My forever

By Ki_imagines

3.4K 64 3

Third book to 'No one knows' series. If you haven't read the others DO NOT read this one. More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twentyfour
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Congrats you get to read my rant
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one

Chapter twenty-six

57 1 0
By Ki_imagines

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Mabel, happy birthday to you."

I lean forward and blow out my candles. Everyone claps and Lia gives me a sideways hug.

"What did you wish for?" Alyssa asks as she smears cake icing on my nose.

"That'll ruin the wish." Kat says.

"Not true. My sister wished for a pony and she got one, it may not have been the real life pony she asked for but she did get one." Nash says and Em snorts.

"Well wasn't the outcome altered?" Kat asks and he shrugs.

"I guess you could say that."

"Where's Tasha and Matt?" I ask as I look around.

"I think I saw them go back into the family room to play more Mario bros." Chrissy says as she points toward the family room with her fork.

Of course they did.

Someone pokes me in the side and i
I jerk away but turn at the same time. Harry has a plate with cake in his right hand and a fork in his left.

"Are you getting cake?" He asks me.

I take his plate and fork and take a bite of his cake before handing back to him.

"I'm good." I give him a thumbs up and he shakes his head at me with a smile before walking over to Gemma who stands next to Kierstin.

"Are you ready to open your presents?" Anne asks me and I shrug.

"I guess."

My mom turns me around by my shoulders and steers me into the livingroom. She sits me down on the couch and everyone files in the room.

"Open mine first." Nana says as she sits down next to my mom.

"Where is it?" I ask as I scoot back in my seat.

My back is starting to hurt from standing so much.

She points to a small pink box that's on sitting on the coffee table with all the rest of my presents. I lean forward and reach for it but it's just out of my reach.

"Someone hand that to her." someone says and I look up with a sheepish smile.

"Here." harry grabs it for me and hands it to me before sitting down next to me.

"Thanks." I breath as I lean back.

I start unwrapping it when Someone starts massaging my shoulders. I crane my neck to see Lia is doing it. I glance over to Harry to see he's now on his phone, setting a picture of me with icing on my nose as his lock screen. I finally get the wrapping off to see its a cream colored box. I take the lid off slowly and inhale sharply. It's a charm bracelet that was my great great grandmothers.

Nana and I sit side by side on her bed. She's painting my nails a light blue color. She finishes the last nail and puts the nailpolish to the side.

"Can I have sparkles?" I ask and she smiles.

"Sparkles for your sparkling personality?" She asks as she grabs the sparkle nailpokish.

She shakes it and as she does her bracelet shakes and jingles.

"I like your bracelet." I point with my wet finger nail and she glances at it.

"My grandma gave it to me." she smiles.

"It's that old?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Yes darling." she nods.

"Can I have it when I get older?" I ask and she glances up at me before looking back down at my nails.

"Tell you what, I'll give it to you when you turn twenty and then when your daughter turns twenty you can give it to her." she tells me.

"But that's in.... eleven years." I do the math in my head.

"Makes it even more special doesn't it?" She asks and i shrug.

"I guess."

I stare down at the bracelet and all of a sudden feel like I'm going to cry.

"Nana." my voice cracks and Harry snaps his head up toward me.

"Are you crying?" Matt asks me.

"Shut up." I wipe my eyes and everyone laughs.

"It's hormones." Tasha says and I have the urge to flip her off.

"Thank you." I smile at my Nana and she smiles back at me.

"My memory may be going bad but I wouldn't forget a promise." she says.

"I wouldn't either." I say and I Harry takes the bracelet before putting it on my wrist.

"My days may be numbered but that bracelet may be a reminder of my love for you." she says and I look up at her.

"What do you mean? 'Your days may be numbered?" I ask.

My mother grows pale and nana sighs.

"Not now honey." she says and I go to push further but Harry places his hand on my knee, motioning me to stop.

"Thanks for the bracelet though." I smile weakly and she nods.

The rest of my presents are a blur, all I remember is that Kierstin got me a Barnes and noble gift card for one hundred dollars. I don't know where or how she got it because Harry said he didn't help her with it.

But anyways the rest of the night is filled with singing, Mario bros which turns into a huge battle of just dance 2016, board games, and eating. I of course go around and do all except just dance because nobody wanted me to play. So I ended up just watching them. It sucks being pregnant but like Autumn said 'it'll be worth it.'

I'm currently sitting in the theater room while everyone else is doing their own thing. The movie Bolt plays on the projector. Someone walks in the room and I glance up at them to see its Louis.

"What are you doing in here all alone?" He asks as he comes around the couch and sits down.

"Watching a movie."

"I see... but why are you doing it alone? It is your birthday." he points out and I shrug.

"I'm just not in the birthday mood." I tell him.

"Why not? because of your hormones?" He teases and I groan.

"If someone says that one more time I'm going to get a c-section and than jump off a cliff." I huff and he shakes his head.

"I'm only teasing you love." he flicks a curl away from my face and I glare at him.

"Why are you even in here?" I ask as I scoot away from him.

"Harrys looking for you done sent me to find you too." he answers as he sits back.

"And why aren't you going to tell him I'm in here?"

"Because you look lonely and if I leave I probably won't come back in here." he shrugs.

"Whatever, just shut up and watch the movie." I tell him.

"Will do."

After a few more minutes someone down the hall calls me.


"Harry." I yell back and a few seconds later appears in the door way.

"Why are you in here?" He asks as he comes around the couch.

"My back hurts." I tell him and he sits down next to me.

"Do you want a massage?" He asks and I go to accept but Louis fakes a gag and me being me I think he's getting sick so I jump up.

A sharp pain shoots through my back.

"Fuck." I cry out and I stumble forward a little.

Harry jumps up and steadies me. "what's wrong? Where does it hurt? Is the baby-"

"Hush." I breath as I sit down slowly. "I'm okay." The throbbing in my back proves I'm not okay.

"Are you sure?" Louis asks as he sits back down. I didn't see him get up.

"I'm fine." I nod but Harry doesn't buy it.

"You always say that when your not okay."

"Harold." I glare at him.

"That's not my name." he says in a harmonious tone but then he turns serious. "Are You sure your okay?"

"Yes honey, I'm okay." I nod as the pain starts to dissolve. "But can you get me something to drink?"

"I got it." Louis says as he gets up.

"I thought you said if you left you wouldn't come back." I point out.

"I would come back for you, love." he smiles and walks out of the room.

"So whatcha watchin?" Harry asks.

"Bolt. But it's almost-" the baby kicks and I stop talking.

"What's wrong? You have that look." Harry says as he scoots toward me.

"The baby, he kicked." I tell him and his face automatically lights up.

"Is he still?" He asks.

"Noo-" I flinch at the pain in my rib and i shift. "that one actually hurt."

Harry places his hands on my belly and leans forward.

"Hey little guy, its daddy." Harry glances up at me before continuing. "Can you ease up on the kicking? Your hurting your mum. But I promise that once your out here with us you can kick all you want." He kisses my stomach before sitting up just as Louis walks in.

"Did I miss something?" He asks as he hands me a juice box. Typical Louis to give me a juice box instead of an actual cup.

"Thanks." I say and I punch the straw through the hole.

"The baby was kicking." Harry answers just as the baby kicks and I jump a little.

"Can I feel?" Lia asks from the doorway. I turn to see she's standing there with Jake and Autumn behind her.

"I guess." I shrug and they all come into the room.

"Is he still doing it?" Autumn asks.

"No but he- yes yes he his." I say and Lia sits down on the other side of me.

She places her hand on my stomach and I guide her hand to were his foot is pressed against.

"Wow." she whispers.

"I wanna see!" Jake says and i ale his hand and press it against my stomach. "Eww."

"Is that nasty?" Harry asks him.

"Yeah." Jake giggles and Harry grabs Jake and pulls him onto his lap before tickling him while repeating 'is that nasty?'

"Can I..." Autumn asks and I nod so she leans down and feels. The baby kicks and she jerks back. "He's a future soccer player isn't he?"

Something about what she says has Harry snapping his head up looking up toward me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." he looks away and starts bouncing Jake on his knee.

"There you guys are." Matt says and everyone starts filing in.

So much for my peace and quiet.

"What movie should we watch?" Nash asks as he sits down on one of the chairs.

"That should be up to Mabel since it's her birthday." Lia says as she nudges me.

"Monsters inc!" Jake claps his hands and Lily claps her hands together too.

"I was actually going to watch that next." I laugh.

"Your so cute." Harry ruffles my hair. Someone is bipolar...

I swat his hand as Jake slips off his lap and lays on the floor. Harry pulls me toward him by shoulders and kisses the top of my head.

"You know you love me." he says and I look up at him.

"Yes I do but that doesn't mean you can mess up my hair." I reach up and tug on a lock of his hair.

He leans forward and pecks my lips before pulling me closer to him. I lean my head against his shoulder as the movie starts.

I glance around the room at everyone, talking and having a good time with each other. I cant help but smile.

This is nice, Everyone getting along and all. Why can't it be like this all the time?

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