The Daughter Of The Moon (REW...

By myrtlebeach45

66.1K 2.4K 380

He growled a low sound in my ear as he ran the tip of his nose down my neck. "What'd you say?" he spoke... More

A/N: a quick word
1. The Day My Life Ended
2.Wolfs Are Lame
3.New Places
5.Sour then sweet
6.Woody Vengeance
7. Apologies
8. Winning
9. Speed
10. Wicked
11. Surprise Surprise

4.Bows and Ties

5.8K 245 22
By myrtlebeach45

Just imagine this on acres of land :p

Annnd is like a floor taller and a little wider. Couldn't find a photo close enough T.T


As my parents silver Grand Cherokee pulled up to what I was assuming was the pack house, my mouth dropped open at the mere size of the place. The entire building was made out of what looked like brick and wood, and the whole place looked like a castle that belonged in a fairy tale in the hills of Scotland with a curly haired red head riding a horse past. As we pulled up behind tons of other fancier cars parked in the curvy driveway, I looked over to see an ocean of people mingling both in and out doors with drinks in their hands and hors d'oeuvres being passed out by caterers. Suddenly I felt that dressing up had been a good idea.

Stepping out of the car and walking up to the house, I frowned at all the eyes that were centered on me and my family. All of them seemed friendly, but some looked hungry as they stared at the dress that barely covered my knees.

I felt a tug in my chest that made me want to cover myself up. My wolf whined becoming slightly restless, shaking my resolve. 

Go away... she whined, feeling discomfort.

It'll be OK. I thought, calming her. 

Perverts. I hissed, gripping my clutch.

"Hi Jade!" A familiar voice rang, shaking me out of my thoughts and causing many people to look away. Thank god I thought, my wolf becoming content again. 

"Hey." I muttered, smiling slightly. I didn't love her by any stretch, but I will admit this girl was beginning to grow on me.

And the Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day. 

"You look beautiful!" Ally complemented gazing in awe at my outfit. She patted my hair which had been pulled up into a bun with little jewels placed in it. My makeup was scarce (due to my flailing about to avoid my mothers usual) with only light eye-shadow and mascara on the eyes and a lip gloss that I actually put on myself (shocker I know) that tasted like strawberries. "So, cute!" She piped, grinning. 

Ally was wearing a navy blue dress with a sequence top that cut off at her mid-stomach and a matching skirt that was slightly beneath the top leaving a gap of her stomach exposed. Honestly only a girl with her body type and personality could pull that dress off. 

"I know right?" My mom laughed brushing some dust off my dress. Licking her thumb, she wiped at the side of my dress complaining about how I already had a stain on the dress even though I totally didn't.

"Hi!" Bounced Ally, noticing my mother. She reached out an eager hand grinning wide. "I'm Ally, Jades classmate."

"Well, hello there Ally!" My mother smiled, taking Ally's hand. "I'm Jessica, Jade's mother, and the man over there stuffing his face with hamburgers is my husband Adam." She finished, rolling her eyes at my dads behavior. My dad was actually a real stud when he was younger but after hitching my mom and having me his lifestyle had a little revamp. He did, however, still have his looks and height even though he was so old (kidding, kidding). His 6'0 ft red head matched well with my moms 5'7 ft dirty blonde hair and their personalities surprisingly meshed well. 

I give them a hard time but I actually did love them. 

The Grinch's heart grows bigger still.

 "So, how old are you?" My mom asked popping me out of my thoughts. Clearly she was excited that her daughter didn't scare off such a sweet girl.Taking this opportunity of distracted mother and pixie, I slipped out of the house using a sliding glass door that we had managed to migrate toward. 

I instantly frowned at the cold weather that bit at my bare skin, and wrapped my arms around myself in a futile attempt to warm myself up. In my hometown it was warm pretty much all of the time. Chilly but not cold at winter, warm but not hot at summer it was everything you could want when it came to weather.

"Cold?" A voice asked from my left. I turned toward the voice and smiled lightly as I responded. "A little."

The man, who appeared to be around 40 years old, approached coming out from the shadow of the house to stand next to me off the side of the sliding glass doors. I felt a slight amount of power coming off of him so, I assumed he was a Beta or something. He smelled like old oak and smiled warmly as he brushed his slightly graying  black hair back behind his ear and offered me his grey suit coat which I declined with a polite head shake 'no'.

"Not used to the weather yet?" He asked smiling, sliding his suit coat back on.

"That noticeable?" I joked rubbing my arms. I could tell that he was watching me warm myself up and I knew he wanted to offer his coat again but I didn't want to inconvenience him.

"You have the 'I hate this with a burning passion' written all over your face." He laughed, giving my shoulder a pat. "Don't worry though." He winked, turning to walk away.

"This place grows on ya." He said over his shoulder, before walking away.

I don't want any of it growing on me, I thought, walking toward the house.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A voice announced into a microphone a yard behind me causing my heart to somersault out of my chest. I placed a hand over my heart, attempting to calm down, and turned around to see where the voice came from.

"Please, will everybody gather at the stage! The ceremony will soon begin..." The voice finished, tapering off very dramatically. It was immediately followed by many cheers and people rushing out of the house, catching me in a big wave of over-excited housewives and dragged along husbands. I attempted to get out of the viscous wave however that proved to be highly improbable. "Ow!" I muttered after getting elbowed in the chest by a mean looking granny. 

The crowd had come to a stop at a large stage that stood about 4 feet off the ground, and had all the professional wiring of a concert stage only with less size and speakers. I seemed to be standing in the middle of the crowd and couldn't help but feel all the buzzing excitement around me as people waited for something truly big. I looked around for somebody I may know but sadly, my parents and pixie seemed to be missing for once.

For some reason at that very moment I remembered what Ally said about how tonight was the Alphas birthday and it was an important night what with the Full Moon and all that. I soon began to shift my feet back and forth as my wolf and I became very uneasy.

Somethings going on...whimpered my wolf slightly.

I know. I thought, agreeing with myself.

Coincidentally, I hadn't shifted in about 3 weeks, about how long it took us to move, and since I could begin to feel the pull of the moon I began to start making my way to the back of the crowd so I could get to the woods. I had no intentions of shifting near a bunch of strangers. I prayed that i'd run into my parents or the pixie when suddenly my wolf stopped me, becoming highly alert, as I began to feel a strange pain in my chest. It was the same pain from when I wanted to cover up. I looked up at the stage as my wolf and I held our breathes in the hopes that something good would happen or at least something to make the pain go away.

Standing on my tiptoes so as to see the stage better, I quickly noticed the same 40 year old guy come walking out on stage holding a microphone and smiling.

"Hello everyone, how's the party so far?" He spoke adding extra enthusiasm. 

"Great!" Everyone shouted as though he was speaking to each one of them directly.

"Fantastic." He finished smiling a smile that would have put that gum commercial chick to shame. "Now," he began, "as you all are aware my son, Andrew, is turning 18 today so, of course as tradition goes I, the current Alpha, will be passing my position down onto him." He paused allowing the audience to clap, cheer, and hoot before continuing on with his speech. 

"So, without a further ado please welcome my son, Andrew." Sweeping his arm wide and grinning with pride, the Alpha stepped back to allow his son full control of the stage.

And boy did he take it.

Everyone cheered and hooted and hollered anything they could think of as slowly, before my very eyes, a drop dead lick of Oh-Sweet-Mama-Can-You-Give-Me-Some-Of-That-With-A-Side-Of-Yum began to walk up the stairs that led to the stage.

He was a tall boy-pardon me, man-probably around 6'2 who had a sharp jawline that you could cut cheese with that was lightly sprinkled with a 5'o clock shadow that faded up into a deep brown head of hair that was of medium length and barely styled, a strong nose that seemed to center his face, a pair of lips that had a soft pinkness to them that blended oh so well with his honey tanned skin, eyebrows that seemed to be slightly crooked in a mischievous way, and a pair of eyes that even from this far away burned a dangerous green that would of put those trees I saw today to shame. 

The man was the epitome of sexy and he radiated it like the goddamn plague.

I immediately felt my nerves hit the sky as my wolf began to go absolutely mad. He slowly looked out over the audience, biting his lip every so slightly. He continued to scan the audience as his eyes neared mine until abruptly his father spoke up snatching his attention away from the crowd and myself.

I felt both my wolf and I sigh in relief though I felt a slight tinge of...disappointment?

"Andrew, you know what will happen once you become Alpha, correct?" His father urged speaking into the microphone with the gravity of a newscaster. 

"Yes, sir." He spoke, not even nearing the mic though his chocolaty voice rang out loud and clear over the speakers as it slid through me, sending intense shivers down my spine.

Wait. Did I seriously just say his voice was 'chocolaty'?

Was that even a real word?

"You understand," The current Alpha continued, breaking my inner debate. "That once the position is passed onto you on the 7th Moon cycle, that you will be unable to lose the position until your kin are of age or you happen to die?" His father finished looking at his son directly as they shared a nod.

"Yes I do." He said, a gravity in his voice causing everything in the world to still.

"And finally," His father said smiling slightly. "You understand that you will have to find your mate and make her your Luna?"

On this one he grinned, running his tongue over his lip so quickly that unless you were watching his mouth like pervert moi, you would have missed it. Every woman who was within a ten mile radius squealed so loudly I must've lost part of my hearing.

"I do." He finally said, looking up from under his lashes. Squeals rang out once again, as the current Alpha stepped back to allow his son to step up to the front of the stage.

"Then let us wait as the Full Moon rises to its highest point and my son comes of age on this, the first phase of the 7th Moon cycle!" The Alpha finished, handing the mike to a nearby techie. People cheered as everyone started the count down from 10 until it would reach 12:00 am, the highest point of the moon. I soon felt my nerves hit the moon as the crowd started to reach 5 and everyone watched as Andrew slowly shifted into something new. 


Oh, jeez.


You've got to be kidding me.


It couldn't be.


Oh, no.




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