Decorative Pillows

By wolfthed

255 7 3

When Senpai comes to visit Lemon Demon at his house for the first time. Lemon starts to question his friendsh... More


255 7 3
By wolfthed

Having friends was something that Lemon Demon never considered to be important. The closest thing he had for a friend was bonding with two chaotic kids. They scared him more than he scared them. It was nice to meet someone that didn't run away from him immediately though.

Lemon wouldn't consider those two kids his friends. That was pathetic.

He always thought that he didn't need friends. His life purpose was eating everything and everyone in sight.

Priorities have changed for Lemon though.

Recently, he has met a young man who smelled of desperation and Lemon couldn't get enough of it. His name was Senpai.

They met one night in an alleyway while Lemon was hunting for fresh human meat. Sen stumbled across him consuming someone mid-meal. Senpai found it funny that he was eating someone that was apparently a jackass to him at his job. Lem would have usually devoured him along with that guy but he could tell Sen was different.

This man wasn't really human himself. He looked completely human, an especially handsome one, but inside was a spirit-like creature. Demons were rare in this world, and anytime Lemon found them it was a delectable snack but Sen wasn't meant to be snacked on.

He learned that Senpai was once a human who was trapped inside a video game character. He wanted revenge against the person who did that to him. Lemon really wanted to eat that person as well. It made the match even more perfect.

They often hung out with each other after that fateful night. Lemon could sit there for hours learning about all the things that happened in Sen's everyday life. His favorite subject was any information he got about Sen himself .

Learning about Sen's favorite foods and hobbies made him very happy.

It made him sad to learn about how much it was a struggle being in that video game. How he felt abandoned a lot because his previous relationships left him. How when he tried dating other people nothing felt right.

Lemon wanted to make all those sad thoughts go away.

Lemon also felt warm anytime Sen tried to find information about himself. There wasn't much to tell. He didn't even want revenge on anyone or hated anyone like Sen. He was a monster that just needed to eat. He did tell Sen about how cooking and making music made him happy, but that wasn't that interesting.

Sen was the interesting one who had many friends and passions.

Being friends with Sen has caused him to feel many things. Lemon first hated all these emotions but overall it made him feel more alive.

On one of their fateful nights hanging out, Senpai was leaning against the wall of the alleyway looking up at the sky. Lemon Demon was sitting on the ground just looking up at him. He noticed that Sen was mildly uncomfortable. He did offer for him to sit down with him but Sen refused saying something about how he hated his clothes getting dirty.

"Lemon, aren't you tired of meeting up here," Sen finally said.

Lemon didn't mind, it was his territory. Dark and cold places were his comfort. It made him a little sad that his companion didn't share that same likeness.

"Where else would we go?"

"Well, we can't go to my apartment, I don't think my roommates would appreciate having you drool all over them."

"Sen! I do not drool."

"Sure," Sen smirked.

Lemon could feel his cheeks warm looking at that smile. It was so powerful, it made him wish he had lips.

"Don't you have a house?"

"Kind of, it's an abandoned house."

"I think I'd rather be there than here."

"Are you sure?"

"I would love to see your place."

"You would?"

"Of course, one day you can come over to mine too, I just have to make sure my roommates aren't home."


The thought of Senpai being in his house was starting to make him very happy. He could show him all the things he has collected throughout the years and cook him a good meal.

"So, how about Friday night?" Sen scratched the back of his neck trying to not meet Lemon's eyes.

"What are we going to do?"

"Like we usually do, maybe we can actually sit down and eat something," Sen stopped and then pointed to Lemon smiling cheekily. "Also, I will only eat normal food, don't you dare try to pull anything on me."

"Of course not!" Lemmon totally respected Sen's lack of interest in his diet. All he needed was Sen to still want to be in his life.

Rain droplets started falling leading to the end of their conversation. Whenever it rained while they hanged out Lem often got worried for Sen. He got cold easily.

"I'll see your Friday, Lemon Demon." Sen picked up his stuff and hurried away. He waved from the other side of the street.

"See you!" Lem said waving back.

Lemon then felt a pit in his stomach which he couldn't understand. Senpai was actually going to see his house. This wasn't a dream or an illusion.


As Lemon walked into his house he instantly regretted inviting Senpai over. He was so excited before but he remembered that he never felt the need to clean or fix anything in his house. He was barely there in the first place. Everything in the house was either dusty or broken. Everything about Sen was sparkly. Those two things didn't mix.

He would hate it here, and unlike the public alleyways, this is where Lem lived. Senpai would think less of him now. Somebody's place is a good indication of who they are.

They were already so different and if Sen didn't want to hang out in the alleyway or his house. Where would they spend their time with each other?

He had to fix this.

Then he got an idea.


On Friday, Lemon went out and collected various ingredients to serve to Sen tonight.

Looking at the tea he bought almost made him throw up. It was one of the only things he wouldn't eat. The lemon flavored one especially made him nauseous.

It was all for Senpai though so he could handle it.

The real work happened when he got home.

Lemon was not just a simple monster, he had abilities. He didn't use them often because it exhausted him but it was necessary now.

Lem closed his eyes to concentrate on imaging exactly everything Senpai enjoyed. When he opened his eyes the room was now spotless with the run down furniture replaced with new clean pastel ones. All the paintings on the wall were colorful with pink flowers.

Lem got a fuzzy feeling with how much it reminded of his friend Sen, but at the same time he missed how everything looked before. Too many bright colors hurt his eyes, he was afraid to make any messes and the decorative pillows just pissed him off for some reason.

At least Senpai would love it. That is all that mattered.

There was one final touch. The worst part.

Lemon went up to his room and dug through his closet. Sen always talked about how he was interested in shopping for clothes for him. Lemon always told him he wanted nothing to do with it. Lem felt it was unnecessary, clothes were itchy and hot. Though this was the perfect time to show he could wear something to impress.

Most of the clothes he had there, came from various victims, so they did not fit. He knew there was one nice looking suit in there he could wear.

As he threw it on and looked in the mirror he felt like a joke. His lemon shaped head was extremely still noticeable and the suit itself was still tight in some areas. At least Sen could have a good laugh at him.

It was so hard to act like a human.

As the night approached Lemon Demon probably rearranged the room twenty more times before he heard a knock at the door.

When he opened it he was met with Sen standing there looking more extremely well put together than usual. His hair was even styled in a different way. The outfit was completely new and all held together by Sen holding some flowers.

He smelled delicious.

"Sen, you look so nice!" Lem opened the door more excitedly, practically almost tearing it off.

"You're wearing clothes?" Sen said looking him up and down. "I thought you said you hated wearing those."

"Well these clothes are comfortable," he lied. He looked at the flowers again. "Should I have gotten you flowers too!? I am sorry, I didn't know that was a friend thing."

"Uhhhh, yeah it's a friend thing, don't worry about it," Sen said, not meeting Lem's eyes. "A little house warming gift."

"Thank you," Lemon leaned down and took the flowers. He stared down at Sen just taking in again how nice he looked.

"Are you going to let me in?"

"OH!" Lem stepped aside. As Sen walked in, confusion spread on his face.

"This is your house?" Sen asked while taking his shoes off.


"Well, this isn't what I expected."


"It just doesn't look abandoned."

"I mean I live here..."


It was then silent between them and Lem didn't know what to do about it. He was able to make the place look presentable but he had no idea how to host. Scenes from movies and tv shows flashed before his eyes to give him ideas of how to act.

"Sen, may I take your coat?"

"I'm not wearing a coat..."


This wasn't working.

"Maybe you should put those flowers inside a vase?" Sen spoke up trying to stop the silence.

"Ok," He looked down at the flowers and then at Sen. "Just sit down on the couch, I'll be back."

As Lemon entered the kitchen panic washed over him. This was going horribly. Why did humans have to be so weird when it came to socializing?

He cut the flowers and sloppily put them in a broken vase. It looks horrendous. Even something beautiful that Sen brought himself he has ruined.


He had to get over himself. Demons like him should never give up so easily. Walking into the room he found Sen sitting down and holding one of the decorative pillows looking down at it.


Sen jolted up and caught his eyes.


"What are you doing?"

"Just looking at the decor never thought that any of this would be your taste."

"Do you like it?"

"I mean, it is similar to my place."


"Uh yeah, I guess," Sen said.

"Would you like to have some tea together?"



"Haven't you said before that you hated tea."

"...Did I?"

"Ok, that is enough," Sen tossed the pillow aside and jumped up.

"Why are you acting so differently!?" Sen said poking Lemon into the chest.

"What do you mean?"

"The clothes, these silly pillows," Sen gestured around the whole house. "I know none of this is you."

"But you like it?"

"I mean, I prefer for you to be yourself why are you trying so hard to impress me?" Sen placed his hand over his mouth thinking. "Are you doing this because...?

"Because of what?" Lemon tilted his head to the side trying to understand. Sen's face started to redden, making Lemon worried that he was about to get yelled at in anger. But instead of anger Sen faced away from him hiding himself.

"Never mind, just tell me why you are doing this." Lemon didn't understand what that was about but he felt like pressuring Sen to know wasn't the best course of action.

"Sen, I don't want you to see my actual house. It is a mess."

"Lem, we are friends you don't think I know that."

"... And you always talk about wanting to get me clothes."

"I would get you clothes that match you, not a silly suit and you don't even have to wear them if you don't want to." Sen said. "I just wanted you to try something new."

"I don't have to?"

"Of course not, a friend shouldn't want to change everything about you they should like the person you are."

"But we are so different you're so pretty and I'm so.."

Sen grabbed Lemon's hands to silence him.

"Lem, do you even remember what I actually look like?" Sen pointed to his face as it melted and reshaped to a ghastly form. "I look like a period stain."

Lemon let out a laugh. It was true, even Lem was somewhat put off with actually how Senpai looked. It was just so surprising how such a cute little human could look that way.

"Sen, don't say that!"

Sen joined in the laughter as he let himself transform back. When he was fully himself again he ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm just saying we both are fucked up looking and honestly even if I didn't look like that we are both just fucked up."

"Well, excuse you."

"It's programmed in me to want to look nice but sometimes I hate it."

"You do?"

"I want to let out that ugly side of me more, being around you helps me do that" Sen scratched the back of his neck. "It is part of me I shouldn't shove down all the time."

"I'm just a monster."

"So am I."

They exchanged smiles.

"So you actually want to see my place?"

"All of this is an illusion?"


Lemon closed his eyes and concentrated. With a snap of his fingers he felt the room melt around him. Opening up his eyes he was faced with Sen looking around his actual place. His face was unreadable.

"It's perfect," Sen said.

"It is?"

"It's so you and that is why I love it."

Sen then went to sit down at one of his old dining room chairs. The chair instantly collapsed under his weight and Sen fell to the floor. Lem rushed next to him to help him up. As he did so Sen bursted out laughing.

"Ok, I do need to buy you some new chairs at least."

Lemon joined in with the laughter.

After that they spent the rest of their time enjoying each other's differences and similarities. Lemon Demon wouldn't trade his friend Sen for all the human meat in the world.

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