Come Here, Wolfie

By PinkDoll100

150K 3K 363

Eliana Dawn is a nine-teen years old woman who even at that age is innocent and kind. Eliana lives in the for... More

Authors Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Author's Note
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

11.6K 285 38
By PinkDoll100

The sun peeked through the gap in Eliana's bedroom curtains. Opening her brown eyes she awoke from her slumber. Stretching her body, like a kitten, she sat up and put her slippers on.

Skipping down stairs she saw her brother, Thomas, cooking pancakes on the stove top. "Morning, bubba." She chirped. Her brother turned around and replied "Morning Eliana. How did you sleep?"

"Amazing, I had a dream that I lived in this castle made out of chocolate and sweets and popcorn. And I had a huge farm with horses, sheep, pigs, chickens and kittens and puppies." She rambled, out of breath her smile still wide.

"That sounds great, Bub. But can you set the table for your pancakes, okay." He asked. "Of course, bubba." Eliana agreed.

Once the table was set and breakfast was ready they sat down. "Bubba." She dragged on. "Yes, you can have Nutella but not too much or else you'll feel sick." He answered, knowing what she'll ask.

"Ekkk. Thank you, bubba." Eliana jumped up and ran to the cupboard to get her tub of Nutella and then to the fridge to get some strawberries.

After spreading a small amount of Nutella on her two pancakes she cut up her strawberries vertical four times on each strawberry.

Her brother started placing his cheese, onion and mushroom omelettes on his plate. "Bubba, can I have a bite of your omelette?" She asked, using her puppy dog eyes. Not being able to resist her eyes he agreed, sternly "Fine, but don't spit it out."

"Ew, I don't like it." She whined. "I know." Stated her brother who already knew she wouldn't like the mushrooms.

After breakfast, Eliana went back into her room and chose her outfit for the day. A blue and white romper and white summer shoes.


Once dressed Eliana and her brother went outside their cottage and into the garden. She picked up her kitten that she found had sneaked outside again. But she couldn't get lost because of the gate.

"Marshmallow, how did you get out of the house again?" She scolded the kitten, Marshmallow, again.
She had received the kitten as a 19nth birthday present from her brother.

Eliana held her against her chest stroking the kittens back. Marshmallow rubbed her head against Eliana's neck and started meowing, the kitten did love her owner but always liked being outside.

Thomas sat down on their garden bench watching the kitten and his sister run around the garden. He loved seeing his sister smile it always made him happy.

Thomas had raised her since she was eleven when their father died. Their father became ill once their mother died during giving birth to Eliana despite that their father, Markus, loved them both but fell into a depressive stage he wouldn't do much most days but his sister, their aunt helped out a lot.
First chapter. Phew 😮‍💨

Thank you so much.
I love you ♥️

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