

"No, but I don't think you'll stop me either. Because whatever happened at the nightclub makes me so sure, there's something evil in you. Whatever it is, it's making you attracted to the chaos in my words. Your pupils widened." I pointed him out as he swallowed, his chest rising.

"Name?" He took his seat. "Look I'll tell you the information, and you get him here." I crossed my arms sitting on the opposite seat. "Here? Hogwarts?" He raised his eyes in mine. "No, this office." I had the whole plan thought out.

"You don't actually think I'll bring someone here to kill him." He lowered his head. "Nagini will kill him. You're just a viewer." I shook my head. He sighed through his nose.

"Robert, he lives in this street called uhm... lavíe. I guess." I started, "la vie." He raised his chin in confusion. "Yes, he has a lot of maids and servants. He's too damn rich. A womaniser too. That's all the information i know." I shook my head looking down in frustration as he noted them down in a sketch.

"How do you want it done?" He placed his pen down locking his fingers together over the note. I looked into nothingness making my inner monster rise.

"First off, i want her to poison him, not kill him but to provide suffering." I wondered how will his howls sound like. I guess that's when i knew why was i a Slytherin. "Then, i want her to feed on him, from his legs to his chest. I don't want him dead yet. I just want him to feel every sting of pain shower over his senses as he begs for any source of help, but he finds non." I narrowed my eyes, ego and pride knocking out any kind of modesty in my head.

"I want him to watch his own blood shower over his skin. Then, i want her to wrap herself around his neck so slow dragging the oxygen out of his lungs. His body turns red, purple then finally white. I want him to feel his soul dragged into hell by its core as she kills him in the darkness." I flipped my eyes to him finding a slight smirk of gratification on his lips.

"Something else." I raised my index as he lowered his head listening to me carefully. "I want to make sure it's him." I raised my chin a few more tears rub down my face, but my heart cold as ice and hard as steel.

"You want to watch?" He rolled his tongue in his cheek. "No, but I don't want someone innocent dead because of me. Especially since I don't know his full name." I gulped. He hummed.

"When?" His face straight. I was making a deal with my own Professor to kill someone. And we were both into it. I didn't care if my own Professor was officially a murder at our school or that i was one. Or that i was going to torture him mercilessly first. All i gave a damn about was making him pay.

"Tomorrow night max. If not tonight." I blinked; humanity dragged out of my soul with a wrecking ball. "It's 11 pm." He furrowed his brows.

"I'm aware." I nodded. "I'll call you tomorrow for detention. Write anything of yours in your homework and I'll get you here." He planned as i nodded slowly.

"Okay." I swallowed zoning out. My own father sold my body for money. And i will make them all pay. "Anastasia," he called my name as my eyes flipped up to him. "You know what you're doing?" He tensed his jaw muscles.

"Do you?" I crossed my arms leaning back in my seat. He stayed mute deadly staring at me. "You do, don't you? You've done it before." I realised it. But it didn't look like a just once thing. He's done it one too many times, and he looked like it.

"And not once. You really aren't just a professor, are you?" I raised a brow with panic swimming in my blood yet i remained calm. "My life is non of your business, miss Pierce." He clutched his fists on the wood of the desk.

"I'm just making sure, you will do it successfully." I shrugged. "I will. She will." He answered with a straight demolishing face. I clucked my tongue, "we will." I shook my index at him. "And yes, i know what I'm doing." I lifted my chin inclining at him. "Good." He swallowed. "Good." I raised my brows then stood up.

"Thank you for your time, Professor." I said before opening the door and leaving. I felt his fulfilment roam me inside. Like he was happy about my favour. Like he wanted danger. A sucker of chaos. A sucker for fear.


I stepped into the dungeons to my dorm rushing.

I flung the door opened then saw Liz and Blaise sitting nervously on my bed. I raised my eyes through them, then fell to my knees.

I inhaled with whimpers before letting my tears fall. My eyes blind with the whiteness of my salty tears. I sobbed with defeat before Liz came down in front of me.

"It will fade." She held my shoulders. "I hate him! I do!" I fell in her chest. "We all do." She caressed me in her chest before Blaise came also beside us.

"What did you do?" He asked quietly. "Don't ask. But he'll die soon." I sniffed. "Good," Liz rubbed my back. "Can i go to sleep now?" I looked up at her before Blaise picked me up form my arms since i was almost unconscious due to the amount of confusion and sorrow.

"Here you go, get some rest." He pulled the covers on me after slipping off his robe. "Thanks guys." I muttered as they smiled at me. "I don't know what would i have done without you." I let another tear escape. "Neither do i actually. What would you have done without us?" Blaise mocked making us slap his chest in union.

"Goodnight Anna," Liz smiled warmly at me. "Goodnight L-Liz." I gasped for air before squinting my eyes so that i could go to sleep.

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