Nature and Nurture: Finding t...

Por Livvyr

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Set at the end of Season 5, Stiles faces some challenges which make things more difficult than he'd like them... Más

Chapter 1: The Cell
Chapter 2: The Hospital
Chapter 3: The Sunlight
Chapter 4: The Intervention
Chapter 5: the Nogitsune
Chapter 6: The Picnic
Chapter 7: The History
Chapter 8: The Confession
Chapter 9: The Aspens
Chapter 10: The Fae
Chapter 11: The Sycamore
Chapter 12: The Pretending
Chapter 13: The Catalyst
Chapter 14: The Wild
Chapter 15: The Wood
Chapter 16: The Heart
Chapter 17: The Loss
Chapter 18: the Gain
Chapter 19: The Planning
Chapter 20: The Meeting
Chapter 21: The Camp
Chapter 22: The Ending
Chapter 23: The Resurrection
Chapter 24: The Connection
Chapter 26: The Play
Chapter 27: The Exhale

Chapter 25: The Boy

185 9 2
Por Livvyr

Stiles waited until the next morning to start on his plan for healing the Tree. He felt empowered and bold, finally having a clear idea on what to do. He tried not to seem too eager as he sat down at the kitchen table and waited for his dad to wake up.

When his dad made his way into the kitchen as the sun was coming up, he stopped short at seeing Stiles already sitting there. Stiles just smiled disarmingly at him.

"Morning," his dad said, eyeing him as he moved over to the coffee machine and turned it on.

"Hey, Dad. Sleep well?"

His dad grunted, never too awake this early without a hit of caffeine.

Stiles was betting on that to help him. He tapped out a rhythm on the table while he waited for the coffee to brew. He needed to get his dad at the perfect moment; the one just as the coffee woke him up but not too much. He needed his dad coherent but not on top of his game.

"So, daddio, what happened to the boy at the camp site?" Stiles asked, as his dad poured the coffee.

His dad frowned as he took the careful first few sips. "Why do you want to know?"

Stiles leaned back in his chair and tried not to fidget too much under his dad's suspicious look. "Well, he never actually did anything that bad, did he? The other men were arrested, right?"

His dad nodded and folded his arms, still holding his coffee.

"Was the boy arrested, too? Doesn't seem all that fair if he was. What was his name again?"

"Cue Robertson." His dad took another sip of coffee and relaxed. "Actually, it's Cotter Robertson. Cue's his nickname from his father."

Stiles nodded. "Uh huh, so, arrested?"

"No. I got him community service work. And I'm helping him to find his family."

"I thought his dad was killed?"

"Yeah. And his mother was lost to them when Cotter was young. But he apparently has some estranged family on her side. I've got one of the deputes looking into it for me."

"That's really nice of you, Dad. Real nice. You're a good man. It needs saying. People don't tell each other nice things as much as they should, you know?"

Stiles' dad gulped down the rest of his coffee and rinsed the mug. He fixed Stiles with a tired look. "I know you're trying to pump me for information. What do you want?"

Stiles shrugged. "Dad, come on, I was just curious. He was an okay kid. He helped when we needed it."

His dad nodded. "He did. He's a boy who misses his dad, and got sucked up into things he doesn't know how to handle."

"But he'll be okay now." Stiles held out a hand, gesturing. "He has you looking out for him. Take it from someone who's had that privilege for eighteen years, he'll be fine."

His dad snorted and shook his head. "I'm going to work. Don't do anything I have to be called out for, alright?"

"I remember when you used to tell me not to get into trouble."

"I've realized the futility of telling you that."

"Not only a good man, you're wise, too. Cue's in good hands."

"See you later, Stiles," his dad said, flatly.

"Bye, Pops! Have fun arresting the bad guys." Stiles waited for the front door to close behind his dad before he called Lydia. She'd gone back to college with Malia for the beginning of term. "Hey, Lyds, what's up? Listen, I need you to talk to Jordan for me."


Stiles was waiting outside the Beacon South Store's side entrance. It was getting on in the evening and he'd managed to wrangle being alone. This time it had required him to lie, telling Derek he was home with his dad and telling his dad Derek was coming over. Sooner or later they'd work out if they wanted him to be baby-sat constantly they'd have to keep tabs on each other too. Until then, Stiles used their naivety against them.

He'd racked up a few lies to accomplish being here, actually.

Lydia believed he was working on his mental health issues which included thanking the boy who'd helped him at the camp. Stiles asked her for assistance because his dad wouldn't help as he didn't agree with his idea. Lydia had been very understanding and supportive. She'd asked Jordan for the name of the place where Cue was doing community service. Thankfully, Parrish was so in love with Lydia and had done worse things than give out personal case information to the pack, that he hadn't even asked why she needed it.

Numerous staff of the South Store had already gone home in the two hours Stiles had been sitting on the hood of his jeep, and when the side door opened again he was happy to see a familiar slouching figure emerge and make his way towards the bus stop. Which was conveniently near where Stiles had parked.

Stiles slid off his jeep as Cue got close enough.

Cue looked up at the movement, got a look at Stiles, and turned to run in the opposite direction.

Cue wasn't as formidable without his gun. He whimpered as he was shoved into the back of the jeep. Stiles hopped in the front and locked both doors, then put his arm across the back of his seat.

"Hi there, Cue."

Cue turned a bit pale. Stiles smiled. It was probably not a very nice smile. As Cue swallowed and leant away from him, Stiles was betting it wasn't.

"Fancy seeing you here." Stiles tapped his fingers on his seat and tilted his head. "How's things?"

Cue eyed him, warily. "Your dad got me a job."

"I heard it was more community service, but po-tay-to, po-tah-to." Stiles smiled again.

Cue looked out the window at the darkened deserted carpark and watched as his bus drove past his stop.

"Hmmm," Stiles mused, "last bus of the evening. Looks like you're stuck for a ride. Need a lift?"

Cue deflated slightly, but held his chin at a defiant angle. Stiles was willing to bet if he could hear his heartbeat it would be running a lot faster than he was letting on. Stiles was intimate with that game.

"What do you want?" Cue finally asked.

"Lots of things. An end to world hunger being one of the biggest, but let's focus on how we can help you."

"I don't need help."

"Yeah, Cue, you do. You're in a spot of bother."

"Are you going to kill me? Your dad said you didn't eat faces! And I haven't told anyone about you!"

"I appreciate that, I do. And I'm not going to eat your face. That's disgusting."

"Then what do you want?"

"Uh uhh, remember, this is about helping you."

Cue rolled his eyes. "How are you going to help me?"

"I'm going to save your life."

Cue blinked. "Save my —"

"Life. The thing that is the most important to us all, really. Allows you to go about the world in a not-dead state. And take it from me: being dead? Not so great."

"You, you're dead?" Cue edged back into the side of the jeep furthest away from Stiles.

Stiles shrugged. "Not anymore. But hey, if you're wanting to die, let me know now and I'll let you go."

Cue was silent for a while. Stiles could practically watch the cogs turning in his head. His eyes kept shooting around outside, looking for anyone to help him probably.

Stiles smiled again.

There was no one out and about at this time. This was the side of town where everyone went home to their loved ones, TVs and beds at a respectable hour. That piece of knowledge had been gleaned from many nights of being out and about with the pack. Cue was on his own.

Cue came to the same conclusion and folded his arms in a petulant manner that reminded Stiles of Liam. "You said you'll save my life. But apart from you, what's threatening it?"

"You'd know, if you gave it a bit of thought."

Cue frowned but didn't answer.

Stiles sighed. "Know any psychos we've both had the chance to spend quality time with?"

Cue's frown deepened. "Brine? But he wouldn't."

"No, of course not!" Stiles agreed. "Brine's a perfect healthy specimen of mental acuity and an all-round law-abiding citizen. He would never take out the one person who knows him and his plans and who is running around without his supervision. Of course, he may not know that this person has also gotten on the good side of the town's very own Sheriff. But then again, he may." Stiles paused and scrunched up his nose as if reconsidering. "You're right. You're perfectly safe. Off you go, then." He made to unlock the opposite door from where he sat.

"Wait!" Cue reached out, grabbing Stiles' arm before snatching his hand back.

Stiles hid his smirk and glanced back at him.

"You'll save me from him?"

"Yep. Will do."

"What's your price?"

"Do you still have Brine's number?"


"Would Brine answer if you called?"

"Maybe. If he knew for sure it was me. He won't answer first time when he's not expecting a call."

Something in Cue's voice clued Stiles in, and he tapped his finger on the side of his nose. "But you know a way to contact him so he knows it's you."

Cue couldn't seem to help the little smirk that graced his face. "I do." He squinted at Stiles. "Why do you need me to call him?"

"So you can tell him to meet you."

"I don't want to meet him!" Cue glared, but glanced away when Stiles stared him down. "He'll ask why."

"Tell him you still want revenge for your dad."

Cue flinched.

Stiles tried not to feel bad. "He doesn't know you helped us, does he?"

"No. None of them do."

"Does that include the guy he still has with him?"

"How do you know about him?"

"I know things." Stiles shrugged. "You didn't tell the police about him."

"I'm guessing you haven't either," Cue shot back.

"Hmm, I have my reasons." Stiles had forgotten until just now, that was his reason. His dad was going to kill him. "The point here is that you didn't. You know just how dangerous Brine is to you."

Cue looked down and squirmed slightly. "He's a complete fucking loon of a nutcase. I know it. You've just told me stuff I was trying not to think about."

"I'm helpful that way," Stiles agreed.

"So I call him, arrange a meet, and what? You take him out? I won't help with that."

"I wouldn't expect you to. Arrange a meeting, that's it. I won't ask for anything else."

Cue made a dismissive noise. "And then I'm guessing, going with what happened last time, Brine and his goon kidnap you again."

Stiles smiled his not-so-nice smile. "That would be the plan, yes."


It had taken another few days for Cue to arrange a meeting with Brine. Stiles spent them worrying about Cue chickening out or his dad learning he'd been texting Cue to make arrangements. Turned out Cue had a nasty tongue when he texted, too. In another situation, Stiles could find himself liking the foul-mouthed kid. He was so young but in some ways older than he should be. He reminded Stiles a little of himself back before Scott got bitten, only Cue was more likely to shoot someone.

Thankfully, Stiles' worry should be over soon. And no one would be the wiser. He was quite aware that his dad, Derek and Scott would have very strong and negative reactions if they found out what he was doing.

He was sitting up in his sycamore tree, doing pretty much nothing but enjoying the warm weather and nature in general, when Cue texted to let him know the meeting was in fifteen minutes. That was perfect. Derek was busy doing something, Stiles had no idea what because he hadn't said, and his dad was at work. Scott was off doing vet things, getting more practice in before his college classes started. Stiles was home-free.

He and Cue were going to meet Brine in the carpark of Cue's community service store. It made sense Cue would want to meet there as it was convenient and public. It hadn't bothered Stiles where they met. It was more important Brine showed up.

Hidden from sight by illusions, Stiles shuffled along the branch he was sitting on. It was at the top of the tree, which put him above the roof of his house by over double its height. When he got to a good point, he leant backwards, flipped off the branch and landed on his feet on the grass in his back yard.

Stiles looked up at his tree and grinned. That would never stop being the coolest thing ever.


Cue was waiting in the carpark when Stiles drove up and parked. He looked angry, scowling and hunched over. Stiles didn't care.

"Nice day for a secret meeting," he greeted, as he hopped out of his jeep.

Cue gave Stiles a scornful glance. "You're certifiable. A crazy, scary, monster. I'll be glad when this is over."

"Aw, don't say that, Cue. I've been enjoying our clandestine friendship."

Cue moved a finger back and forth between them. "We? Are not friends. Your dad would kill me if he knew I'd agreed to do this."

Stiles was well aware of the hero-worship Cue had going on with his dad. He'd used it to threaten him when he'd tried to back out of contacting Brine. "Probably," Stiles agreed, flippantly. "Which is why you're going to keep your mouth shut and not give the game away."

"Not a game, you mental fucker," Cue muttered. "Brine's going to cut you up."

Stiles pretended not to hear him, just bounced a few times on the balls of his feet. This was going to work.


A while later, Stiles was sitting in his jeep, while Cue leant against a car a little distance away. When his phone chimed Stiles checked who it was, then turned it off, ignoring the text from Scott asking where he was. He cursed Scott's ability to choose exactly the wrong time to get their bromance on and want to hang out.

A car turned into the carpark as he was pocketing his phone. Stiles recognized it as Brine's from when he'd been shoved into the trunk. The car parked and then one of the largest men Stiles had ever seen got out of the passenger side. His muscles had muscles and his shirt looked like it would rip if he flexed the wrong way.

"Holy growth supplements!" Stiles' eyebrows rose in disbelief. "All he needs is green skin and he's Bruce Banner!"

Hulk made his very intimidating way over to Cue. When he motioned for Cue to go with him, Cue shot a quick look over in Stiles' direction.

"Don't follow him," Stiles muttered. "Don't follow him. Keep your distance."

Cue slouched along behind the guy when he turned around and walked back to Brine's car.

Stiles threw up his hands. "Of course! Follow the guy who could squash you with his little toe. Makes perfect logical sense!"

Stiles tumbled out of his jeep in his haste to make sure Cue didn't get in Brine's car. He didn't want him mixed up in the next part of his plan. He jogged over, thankful to see as he got closer that it was indeed Brine sitting in the driver's seat.

Hulk had arrived at the other side of the car with Cue next to him. Brine's car was small enough for Stiles' to see over the roof and he had a quick flash of Hulk folding himself up in it like clowns in a mini.

Brine looked surprised when he spotted Stiles, his eyes darting around the carpark as he tried to work out what was going on. "Stiles," he said conversationally, rolling the window down. "I take it this little get-together was your idea?"

"We have unfinished business," Stiles explained.

"That we do, that we do," Brine nodded. "Grab him," he ordered, and Hulk clamped a meaty paw onto Cue's left shoulder.

Stiles bit his lip before masking his worry. Getting Cue hurt wasn't in his plan. Cue, for his part, stayed still but sent a dark glare over the roof of the car at him.

"Shall we talk?" Brine asked. "I've got to say, Stiles, you've looking disappointingly alive right at this moment. It's a real problem with you."

"What can I say? I'm like a bad case of herpes, I just keep coming back."

Brine gave him a disgusted look. "I think we need to spend some more quality time together. What say we go for a drive?"

"Let the boy go and I'll get in the car."

"I think I'll bring the boy along. You two have obviously gotten friendly. I've found it pays to keep people you care about close to me."

Stiles glanced at Cue, then back to Brine. "You seriously overestimate my feelings for him. Let him go, I'll go with you. If you don't, I leave, and you never get to the Nemeton. I can take you there, that's what this is about after all."

Brine's hands clenched on the steering wheel. "I'll take the boy anyway and you'll show me the way to the Nemeton or I'll kill him."

Stiles shrugged. He looked over at Cue. "Sorry, dude. Looks like here's where we part company." He turned around and started walking away, praying it looked like he didn't care one way or the other.

"You fucker!" Cue's curse made it known he thought Stiles was very capable of abandoning him.

"Wait!" Brine called out.

Stiles turned around, raising an eyebrow.

Brine scowled. "Let him go," he instructed.

Hulk shoved Cue, who stumbled and then took off for the other side of the carpark before turning around to watch them. Stiles had known Cue had stamina from his trek through the preserve but the boy could also run like a jack rabbit. At least he was safer now than he'd been a few seconds before.

"Your turn." Brine's smile had a lot of teeth.

Hulk made to walk around the back of the car towards Stiles.

"There's no need for the man-handling. No offense, but I don't know where you've been." Stiles put his hand on the back door handle. Before he opened the door, he spared a quick look over at Cue.

Cue was standing there, mouth hanging open. He frantically shook his head when he saw Stiles looking at him.

Stiles got in the car and shut the door.

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